The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 574 574. Medea's End


Scott reminded Savannah.

"Medea may still have a one-time magic stone in her hand, which even has a bonus to the death curse."

Savannah smiled, "Don't worry, the Death Curse is useless to me."

Scott glanced at her in surprise, but didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, "Aaron" who had been silent until now opened his mouth to speak.

"I didn't expect that it would end up in this situation."

As he spoke, white porcelain flowed on the surface of "his" skin like liquid.

When "he" is completely covered in white, his appearance directly changes into the appearance of Medea herself.

Scott smiled slightly, "No matter how good your plan is, you can't keep up with the changes. I struggled very hard."


Medea laughed.

"This is not a struggle. After all, I underestimated you."

Scott nodded in agreement, "That's what happened. Of course, you also underestimated your father."

"No, you still don't quite understand my plan. I have never underestimated him."

Medea said seriously.

"I have always believed that when it comes to your father, no matter how overestimating it is, you can never overestimate him."

"I see."

Scott finally understood.

"You do not have 100% confidence in the tampering of magic rituals. Taking Aaron's body is your real back-up plan."

"You're wrong again."

Medea shook her head.

"The key is that you escaped the magic ritual. Within the magic ritual at that time, the three-party wrestling situation was the most stable. Even the father could not escape."

In other words, the plan to take Aaron's body was just an extra layer of insurance.

Scott asked, "I want to know when King Arthur's knight's spear and Mordred's resentment in the spear were arranged?"

"Do you think I have a chance of entering Avalon before this?"

Medea smiled meaningfully.

"If I could come in, I wouldn't have arranged for Zabini to marry Graves."

"Is that so?"

Scott glanced at Savannah.

"It seems we moved too slowly after entering Avalon."

"That's right."

Medea simply told the origin of the knight's spear.

"The knight's spear that King Arthur used to kill Mordred was once a collection of the Gaunt family. Mordred's blood-stained resentment was cultivated by me for more than a thousand years before it was finally put to use."

"You rushed ahead of us and arranged that silent forest in advance!"

Of course, Savannah didn't have a good look on Medea who destroyed the forest.

"It was you who placed the pollutants in the stream in advance, driving away other beasts and contaminating the entire herd of unicorns!"

Medea nodded and admitted, "In order to accomplish this, I sacrificed several of my men."

Savannah said: "It only takes a short time to destroy. Do you know how many years it will take for that forest to recover?"

Medea looked at her expressionlessly and did not answer.

Obviously, she was not interested in the topic and didn't bother to answer.

Feeling the drastic changes in magic power fluctuations around Savannah, Scott said: "Calm down."

He had already noticed that as a druid priest, Savannah had better not have too many emotional fluctuations, otherwise it would affect her own strength.

Savannah heard his reminder and took a few deep breaths.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief when he felt that her magic power fluctuations had calmed down.

"I'll hold her back for a while."

At this time, Savannah walked directly to Scott.

"You finish her off in one go!"

This was to buy time for his "Gangnir".

Scott had no objections.


He cast the spell first, but the target was not himself or Savannah.

But three people including Medea.

This is to prevent Medea from deliberately destroying [Clair Eye].

The structure of such a magic device is undoubtedly very sophisticated.

Medea had already broken its own magical protection before, and now only a small amount of damage was needed to cause the entire device to be scrapped.

In short, Scott suddenly took action, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them were already in an independent space, and they were relatively far away from each other.

At the same time, the long wooden staff in Savannah's hand had been raised.

Under the green light, a small forest rose from the ground.

This was not over yet. When the trees grew up, they sprouted rough facial features under the green light, and began to move clumsily.

Savannah said to Scott, who was also casting a spell: "With these tree spirits here, we can resist for a while."

These tree spirits are similar to the "Oak Guards" that Scott once created using transformation.

The difference is that the "Oak Guard" was only changed in appearance by transfiguration and then manipulated by Scott, but these tree spirits actually changed their life forms under the influence of Savannah's spell.

But compared to Savannah's optimism, Scott didn't think these tree spirits could hold off Medea for long.

After all, they are still trees at heart, and they are clumsy.

Sure enough, the next moment, a fire broke out in the forest. Medea had broken through the defense at an extremely fast speed. She raised her hand and pointed a death curse at Scott.

Obviously, she also knows that the "Gangnir" brewing in Scott's hands is the biggest threat to her.

Scott saw the red light flashing in her left hand and knew she was holding a disposable magic stone.

"No need to hide!"

The green lightning of the Death Curse struck, and Savannah said something to Scott, and then took the initiative to greet it.

The long wooden staff in her hand hit the ground. The surrounding flowers, plants and trees all changed their life forms like tree spirits, and they actively hit the green lightning.

But with the blessing of the one-time magic stone, Medea can control the death curse very freely. The green lightning keeps turning to avoid the active collision of these plant life.

After that, the green lightning simply shot up high into the sky, and then swooped down towards where Scott was.

Savanna gave a soft drink, green light formed into fluorescent dots, and the plant life changed its shape again, giving birth to wings made of green leaves.

They separated up, down, left and right, surrounding Scott, forming a very tight protection.

Seeing that the Death Curse was unable to take effect, Medea immediately canceled the curse, waved her wand, and cast the Fire Curse instead.

With the blessing of the one-time magic stone, she is also very good at controlling Li Huo.

Under her control, Li Huo and the fire that had been ignited in the forest gathered together to form flaming beasts of different shapes, attacking Savannah and Scott.

At this time, the plant life controlled by Savanna seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and they were reduced to ashes in the fierce fire.

Savanna was a little helpless for a while and could only keep creating plants, consuming each other with Li Huo.

"That's enough time."

