The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 071. An impromptu dinner party

At dinner time, when Scott and his roommates came to the auditorium, they found that there was something different here.

The food on the long table was extraordinarily rich, and all the teachers and staff from the school came together for the first time.

"What's going on here?"

They heard other students discussing.

"Halloween has just passed and there's another dinner party?"

"What the hell, maybe something good will happen?"

"Good thing? You mean Filch the cat was killed by Potter?"

"Don't you know, that cat is not dead at all!"

Scott saw Eddie's "Everyone is drunk but I am sober" expression and whispered to him: "Hey, Scott, this is definitely a celebration of our victory."

Roger smiled and said: "I think if there is any praise later, it will definitely not include you, Eddie."

"I don't care, let's give those conspicuous honors to Scott." Eddie shrugged, "In my line of work, the most important rule is to keep a low profile."

Scott listened to his words and shook his head in amusement.

He wanted to ask Eddie what his line of work was.

But more and more students passed by them, making them stop talking.

They walked over to the long Ravenclaw table and sat down, greeting those sitting nearby.

Scott heard that many Ravenclaw students were still discussing what happened before.

Whether it was the magic that petrified the cat or the magic that left indelible glowing writing on the wall, they were all interested in studying it.

"It's another dinner party. I don't know when I can leave." Milton suddenly said in a daze.

Scott turned to look at him, "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Milton smiled vaguely again.

Scott could see that his mind had wandered to nowhere.

At this time, Roger said to Milton with a serious face: "Are you eager to go to the classical music club to listen to that piece of unknown origin? I have already said that you'd better stop doing this."

"I also said, she is harmless, she is just a piece of beautiful music!" Milton said stubbornly, "Or you can try to convince your girlfriend."

"Hey! I'm worried about you!" Roger looked at him dissatisfied.

Milton's face softened, "Thank you, Roger, but we know what we are doing. You really don't have to worry, you know, you don't even understand music."

Roger looked at him in surprise when he heard this, "You..."

Ding ding ding.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall, who was sitting on the teacher's bench, knocked on the goblet.

"Quiet," she said, "Professor Dumbledore has something to say to you."

Roger was forced to interrupt his words. He looked a little unhappy.


Dumbledore had stood up and coughed twice.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I advocate holding tonight's dinner mainly because I want to tell you some good news."

Hearing what he said, the students on the four long tables became a little restless. They like to hear good news.

Only a few students who knew about it smiled knowingly.

"About the incident two days ago," Dumbledore said loudly, "Yes, about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets and the Heir."

The auditorium immediately fell silent again, and most of the students present involuntarily moved their eyes to the Slytherin table.

The faces of the Slytherin students became a little ugly, but they all deliberately sat with their backs straight.

Only Malfoy's two bulky lackeys were busy stealing food from the table.

Dumbledore seemed not to notice the students' reactions and continued to speak loudly: "Mrs. Norris, that poor cat is petrified."

Scott saw Filch standing in the corner covering his face in sadness.

"But we can treat it quickly."

Dumbledore turned to look at the chubby witch in the teacher's chair who looked very kind.

"As long as the mandrake cultivated by Professor Sprout matures, we can save it."

Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff House and professor of Herbology, nodded to the students.

But most of the students didn't care what happened to that damn cat. They urged Dumbledore with their eyes, expecting him to say something more exciting.

"Oh, it seems you want to hear about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets."

Dumbledore nodded, looking very talkative.

"Forgive me, I get a little wordy as I get older."

He continued: "Of course, today's dinner is to celebrate that we have completely eliminated the threat of the secret room."

He seemed to be deliberately trying to whet his appetite, which aroused dissatisfaction among many students. They even started banging on the table in protest.


Professor McGonagall said loudly.

She glanced around sternly, and the students immediately fell silent again.

Dumbledore took the opportunity to pick up the cup and take a sip of the drink before continuing to speak.

"Someone...yes, I already know the truth of the matter."

He put down the cup in his hand.

"A person with malicious intentions secretly put a dark magic item belonging to Voldemort into the campus. That evil magic item controlled a certain student in the school. This is the truth of the matter."

When he said the name "Voldemort", the auditorium became silent.

Scott even saw many students shuddering involuntarily and turning pale.

"Here, I need to praise a few students." Dumbledore continued as if nothing had happened.

Scott suddenly had a bad feeling.

No way, to praise publicly?

He felt that this was a troublesome matter, very troublesome.

"First, Mr. Trollope from Ravenclaw, and the two Mr. Weasleys from Gryffindor." Dumbledore named three people.

The students of Ravenclaw looked at Scott curiously, wanting to know what he had done.

Scott sat in his seat without moving.

He turned his head to look at Gryffindor, Fred and George had stood up proudly and waved at him.

"Oh, please call us George and Fred, professor." George said to Dumbledore.

Fred pointed to their other two brothers, "There are four Mr. Weasleys here!"

The students of Gryffindor laughed, and Dumbledore smiled and nodded to them.

"These three smart gentlemen helped find important clues to solve this incident. For this, I will give them 100 points each!" He led the applause when he said this.

Scott couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't say what they did specifically.

If people knew that he was the one who made the "Shock Body" that shocked the entire Hogwarts, he might have to fight to the death with Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

"Scott, what did you find?"

"Scott, tell us!"

The people sitting around Scott started asking.

"No, we were just lucky to encounter some clues..." Scott answered perfunctorily.

While Scott was busy dealing with the curious Ravenclaws, Dumbledore began to praise Potter again.

"Harry Potter, he bravely joined an adventurous battle that I and two other professors participated in, and risked his life to provide us with great help in the process."

Dumbledore said happily.

"For this, I will give him 200 points!"

At the long table of Gryffindor, the students immediately cheered loudly.


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