The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 362 The White-robed Realm Lord’s Brainstorming and the Abyss Realm’s Handwriting (

After all, the three realm masters from the Canglan Realm could not keep Chen Mu waiting for too long.

If you just choose to attack Chen Mu, you must not be 100% sure.

Over hundreds of thousands of years, these three realm masters have figured it out.

Whether he takes action early or late, he will eventually take action against Chen Mu.

In the ancestral witch world, inside the ancestral witch tower.

Chen Mu's eyes were unruffled and very dull.

He raised his head slightly, as if looking up at the end of the distant sky, which was the void outside the ancestral witch world.

In the void, a majestic momentum was pressing down on him.

"You really can't help it anymore?"

Chen Mu felt like laughing.

He thought it would be hundreds of thousands of years for these three realm masters to endure it for another few hundred thousand years.

What he didn't expect was that he still overestimated the endurance of these three people.

These three world leaders have been quarreling with him all these years, which has consumed all their energy.

No matter what other trump cards Chen Mu had, they didn't want to wait any longer.

The majestic momentum turned into substantial power the moment he approached Chen Mu, as if he had planned it in advance.

For Chen Mu, he had already expected the sudden attack on the three world masters.

But even so, Chen Mu still chose to take advantage of the situation, and his figure left the Ancestral Witch Tower and appeared in the void.

The reason why these three realm masters attacked at the same time to suppress others was actually to force Chen Mu into the void. With three against one, they would undoubtedly have the advantage.

Another point is that the Ancestral Witch Realm is Chen Mu's territory, and they do not dare to enter the Ancestral Witch Realm without authorization.

After all, they didn't know what Chen Mu had planned in the ancestral witch world, or whether he had already laid a trap in the ancestral witch world and was waiting for them to fall into it.

Is there Chen Mu's plan in the ancestral witch world?

The answer is yes.

But Chen Mu still chose to give up his advantage and appeared alone in the void outside the ancestral witch world.

Because Chen Mu could tell from the sudden actions of these three world masters that if he did not leave the ancestral witch world, he would inevitably be entangled.

Although this level of entanglement wouldn't kill him, it would annoy him.

So Chen Mu chose to face the enemy head-on from the beginning.

Even if it takes some life, he will solve all the troubles at once.

Although there is a high probability that he will not stay in the ancestral witch world after this, Chen Mu still chose this method.

In the void.

The three realm masters looked solemnly and looked at Chen Mu, who suddenly appeared in the void not far away.

Their goal was achieved and they successfully forced Chen Mu into the void.

But at this moment, they didn't feel any relaxed in their hearts.

Because they know very well that it may not be that troublesome to really defeat Chen Mu, but it may not be that simple to bring Chen Mu back to the Canglan Realm alive, or it will definitely be difficult.

At least in terms of realm, they didn't seem to have any advantage over Chen Mu.

Perhaps the only advantage they have over Chen Mu is that there are three of them, while Chen Mu only has one person.

"I thought you had given up on me."

In the void, Chen Mu said with a smile.

His tone was very relaxed, instantly breaking the cold silence lingering between the four of them.

The white-robed Realm Master was slightly startled.

He didn't expect that Chen Mu would still be joking at this time.

Isn't this wizard not afraid at all?

No, this person is no longer a wizard. This person seems to have switched to other spiritual paths in the past tens of millions of years, and even practiced to a very high level.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to defeat another Realm Lord so easily decades ago.

"We won't give up."

"Of course, if you are willing to follow us to Canglan Realm, the previous conditions remain unchanged. This is my promise to you."

"There is absolutely no threat to your life, and it's not impossible that you even have a chance to go further."

After being stunned for a moment, the white-robed realm master's expression turned serious again, and he spoke solemnly.

If Chen Mu didn't know what kind of person this person was, then he might really believe it.


Promises are useless.

If Chen Mu's prediction was correct, he only had to follow these three realm masters to the Canglan Realm. Once he arrived at the Canglan Realm, the white-robed realm master would never acknowledge the promise he made.

So after hearing these words from the white-robed realm master, the smile on Chen Mu's face turned into a joke, as if he had heard some joke.