At this moment, Scott's whole body was shining brightly.

A spear shaped like a tree branch pierced the space.

There was no trajectory, no warning, and the spear disappeared instantly without a trace.

In an instant, all the beasts transformed by fierce fire lost their complete forms and turned into disordered flames again.

Ahead, Medea's body was clearly unharmed and no spear from "Gangnir" was visible, but cracks suddenly appeared.

Scott and Savannah looked back at the same time.

Another Medea, with her heart pierced by Gungnir, rose from the earth behind them.

Savanna said with some fear: "If you were a little slower..."

"No." Scott said calmly, "I created this different space, and the entire space is under my control."

He knew that Medea's true form was attacking from behind. If it was too late to cast "Gangnir", he would decisively interrupt the casting and choose other means to deal with it.

"You won in the end."

Medea did not die immediately.

Her expression was also very calm, without anger, and she seemed to have no unwillingness.

"fair enough."

She even smiled, very easily.

"After a thousand years, I no longer know whether what I did was out of ambition and obsession, or because of inertia."

Scott also looked at her with calm eyes and said nothing.

Medea said nothing more.

The next moment, a shattering sound was heard from behind and in front of Scott.

The skin of Medea in front of her was broken and fell off, revealing half of Aaron's face.

She finally opened her mouth and spoke out a latitude and longitude coordinate.

"The results of my lifelong research are stored there, and I will give them to you..."

After saying that, the porcelain pieces fell to the ground, revealing Aaron's body inside, and fell to the porcelain pieces on the ground.

Scott shook the wand in his hand, causing Aaron's body to fly over and float next to him.

At this time, the disordered Li Huo had surrounded them.

"Let's go."

He stretched out his hands, holding Savannah's wrist with one hand and Aaron's shoulder with the other.

With his eyes blurred, he returned to the tower with the bodies of Savannah and Aaron.

Savanna took a look at the working [Thousand Mile Eye] and walked to Aaron's body.

Scott waved his magic wand, making the "Gungnir" spear disappear.

Savanna cooperated and used magic to repair the scars on the surface of the corpse.

"You go ahead and I'll bury him."

With that said, she carried the body and walked out of the tower.

Scott watched her leave without disturbing her.

He turned around and walked to the [Thousand Mile Eye], looking up at the huge bronze "eye" suspended on the top of the device.

The magic power converged, the "eye" glowed brightly, and a series of scenes appeared in front of Scott's eyes.

But those pictures are not predictions of the next thousand years, but things that have happened in the past.

So he understood that the re-operation of [Thousand Mile Eye] at this moment was not to restore its original function, but to show the final winner the ins and outs of everything.

After an unknown amount of time, the light disappeared and the [Thousand Mile Eye] stopped operating.

Scott blinked and rubbed his temples.

After finally digesting the information he received, he turned around and walked out of the tower.

At this time, Savannah was very busy.

Busy repairing the sea of ​​​​flowers that was almost destroyed and devastated.

With the help of her magic, patches of flowers and plants that were as bright as stars grew back, filling in the scar-like empty spaces.

Scott walked quickly over and came to the big pit created by Golzan before.

At this time, a small lake has been formed here due to the water flow created by Siraine.

But this water is just stagnant water. As time goes by, it will soon dry up or become smelly.

Scott casually reached out a gem containing magic power, and the magic loop unfolded out of thin air and finally shrank into the gem.

He casually threw the gem into the lake, and a spring was formed in an instant, and the water flowed out of the spring.

After that, one magic word after another appeared under Scott's feet, and finally formed a huge magic loop covering the entire flower sea.

The terrain changed again, and the water in the lake began to flow, forming a circulating stream around the flower sea and the white tower.

"That's good."

Sawanna walked to Scott and laughed.

"Where's Aaron?"

Scott didn't find Aaron's grave.

"He has returned to nature."

Sawanna looked into the distance, at the edge of the flower sea.

Scott then noticed that there was a small oak tree there.

So he nodded.

"What about you?" Sawanna asked, "Did you gain anything?"

"The gain... is a bit big."

Scott rubbed his temple again.

For a moment, he didn't know where to start, and couldn't make a decision immediately.

"If you want to talk, I'll listen."

Sawanna cast a spell and created a set of tables and chairs made of flower vines by the lake, and sat down.

"If you can't say it, then don't say it."

"There's nothing you can't say."

Scott also sat down and reached out to take a flower from Savannah.

The white flower was like a wine cup, and inside the petals was a transparent liquid with a fragrance.

He took a sip and felt sweet and fragrant, but very light.

After drinking the flower dew, he began to tell about the past events he saw in the [Clairvoyance].

"Everything starts after King Arthur died..."

More than a thousand years ago, in the Battle of Camlann, King Arthur and the rebellious Mordred were both defeated and died together.

After King Arthur died, the nine Avalon guardian fairies headed by Morgan took his body back to Avalon for burial.

But for some reason, Morgan had a plan to resurrect King Arthur.

She recruited three fairies to carry out the plan, but was opposed by several other fairies, including the twin sisters Titon and Tito.

Four against five.

In short, the nine fairies fought against each other because of this matter.

In the end, Morgan won the final victory on the surface.

Morgan separated King Arthur's body and soul, and used the magic and destiny generated by the operation of Merlin's [Clairvoyance] to nourish and repair them respectively.

According to her plan, it only takes a hundred years for King Arthur's body and soul to recover to a perfect state, and then merge into one and completely resurrect.

With her magical attainments, she herself will not die within a hundred years.

But such a plan was not perfectly executed.

After Morgan won, she did not kill the other fairies, which led to her plan being secretly sabotaged by Titon and Tito at a critical moment.

In the end, King Arthur was the most unlucky.

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