The Witcher

Chapter 118: Ash Warlock

"Puff!" Under the angrily attacking his heart, Zoe's face turned pale, and he immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, his breath became more wilted, his complexion collapsed on the ground, and he looked at Lin Meng and behind him as he approached step by step. The'Dark Flame Knight'. 【】

"Don't kill me!! Please..."

"Kacha!!" With a soft sound, the "Dark Flame Knight" behind Lin Meng moved, and suddenly disappeared from behind Lin Meng and appeared in front of Zoe. The crossed giant sword in his hand brought a cold wind. Passing Zoe's neck, Zoe immediately separated his head and died on the spot. His eyes were still open until he died, and he seemed extremely unwilling.

Looking at the head that rolled to his feet with his eyes open, Lin Meng's mouth curled in disdain. With a flick of his fingers, a spark turned the head on the ground into ashes. Lin Meng walked to Zoe's body, touched him, took out the space bag in his arms, and then turned Zoe's body into ashes.

"Huh!!" Holding Zoe's space bag, Lin Meng took out a trace of mental energy and peeked in, and found that apart from a pile of magic stones and two demonized items, there was only a pile of debris, but There are two notebooks in it, Lin Meng is very interested.

"Encyclopedia of Elemental Creature Activation, "Elementary Puppet Technique"..." Lin Meng's mind moved, and two notes appeared in his hands. Looking at the well-preserved animal skin notebook in his hand, Lin Meng couldn't help being overjoyed.

Looking through it casually, Lin Meng found that all the notes in the notes were all about the knowledge of'puppet technique' and'elements activation', and now calmly put the two notes in his space bag. Lin Meng has wanted to dabble in this knowledge for a long time, but there are very few wizards in Black Thorns who are willing to sell this knowledge, and the price is extremely expensive, Lin Meng has no good way for a time. , I originally planned to go back and take this opportunity to buy from the Bikoron Wizard after the mission was completed, but considering that the Bikolun Wizard has recently focused on breaking through the bottleneck, I am afraid there is no time to impart this knowledge.

"Unexpectedly, I was lucky, unexpectedly, this is also a surprise!!" Lin Meng couldn't help but secretly thought, feeling very happy with this harvest.

"Wow... Wow..." Suddenly a sound of armor rubbing came from the surroundings. It seemed that many soldiers arrived. Lin Meng frowned, and his mental energy surged, and the situation around him instantly poured into the air. ', watching the soldiers rushing from all directions, the movement of the Marquis Mansion tonight has alarmed the army in the city. Lin Meng had no intention of having any trouble with him. When he moved his figure, he disappeared into the dark night with the'dark flame knight' behind him... …

It didn’t take long before the news of the disappearance of Adeline Como and Linton Como, father and son, came out in the city of Itif, which shocked the whole province of Lucca, and the whole province began to become strictly guarded. Tiff City is even more turbulent, and the in and out check is extremely strict. At this time, Lin Meng had already caught up with the Kerry Knight and his party and disappeared in the wilderness. Not long afterwards, the children of the Marquis of Adeline began a new struggle because of the inheritance rights of the province of Lucca and the marquis, and no one paid attention to the disappearance of his father and Linton...

For three months, Lin Meng and his party finally returned to the Red Fort in a humble manner.

"Ah...cough, where is...?" Adeline Cuomo, who had just woke up from a coma, looked at the dark and damp wall around him, and was very confused for a while, where he was.

"Adeline Cuomo, I didn't expect that there will be a day when I will be captured by my husband, ha!!!" Suddenly, Duke Niss' proud voice sounded, and it reached Adeline Cuomo's ears. Looking at the dirty Marquis Adeline with his hands tied back, Grand Duke Niss flashed a pleasant chuckle on her face.

Sure enough, the next moment, Adeline Cuomo's face changed drastically, and he remembered the scene before he lost consciousness. It was in the Marquis House of Itif City that he was assassinated, and the words just now vaguely resembled Niss Cuomo. Talking.

Feeling the sense of weakness coming from her body, Adeline Cuomo raised her head hard, and saw Niss Cuomo, that delicate and majestic face was looking at herself triumphantly, and she was still standing behind her. A knight in armor.

"Nice, niece, uncle is also worried about lard, so I want to be a big duke, this time my uncle is really wrong, and I don't dare to do it anymore, you just forgive my uncle this time!!" After a while, engage in it. Adeline Cuomo, who knew what he was in, her complexion changed continuously, green for a while, white for a while, and finally for a while, Adeline Cuomo, like a child who had done something wrong, admitted to Niss in a low voice that he was wrong. Apologize, play the emotional card.

"Haha, my dear Uncle Adeline, don't you think of me as a three-year-old child!! Do you think there is still a chance to get out of here in this life?" Looking at the poor-looking Adeline Cuomo , Grand Duke Niss said with a pointed corner of her mouth.

