In the live broadcast room.

Ning Chen’s computer.

Those screenshot pictures, as Ning Chen flipped, became faster and faster.


Five of the photos were selected.

Ning Chen put these five photos together.

All turned on.

After zooming in to the appropriate size.

Arrange these five photos on the computer desktop.

Clarity is incomparable.

This moment!

The whole live broadcast room.

The barrage suddenly disappeared!

All of them!

I saw five photos on the computer desktop that were open and arranged in a row!


A cold breath shrouded all the viewers in the entire live broadcast room!

Half a day.

Finally, a barrage emerged.

[Oh my God…]

[This, Sunshine Big Boy??] 】

[What is this…]

[I finally know what he’s doing…”

[Oh my God… He could actually discover such details! 】

[I stubbornly slammed me! 】

[What the hell is this!!! ……】

[Mud horse! You can actually come up with these things??! 】

on the computer.

Ning Chen, five photos arranged in one word.

In fact, there is only one content.

It’s all a close-up screenshot of that Lee Seoin’s eyes!

Previously, according to the slide mode, no viewer in the live broadcast room noticed anything wrong with Li Seo’s eyes.

Until just now.

When Ning Chen, from a large number of photo screenshots, after screening out five.

The audience still didn’t find any problems.

But at this moment.

But Ning Chen! After opening all five photos, in a sequence, and placed side by side.

All of them!

This is where an amazing detail was discovered!

These five photos.

From left to right, if ABCDE, respectively.

In the A: In the photo, Li Seo’s eyes, the direction of the eyes, are low-dropped.

Because these photos are taken from video clips of him playing and singing to himself.

So in this photo, it is clear that his eyes should be looking in the direction of the guitar in his hand.

In photo B, Li Seo’s eyes, suddenly forward.

But instead of looking in the direction of the camera.

If you look in the direction of the camera, the audience should also feel that these eyes are looking at the audience when they look at his eyes in this photo.

In this photo, Li Seo’s eyes are looking ahead.

But look at the direction 60 degrees from the left ahead.

And after putting the AB photos together.

You will find that although the eyes in photo A are lowered, the gaze is very soft.

In photo B, the eyes looking at the direction of 60 degrees ahead are obviously a little surprised.

Immediately following, next to the C photo.

It showed a very terrifying look.

This kind of look is impossible to detect in a video.

But now, after being intercepted by Ning Chen and placed with several other photos, the contrast suddenly became obvious.

The look in this photo is also not looking at the camera.

Instead, he swept to the right, and this look… With a sense of viciousness, and anger!

It seems that he gave the order with his eyes, and others did not complete this order in the first place, so it caused his anger.

Next to the C photo, are the D and E photos.

In the D photo, Li Seo’s eyes are a little flustered.

And when it came to the E photo next to it, these eyes returned to their previous simplicity and kindness, became much softer, and returned to normal.

No one.

To be able to see this subtle difference between the eyes in such a long video.

Only Ning Chen.

He not only discovered, but also took the corresponding screenshot from it.

Find all five of the photos and arrange them in a single order.

To do this is simply unimaginable.

Generally low-quality network conditions.

A second of video is about 15 to 20fps.

What is FPS?

It’s actually quite easy to understand.

A video, every second of video content, is composed of multiple photos, coherent, which forms a moving picture of the video, each photo, can be called a frame.

And in this second of video, the more photos – that is, the more frames, the more detailed the video picture.

FPS, on the other hand, is the number of frames that can be transmitted over the network in one second.

This playback of Ning Chen’s live broadcast tonight is a saved high-definition video.

To ensure smooth video, the fps must be at least 30, that is, at least 30 frames of photos in one second of video content.

If it is too low than this standard, the video will be stuttered, and those stuck ghosts when playing games are actually lagging caused by network latency.

Ning Chen’s playback video is much higher than this value, which is greater than 60 frames.

In the live replay, the content of Li Seo’s singing is at least two minutes.

Two minutes is 120 seconds.

The total frame rate for 120 seconds is 7200!

That’s 7200 pictures!

7200 almost identical pictures!!

Ning Chen, the series of operations just now was from these 7,200 almost identical pictures…

Screened out these five!

In the live broadcast room, the old irons who did not understand just lamented the fineness of the anchor’s observation power to pick up light.

But the old irons who understand all sent barrages at this time.

What a great insight it must be to be in the not-so-so-long period of time just now.

From the 7,200 pictures, how about sifting through these five eye photos with only minor differences?!

This is simply a demon-level insight!

And only after the streamer has done this.

Three million online viewers in the live broadcast room at this moment.

The moment I saw this arrangement and combination of these five photos, a shock enveloped everyone in an instant.

These five eyes are absolutely unnatural!

A shy young man who behaved so simple and sunny in the evening live broadcast of Lian Mai.

At this moment, such a strange, suspicious look erupted…

This shy northerner!

Definitely problematic!

At the same time.

Tokai City Bureau.

Police officers watching this live broadcast.

Saw this scene.

Also direct, gasped.

They all whispered.

“This Li Sei ointment, why do you have such eyes?”

“This look – with my experience in fighting criminals for so many years! I pack tickets, this guy must not be a good guy! ”

“Don’t say too dead, the eyes may not say anything.”

“He… Is it to filter the video content, and then compare it for a while, and then find it? ”

Everyone, just thought it was incredible.

And among the cadres and police, they still know the technology in this regard.

In the eyes of the police, this work is difficult to complete by manpower.

In most cases, through artificial intelligence programs, clues may be discovered.

But artificial intelligence comparison procedures, to compare such subtle details, there will be omissions.

And this Ning Chen.

Actually completely!

It is through the naked eye, and!

Just open the picture on your computer to compare!

In just a few moments, this result was actually presented!

It’s just… Incredible!

Of course, some people say, “You can’t just say that people have a problem by comparing a few eyes, right?” ”

“According to psychology, some people may have their eyes wander due to nervousness or other psychological reasons when facing the camera camera, among which it is normal to occasionally appear some eye details that look strange and even easy to make people associate.”

“Yes, and I look at this Li Sei paste, at least he shows in front of the camera, is a simple feeling, this kind of person, may also be a little shy, so it just happens to be in line with that psychology.”

“You can’t say that one of your eyes doesn’t look like a good person, so you’re a criminal, right?”

Everyone chatted like this.

Zhao Mengmeng listened to the comments of the others.

She naturally understands the truth of this.

Yes, relying on the look of the eyes, you can determine the guilt or innocence, which is really absurd.

However, at this time.

Live screen.

Ning Chen’s computer content did not stop because of this.

He’s still ongoing.

Next, Ning Chen showed a new discovery on the computer.

Let everyone, on this night.

Instantly, there was a creepy feeling!

(PS: These chapters are derived from real cases, readers can now go to Douyin to search for ‘Li Sai Balm’ (‘paste’ is ‘high’), the account with 188.8W fans clicked into the homepage to see, 152 works pulled down to the last, the work released at 21:46 on November 22, 20, the cover is a string of short Thai that work, the number of likes is 5.3W.) Notice the background sound near the end. Then take a look at the comment section below that piece. After this matter was followed for a while that year, it suddenly disappeared. This account still exists in Douyin. )

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