The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 131 The water recedes

On the fortieth day, the heavy rain stopped and the water on the ground stopped rising. However, the water did not recede directly.

The unprecedented flood has risen to the sky, side by side with the clouds, accompanied by thunder, drowning all mountains, animals, birds, humans, and even everything in heaven and earth, whether winged, four-legged, crawling, or running On the ground, in the air, in the water, even the fish in the sea were crushed by the huge sea pressure when the water level rose rapidly.

Such a vast flood completely destroyed all living beings in the past tens of thousands of years. All the achievements of tens of thousands of years were completely destroyed in only forty days, just as casually as a chess player cleaning up the mess on the chessboard.

The rain stopped falling, but it did not recede. Instead, it waited quietly, as if it was going to continue to completely eliminate those lives that might remain. In this way, the water continued to flood the ground for another hundred and fifty days.

On the vast sea, only large ships float quietly on the sea.

Those white clouds are within reach, and even the sun seems not far away. The angels in those clouds appear from time to time. When they raise their heads, even the former cradle of mankind, the Garden of Eden in the moon, seems clearly visible. .

This may be the closest we have been to the Kingdom of Heaven since humans left the Garden of Eden.

Above the head, the blazing star emits bright white light, illuminating this dead water world. The melodious sounds of nature can be faintly heard among the clouds. There is only a slight sound of water and deep silence around. Other than that, there is nothing else. .

But this has nothing to do with Noah in the big ship. Ever since the dragon disappeared, his expression has become a little dazed. He has become taciturn and does not talk to his children. He often just sits alone in a daze, and occasionally I would look at the sky outside the window, watching the clouds whispering something.

All this made Noah's eldest son, Shem, particularly anxious, but he had no choice but to try his best to appease his family and wait for the water to recede.

Time passed day by day, the sun and moon above our heads rose and set, rose and set...

In this world with only water, only the nicks in the cabin of the big ship were increasing day by day, and when the number of nicks increased to the 203rd, Flash finally realized...

"The water... seems to be starting to fall..."

Looking at the clouds above his head, Shan's eyes were a little confused.

He stretched out his hand to test. Based on his past experience, his hand should have touched those moist clouds, but... it didn't.

His body shape did not change, he did not suddenly become shorter, nor did his arms suddenly become shorter, but suddenly he could no longer touch the cloud. The only possibility was...

"The water level is starting to drop!"

The excited Shem hurriedly passed the news to his family. Soon, a rare joy appeared in this small family. Only Noah remained silent, as if thinking about something.

More than forty days have passed, and although there is still water everywhere, it is obvious that the sky above has become extremely distant.

However, Shen, who had no way of knowing the location of the ship, didn't know whether he was in the sea or still on the flooded land. So Shem selected a crow from among the many animals in the ship, and wanted the crow to check for him whether the water outside had fallen.

However, after a day and night, the crow came back in vain, with water stains everywhere on its body and no dry place.

The crow found no land on which to rest.

So another forty days passed. This time, Shen saw the exposed peaks from the water. Only small heads of those sporadic peaks were exposed. Most of them were still submerged in the water, but it was enough to encourage Shen.

This time, he released the dove and asked it to find land.

After a day and night, the dove flew back with an olive branch in its mouth, and it suddenly became clear that the water had almost receded.

Forty days later, Shem sent out the dove again. This time, the dove never came back, so Shem understood that the water had completely receded.

"Father! The water has completely receded!"

Overjoyed, Shem hurriedly told this to his father, while Noah was looking out the window in silence at this time. Upon hearing this, something seemed to have changed in his dead eyes.

Before Noah could answer his son, Noah's second son Shem hurried over and shouted with joy on his face.

"Father! The pregnant ewe just gave birth to a lamb."

The water receded and a lamb was born, both of which were good news, but Noah just stared at the sky outside the window in silence.

Then he turned around and looked at the two children in front of him, and at his wife and daughter-in-law who were walking towards them, their faces also full of joy, with some complicated emotions in their dead eyes.

Just when the old world was destroyed and the new world was about to be born, the water receded, but the sheep just gave birth to a lamb, as if it was God's arrangement to pay tribute to the new world that was about to be born.

After a long time, he finally spoke.

"Bring the little lamb, and let us use it as a burnt offering to God."

In the Crystal Heavenly Palace, a dark thing with an unclear appearance sat opposite the god shrouded in infinite light, with a black and white chessboard in the middle.

The originally complex and chaotic chessboard is now empty. Whether it is a saint or a monster, a hero or a villain, all life has died. The absolute god, who is neither good nor evil, omniscient and omnipotent, has given this world absolute fairness. of trial.

Under the gaze of gods and demons, there is only one family on the empty chessboard, and they will be the starting point for the birth of a new world.

"The old world has been destroyed, a new world is about to be born, and the dirty bloodline among humans has been eliminated. In this way, a new chess game can begin."

From the light that could not be seen directly, a calm and calm voice spoke.

Opposite God, the dark thing whose appearance is unclear is said.

"The last mess in the chess game in the old world was that the angels under your command and the snake people under my command were involved in this chess game too much, causing the human beings who were supposed to be the protagonists of the chess game to gradually undergo changes and become incompetent. We are no longer human beings, so much so that we have lost the qualification to be the protagonist of a chess game. In this case, you and I should set a new rule and no longer allow all kinds of extraordinary beings to appear in this world at will."

God heard the words and nodded.

"It should be so. All the extraordinary beings in the sky, on the earth, and in the water should not appear in the new world again."

In just a few words, the rules and order of the new world have been established and deeply engraved on the core rules of the universe. From now on, no extraordinary life can appear in this new world again.

But at the same time, the dark thing seemed to notice something.

"Huh? That human is offering sacrifices to you, God."

On the big ship, Noah's family had already set up a small altar, and the newborn lamb was being tied to the altar. Noah looked solemn, holding a knife in his hand, looking at the sky outside the window, muttering. Muttering something to himself.

"God, I pray to you here..."

"I'm just a human being. I can't understand God's decision or why you want to destroy this world. But now that the water has receded and new lambs have been born, I think maybe this is your intentional arrangement... Maybe, You have already arranged everything..."

The low voice spoke with deep confusion.

He had a lot to say, but he didn't know who he should tell it to. He told the many angels in the sky, but the angels in the clouds did not answer him, but only sang praises to God day after day.

"God, my blessings are given by you, my misfortunes are also given by you, and everything I have is given by you. God, you created everything, and you can naturally destroy everything at will. In this case, this Everything is your decision, so...what's the point of me?"

As he spoke, Noah had a self-deprecating smile on his face.

He held the knife in his hand with both hands and raised it upward, but not towards the lamb on the altar, but...


Behind him, amid the sounds of panic and screams, Noah pointed the knife in his hand at his neck. Even with a little force, the sharp blade could still easily pierce Noah's skin and ooze blood.

Raising his hands and looking at the sky in front of him, Noah's originally dead eyes showed incredible madness and cruelty, and only the shrill roar sounded in the air.

"GOD! If you can destroy mankind once at will, how can you not destroy mankind a second time! In that case, just let mankind be destroyed! Why let my descendants endure such pain again!!!"

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