Chen Mu shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

"You don't believe me?" The white-robed Realm Master frowned slightly and said, "Why?"

He did not take action against Chen Mu immediately, and the other two realm masters beside him were still standing silently in the void, waiting.

The white-robed Realm Master also saw the joking in Chen Mu's eyes.

He wasn't angry, just confused.

He knew very well that he didn't reveal any flaws, and everything was presented very realistically.

At least he felt that Chen Mu would never be able to tell anything.

And judging from Chen Mu's performance, this person seems to know what kind of world Canglan Realm is.

Even if you don’t completely know what kind of world Canglan Realm is, you definitely know the name Canglan Realm.

Otherwise, this person would not have been surprised at all after hearing the name of Canglan Realm, and would not even have the intention to ask him what kind of world Canglan Realm is.

But how is this possible?

It is true that the Canglan Realm is one of the four central worlds in the World Sea Realm, but this does not mean that the Canglan Realm is very famous in the World Sea Realm.

There is no necessary relationship between being powerful and famous.

On the contrary, Canglan Realm's reputation in the World Sea Realm is not obvious.

It can be said that other worlds in the World Sea Realm know very little about the Canglan Realm.

Among the world sea realms, apart from the True Spirit Realm, the Canglan Realm is the most mysterious.

"You seem to be no stranger to the Canglan world?"

The white-robed realm master still chose to ask the doubts in his heart.

Although he was not sure whether Chen Mu would answer his question, after all, Chen Mu did not answer most of the questions he asked before.

But this time Chen Mu obviously did not disappoint him.

After he finished speaking, Chen Mu smiled and said, "I not only know the Canglan Realm, but I also know that the three of you are three of the tens of thousands of world masters in the Canglan Realm."

"And the reason why you came to me is probably because of the wishes of a certain realm lord with a front seat in Canglan Realm?"

"Is it Lord Tus?"

Chen Mu's words were full of casualness.

It seemed like they were just chatting and joking.

But the words he said were no less than dropping a nuclear bomb in the hearts of these three world masters.

As soon as these words came out, not only the expression of the white-robed realm master changed drastically, but also the indifferent expressions of the other two realm masters beside him disappeared, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

It seemed that he was shocked that Chen Mu could understand so clearly.

Isn't Chen Mu a native of the wizarding world?

How could he know their world so clearly?

You can even know exactly why they are here.

This is simply unbelievable.

At this time, the three of them suddenly had a ridiculous idea in their minds, that is, could the seemingly young man in front of them have the ability to read minds?

Otherwise, how could he possibly know so much.

Chen Mu naturally had a panoramic view of the expressions of these three realm masters.

"Sure enough, it's Lord Tus."

"We have to run. If Lord Tus takes action himself, he will have to take the initiative to end this real body simulation. It is a pity, but it is not harmful."

Chen Mu's expression remained unchanged, and he still maintained a faint smile, but he was secretly calculating the gains and losses in his heart.

Time passed slowly, and the white-robed Realm Master's expression changed again and again. Finally, after he exhaled a breath of turbid breath, his expression returned to calmness.

Chen Mu had completely exceeded his expectations at this time.

It was even completely beyond his control. Of course, it can be said that Chen Mu was not under his control from the beginning.

At this time, he was even considering whether to give up on bringing Chen Mu back to Canglan Realm.

After all, although it is important to please the Lord of Tus, the person in front of him is a bit too mysterious.

He always felt that if he persisted in going his own way, something would definitely happen in the future.

Moreover, looking at Chen Mu's face, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

Inadvertently, he always thought of that old friend whom he had not known for a long time.

After a while, the white-robed realm master took a deep look at Chen Mu and said:

"Are you, like the transcendent person in the wizarding world, also from the abyss?"

"The Lord of the White Crow Realm is also the work of your Abyss Realm?"

While speaking, the white-robed Realm Master frowned.

At this time, he seemed to be talking wherever he thought, without caring whether any information would be revealed in his words.

At this time, he had temporarily put aside the idea of ​​taking action against Chen Mu.

