The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 72 S-Class Natural Disaster

"By the way, cousin, where should we go to play next?" Ye Qingqing asked with a smile.

Lu Yiming sighed: "I have found a place for you. Let's rest for a few days and visit the big shopping malls, amusement parks or seaside over there. There are also some pedestrian streets where you can go shopping."

The car was running on the road, and the bumpy road caused the car to vibrate very seriously.

This national highway was originally very smooth, and it was not a problem to drive to 80 yards. But now the cement road is cracked in pieces, causing the team to not move forward very fast.

The radio in the car is broadcasting news in this regard: "...according to expert analysis, the earth's geological activities are in an active period that has never been seen in millions of years. The cracks in the road and the sudden collapse of bridges are caused by geological activities. , not a shoddy project."

"This geological activity may last for a long time, hundreds or thousands of years... It will reduce the GDP growth rate by five percentage points."

"Some old bridges are being urgently reinforced. Pedestrian traffic is prohibited until the reinforcement is completed. These include Tingtao Road, Pingsheng Road, Ping'an Road..."

The government has also spent a lot of effort to cover up the fact that physics collapsed, but this theory does sound quite reasonable, and it is enough to deceive the common people.

Suddenly, Lu Yiming felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.

His heart moved, and he glanced at it. It was a notification pushed from the research institute.

I don't know why, but when he saw this notification, Lu Yiming's heart beat wildly.

[You have an important notice, please check it in time. 】

It was written in red text, the highest level of warning stipulated in the institute.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back, and the adrenaline concentration in his body increased rapidly, as if a voice was shouting in his ears: S-class coming.

Too early...far earlier than expected!

Lu Yiming habitually looked at the surrounding environment. Ye Qingqing was listening to music with her eyes closed, and her family was chatting happily in the seats behind. No one cared what he was doing.

On one side is a harmonious scene, on the other side is an S-class natural disaster. The fragmentation of this scene seems to tear him into pieces.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yiming clicked on the screen with trembling fingers.

[Important notice: The cause and time of the S-level disaster have been confirmed. All migrant workers are asked to return to their institute branches in time and settle their families as soon as possible. 】

[Unfortunately, we inform you that in one week, we will face the outbreak of an S-class disaster. We named it, S-01 Flood Disaster. 】

They are all declarative sentences, but the content inside is not calm.

Lu Yiming felt that his breathing almost stopped.

Then pressed the "Confirm Received" button.

Next comes various confidential information.

The first data, according to observations from space telescopes, shows that small celestial bodies with a diameter of less than 100 kilometers in the solar system produce a series of gravitational disturbances.

In the past, the orbits of these small celestial bodies could be accurately calculated, but now they suddenly deviated so much that some asteroids have bypassed Jupiter's gravitational barrier and have a certain probability of hitting the earth.

There are six asteroids in total that may bring danger, and the largest one is about 30 kilometers in diameter.

What is the concept of a 30-kilometer asteroid?

More than 60 million years ago, an asteroid with a diameter of 10 kilometers directly destroyed the age of dinosaurs. An asteroid with a diameter of 30 kilometers, with a mass and volume 27 times that of 10 kilometers, destroyed 99.9% of all living things on the earth and destroyed Not a problem, including human civilization.

The main reason for gravitational disturbances is the internal heating of some asteroids, which causes the ice on the surface to melt into liquid water. The asteroid's gravity and frictional resistance change so that its orbit changes.

Lu Yiming swallowed hard and saw the next sentence.

[But we do not think that this is the main reason for the formation of S-class disasters, because it will take decades for an asteroid to bypass Jupiter and attack the earth. 】

The disaster predicted in the second source is imminent - the moon in the sky.

The moon in the sky is a large ice ball formed in ancient times four billion years ago. During its evolution, it was captured by the earth's gravity and formed a satellite. (Note [1], the situation described here is not consistent with reality, it is just a setting in the novel, please do not take it as reality.)

But at this moment, an unknown heat source is generated inside the moon, causing the ice to melt, so the moon hanging in the sky has turned into a super large water ball with an ocean depth of thousands of kilometers!

The large-scale evaporation of water vapor resulted in a thick atmosphere on the moon's surface. However, the moon's gravity is too small to attract water vapor to stay on the surface, so the large clouds of water vapor simply ran into space and were captured by the nearest Earth.

The information shows a photo taken by a satellite, which is a scene of water vapor above the moon being captured by the earth. It looks like a silver-white silk.

The most critical thing is that the emergence of water vapor has brought about a serious greenhouse effect, further increasing the temperature of the moon. Currently, its surface temperature has risen to 80 degrees Celsius. More and more water vapor is evaporated, and all of it is sucked in by the earth.

If all the water resources of the moon fell to the earth, it could raise the earth's sea level by 99 kilometers!

99 kilometers, the highest peak in the world is less than 9 kilometers!

This extra water will submerge all land, and everything... will become a vast ocean.

【S-01, flood disaster! 】

Lu Yiming swallowed, his face turned blue and white, and he finally understood what an S-class disaster that "cannot be solved" means.

This infinite power from nature is indeed not something that humans can currently compete with. Human beings cannot build a spaceship, let alone escape from the solar system.

The current drizzle is a precursor to a disaster, a world-ending crisis brought about by lunar water vapor.

According to predictions, this light rain will expand into a global rainfall in three days, and even the Sahara Desert will be no exception. By then, the desert will turn into an oasis, and life will cheer for it.

A week later, it will evolve into a global torrential rain and a global flood.

In two months, except for some plateaus, most of the remaining areas will be submerged.

In three months the plateau will be submerged... and there will never be land again.

Only the real super ship can survive this super heavy rain!

At this time, the value of the ticket is truly reflected. Just as Dr. Ding Yuan said, what it represents is life and the hope of survival!

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