The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 173 Goodbye Laner and Rules (please subscribe)

Chapter 173 ‘Goodbye Laner’ and ‘Rules’ (Please subscribe)

The four-ring witchcraft Eye of Truth is more powerful than Chen Mu imagined.

This witchcraft is the upper level witchcraft of the spiritual eye, and it is also the first four-ring witchcraft that Chen Mu mastered after becoming a fourth-level wizard.

Not only does it have all the functions of the previous Spiritual Eye witchcraft, but it is also even more powerful.

There is also an additional marking function.

For people or things marked by the Eye of Truth, Chen Mu can see the status of the marked people or things at any time.

In other words, as long as Chen Mu wants, he can always monitor a person without their knowledge.

Of course, this is subject to distance restrictions and is limited to the wizarding world.

In other words, if Chen Mu leaves the wizarding world and goes to other worlds, he will naturally not be able to see the people or things he marked with the Eye of Truth.

But even this is extremely exaggerated.

A world of limitations.

As long as Chen Mu stays within the wizarding world, he can see the status of the people or things he marked with the Eye of Truth at any time.

This method is somewhat similar to his teacher Bain's method of making a light curtain appear with a wave of his hand.

Thinking of the number of times, Chen Mu's eyes flashed with light.

A scene that no one else could see but he could see appeared in front of him.

In his eyes, Arthur was lying on a deck chair basking in the sun, and a boy next to him was practicing drawing a bow.

The next moment, this scene disappeared in front of Chen Mu.

Only after trying it myself did I realize how much potential this witchcraft has.

This sorcery can mark even level 4 wizards, although prying eyes will reveal it.

But sometimes even a moment's peek can reveal a huge amount of information.

"The Spiritual Eye at the fourth-ring level is so powerful, but what about the World Eye at the seventh-ring level?"

On the top floor of the wizard tower, Chen Mu felt a little sigh in his heart.

The seven-ring witchcraft was so powerful that even he couldn't understand it.

No wonder the Dandelion Tavern can know many secrets of the wizarding world.

The seventh-level wizard who controls the Dandelion Tavern could probably spy on everyone in the wizarding world if he wanted to.

Chen Mu didn't know if he had already entered the eyes of the seventh-level wizard.

But I guess not.

After all, although he is a bit special now, he is only a fourth-level wizard, and it is not enough for a seventh-level wizard to be interested in him.

And in all his previous text simulations and real-life simulations, the Dandelion Tavern never gave him any trouble.

Just when Chen Mu wanted to continue to operate the meditation method and practice again, the Book of Truth in his spiritual sea trembled slightly.

The next moment, the Book of Truth was suspended in front of Chen Mu and opened automatically.

Chen Mu's consciousness stopped on the Book of Truth and checked who sent the message.

After reading the message from Bain, Chen Mu put the Book of Truth back into the spiritual sea.

The next moment, spiritual power surged out of Chen Mu's spiritual sea, instantly wrapping his body and taking him away from the wizard tower.

When Chen Mu's body reappeared, it was already on the top floor of Bain's Tinghai Pavilion.

Bain actually has his own unique building, but his unique building is guarding the East China Sea.

And Bain doesn't care where he lives, because he knows that he can't become a fifth-level wizard.

Therefore, he had given up the practice of meditation early and focused more on the study of magic weapons.

In fact, not all fourth-level wizards have the desire to continue climbing up.

In the wizarding world, many wizards' lifelong goal is just to become a fourth-level wizard.

After these wizards become level four wizards, they have no goals.

Without goals, there will naturally be no motivation to continue meditation practice.

Because the tens of millions of years of laws in the wizarding world tell them.

Even if a fourth-level wizard wants to become a fifth-level wizard, even if he spends all his life, the probability of success is less than one thousandth.

The Sea of ​​Watch is considered the largest white wizard organization in the wizarding world and has been established for tens of millions of years.

During this period, the Sea of ​​Watch recruited hundreds of thousands of members.

Not all of these hundreds of thousands of people are gifted, but 90% are extremely gifted.

Among these people, there are nearly ten thousand people who have become level four wizards.

However, the Sea of ​​Watchers has recorded that the number of people who have become level five wizards is less than fifty.

There are only four sixth-level wizards, and there is only one seventh-level wizard, Mansur.

