The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 88 Hogwarts was destroyed by rumors

School doctor's office.

Dumbledore carefully examined Twain's injuries.

"How is it?" Snape asked first. He suspected that Voldemort had modified Tang En's memory.

That's the Dark Lord's specialty.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "It's a very serious injury. Even if you wake up, I'm afraid it will be difficult to return to normal in a short time."

Snape frowned slightly.

Shaking his head meant that Tang En's memory had not been modified.

This is never a good thing.

Because that means Voldemort has other means.

Snape glanced at Dumbledore.

Voldemort's opponent this time is Dumbledore, so Voldemort must not be viewed in the same light as in the past.

"Albus, what is going on?" Professor McGonagall asked in a stern tone.

The school's professor was attacked in the Forbidden Forest, and this matter must not be revealed easily.

The person who was attacked this time was a professor, and the person who will be attacked next time may be a student.

No, students have already been attacked.

"Is it the same person who attacked Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall asked immediately.

"I think so."

Dumbledore did not deny, "The castle is facing a major threat, and we must protect everyone in the castle."

Professor McGonagall nodded seriously, "I will inform the students not to act alone, and I will also arrange for professors to patrol the castle to ensure the safety of the students."

Flitwick looked up at Dumbledore, "Any clues?"

"This time, I will take action myself." Dumbledore said no more, turned and walked out of the school doctor's office.

Snape thought for a moment and left with Dumbledore.

Principal room.

Snape showed a hint of sarcasm, "It seems that recent events have been beyond your control."

Dumbledore took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with a tired look.

I can’t say it was out of control, I can only say it was completely unexpected.

The night Harry and Ron visited the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore was ready to solve everything.

But who would have thought...

Harry didn't even enter the Forbidden Forest.

In fact, in Dumbledore's vision, Andy was also included in this operation.

Andy still seems to have a sense of justice. At the same time, he has a personal grudge against Quirrell and is friends with Ron and Harry. Coupled with the passionate conflict between young people and their curiosity about the Forbidden Forest...

For various reasons, Andy should easily accept Harry's invitation and let the three of them explore the Forbidden Forest together.

Unexpectedly, Andy had no such idea at all.

"It was indeed my mistake."

Dumbledore did not shirk responsibility, "I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

Snape frowned slightly, "Are you planning to take action yourself?"

Dumbledore looked up at Snape, what else? Are you coming?

Snape looked away, he didn't want to face the Dark Lord face to face.

"You weren't originally...?" Snape asked tentatively.

After more than a semester of observation, Snape had already discovered Dumbledore's purpose.

Although he was a little unhappy, he had to admit that Dumbledore was right.

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, "Let's find another opportunity later."

Harry is still too immature now.

Snape glanced at Dumbledore. Now that Dumbledore had decided to take action personally, the failure of Quirrell and Voldemort was already doomed.

It seems... there's nothing to worry about anymore.

Thinking of this, Snape turned and left.

Dumbledore sat alone in a chair, staring at the table calmly, but there was unstoppable worry in his brows.

If Harry never grows up, then Voldemort's resurrection must be delayed.

But the problem is, Dumbledore doesn't know how long he can hold on.

He is one hundred and ten years old.

Aged body, slow reaction...

Even if his magic power has not weakened and he still has the elder wand, one of the Deathly Hallows, in his hand, he is not sure whether he still has the ability to suppress the resurrected Voldemort.

Ravenclaw common room.

"Malfoy was attacked last school year, and Professor Tang En was attacked this school year... Do you really believe what Dumbledore said?"

"I heard that Professor Tang En was seriously injured. If he encountered a dangerous creature in the Forbidden Forest, even if he couldn't defeat it with the professor's strength, he shouldn't have suffered such serious injuries."

"You mean he can still run?"

"That's right! The Forbidden Forest is not far from the castle. The professor can run back and ask other professors for help."

"I heard that Professor Tang En was also attacked by black magic."

"Who do you think they were who attacked Malfoy and Professor Tang En?"


There was a lot of chatter in the lounge.

Two attacks that occurred more than four months apart were linked together, and various conspiracy theories followed.

"Andy, who do you think attacked them?"

Andy's roommate Anthony said confidently, "Maybe it's Harry! I heard from the Gryffindor people that the last time Harry was injured was because he secretly went to the Forbidden Forest."

Another roommate, Terry, asked, "Who did you listen to?"

Michael was thoughtful, "You mean, Harry set a trap in the Forbidden Forest? But why did he attack Professor Tang En?"

Anthony spread his hands and said, "Who knows! He defeated the mysterious man. Maybe he did it to practice some kind of black magic."

Hermione walked over from the girl's side, "I have heard no less than ten conspiracy theories, and some people said that the person who attacked Professor Tang En was Professor Snape, because Professor Snape always wanted to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Andy: "..."

Maybe one day Hogwarts will be destroyed by rumors.

"Leave them alone."

Andy said weakly: "The truth will come out one day. We just have to wait patiently."

"Andy, do you think...should we do something?" Hermione said with great interest.

"Why do you think so?"

Andy looked panicked, "We are only first-year wizards. Even if we want to help, I'm afraid we can only cause trouble for the professors."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Andy angrily, "I'm not Gryffindor, how could I run to stop Quirrell alone?"

Andy immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

People are affected by their environment. Hermione and Andy have been together for a long time, so naturally she will no longer be as reckless as she was in the original work.

"What do you want to do?" Andy asked curiously.

Hermione leaned closer and lowered her voice and said, "If it was Professor Tang En who was attacked by Quirrell, then his hiding place will be exposed."

Andy nodded, that's what happened.

"If he still wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, what do you think he will do next?" Hermione asked.

Andy shook his head, how could I know what Quirrell was thinking.

Hermione covered her mouth with her hands and said mysteriously: "Have you forgotten Malfoy?"

Andy raised an eyebrow, Malfoy?

Hermione had a 'You're so stupid' look on her face, "If Quirrell could hide in the Forbidden Forest, why did he attack Malfoy?"

Andy stood up suddenly!

Hermione's words reminded herself that the reason why Quirrell attacked Malfoy might not be as simple as she thought before.

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