The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 142 Prayer Before Death

A few years later, in a residence in Nazareth.

The twenty-seven-year-old Hana was carefully counting the instruments and many herbs in his room. During the Roman Empire, some doctors had already noticed the human body's blood circulation, and some extreme scholars directly used death row prisoners as experimental subjects. They were dissected and the human internal organs were analyzed.

However, due to limitations of the carrier, most of the books at that time were recorded in tanned sheepskin. The cost was high and the production time was extremely long. As a result, only a few people had access to this knowledge, and as far away as the Middle East, It is naturally impossible to come into contact with Han Na. The medical skills he learned were all learned from old doctors nearby. Doctors in this era were extremely conservative. Medical skills were almost the only way for them to make a living. Even though they had to work hard and spend more than ten years, He only learned a few skills, and most of his knowledge was gained through his continuous practical experience.

At this moment, he was about to diagnose a patient outside the city. These instruments and herbs were all the props he needed for this trip. However, before he was ready, suddenly, a loud laugh came from behind him. .

"Han Na, it's been such a long time."

When Han Na heard the sound, he couldn't help turning around and looking back. He saw behind him a middle-aged priest wearing a white linen robe and a big beard looking at him. Han Na was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but exclaimed.


He put down what he was holding, shook hands cordially with the bearded priest in front of him, and asked happily.

"John, I haven't seen you in many years."

John, this is a very common Jewish name. It is so common that just calling John on the street will definitely turn someone's head. But for Hana, the John in front of him is very unusual, because he is his cousin.

Hana's mother was Mary. Mary had a sister named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was much older than Mary. She married the priest Zechariah and later gave birth to his only son. John, therefore John later inherited his father's priesthood. And because he was much older than Hamna, he guided Hamna in Jewish faith and taught Hamna theological knowledge when Hamna was young. He was Hamna's cousin and his godfather, and was closely related to Hamna. The relationship between them is even closer than that of their parents.

However, unlike Hana, who chose to give up his father's shop to study medicine, John, as a priest, chose to run and speak out for the Jewish independence movement, and he was quite famous in the Jewish kingdom.

The two brothers had not seen each other for a long time, so it was natural that they would reminisce about the past. During the conversation, Hana also understood that John was being rejected by other Jewish priests who were trying to please Pilate because of his conflict with Pilate, the governor of the Jewish province. They were pushed here.

John could not help but gnash his teeth every time he talked about Pilate, but he hated it even more when he talked about Herod.

"This guy is colluding with the Romans and is not worthy of being our king!"

Speaking of his anger, John couldn't help but slap his legs and curse.

The earliest King Herod was not a Jew, but an Edomite. However, because he saved Caesar's life and married two royal princesses from the former Jewish dynasty, Caesar made him king of the Jewish Kingdom, replacing The former royal family of the Jewish Kingdom. However, because of his embarrassing background, although he is a Jewish king, he is obviously closer to the Romans than the Jewish King Herod. For the Jews who have lived here for generations, they naturally hate this King Herod with an irregular identity. .

When the Roman governor Pilate arrived, this contradiction intensified. In order to maintain his rule, the son of the first Herod and the current Herod chose to join forces with Pilate to rule the Jews.

The king of a foreign nation, an empire with no sense of identity, exorbitant taxes, and brutal rule... all of these have led to the Jewish independence movement one after another in the Jewish Kingdom, and John is one of the most intense ones. Even when he arrived at the Israeli fiefdom under King Herod, he still had no intention of softening and still ridiculed the Jewish king.

"John, don't talk nonsense."

Han Na's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly advised John in a low voice.

He was naturally very clear about what John had done, but Hamna didn't like fighting, nor did he have a deep independent plot like John. Instead, he hoped that the parties could sit down and discuss. In his opinion, any Peace is far better than bloodshed...

As a doctor, he has seen too many deaths.

John on the opposite side glanced at him and snorted, but he didn't say anything more, just talking about family matters normally.

In the dark house, there was a man lying on the bed who exuded a foul smell. The rotten pustules on his body made everyone, even his relatives, afraid to approach it. Everyone abandoned him and he could only lie on the hospital bed. , occasionally muttering a few words unconsciously.

