The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 139 Thirty thousand years

The devil challenged God, but ultimately failed and fell from the sky to the earth...

This story was only recorded by angels. Except for those messengers of God, almost no one knew about it until it was gradually forgotten by time. The huge monster just fell asleep underground and deep in the ocean. For a long time, it was unable to wake up.

The sun and the moon changed, year after year, and thirty thousand years passed, and gods and demons never met again. In other words, the devil no longer needs to see this "little bug" in its eyes. It is so deeply conceited and arrogant that it has no doubt that it will be the final winner of this chess game.

It has used the human chess piece to successfully make God lose his throne. Next, it only needs to wait quietly for God to transform more and more like human beings. When God becomes more and more like human beings, it will The moment when the whole world is swallowed up together with God.

It can wait for more than ten thousand years for Ragnarok, and naturally it will not mind waiting for another thirty thousand years.

However, facing this almost foreseeable future, God did not take any action in the heaven, as if he was thinking about something. And in the end, it created a creature named "Messiah"...

The one it considers to be the most perfect creation.

Messiah means "Savior". When he was born, God ordered all the angels to worship this perfect Son of God as if they were worshiping him. The angels obeyed their master, and all creatures in the world were worshiped. After worshiping this "savior", only Metatron, the deputy king of heaven, disobeyed God's will.

God: "Worship it."

Metatron: "How can a son of fire worship a son of earth?"

Angels are born from fire and light, and Metatron is a ray of light from God. It is a demigod with the power of God but no identity of God. It only worships God because God created the world. It is it. the Creator.

Metatron, who did not obey God's will, eventually led one-third of the angels, including the three creation archangels, a total of 1.33333 million and 3333 angels to rebel. skyline.

That day, the sound of fighting between angels shook the whole world. From the sky to the earth, the entire universe was burned red by the flames of war, and blood filled the sky. That day, many sealed monsters in the sky and underground started making noises, as if they wanted to subvert the entire world.

In the end, the angels fell into the place they called "hell"...


On this day, the underwater temple welcomed an unusual guest.

On the cold throne, the faceless black shadow looked down at the demigod in front of him. The thirty-six flame wings that were once as bright as the sun were now stained with ominous black and soaked in blood. Even so, there is only a sense of cold, deathly solemnity in this fallen angel.

"You have been abandoned by your god."

This was the first thing the shadow said when he saw the fallen angel.

On the throne, the black shadow looks so powerful and beautiful, and every note spoken from its mouth carries invisible power, making people feel deeply oppressed and frightened, and even almost unable to breathe. Angry.

The fallen angel was silent.

God no longer needs it, because God already has a better substitute than it. Even though it set off this rebellion that shook the world, God did not pay attention to it, and did not even let the angel army pursue it.

Not dissatisfaction, not disgust, but complete disregard, just like throwing away a rag that is no longer needed, throwing it away, turning around, and not caring about it in the slightest.

"Stay, I will eventually give you what you want."

In my ears, a voice full of magical charm sounded...

In the end, the legion of fallen angels never left the earth, and these angels abandoned by God became the sharp sword in the hands of the demon Satan.

At the bottom of the sea, the snake people also launched a rebellion. This time, their direct target was the former king.

"They are not one of us and do not deserve to be our king!"

For too long, the offspring of the oldest humans and demons fell in love with the descendants of Adam and Eve. However, the two humans have ruled the snake people's civilization for tens of thousands of years, and their inaction during the great flood finally triggered these events. The complaints of the snake people.

It is unimaginable that the snake people, who follow the hierarchical system and fear the superiors in the sky, these creatures shaped by the power of the serpent, dare to rebel against the bloodline of the serpent, but they did so.

In the end, Lily, the demon's daughter who had ruled the snake people for tens of thousands of years, was killed, and Cain, the son of Adam who was cursed by God, also left the ocean and was never seen again.

Until a long time later, a group of creatures claiming to be vampires appeared on the earth. They had Cain as their ancestor. At the same time, there was also a group of werewolves who would transform into wolves when the moon was full. They kept fighting each other, and the hatred between them was never-ending, but no one knew why.

On the earth, Noah's descendants continued to multiply in the new world and spread to all parts of the world. Gradually, they gradually forgot their origins and various ancient technologies. They were like a group of savages who struggled to rebuild civilization in the midst of barbarism, leaving only an ancient legend behind.

The legend of an ancient civilization submerged by water, an ancient continent buried under the sea...

Atlantean civilization.

Just as spring passes and autumn comes, civilization is formed again. In an area where rivers flood, the rivers flood year after year, but they also create the most fertile soil in the world. A group of humans begin to settle here, forming the oldest civilization.

With the help of flooding rivers, these humans eventually formed agriculture and nurtured a large population. The sparks of wisdom collided here and gave birth to many philosophers and scholars. They respected the sky and believed in the earth, believing that there were gods in the sky. , there are gods in the earth, and the world is filled with countless gods.

They called their place "Kemet", which means the black land, and later people called them "Egypt".

Dynasties rise and fall, and civilizations are no exception. This ancient civilization had already established its own country and civilization when people all over the world were ignorant. However, when other civilizations began to rise two thousand years later, they began to fall into decline. .

Babylonian civilization, Cretan civilization, Persian civilization, Greek civilization...

Rising stars emerged one after another, and this civilization that once led the world eventually became the prey of various great empires. The short Greek traveled through Egypt, Persia, and arrived in India that no one could have imagined at the time. In the end, he had to He did not return with the feeling of returning home as soldiers, but eventually died of illness on his bed.

"Want my empire? Only the strongest can inherit my empire."

Because of these last words, the huge empire that spanned thousands of miles was torn apart by the fighting of the generals. Amidst the quarrels of these generals, a seemingly inconspicuous civilization quietly emerged in the West.

This civilization that originated on the peninsula, with its high aspirations, annexed countless civilizations and kingdoms along the way, clashed with the Carthaginians three times, and finally seized the hegemony of the entire Mediterranean and turned the entire Mediterranean into its own territory. lake……

That year, Octavian, the great head of the Roman Empire and Caesar's adopted son, was sixty-three years old. He had ruled the Roman Empire for more than twenty-nine years. This year was his thirtieth year of ruling this huge empire. The empire is blessing this great king, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

At the same time, in the winter of this year, a little boy was born in an ordinary farmer's family in the Syrian province of the Roman Empire...

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