The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 27 Family Industry (please read more)

Chapter 27 ‘Family Industry’ (please read)

The temptation of titles and fiefs is stronger than the temptation of breathing method to these people.

After all, even if you practice the breathing method and become an official knight, you will only have a knighthood in the kingdom, and this lot is directly a baron.

Chen Mu, who was sitting in the box on the second floor, could see that almost everyone was participating in the bidding of the last and final lot.

In the end, the title and fiefdom were bought by an earl's heir for one million gold coins.

Chen Mu did not expect that Viscount Russell did not take pictures of this title.

He thought that it would be easy with the financial resources of the Black-clothed Seeking Association, but he was prepared to cause some obstacles. Who knew that Viscount Russell would wither first?

If Russell himself knew Chen Mu's thoughts, he would probably be very aggrieved.

It is true that it is easy for wizard apprentices to earn gold coins, but this obviously does not include first-level wizard apprentices.

Although he was disdainful of the bottle of magic potion that was auctioned before, he couldn't configure it himself if he was asked to do so.

After the auction ended, some people chose to stay and visit the auction house, while some people left in an orderly manner.

Chen Mu did not choose to stay at the auction house longer, but left with William.

Although it is a large-scale auction, the auction actually does not take too long.

Chen Mu could actually stay here for a while, but he wanted to go back as soon as possible to study the bronze key that he had removed in advance, so he and William left first.

In the manor, Chen Mu picked up the bronze key in his hand and looked at it under the sun, and found that there was nothing special about it.

After coming back, he actually tried some other methods to see if he could make the bronze key show a special appearance, but they all failed.

Roasting it with fire and soaking it in water have no effect at all.

"Would you like to give it a try with a drop of blood?"

An idea suddenly came to Chen Mu's mind.

If you have an idea, naturally try it.

Chen Mu did not hesitate and used the knight's sword to cut a small cut on his finger, then squeezed out a drop of blood and dropped it on the bronze key.

But it's a pity that no treasure has been activated. The bronze key is still the same bronze key, with at most a trace of blood on it.

"It's not even possible to shed blood to identify the Lord."

Fortunately, Chen Mu himself did not have any expectations for this method.

After all, he had been researching for several years in the simulation but had not come up with a single result.

You must know that although he in the simulation does not have the memory of the simulator, he does have the memory of time travel.

This kind of method he can think of, Chen Mu in the simulator can naturally think of it too.

So it's normal that it doesn't have any effect. It's really abnormal that a drop of blood can activate this Laoshizi bronze key.

Chen Mu held the bronze key and looked at it again and again. He really couldn't see anything special about it, so he had to give up for now.

However, Chen Mu already had a vague suspicion in his mind.

That is, since this is what the Black-clothed Seeking Society wants, there is a high probability that it has something to do with the wizard.

If he really wanted to explore the secret of this bronze key, he could only wait until he became a wizard's apprentice.

But it is so difficult to become a wizard. The first condition is to go to the Wizarding Continent, which has intercepted countless people who want to become wizards.

Putting down the bronze key, Chen Mu put the key back in the wooden box and found a secret place to put it.

The next period of time was still peaceful, and nothing special happened.

It was not until more than ten days after the auction ended that Earl Arthur approached Chen Mu.

"Weili, you are not young now, and you have become an official knight. You need to take over some of the family's industries."

In front of Earl Arthur was Chen Mu in formal attire.

Hearing Earl Arthur's soft words, Chen Mu wanted to refuse but was interrupted by Earl Arthur's words that followed.

"The largest market in Far East City is the property of our Golden Lion family. Now I hand it over to you, which can be regarded as a kind of training."

Looking at Count Arthur's expectant eyes, Chen Mu knew that he couldn't refuse this.

So he nodded solemnly to express his understanding.

Earl Arthur had arranged everything for him, so he naturally had no reason to refuse.

It just so happened that Chen Mu also wanted to see what cities in this world were like.

Far East City is located within the Far East Territory and is the largest city in the Far East Territory.

After coming to this world, Chen Mu has not really seen the cities of this world.

Chen Mu, the city in this world, had only seen it in the memory of its original owner.

Although the manor where he and Earl Arthur lived daily was located in the very center of the Far East Territory, it was actually a restricted area, not an urban area.

This is considered the core area of ​​the Far East Territory. Those who can come here are die-hard loyalists of the Golden Lion Family. For the rest, this is a forbidden area.

This is also the reason why Chen Mu has lived here without being disturbed for a long time. Most of the citizens of the Far East Territory live in the city.

With memories of his previous life, Chen Mu is no stranger to Far East City.

This city has always had this name from its founding to the present, and the successive heads of the Golden Lion family are also the owners of this city.

Although it is true that this city belongs to the Golden Lion family, it does not mean that all people living in Far East City are members of the Golden Lion family.

As the commercial center of the Far East Territory, Far East City has numerous industries run by noble families.

However, they also need to pay rent to the Golden Lion family every year. Just to collect rent, the rent collected by the Golden Lion family in Far East City every year is a large amount of gold coins.

Seeing that Chen Mu agreed, Earl Arthur was in a good mood.

"I have arranged it for you. William will take you to Far East City to take over the Golden Lion Market.

If you have any questions at that time, you can also ask some people who were previously responsible for the Golden Lion Market.

As for your safety, don’t worry too much. "

Earl Arthur said easily.

In fact, the moment Chen Mu informed him that he had become an official knight, he wanted Chen Mu to take over some of the family's properties.

Although Chen Mu is still very young, there is nothing he can do about it.

Because currently the only direct descendants of the Golden Lion family are him and his two sons.

The eldest son is currently traveling around the kingdom, so some of the family property can only be handed over to the younger son Wei Li first.

These more important industries cannot always be in charge of outsiders. He will have to hand them over sooner or later.

It was something he had planned to let Chen Mu practice in advance.

If Chen Mu wasn't still young and didn't have much experience, he would have wanted to hand over the most important industries of the family to Chen Mu.

Or just divide a territory for Chen Mu and run it first.

"You've grown so old before you knew it!"

Looking at Chen Mu's handsome face in front of him, Earl Arthur said with some sigh.

Once upon a time, the little son he and his wife held in their hands had grown so big in the blink of an eye.

He has reached the age where he can take over the family business.

In his eyes, Willy was always a child.

He had not forgotten the pride that surged up in his heart a few months ago when Willy stood in front of him and resolutely said that he would become a glorious family guardian knight.

It didn't take long for his youngest son to fulfill his promise.

Time always passes by inadvertently.

In the blink of an eye, even he himself has inherited the territory and become the lord for decades.

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