But Hana was not afraid. His hands and body were covered with layers of cloth to resist possible disease invasion. This was his armor as a doctor, and herbal medicine was his sword as a doctor. He walked into the patient who had been abandoned by everyone, put down the medicine box in his hand, and then applied Chinese herbs on his body.


Along with the subtle sound, the patient seemed to sense something. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but only a calm voice sounded in his ears.

"do not move!"

Hana continued to treat the patient who was suffering from the epidemic. This was his fourth time here. However, with his medical skills, he could only give the patient some psychological comfort. What he did was almost It's meaningless, anyone can realize that this patient is not going to die soon...

But Han Na still didn't give up. He clenched his teeth unconsciously and tried his best to think of all possible ways...

He doesn't like people dying, doesn't want to see someone die in front of him, he wants to save him.


An unusually weak voice came out of the dry throat. When the voice was heard, the patient in front of him had a face that was so damaged by abscess that it was beyond recognition. Only a pair of eyes were vaguely visible.

Crystal tears flowed from those eyes. His instinct of life made him want to live, but he could understand that he no longer had the strength to survive.

"Am I...going to die?"

In that hoarse voice, it was clearly a question, but there was no doubt, only understanding.

Hana fell silent and did not answer the patient's words. The patient didn't seem to be expecting Han Na's answer, he just talked to himself.

"Doctor...everyone has left me...even my children...don't dare to come near me anymore. Why are you still here..."

Hana ignored his words and just continued to use the herbs and the knife in his medicine box to try to do something, but what else could he do?

The hand that holds the doctor's knife tightens tightly.

He hated himself for being so powerless and having to watch others die in front of him again.

But the patient just looked at him calmly and continued to murmur after a long time.

"Doctor... tell me, where do people go after they die..."

Hana was silent for a while and said in a hoarse voice.

"Probably... going to heaven."

"Heaven? But I am a believer in Baal and do not believe in your Jewish God..."

The patient smiled bitterly, Baal is an equally widely worshiped god in the Middle East, and many non-Jewish peoples believe in it.

He was silent for a while. Suddenly, he gasped hard and said to the struggling Hana in front of him.

"Doctor, can I... believe in your God? You are so kind, your God... must be as kind as you... Please, let me believe in your God at the end of my life."

There was an inexplicable light in the patient's eyes. He looked at Han Na in front of him and almost begged.

However, both the patient and Hana knew very well that the Jews did not preach to outsiders, because the Jews firmly believed that only the people chosen by God were qualified to receive God's mercy. Even if they were to preach, they must have Jewish blood. , and he obviously does not meet this qualification.

Han opened his mouth. He instinctively wanted to refuse. All the theological knowledge he had received since his birth told him that he should refuse this rude request. But looking at those eyes, the words he was about to blurt out, But nothing could be said.

However, if he wants to accept the patient's request, it means that he violates the teachings of Judaism, blasphemes God, and distorts God's will. He has accepted Jewish teachings since he was a child. His parents and he are both devout Jews. For him to turn his back on God was something he had never thought about.

However, if he does not accept it, it means that he cannot satisfy the wish of the dying man in front of him. As a doctor, how can he bear it.

Between God and the patient, which one should he choose...

In his mind, heaven and man were already at war, and two different thoughts were fighting together. At this moment, a force came from his arm.


The patient's hand clenched his arm tightly with incredible strength, and his originally cloudy eyes burst out with unprecedented brightness and pleading. That was his last plea...

Han opened his mouth and remained silent for a long time. Finally, as if he had made an extremely important decision, he gritted his teeth and stretched out one of his hands to gently touch the patient's forehead.

Nothing was said, nothing was said. The patient, whose vision was already blurred, felt a little warmth on his forehead and understood the choice made by the person in front of him. An inexplicable sense of peace emerged in his heart, and his body felt relieved. A deep sense of exhaustion came over me, and I slowly closed my eyes.


At the last moment, looking at the figure that seemed to be shrouded in light, he spoke incoherently.

Joshua is a hero in Jewish legend who led the Jews to establish a foothold in Israel. Its meaning is "salvation", and if this name is spoken in Greek, it means...


In the underwater temple, a pair of eyes suddenly opened. Those eyes were cold and dark.

"Finally found."

Along with the deep voice, laughter began to ring out in the temple.

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