The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 189 The surprise vampire

On the evening of November 11, 1932, outside Berlin,

A group of pale-faced young men and women stood on the treetops, looking at Berlin not far away - the brightly lit city. At this time, electric lights had spread throughout important cities in Europe. Except for some remote areas where oil lamps were still used, many European regions had entered the world of "cities that never sleep".

"Ah, Berlin...the last time I came here was Frederick I. At that time, there was only the King of Prussia. He also gave me a crystal wine glass. I liked it very much and still keep it. I didn't expect it cost more than two hundred dollars. Years later, when I came here again, the old Prussia had become Germany... haha."

Among the many young men and women, there was a middle-aged man dressed in ancient clothes. The clothes he wore had a strong style of the old Italian city-state. Looking at the bright city, he laughed inexplicably.

I'm afraid he himself has never thought that he, who held great power in the Holy Roman Empire back then, would one day have to sneak into the city. However, this is also one of the flaws of the Vampires. In order not to be discovered by the demon hunters and religious trials, the nearly immortal Vampires must fake death to abandon worldly power and completely enter the hidden world of dark creatures. Those who are unwilling to Those vampires who give up their secular power will eventually be eradicated one by one.

The real world where science flourishes, and the supernatural world hidden behind the world, these two worlds meander together, fight and compromise with each other, and ultimately shape the entire history of mankind.

Precisely because they abandoned their secular power, the middle-aged man could not even enter the former Prussian capital openly. With a lifespan of three hundred years, he cannot walk under the sun. The "Sunwalker" is just a legend even in the dark world. As for the "Perfect Sunwalker", I am afraid that only the legendary ancestor of vampires, Cain, can do it. arrive.

However, according to the order among vampires, many cities have their own vampire elders. This city and the surrounding areas are their territory. They are also vampire elders. He should have greeted them before passing through this place, but he was not allowed to go here. The purpose cannot be known to others at all...

Therefore, he could only take the many young vampires under his command to try to avoid the local vampire elders and sneak into the Nazi Party in Berlin.

"Elder, is it necessary to do this?"

Beside him, a young vampire wondered, he had been a vampire for less than fifty years, and he could only be regarded as a newborn among vampires. He could not understand why the elder would not hesitate to defy the order of the vampires and break into the city of Berlin, but The elder just said with a sneer.

"Son, you're too young to understand what that means."

As he spoke, the elder closed his eyes in silence and muttered to himself.

"The key to the world..."

The key to the world, the dark witch, the strange voice...that thing has many names. During these four hundred years, many things have been trying to find it. It is said that it contains the secret of the world. .

It fell into the hands of witchers, and also fell into the hands of wizards, but was eventually lost from their hands, but even the brief contact created several legendary and powerful creatures, whose reputations are even today It is also sung in the dark world. But correspondingly, there are also ancient institutions such as the Priory of Sion trying to keep it, but this thing will never be truly held by anyone, even the Priory of Sion who knows the most about it.

It is destined to be lost from mortal hands. It is not a divine object that mortals can hold.

For some powerful people, it means the secret of the disappearance of gods and demons, and the treasure that allows them to ascend to the throne of God. But for dark creatures like vampire elders, it means powerful power and ancient wisdom.

And due to extremely accidental factors, the vampire elder finally captured its traces. A mortal had seen this treasure. After asking the answer from the dead mortal, it was ecstatic and brought its family here. here.

"Power, powerful power..."

Opening his eyes, the vampire elder's eyes were full of desire.

Accompanied by the shrill cry of an owl, its figure turned into a group of bats and flew towards the brightly lit city of Berlin. Many young vampires around it turned into bats and followed it.

There were no people around at the Nazi Party headquarters in Berlin.

Because of the celebration of the Carnival, there were basically not many people stationed here. The vampire elders didn't even bother to do it themselves. The young vampires simply sucked the blood of the guards and broke into the largest ruling party in Germany. 's headquarters.

Along with the deep darkness, the vampire elder's pale face was as cold as frost, and he walked towards the room of the Nazi Party leader. Here, there were some important things and government documents of the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler.

There was no one inside, which was normal. After all, Adolf didn't live here much. He was busy with government affairs and had to travel to various places in Germany every day. He was probably somewhere in Germany at the moment. However, the vampire elder didn't care about this. He stared closely at the statue on the table.

