The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 102 Creation

(After checking a lot of information about angels, I finally determined one thing... Baidu Encyclopedia is full of errors and omissions. Several different names of the same angel can produce several completely different encyclopedia descriptions, saying: Several different angels also admire and admire.)

Among the infinite time and space, there are seven existences coming towards this dark world.

The first person to enter this world was a mysterious-looking god. His almost feminine appearance was deeply cold. The blood-stained armor on his body and the sharp sword in his hand proved his majestic reputation. .

However, this great god who once protected the kingdom of gods and guarded the gate of heaven also succumbed to the power of this "one who wants nothing".

The illusory spirit stretched out a hand from the endless light, and easily took this great god into the palm of his hand. The ignorant god in his palm was like a clay figure being squeezed by this "one who does whatever he wants".

The body was distorted, the soul was reshaped, and the traces of being a god were erased. Instead, it was reshaped into an incorporeal creature with six pairs of wings on its back.

Then, the spiritual creature with six pairs of wings on its back slowly opened its bright eyes, and facing the creature with six pairs of wings in front of it, the omniscient and omnipotent voice immediately resounded throughout the darkness. world.

"Gabriel, ruler, I give you the name of Gabriel, because you will rule the White Moon on my behalf."

The Omniscient and Almighty did not explain what the White Moon was, because Gabriel in front of him would understand his mission without any confusion. The angel named Gabriel resigned obediently, an angel with authority given by the Omniscient and Almighty. , facing the dark world in front of him, he opened his hands, and in an instant, the pure white moon emerged from the darkness.

Therefore, the monarch of White Moon went to the moon to exercise the ruling power he had been given.

This is the first day.

At this time, the second god also arrived.

It was the child of the dazzling god of light and a human princess. The half-human, half-god was taught by the wise centaurs and heroic teachers. He was proficient in hunting and also loved medicine, so much so that he could resurrect the dead. Mortals who are prone to death can also obtain the "immortality" that belongs only to gods.

And after being reshaped by the Do-What-You-Wish, the omniscient and omnipotent Do-What-You-Wish also gave it a name.

"Raphael, be that soft and bright star, Mercury, that will be your kingdom."

The happy angel, who looks like a boy, readily accepted the order and created Mercury as his territory from the darkness.

This is the second day.

Subsequently, the dreamlike foam god was given the name of Anar and made Venus his territory; and the god who had been the incarnation of Sirius was given the name of Michael and created the sun; The god who was formerly a red two-headed snake is the most special, because it was divided into two by the omnipotent one who can do whatever he wants, named "Samael" and "Kamael" respectively, with Mars as his country; Pluto, who had killed his father in the past, made his brother a god-king, and controlled the death of all living beings, was given the name "Uriel" and guarded Jupiter.

And this is already the sixth day.

All the gods were stripped of their divinity one by one and transformed into messengers of the omniscient and omnipotent one, creating their own heaven in the dark world. However, the omniscient and omnipotent person is not satisfied yet. This world is far more than that. So, He summoned the seventh god.

The seventh god's body is only covered with a layer of gauze, and she has a motherly tranquility and tranquility on her body. Looking at this beautiful goddess, the omniscient and omnipotent person seems to have noticed something, although he looks at it. It was unclear what was under the endless light, but the big snake who was watching all this in the water felt that it seemed to be looking at him thoughtfully.

The big snake's pupils immediately contracted slightly, and it felt vaguely that something was wrong.

"What a keen intuition."

However, the one who did whatever he wanted just chuckled, and then casually erased the memory of the goddess and her divinity as a god, and then announced to this dark world with a loud voice.

"You are Avge, the High Mother, and Saturn will be your abode."

Immediately, the man who did whatever he wanted turned around and looked around, only to see... that big snake had disappeared.

Obviously, the keen perception made this big snake choose to escape without hesitation, because it had a rough premonition of what would happen next.

However, the omniscient and omnipotent absolute god just summoned a small universe in his hand. No matter how violent the snake inside, which could swallow the world, struggled, he could not escape the shackles of this universe.

Then the All-Knowing and All-Powerful One who does whatever he pleases spoke.

"Jormungandr is dead. Now, you will monitor the good deeds of the angels for me as the mysterious angel of the secret realm and the highest, the Supreme Father, the Lord of Uranus, Rachel."

However, the violent monster in that small universe just roared with a low laugh.

"Haha... don't have any illusions. I won't just obey your orders."

Along with his roar, the body of the violent beast suddenly expanded, bursting open the universe that should have been infinite, and breaking free from the universe in the palm of the omniscient and omnipotent One.

The huge body has reached a point far beyond imagination, but this monster has simply chosen to escape the limitations of time and space, intending to transcend this dark world, and has no intention of confronting the omnipotent one. the meaning of.

It’s a joke, why fight if you can’t fight?

Very simple logic, the snake is arrogant and arrogant, but this arrogance and arrogance is more based on the disregard for the weak, but it does not mean that it still resists when it faces a strong enemy that is obviously unbeatable, and there is no benefit.

Even if Ymir is defeated, his body can be eaten to fill his stomach, but what is the value of defeating that god? It seems to make absolutely no sense.

If that's the case, why not run?


Orochi failed.

It's not that the way is blocked by some kind of force. This alone is not enough to move the big snake. What really moves the big snake is because it seems that nothing exists outside the world...

"All time, all space, and all worlds have been destroyed by me in one thought. There is nothing else except this place. You can't escape."

Along with the big snake's movement, a peaceful and calm voice sounded.

The big snake turned to look at the illusory spirit behind him. The upright snake eyes were extremely cold, but the omniscient and omnipotent one did not have any intention of explaining too much. It was as if all time and space and countless gods were The subsequent destruction was not something worth making a fuss about in His eyes.

No longer paying attention to the big snake behind him, the illusory spirit just took out a ray of light from itself, and then created a new angel, which was also the strongest angel...

Carrying those thirty-six pairs of flame wings, the whole body exudes endless brilliance, which is almost the same as the brilliance of the omniscient and omnipotent one. Among all angels, it is the only one that is most similar to the omniscient and omnipotent one.

Slowly opening his eyes, the only thing that caught his eyes was the endless divine light and the majestic voice that resounded throughout the world.

"Given you the name Metatron, you will take charge of the entire heaven as the deputy king of heaven and guard the throne for me."

This is the seventh day of creation.

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