This is the accumulation of tens of millions of years in the Sea of ​​Watch.

And among the eighty people who have become level five wizards in the past tens of millions of years, only six are still alive.

In other words, in the current Sea of ​​Watch, there are only two more level 5 wizards than level 6 wizards.

But even so, the Sea of ​​Watch is one of the most powerful world-level wizard organizations in the wizarding world.

"Your master wants to see you again."

Beside Chen Mu, Bain, who was standing on the top floor of Tinghai Pavilion with Chen Mu, said.

"I understand, teacher."

Chen Mu nodded and said.

A fifth-level wizard wanted to see him again. This fifth-level wizard was still his master, so Chen Mu naturally had no reason to refuse.

Knowing that Chen Mu would not refuse, Bain nodded.

"How is the construction of the Four Rings of Witchcraft going?"

"Don't slack off after you become a fourth-level wizard. The sixty-year mission time limit is still very tight for you."

Bain changed the topic and asked casually.

"not bad."

Chen Mu said.

The inscription of witchcraft was just a matter of several simulations for him.

Now he has just become a fourth-level wizard, and can only build three fourth-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea.

These three four-ring witchcraft have now been completely built into Chen Mu's spiritual sea.

And the time he consumed was only one year.

Two simulations in one year allowed him to easily construct three four-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea.

But Bain naturally didn't know this.

If he knew that Chen Mu successfully constructed three four-ring witchcraft in the spiritual sea in just one year, he would definitely be shocked.

"Now is the early stage of a cross-border war. There is no danger on the void battlefield in the wizarding world."

"If you don't want to stay in the Sea of ​​Watch all the time, you can go to the Void Battlefield in the Wizarding World to experience it."

Bain spoke in a very calm tone, as if he had no other meaning.

However, Chen Mu still heard a lot from Bain's words.

Bain seemed to know that he didn't want to stay in the Sea of ​​Watch all the time, so he said this.

In fact, Chen Mu also had this idea.

"I understand, teacher."

Chen Mu said.

After finishing speaking, Chen Mu did not continue to speak, and Bain also selectively remained silent.

In Chen Mu's spiritual sea, the gem representing the third-level mind master lit up with a faint fluorescent light.

Chen Mu's mind was tangled with thoughts, and countless thoughts poured out.

The current war between the Wizarding World and the Blood Sea Realm is only in its early stages, the risk is not high, and a lot of benefits can be gained.

If he wants to go from a fourth-level wizard to a fifth-level wizard, the training resources he needs are absolutely astronomical.

However, in terms of training resources, Chen Mu didn't care that much.

After all, he has a simulator, and he can obtain those cultivation resources in the simulation. All he has to do is retain his realm.

Of course, as the accumulation time of simulator times becomes longer, Chen Mu also needs to prepare early in reality.

After all, real time can also save some time in simulation.

Of course, the faster you can improve your realm, the better.

Although Chen Mu is now a level four wizard, he still has some sense of urgency.

In the two text simulations of becoming a fourth-level wizard, the longest he lived was just over 700 years old.

You must know that the lifespan of a fourth-level wizard is tens of thousands of years.

If he could live for tens of thousands of years every time he simulated text, then he would probably be a level five wizard when the mission came sixty years later.

There are currently only six level five wizards in the Sea of ​​Watch.

It can be said that if he really becomes a fifth-level wizard.

Then he will truly belong to the group of people at the top of the wizarding world.

His teacher Bain told him that he might stand at the top of the wizarding world in the future.

In fact, it is said that he may become a fifth-level wizard in the future.

As for something higher, Bain didn't dare to think about it.

After becoming a fourth-level wizard, Chen Mu could clearly feel that the fifth-level wizard was too far away from him, and he couldn't even see the direction.

The accumulation of time is of great use to the realm before the fourth level wizard.

But for wizards after the fourth level, the power of time is not so terrifying.

Some fourth-level wizards with special means can even live for hundreds of thousands of years.

But even if you live for hundreds of thousands of years, it is absolutely difficult to become a level five wizard.

If you can't find a way to become a level 5 wizard, then even if you give a level 4 wizard a million years, you probably won't be able to do it.

Naturally, the sooner we find this road, the better.