On the statue of the girl in military uniform, the rust of the past has long been removed, and every part has been carefully maintained, even shining under the light.

"The key to the world..."

As if muttering in a dream, the vampire elder reached out his hand almost excitedly. It can clearly feel the strong call coming from within the body. The call is still weak and difficult to distinguish in a distant place, but when it is close at hand, not to mention the vampire elders, even the young vampires can feel it. to a strong calling.

In the pupils of the uniformed girl, the holes where gems had been taken away were once again filled with small diamonds. The transparent diamonds reflected the light, cold and indifferent, overlooking the vampire elder who was gradually approaching her...

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, the entire headquarters was as bright as day. Before they could even react, some young vampires instantly turned into salt in the light, unable to even utter a scream.

what happened!

Before the vampire elder could react, countless bullets came slanting towards him.

"Puff puff!!!"

Not far away, German soldiers suddenly appeared at an unknown moment and almost surrounded the vampires. Each of them carried or held up a huge light source, and used the huge light source to focus on the place where the vampires were.

And a few of them were using the machine guns in front of them to shoot wildly at the vampires in the center.

The MG34 machine gun is a new type of machine gun that has not yet been finalized. It is only an immature concept machine, but several of them were forcibly manufactured under the will of the country to face creatures with super resilience and powerful strength.

The theoretical rate of fire is 800-900 rounds/minute, and the fastest can reach 1,500 rounds/minute, reaching the peak of a single-barreled machine gun. It can break even a tree as thick as a bowl, and it is almost a product of an era.


The flesh and blood on his body recovered quickly, but was immediately pierced by the bullets pouring out. The vampire elder who was beaten into a sieve in an instant could only barely maintain his consciousness.

In his eyes, muskets are still something that has a slow rate of fire, is quite dangerous, and is difficult to be effective against powerful vampires. Perhaps young vampires will be killed by muskets, but for a vampire elder like him who has lived for more than two hundred years, From a human perspective, this "mortal's toy" is not worth mentioning at all.


"how come……"

The shock and rage in his heart were intertwined, but all this confusion could not go against reality or ignore the thousands of steel bullets. The huge momentum almost made this vampire elder who could easily twist steel and subdue an elephant, He couldn't even stand up anymore and had to retreat step by step.

"Don't kill...catch alive..."

Among the soldiers, orders could be vaguely heard.

They are not trying to kill it, but to capture it alive.

The vampire elder realized this. Those huge light sources were as dazzling as the sun, making it dare not look directly at them. If the vampire elder could learn more scientific knowledge, he would know that they were ultraviolet lamps. And although it doesn't understand this, it can still understand that it is not something that vampires can fight against. It is the natural enemy of vampires!

Natural enemies like holy water, crosses, and garlic!

Obviously, as long as the huge light source is lowered, all the vampires can turn into salt and disappear. However, the soldiers who suddenly appeared did not do this. Instead, they deliberately formed an airtight network with the light source. , besieging many vampires here.

At the same time, the numerous machine gun bullets pouring out are constantly consuming the power of the vampires. Although vampires have fast recovery capabilities and mortal blades are meaningless to them, if they are repeatedly and seriously injured, their power will also diminish. Weakened to the point where it is impossible to restore itself.

"not good……"

The vampire elder could vaguely hear the screams of the young vampires. They were all descendants of the family transformed by his blood. However, at this moment, he himself was unable to save them.

However, there were also smart vampires who immediately tried to dig tunnels to escape. The light source covered all the space, but only the ground was not covered. But when it dug into the ground, a huge force came from the underground and it was instantly wiped out...

"It's thunder and lightning!"

A voice of despair sounded.

Under the excavated earth, there was a dense barbed wire fence. Arc flashes could be seen faintly on those barbed wire fences. Thunder and lightning were the natural enemies of vampires.

impossible! How could the vampires be defeated at the hands of these weak humans?

Before his consciousness became blurred, deep reluctance echoed in the vampire elder's mind.

When everything was over, the soldiers began to clean up the mess, tying up the half-dead vampires, and always vigilantly held up the ultraviolet irradiators in their hands to prevent sudden attacks by vampires who were pretending to be dead.

Under the protection of many soldiers, not far away, Adolf Hitler, who had been watching all this, frowned slightly. He touched his iconic mustache, while a respectful scholar beside him lost no time in flattering him. , praised in his mouth.

"Great Führer, even a vampire will tremble in front of your powerful army."

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