"What...what do you mean? This...this is...the "Black Prison" of the Red Fort?" Adeline Cuomo frowned and looked around, suddenly seeming to recognize where this is. Changed in horror.

"So, Uncle Adeline, you can take care of your care here. For the sake of the ancestors of the Cuomo family, I will save you!" After speaking, Grand Duke Niss turned around and left without looking back. .

"Nice Cuomo, you have no right to dispose of me like this. As a direct bloodline of the Cuomo family, I request the arbitration of the family elders to start!!"

"Woo..." A moment later, Grand Duke Niss's figure had long since disappeared, and Adeline Cuomo was still yelling hoarsely, and the jailer with a face full of impatience was immediately on her stomach. Punch hard.

A year later, Lin Meng quietly left the Red Fort under the watchful eyes of Duke Nisi and Xiao Linke...

"Huh..., this is the'Sakur' volcano?" Lin Meng spent three more months on the road after leaving the Red Fort, and returned to Lucca Province. Of course, this time he didn't come to trouble him. It was Lin Meng who obtained a treasure map of the ancient "Ember Warlock" Lius from Niss Cuomo. Turi shows that Lius, the ‘Ember Warlock’, had a temporary laboratory on a volcano called ‘Sakur’ in the Kara Mountains in Lucca Province. This discovery made Lin Meng overjoyed.

You must know that in the ancient times, Lius, the Ashen Warlock, was also a very famous third-level wizard. It was a legendary existence. Even if it was a temporary laboratory, the benefits of it might not be enjoyed by Lin Meng today. Exhausted.

In the past year, except for necessary meditations and some experiments, Lin Meng spent all his time with Duke Niss and Link. Under Lin Meng’s systematic teaching, Link’s strength has improved by leaps and bounds. , So that the surrounding Kerry Knights and others were all surprised by Little Link’s talent. Kerry Knight even expressed his willingness to accept Link as his disciple, because he had faintly seen that a great ruler would appear in the history of the Principality of Como. ——Link Cuomo.

Lin Meng will also know all the stories, books, or various governance policies, whether with bright or obscure political colors, that he knows in his mind, as well as battles of all sizes on the earth for thousands of years, and some unheard of. All the strange anecdotes were systematically sorted out by the earth, and then Lin Meng recorded them and compiled them into a book. Fortunately, Lin Meng knows how to witchcraft, or let him copy it by hand. One year is definitely not enough. Watching a few uncontrolled quill pens write quickly, Lin Meng is holding a cup of coffee while drinking with relish.

Seeing Lin Meng put so much effort into the two sons, it was as if he had emptied all of himself and taught Link everything he knew, whether it was politics, military affairs, or how he looked at problems. Dealing with problems, even after reading some of the books mentioned by Lin Meng, Grand Duke Niss began to have a different vision to re-examine the problems he had dealt with before, and found that he could actually handle better, even his own Political perspectives are beginning to become more far-reaching and thorough!

Grand Duke Niss immediately put these books written by Lin Meng on the shelf and strictly guarded them, and kept them in his own private library. People who waited for a while would not be able to get close to them. Mainly because of this era, there are very few people who talk about politics and military affairs. Going to write a book and say that even if there are a few isolated books, they are still at a very simple stage, how can they be compared with the theoretical arguments of various systems on the earth.

Between the two, Link became more natural and kind because of Lin Meng's spare no effort to teach Lin Meng, especially between the bedclothes, Duke Niss was gentle to Lin Meng and greeted Lin Meng, Lin Meng felt that Duke Niss was only then. I completely accepted him and let go of some grievances they had once had.

One night six months ago, Grand Duke Niss, who had been wary of Lin Meng, suddenly mysteriously took out a treasure chest made of precious wood from the underground storage room of the Cuomo family. The chest was small and the size of a ruler. However, the performance of the box is exquisitely carved, with various gems embedded, radiant and luxurious.

But seeing Grand Duke Niss put the box on the table, took out a key from her neck, and opened the box, there was a burst of jewellery, and the whole study room was shining brightly. I saw three or five rare treasures with peculiar shapes and exquisite workmanship inside.

But Grand Duke Nisi didn't even look at it. He pulled these things aside, and under Lin Meng's bewildered gaze, he pulled out an extremely old yellowed animal skin from the bottom of the box and handed it to Lin Meng.

Lin Meng took a look at the animal skins, and saw some very weird and disorderly lines drawn on it, with mountains and rivers, and at first it felt like a treasure map. Lin Meng frowned and looked at it for a long time without any clue. In desperation, he had to give up and turned to look at the material of the animal skin, but Lin Meng also spent a long time and still didn't recognize what animal skin it was. As a last resort, Lin Meng had to raise the animal skin in his hand and asked Duke Niss.

"What is this? Treasure map?" (To be continued.)

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