(I actually wrote down the definitions of the Kingdom of Necessity and the Kingdom of Freedom... No wonder it felt weird yesterday. Fortunately, it was just the names that were reversed and they have been changed.)

In this new world, everything is forcibly reshaped and embedded according to its own rules.

The sun that originally hung high in the sky turned into a large fireball with a diameter of 1.39 million kilometers. The moon that originally accompanied the sun became a companion star orbiting the earth with a diameter of 3,400 kilometers. The big snake turned into the earth. The snake girl Mona disappeared. Gods and demons have become misty legends, and everything has been disrupted and reorganized. This is the new world.

However, the vertical eyes opened above the heart are staring directly at the sky, the only thing that has not changed, the last relic of the old world...

Crystal Sky.

The former prime mover of the universe, the heaven above the seven heavens, the abode of God, is the only thing that remains intact.

This universe with a size of more than ten trillion light-years is too vast and complete, and even gods are no longer needed. Naturally, there is no need for any cosmic driving force, but this residence has become the only thing that has been preserved under the influence of the power of the serpent. , drifting between the cracks of time and space.

In the crystal sky, God has slept forever, and the serpent is sleeping. Without the chess players, the black and white chessboard is still recording everything silently.

It has already been filled with countless chess pieces, knights, chariots, bishops, soldiers... Every passionate epic is the change of chess pieces, every grinding is the rise and fall of the country, and between the black and white fighting, a chess piece is formed. the entire history of mankind.

At this moment, the black chess pieces have gradually gained the upper hand, but the old world has disappeared. The omniscient and omnipotent has never been to this new world. Without the bet, the outcome of the chessboard is meaningless. This remaining crystal sky is just the operation of the system. The discarded information at that time was just a useless phantom.

However, on the chessboard that should have been abandoned, something inexplicable is surging and brewing at this moment...

The erect pupils became colder and colder.

"You just mentioned freedom and God, so in your eyes, what is freedom and what is God?"

There seemed to be a soft female voice whispering in his mind, causing Engels to ask Marx involuntarily.

Unknowingly, he had stood up. His mind was obviously groggy, but the words in his mouth were extremely clear, as if some kind of will dominated its body and spoke through his mouth.

"Freedom? God? What an interesting question."

Hearing this, Max looked at his good friend in front of him in surprise. He didn't notice anything strange about his friend and just said with a smile.

In Europe at this moment, all the issues derived from human rights are being discussed fiercely. Theocracy, monarchy, human rights, law, freedom, morality. Ancient ideas cannot explain the current world. Various complex concepts are in this era. have been reinterpreted.

While tasting the beer in his mouth, he pondered for a moment and slowly spoke his thoughts.

"In my opinion...freedom is a state of being in charge of oneself."

The German in his thirties did not realize that there was an ancient phantom quietly listening behind Engels.

That ancient phantom gave birth to the first human ancestor. She had no regrets during her lifetime, but there was a kind of confusion lingering in her heart. She was a creature created by God and enjoyed eternal life and eternal happiness, but she gave up everything God had given her.

He was inspired by the devil during his lifetime, but he argued with the devil and struggled to pursue his own confusion. He still couldn't get the answer before he died. He could only linger in the blood of his descendants with unresolved regrets, waiting for who knows when. Answer.

But now, the obsession that has puzzled the ancient phantom for countless years seems to be about to be answered...

"As I said, in the kingdom of necessity, primitive animals are unrestrained. They seem to be free but they have no control over their own destiny. They rise and die in accordance with the laws of nature. This kind of freedom is false because it has never been truly free at all. The body Although there are no restraints, we are still subject to various constraints all the time. How can this be called freedom?"

Max shook his head and said.

"Engels, you mentioned God, so let's take the story in the Bible as an example. Human beings stay in the Garden of Eden and live ignorantly and happily, but what does this mean? The reason why human beings live happily is just Because of the will of God? This kind of happiness is just the happiness of being dominated by God. The happiness of being dominated by God cannot be said to be not happiness, but slaves can also feel that they are happy."

“Only when humans gave up the Garden of Eden, and until then, could humans be said to be free, because humans finally began to truly take control of their own destiny and dominate their own destiny with their own will, rather than relying on God’s charity and mercy.”

"Engels, in my opinion, freedom is not just physical freedom, but also spiritual freedom. Freedom is not what you can do, but what you are not forced to do."

The calm words made the ancient phantom listen attentively.

"As for God...you know, I'm an atheist."

After pondering for a moment, Marx shook his head.

Obviously, Marx did not really want to discuss the topic of God, or he felt that there was nothing to discuss.

"But what if God really exists in this world?"

However, Engels asked stubbornly.

Marx wanted to refute Engels' words, saying that there is no God in the world, but looking into Engels' eyes, which seemed to be filled with strange magic, he swallowed the words that were on his lips and accepted them subconsciously. After hearing what Engels said, I started thinking.

