The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 489 Second Contact

When discussing the changes within the shelter, everyone was quite enthusiastic.

Lu Yiming said: "Some experts believe that choosing the superpower you want is part of human rights. Now we force them to choose psychic powers, which is irresponsible."

"Human rights matter all day long. A good life is the greatest human right. The right to survive is the greatest human right." Liu Xuwei said disdainfully: "We are dead, so what are we talking about about human rights? How about super soldiers being born? I really I don’t believe that there will be A-level potential candidates missed.”

"Most people only have so much potential. Look what they can do!"

At this point, Liu Xuwei followed suit and shouted: "It doesn't matter that they have nothing, but they are free! Who said is the most important thing."

Everyone burst out laughing.

"It's not what you said." Shi Dayong said: "The government's power must be controlled, and it is impossible to enforce everything. I said you have no potential, do you admit it? And it involves the choice of super powers. , how can it be so easy? Some superpowers are very useful for technological development and engineering construction, but you still have to choose carefully..."

"Lu Yiming, what do you think?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know either. Enforcement is definitely not possible..." Lu Yiming spread his hands and said speechlessly: "Anyway, the invention of these potions is always a good thing, not a bad thing. Like my dad People like mom have absolutely no interest in superpowers or anything like that. Their entertainment activities after work are playing cards, watching TV, and playing mahjong. Even if you have strong superpowers, you can't deliberately exercise them."

"So for them, it is better to drink this potion. If there is a real war, they can be used as a human battery to jointly protect the shelter."

Shi Dayong smiled, the life of middle-aged and elderly people is like this... As long as the world is peaceful, it will not affect their playing mahjong.

However, isn’t this the life that people long for? Isn’t this a symbol of peace and prosperity? Playing mahjong every day is much better than fighting every day!

Lu Yiming added: "As for young people, they definitely want to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and choose the abilities they want. They think they have great potential. But... our society is not the same as in those novels after all. , even if you become a person with super powers, you will not have any privileges. Anyway, there should be a market for this kind of potion..."

"There will be a small number of people who will respond to the government's call. Leave this matter alone."

With the development of science and technology, Yunhai society has slowly transitioned into a super-powered society. The number of super-powered people is increasing. They have many abilities and are used in scientific research and engineering. For researchers, observation and perception are particularly important, and they often choose this ability; for engineers, micro-manipulation technology is very important, and they will also choose the corresponding ability.

These types of superpowers do not bring high combat effectiveness, but they are quite practical. Their contribution is no less than that of super-powered soldiers.

So, because people with superpowers are completely worthless, their status is not superior to others. Instead, they are scientists and engineers who have made outstanding contributions, and their social status is quite high.

What's more, maintaining high mental intensity requires hard physical training and mental training. Just like sports, if you don't train yourself for a day and your opponents will know it if you don't train for a week, your mental intensity will drop rapidly. Ordinary people don't have this kind of energy and time, so they spend every day on physical training and mental training.

"So, wanting to rely on superpowers to fly into the sky and escape from the earth is just a fantasy of young people. It depends on their own choices." Lu Yiming picked up the telescope and looked into the distance.

The military is naturally equally busy. On the one hand, it is preparing for the second exchange with Jin Civilization; on the other hand, it is still increasing its investigation of the magnetic field area.

Finding a habitable new continent is still the focus of current exploration.

However, the troublesome thing is that the closer to that area, the more serious the malfunction of the electronic equipment becomes. This fact has been confirmed, so the government had to urgently allocate some funds for the production of radiation protection coatings.

"This phenomenon is a bit like the outbreak of a solar flare. A strong electromagnetic storm interferes with the operation of electronic instruments on a large scale. After applying these coatings, the interior of the shelter will not be affected, but the communication on the deck level will still have a big impact. Influenced.”

"According to the detections these days, there is a probability of more than 70% that there is a new continent there, at least four to five thousand kilometers away." Captain Li Yao, who is professionally responsible for investigation, was quite frustrated when talking about this matter, "If It's really a disaster caused by the sun, and we have to give up almost all means of long-distance communication to even be able to settle in that damn place."

Solar flares are divided into five levels: A, B, C, M, and X, with the intensity increasing in order. Among them, M and X-class flare outbreaks will have a significant impact on the near-Earth space environment. The electromagnetic storm at the target location may have exceeded Level X in the traditional sense.