Now he just wants to know where Chen Mu learned about Canglan Realm.

He has regarded Chen Mu as having the same identity as Mansour, and believes that Chen Mu was also drawn from the abyss realm into the wizarding world.

It's just that in the end, Mansour succeeded in transcending, but Chen Mu did not.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Chen Mu has such an in-depth understanding of the Canglan Realm.

It is impossible for other worlds in the World Sea Realm to have such an in-depth understanding of the Canglan Realm.

What's more, Chen Mu even pointed out the identity of Tusi Realm Master, which is even more incredible.

After all, the Tusi Realm Master, even many of the Realm Masters in the Canglan Realm, are unfamiliar with him.

If it wasn't impossible, he was even wondering whether the Chen Mu in front of him might be the reincarnation of the Lord of the White Crow Realm.

Of course this is impossible.

After all, the Canglan Realm and the Wizarding Realm belong to the same realm, so reincarnation is impossible.

Even if this is really possible, it is not something that a Realm Master in the Canglan Realm can do, not even the Zero Realm Master, a transcendent person, can do it.

Then there is only one possibility.

This possibility is that Chen Mu is not a native of the wizarding world, but comes from the abyss like Mansour.

If that were the case, then everything would make sense.

After all, the Abyss Realm is more mysterious than the Canglan Realm.

Powerful beings in the Abyss Realm are spread across the three major realms, so it is not surprising that they can know the information about the Canglan Realm.

What puzzled him was that Chen Mu didn't have the aura of a visitor from outside the territory.

Could it be that Chen Mu used some method to cover up the aura of foreign visitors on his body, which caused him to make wrong judgments before?

Is this possible?

I have to say that he was thinking a little too much.

But I have to say that what he thought did make some sense.

Even Chen Mu was slightly startled for a moment after hearing his imaginative words.

Chen Mu wanted to continue speaking along with his guess.

"If you want to say that, it seems right."

A strange color suddenly appeared on Chen Mu's face.

He suddenly discovered that what the white-robed world leader said actually seemed to be correct.

Because Chen Mu had indeed reincarnated into the world in the abyss before, and everything in the reincarnation simulation was real.

It seems that he can indeed be regarded as a person in the abyss realm.

Although the Lord of the White Crow Realm is not the handiwork of the Abyss Realm, it is his own handiwork.

Because in his last reincarnation simulation of the Canglan Realm, his final identity was officially the Lord of the Canglan Realm.

If you insist on saying that the Lord of the White Crow Realm is the work of the Abyss Realm, it is not wrong.

After all, he can be regarded as a person from the Abyss Realm, and the White Crow Realm Lord is himself. Isn’t the White Crow Realm Master the handiwork of the Abyss Realm, or the handiwork of his fourth-level demon in the Abyss Realm? .

"It seems right?"

"Did you admit it or not?"

The white-robed realm master said helplessly.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with Chen Mu's words, but in fact there are many faults.

He suddenly felt that it was a headache to communicate with Chen Mu, because Chen Mu always said some ambiguous words for him to figure out.

In the end, even if he could figure it out, he still didn't know whether it was true or false.

"Just think that I admit it."

"Then why did Mansoor become a transcendent, but you did not become a transcendent."

"Perhaps it's because I don't have the talent in this area. Besides, it's not that simple to become a transcendent. You need the right time, right place, and right people."

"Why did you reincarnate into the wizarding world tens of millions of years later than Mansur?"

"I don't know about this."

"Is your understanding of the Canglan Realm something you already learned in the Abyss Realm?"

"Let me see. It seems to have been before that."

With a smile on his face, Chen Mu answered the questions raised by the white-robed realm master word by word.

It has to be said that the White Robe Realm Master has really forgotten that he forced Chen Mu out of the Ancestral Witch Realm and into the void in order to bring Chen Mu back to the Canglan Realm.

The other two realm masters beside him did not interrupt the conversation between the white-robed realm master and Chen Mu.

Even the red-robed realm master, who was on the left side of the white-robed realm master, looked at Chen Mu with a change in his eyes.

His eyes flickered, and no one knew what he was thinking.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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