However, Chen Mu is not particularly anxious at the moment, because he only has one year to become a fourth-level wizard.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed. With the guarantee of the simulator, Chen Mu has a confidence that is different from ordinary people.

At least, it is impossible for him to voluntarily give up practicing meditation, nor to voluntarily give up becoming a fifth-level wizard.

Even if it's difficult.

Chen Mu's thoughts went through his mind in an instant.

The next moment, Chen Mu suppressed these thoughts and thoughts.

The fluorescent light on the gem representing the third-level telepathy master in the spiritual sea also gradually disappeared.

"Teacher, when will Master see me?"

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Chen Mu spoke.

After the words fell, Bain did not speak immediately.

In a place where Chen Mu can't see, that is, in Bain's spiritual sea.

Bain's Book of Truth moved slightly and sent out a message.

After a moment, Bain had a smile on his face and said:


After the words fell, Chen Mu's expression did not change, and he just nodded slightly.

Bain sent a coordinate to Chen Mu's Book of Truth.

"The teacher only sees you. You can teleport to the teacher through the coordinates in the Book of Truth."

Bain spoke.

"Good teacher."

Chen Mu replied.

The next moment, Chen Mu's Book of Truth was suspended in front of him.

The Book of Truth opened automatically and stopped when it reached one of the pages.

On this page, there is a small bell-shaped mark.

Chen Mu's mental energy poured into the bell-shaped mark.

The Book of Truth lit up with a faint white light the moment Chen Mu's mental power was integrated into it.

White light poured out from the bell-shaped mark and then enveloped Chen Mu's body.

The next moment, his body disappeared from the spot.

But Bain still stood there and made no move.

His eyes stayed on the place where Chen Mu disappeared for a moment, and he nodded with a smile.

"Lucky little guy."

The next moment, Bain's figure also disappeared on the top floor of Tinghai Pavilion.

Chen Mu's consciousness went dark the moment white light enveloped his body.

Chen Mu felt as if his five senses had been lost.

He could neither hear nor see, and seemed to be in complete silence.

But this feeling didn't last long.

Within a few breaths, Chen Mu's eyes lit up with a light.

The next moment, his body appeared in a transparent space.

The space was very large. The moment Chen Mu appeared here, he subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment.

The next moment, he tried to activate his mental power, but found that he could not mobilize it.

"No need to try, you can't mobilize spiritual power here."

When Chen Mu was trying to mobilize his mental power, a voice came into his ears.

The next moment, an old man appeared in front of him.

This old man is Bain's teacher, Chen Mu's ancestor, the fifth-level wizard Laner.

After Lan Er appeared, he looked at Chen Mu's body with interest.

After a moment, he nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"That's right, it's the rock of destiny. The little guy is really lucky."

"The Stone of Destiny has become increasingly rare over the years, and even I don't have one."

Laner said.

The next moment, before Chen Mu could speak, Laner spoke again: "Do you know how to become a level five wizard?"

Hearing this, Chen Mu shook his head.

Although he has become a fourth-level wizard, he is still a little unfamiliar with the fifth-level wizard Chen Mu.

He only knew that if he wanted to become a level five wizard, he had to find a way.

Otherwise, no matter how much time it takes, you will not be able to become a level five wizard.

Moreover, Laner's question also made Chen Mu a little confused.

He had just become a fourth-level wizard, but he didn't expect that the first question Laner asked was a fifth-level wizard.

And Laner didn't seem to be surprised at all that he became a fourth-level wizard.

If there were any other emotions, maybe it was just some interest.

"It's very simple to become a level five wizard. Once your mental power reaches its limit, you can then integrate it into a rule."

Laner said.


Chen Mu spoke curiously.

This was the first time he heard this word.

He has read a lot of books. After becoming a third-level wizard, almost all the books in the Sea of ​​Watch are open to him.

But in the books he read, there was no word for rules.

This also shows that this is more or less a secret.

"Yes, rules represent a unique path."

"Each fifth-level wizard can only integrate into one rule. Similarly, each rule only supports the integration of one fifth-level wizard."

Laner said.

But the next moment, Lan Er's words made Chen Mu's face change slightly.

"I have an ownerless rule that I can give you."

ps: Thank you everyone for reading, I love you~

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