What if God really exists?

But this confusion did not last long. The bearded German shook his head and said.

"Even if God does exist, then I am still an 'atheist'."


‘Engels’ continued to ask.

Marx did not answer directly, but took out his pipe slowly, sat on a log stool, lit it, took a deep breath and then exhaled. The round smoke ring slowly floated in the air. Dispersed, then Marx looked at his friend in front of him, just across a table and said.

"Why? Engels, what do you think 'god' is?"

Marx looked at Engels and couldn't help but smile.

“Engels, humans have been worshiping ‘gods’ since ancient times, but in ancient times, ‘gods’ actually existed.”

"Ancient humans worshiped wild boars in the mountains, crocodiles in the swamps, lions on the plains, rhinoceros, tigers, cheetahs, bison and even antelopes. Humans respected the power and speed of these powerful beasts and regarded them as gods. For this reason He did not hesitate to sacrifice the food he had worked so hard to hunt, and even voluntarily sacrificed his life to these wild beasts.”

"These primitive and wild creatures are the most ancient worship and the oldest primitive gods."

"But in the end, these ancient 'gods' were abandoned by humans. Did they change? No, it was humans who became more intelligent and rational. Human beings began to realize that these 'gods' were just ordinary animals. That's it, the 'gods' turned into animals. Human beings abandoned these 'primitive gods' and turned to worshiping the sky, the earth, the ocean, and the mountains. This kind of worship even persists in many places today."

"Engels, worship and belief originate from one's own weakness, from the fear caused by one's own weakness, from the desire for powerful power. Ancient humans worshiped beasts, ancient humans worshiped mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, and today's humans Then they worship the illusory 'Omniscient and Almighty God'..."

As he spoke, Marx couldn't help but shake his head. He knocked the ashes from his pipe and continued.

"For example, if one day we suddenly discover that the earth is actually coiled up by a huge snake... then how will we view this snake that has been worshiped by countless humans and regarded as 'Gaia' and the 'God of the Earth'? ?”

For some reason, an absurd idea suddenly flashed through Marx's mind, but he naturally told that idea as an example.

He raised his head, looked at his thoughtful friend in front of him and said.

"The answer is... it is a monster, an unprecedented huge beast, nothing more. No matter how powerful this beast is, humans will no longer worship it like ancient humans, because humans already have reason and wisdom. Even if One day God really appears, but from the perspective of humans, it is just a very powerful being."

"So, you ask, what would happen if 'God' really existed?"

"Then my answer is: I am an atheist because..."

As he spoke, Marx patted his heart with his palm. The movement was not big, but it was enough to attract Engels' attention.

he said softly.

"In my heart, 'God' is dead."

That calm voice, but it has a ring to it...

Unknowingly, that ancient phantom had disappeared, because the confusion in her heart had been solved.

"Engels, I said, I once thought that if the absolute spirit is a logical force in the universe, then what is the absolute spirit of mankind?"

"If we look at human beings as a whole, we can easily find that human beings have stumbled along the way from the era of ignorance, but in the end they have developed to the present. Human beings have been working hard to transform the world. Human beings have always been constantly evolving. Growing up, we have been trying to control our own destiny..."

The erect pupils did not pay attention to the sounds in the ears, even though it could hear the conversations of all humans on the planet, because it was looking at the thing on the chessboard at the moment.

The black and white chess pieces were fighting. While they were fighting, these chess pieces of gods and demons slowly and unknowingly entangled themselves like clouds over the chessboard. The countless heroes and history condensed into an inexplicable force. the power of……

It was an unprecedented behemoth. It crawled on the earth, using farmland to divide the boundary between civilization and wilderness. It used dotted towns as its body, kings and wise men as its brain, and high-spirited troops as its fangs. The workers who work hard in the factory are its hands and feet, and the endless flow of caravans become its blood...

Its consciousness has not yet been unified. In its chaotic thoughts, there are still hundreds of countries fighting fiercely. The struggle between continents and oceans is still continuing, but the eyes that have been ignorant for countless years have already opened and looked around themselves. The world in which it lives is no longer ignorant.

It looks like a human but not a human, and looks like an animal but not an animal. It greedily absorbs the power of the earth and tries its best to make itself grow.

And as if aware of the gaze with erect pupils, the behemoth, whose consciousness was still chaotic and disorderly, and had not even formed a complete form, glanced at it unconsciously. Unlike his own immaturity, there was no fear or fear in his eyes, only the calmness and depth of a wise man.

Although the many lives that make up it are not aware of the existence of the erected pupils, there are still very few lives that know the existence of that "sculpture".

"Do you think you will always make the decision..."

A brief moment of eye contact is worth more than a thousand words.

The snake-like erected pupils stared at the "monster" brewing on the chessboard, and there was nothing but coldness.

After a long time, only weird sneers could be heard in the house, mocking the young beast that didn't have all its claws and claws but dared to roar and threaten the beast.

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