"Intense solar activity will also affect the survival of life. The incidence of skin cancer will increase significantly. Small fluctuations in the sun can also easily lead to out-of-control temperatures and climate abnormalities."

"If this is really the case... we can't give up directly." Lu Yiming shook his head, "If the disaster really comes from the sun and makes the ground uninhabitable, we can live underground. It will take a while to dig. It’s just an underground city. We now have Heishasha’s industrial capabilities, so it’s still possible to dig an underground city.”

"Are you going to be a caveman in the future?"

"Being a local can get stability. What's wrong with that?"

While chatting like this, the time agreed with the Jin Empire came.

"Marine Corps, they are coming...more than ten kilometers away." A message came from the scout on the top floor of the Central Building, "They are expected to contact us in 40 minutes."

The other party still only sent a thousand-ton wooden sailboat.

"We have to leave here too. Are all the supplies ready?"

"Of course it's ready."

Lu Yiming nodded, stopped counting the goods, and boarded the destroyer with a large group of people.

This exchange can be said to be the second formal exchange after the "ice-breaking trip". Unkai's side was truly sincere and made some preparations.

There will also be more entourage. Members of government think tanks are monitoring remotely, and there are also some related staff responsible for logistical preparations. The soldiers' vigilance still did not relax.

The destroyer's engines started and headed in the direction of the sailboat.

Half an hour later, the two sides formally met.

From a distance, Lu Yiming saw General Zhao Yi.

He was still holding a Fangtian painted halberd, standing on the bow of the ship, looking majestic.

Another strange bird stood on Zhao Yi's shoulder. It looked like a parrot.

"Aren't they a civilization that specializes in raising parrots?"

"Getting another parrot for translation?"

"I remembered that there are records about parrots in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Western Mountain Classic says: There is a bird that looks like an owl, with green feathers and a red beak. It can speak with a human tongue, and it is called a parrot. "

Members of the think tank at the headquarters were discussing in a low voice on the headphones, "Since this civilization has dragons, it is also possible to have other strange beasts. Maybe... the beautiful dragon on their flag also exists?"

"If dragons really exist, they should be very powerful species, right? In mythical stories, dragons control wind, rain, thunder and lightning, they can appear and hide, they can be thin or huge, they can be short or long."

"What you said is too mysterious." These people began to talk nonsense.

Not to mention, this parrot is really beautiful. Its size is obviously much smaller than the previous one, about 0.6 meters long. Its feathers are golden yellow, its eyes are bright, and its head is raised high. Just like a nobleman, he looks very graceful and luxurious, with a sense of grandeur.

Lu Yiming actually thought of the word "graceful and noble" from a parrot. He couldn't help but smile and thought to himself: "Did Jin Wenming bring a better translator this time?"

The cyan parrot performed too poorly last time, so it was traded.

It is being trained and studied over and over again in the hands of scientists, and a lot of blood has been drawn from it. That green parrot didn't learn anything except the curse word "idiot". It called people idiots when meeting people. It made the trainer so angry that it still hasn't corrected this bad habit...

However, just two days was still too short. The experts were unable to study anything. They only said that "its blood has some unique properties", but they have not yet found out what happened.

For the second exchange, Jin Wenming was obviously more prepared, and there were many more people accompanying him than the last time.

There was even some cargo prepared on the sailboat.

These goods are covered with cloth, but I don’t know what they are.

Some people were wearing black armor with a psychic strength of 30,000, but most of them were just wearing casual clothes.

Lu Yiming saw several gray-haired old men boarding the boat and whispered: "These old men should be high-level people in Jin civilization, right?"

"It should be like this. I just don't know what kind of social system the Jin civilization is. It should still be in the feudal can't be a modern system."

One member of the think tank couldn't help but joke: "Maybe, they have the position of emperor... We shouldn't need to kneel, right?"

Although they knew he was joking, some people still retorted: "In the feudal era, the emperor was not a position, but a person born! As for kneeling, there is no's good to just give him a hand and salute." ”

"It's impossible for the emperor of the other party to come here to communicate. This kind of thing is dangerous after all."

"Not necessarily. The status of an emperor with a population of more than 10,000 is different from that of an emperor with a population of tens of millions. In other words, he is just a mayor. Maybe he will come?"

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