The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.

"It's you."

The Wind Thunderbird stood on Lin Ming's shoulder and looked in the direction of Lin Ming's voice. He saw a disheveled figure walking out of the rain and rushing into the store.

It was Rogge Merlin.

"You look like you're in trouble?"

Lin Ming cleared his throat and put on a kind smile. He seemed to want to look less like a black businessman.

However, this smile fell into Rogge's eyes, like the call of an evil magician, which made him hesitate.

However, after thinking about it, Roger still plucked up his courage and whispered:

"I did encounter a problem that I can't solve."

Wait, what does this have to do with the young boss in front of him? Roger came to this small shop just for...?

For what?

Roger suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten the purpose of coming to this small shop.

For a moment, he couldn't help but tremble.

However, before Roger could think deeply, the young boss in front of him laughed to himself:

"Then you finally came to the right place. Solving problems for the world is my specialty."

"No matter what the trouble is, I can solve it for you here."

"Of course, this requires a little price."

There was wind and rain outside the window, and the candlelight inside the window began to flicker.

In a trance, Roger seemed to see a majestic existence covered with a sky full of rosy clouds in front of him.

However, in just a moment, the majestic existence turned into the young boss again.

Rogge's mind seemed to be shocked by something, so he couldn't help but tell everything about the troubles he encountered.

"I failed and didn't pass the first-level magician exam."

Lin Ming smiled and said, "I thought it was something troublesome. I have a book here. Take it and read it. I guarantee that you can successfully climb the Silver Tower."

As he said that, Lin Ming took out a tattered book from somewhere and pushed it in front of Rogge.

What Rogge noticed was that Lin Ming was not talking about passing the first-level magician exam, but climbing the Silver Tower.

The difference between the two is like a natural chasm.

Seeing Rogge's doubts and hesitations, Lin Ming chuckled and said, "Don't rush to refuse. Take a look at this book first."

After hearing this, Rogge no longer hesitated and nervously picked up the old book on the counter.

The five words "Magic Alchemy" were scribbled on the cover of the book.

Although Rogge was only a magic apprentice, he was always eager to learn and was very familiar with the various branches of magic professions, but he had never heard of "Magic Alchemy".

Could this young boss be a liar?

There was another possibility, that is, the young boss in front of him really opened up a new magic path.

A magic profession that had never been seen before.

"You can try reading it first, free of charge."

After hearing this, Rogge carefully opened the old book.

There was only one line of words on the first page of the book:

[Equivalent exchange is the first principle of alchemy. ]

It seems to be a very intriguing sentence.

Rogge then flipped through "Magic Alchemy". When he quickly browsed through the first few pages, his eyes widened.

This is indeed a brand new magic inheritance.

More importantly, this is a complete magic inheritance.

As Rogge flipped through it, the obscure magic knowledge rudely entered his mind, making him feel like his brain was about to explode.

Not good!

He is going crazy.

Rogge quickly closed the book, looking both terrified and excited.

At this time, Rogge had already determined that this book was a genuine magic book, a book that could be passed down from generation to generation by magicians.

If Rogge understood the magic knowledge in the book, he would be qualified to become the new master of the Silver Tower, let alone the Silver Tower.

However, such a book should be very expensive.

"Boss, do you really want to sell this book?" Rogge tried to make his tone sound respectful enough.

Rogge did not think that this young boss could write such a book. He just thought that the author of this book was likely to be an elder in the young boss's family.

An elder who walked out of the Silver Tower.

"Naturally." Lin Ming knew that the fish had taken the bait.

Although all the fish in the pond belonged to Him, He occasionally liked the feeling of fishing.

"I wonder how much this book sells?" Rogge let out a long breath and asked carefully.

After hearing this, Lin Ming stretched out a finger.

"A magic crystal?"

Rogge felt like he was dreaming.

"No, it's 100 million magic crystals."

"100 million magic crystals?" Rogge felt like his dream was shattered.

As a magic apprentice, Rogge could only get 5 magic crystals per month, or 60 per year.

100,000,000 magic crystals, Rogge couldn't earn that much even if he earned it in his ten lifetimes!

"Of course, do you think this book is not worth the price?" Lin Ming smiled.

Worth it!

It is definitely worth it, but the problem is that Rogge can't afford so many magic crystals:

"Can it be cheaper?"

"Of course not, don't forget, equal exchange is the first principle of alchemy."

"Alchemy is like this, and so are all things in the world."

Rogge blushed after hearing this:

"But I don't have that much money."

Lin Ming raised his lips slightly: "You can owe it to me, we are destined to be together, I can let you owe me this amount of magic crystals first."

After listening to Lin Ming's words, Rogge knew that if he refused this deal, he would probably live in regret for the rest of his life.

"Okay, please rest assured, I will definitely work hard to earn magic crystals and return them to you as soon as possible." Rogge made up his mind.

In this way, the god completed his first transaction.

Lin Ming was not worried at all whether Rogge would run away.

Because, in this world, no one can owe something to the gods and not pay it back.

As for whether Rogge can afford to pay back so many magic crystals, Lin Ming doesn't care even more.

Because what He values ​​is not Rogge, but Rogge's descendants.

A descendant who has not yet been born.


After obtaining "Magic Alchemy", Roger Merlin quickly became a leader in the Silver Primary School of Magic.

Magic Alchemy is a very profound magic.

It involves potion science, as well as magic fields such as life, reproduction, and energy exchange.

Roger is very talented in learning alchemy, and soon he mastered the basic alchemy knowledge.

Roger even extended a new branch of magic - magic puppetry.

Because of this, Roger was appreciated by Jimmy, the current tower master of the Silver Tower, and ascended to the holy land of magicians - the Silver Tower.

Roger Merlin thus reached the peak of his life.

Of course, the successful Roger did not forget his deal with Lin Ming.

After mastering alchemy, he opened a magic alchemy shop next to Lin Ming's shop and sold some magic alchemy potions.

All the magic crystals earned were sent to Lin Ming.

Rogge felt that he was really lucky and that he was the darling of fate.

What he didn't know was that all the gifts from fate had already been secretly marked with a price.

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