The Witcher

Chapter 372: Support team


At this moment, there was a violent sound, and I saw the black giant snake in front of Lin Meng. The tail of the snake violently twitched, and the black snake shadow cast by the orc woman burst open, exposing the two serpentine scimitars inside. The orc woman took it back with an ugly expression.

At this time, the black giant snake suddenly turned into a black air and dissipated, revealing a man with a hook nose wearing a black robe inside.

"Master Purus!" Looking at the man's figure, Lin Meng's expression moved, and he immediately saluted behind him.

Just when the black giant snake suddenly appeared before, Lin Meng had already recognized the identity of the wizard who had come. He was the second-level wizard of his own tower, Lord'Black Snake' Prussian.

At the same time, Lin Meng's eyes scanned the entire battlefield calmly, and he noticed that there were ten more powerful auras on the battlefield.

"Well, Teacher Ola is also here!!"

"Master Major, and Master Frank..."

Suddenly, Lin Meng's expression changed, and he immediately recognized the identities of several of the powerful figures, who turned out to be the second-level wizards of the'Black Thorns' Tower, including his own teacher.

As for the remaining second-level wizards, Lin Meng can only guess secretly that they should be sent by Lord Constance from the "Black Knight", but I don't know if they are the wizards of the tower of the "Hell" or the "Dark Council". Of the other tower wizards.

"Your Excellency?"

Seeing the blood-red figure that suddenly appeared next to him, the Wizard of Halls couldn't help but look shocked. He hurriedly flashed his figure, pulled away from the opponent, and looked at the blood-colored man with a guarded face and asked.

"I'm Roderick the Scarlet Tower!!"

Seeing the white-bearded wizard with a cautious look, Roderick's blood-red eyes rolled up and he didn't have a good air.

"A few of us are here to support at the order of Lord Constance!!"

"It turns out to be a friend of the'Dark Council', I am the'Blair League' Halls." Hearing this, Halls couldn't help being overjoyed, a light flashed across his face.

Then he saw Roderick's eyes condensed, staring at the old orc man who had stopped his hands at this moment, and smiled sternly.

"Unexpectedly, you are planning to sneak attack on this supply point. I don't know where you got the information. Knowing the specific location of the supply point here, could it be said that there are spies of your orcs in the'Blair' alliance?"

"Hmph, no comment!!" Hearing this, the orc old man's complexion sank and said coldly.

"You and my clan are real feuds, so you don't have to think about arguing from your own people!!"

The old orc man had no expression on his face, but his heart was very gloomy at this moment. The majestic mental power of the old orc lightly swept across the entire supply point, and he felt the aura of the second-level wizard of the eleven human race.

Except for Halls, who was originally responsible for the daily operation of the entire supply point, he unexpectedly had the powerful aura of ten second-level wizards, which made the old orc's heart sink suddenly, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

"Could it be that Turua betrayed me behind?" Suddenly the orc old man was startled and thought with some suspicion.

"Impossible, unless Turua does not want the secret of'Bear's Fury' either." Soon, the old orc denied the suspicion in his heart again.

"What is the reason that the wizards of the'Blair' Alliance knew that they were going to attack this human stronghold?" The orc old man couldn't help furrowing his brows and thinking hard.

Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of the key to the problem. It turned out to be Lin Meng, an inconspicuous first-level wizard. After once again stumbled upon the existence of an orc in the supply point, he would directly notify a third-level wizard of this matter. wizard.

And the third-level wizard immediately sent a wizard team composed of ten second-level wizards to come to support. However, after consultation with ten second-level wizards in the team, two wizards were dispatched in turn every night to be on duty near the supply point, and the rest would be notified as soon as possible.

In the beginning, the two wizards who were on duty tonight, when Lin Meng shot those ‘bursting talisman arrows’, they already knew that the supply point had been attacked. However, in order not to stun the snake and start the orcs away, the two wizards waited until the others came to reunite before quickly rushing to join the battle group.

This was the scene of the black giant snake transformed by the Prussian wizard, and the black snake shadow war transformed by the orc woman's beast soul secret technique.

Seeing the old orc man facing him, he didn't know what he was thinking, his brows were deeply frowned, and he didn't care about his question, Roderick couldn't help but flash a cold light in his eyes.

"Well, since Roderick is unwilling to cooperate, he will do it. When these orcs fall into my hands, naturally there are means to let the other party tell what we want to know!!"

At this moment, not far from a few people, the wizard Ola, who had never made a sound, interrupted the conversation between the two, and saw a flash of black light in his hand, a ball of light filled with rich dark elements. Appeared in its hands.

Then the wizard Aura waved his hand and saw the ball of light in his hand. With a ‘shoo’, it turned into a black streamer and shot towards the old orc man.

"Do it!!"

Seeing Wizard Aura's voice fell, he immediately started his hand. The other wizards who Lin Meng didn't know also sank, with strong waves of wizardry in their hands, and they attacked the other four second-level orcs one after another.

"Link, take care of yourself, the battle group here is not something you can intervene."

Seeing the wizard Pruss suddenly turned his head and said to Lin Meng, after finishing speaking, Pruss was full of black energy and turned into a huge black snake with a length of more than ten feet.

The black snake man stood The huge body penetrated the sky, and a fierce aura far superior to the previous one came from the black snake's huge body.

Being so far apart, Lin Meng felt a sense of horror, enough to see that Prussian wizard's ‘shadow snake body’ witchcraft was much better than before.

Lin Meng immediately thought that the crystal nucleus of the second-level creature'Dark Python' that the Wizard of Pruss had originally won from Richard's Blessing of God must have a lot to do with it.


The black giant snake screamed, and the huge body was retracted and turned into a black lightning, which brought up a huge momentum of overwhelming mountains and seas, and gusts of fishy winds rushed towards the orc woman on the opposite side.

At the same time, Lin Meng had just fallen off the previous Prussian wizard's voice, and the golden wings slammed wildly behind him. Within a few breaths, Lin Meng had been far away from the battlefields of several second-level wizards.

Flying in the sky, Lin Meng got a breath of respite at this moment. He raised his head and swept across the battlefield. At this moment, the other wizards in the supply point were refreshed because of the strong support, and they resisted the orc's offensive for a while. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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