The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 566 566. The Mystery of Origin

"I didn't expect there is such magic."

Slytherin looked down at Scott.

And Scott also tensed his nerves and maintained the highest vigilance.

Even though Slytherin's situation took a sharp turn for the worse and the thousand-year-old layout had been broken, he still showed no signs of being frustrated.

He didn't even have too many emotional fluctuations.

How could Scott not be vigilant?


At this time, Medea looked up at Slytherin's head made of black mist.

"Should we leave first?"


Slytherin turned his eyes away from Scott and looked at Medea.

"What do you think, my daughter."

Medea did not avoid his sight.

She whispered, "Father, I think we still have a lot of time to rearrange the plan."

"Rearrange the plan?" Slytherin nodded, "You make sense."

He floated down from the air and stopped beside Medea.

"Are we just going to let them go?" Savannah asked Scott unwillingly.

Scott smiled and shook his head.

"I think old Mr. Slytherin won't leave easily."

"I think so too." said the Ravenclaw in the painting.


The Slytherin over there laughed.

He looked past the Ravenclaw frame and looked at Scott.

"Why do you think so?"

"Maybe it's intuition." Scott said, "My intuition is always accurate."

As he spoke, the two spears nailed to King Arthur's body were suddenly pulled out and returned to Scott's side at a very fast speed.

Slytherin also instantly turned into a black mist and flew towards the body at a very fast speed.

Unfortunately, he was too late.

The ground suddenly cracked, like a big mouth of the abyss, swallowing King Arthur's body.

When the black mist transformed by Slytherin arrived, a magic circuit on the ground lit up, and a ball of hot flames formed a pillar of fire and soared into the sky.

The scorching temperature made the air nearby begin to distort.

When the pillar of fire fell and disappeared, the ground was full of red cracks and charred marks, and countless black particles were scattered in the air.

Slytherin, who turned into black mist, was not afraid of the temperature of the flame, so he was not hurt by the pillar of fire.

But at this time, he could no longer maintain his calm attitude just now.

The black mist condensed into an illusory head again, and Slytherin's originally dark eyes were slightly red.

"You destroyed the body." He said.

Although he tried his best to endure, Scott still heard a hint of madness in his voice.

Scott was not afraid of his madness. Rather, he was more looking forward to Slytherin who could not remain calm and wise.

"King Arthur has been dead for more than a thousand years." Scott said, "Let the legend live only in the legend."

"Very good."

Slytherin's long beard fluttered.

"So, I, a wizard from a thousand years ago, should be just a legend for the current magic world."

"Actually, I don't care much about this kind of thing."

Scott told the truth.

"As long as I am not involved, I don't care whether you are resurrected or not."

But Slytherin wanted to use him as material for magic rituals, so of course they would fight to the death.

"I understand."

Slytherin suddenly calmed down.

His long beard drooped again, and his eyes turned black again.

He looked Scott up and down several times again.

"I have to say, it's a bit too coincidental."

He frowned and said.

"I mean, your appearance, your specialness, is there really no one behind the scenes manipulating it?"

"Who knows."

Scott, who knew the truth, shrugged his shoulders with a calm face.

"Even if someone really manipulated all this, I can't say who can do this."

"That's right."

Slytherin nodded in agreement.

"I knew a long time ago that the world is not as simple as we know."

His words obviously aroused Scott's interest.

Scott asked directly, "What do you mean?"

Slytherin glanced at the Ravenclaw in the painting.

"Rowena must know this question," he said. "When a wizard reaches our level, he can no longer make any progress."

Scott looked puzzled.

He didn't feel that way now.

"Because you are still making progress."

Slytherin said calmly.

"But your progress is just to acquire more knowledge, learn more magic, and more spellcasting skills. In essence, you can no longer make any progress."

Scott asked, "Do you mean magic power?"

Slytherin nodded, "The magic power a wizard can control is limited, and the efficiency of using magic power when casting spells is also limited. Of course, the life span of wizards is also limited. But this is different from the descriptions in the documents handed down from ancient times."

Scott understood, "Are you referring to those gods?"

Slytherin said, "Gods are just more powerful wizards."

Scott was thoughtful after hearing this.

At this time, the Ravenclaw in the painting spoke.

"I told you, Scott, not to explore the origin of wizards."


Scott's heart trembled, and he turned around and bowed to the portrait of Ravenclaw.

"I understand, mentor."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Slytherin burst out laughing.

"It's really ridiculous. I didn't expect Rowena to turn into a coward in the end."

He looked at the Ravenclaw portrait teasingly.

"Royna used to be so high-spirited. She was smart and arrogant, and she also had the ambition to explore all the mysteries of magic."

"That's enough, Salazar."

Ravenclaw sighed.

"That's in the past."

Slytherin sneered.

"The four of us came together because of our ambitions, Rowena!"

Ravenclaw said: "But there is no hope ahead, so we established Hogwarts to leave our respective inheritances."

"Yes." Slytherin seemed a little sad, "At first, I thought so too."

Ravenclaw said: "Later, all three of us changed our minds, but you still refused to give up."

"That's because all three of you betrayed me!"

Slytherin's tone was full of coldness.

"In the beginning, we all agreed to pass on our magic and knowledge and give our hope to the future."

"But I don't know when it started. You changed your original intention and decided to make the study of the origin of wizards a taboo and never mention it."

The Ravenclaw in the painting closed his eyes.

"That is a dead end with no hope." She said softly, "Why pass down despair from generation to generation."

A dead end?

Listening to the conversation between the two, Scott's eyes flickered.

Could there be some great horror in the origin of wizards?

But thinking of Ravenclaw's warning, he quickly suppressed his curiosity.

"Yes, you don't want to pass on despair to your descendants. But a Slytherin will not give up his ambition!"

Slytherin said sarcastically.

"So I finally decided to take the future into my own hands."

"I left Hogwarts and searched all over the world."

"Finally, I found Avalon and laid this thousand-year plan."

"As long as I can achieve true immortality, I will definitely be able to unlock the mystery of the origin!"

So, what is the secret of origins?

Scott's boiling curiosity was almost uncontrollable.

At this moment, Slytherin looked at him again.

"How about it, kid, you're curious, aren't you?"

Then, he issued an invitation in a gentle tone.

"This is a mystery related to whether the wizard can take another step forward. Your mentor does not allow you to explore it, but I want to invite you to solve the mystery with me."

Scott looked up at him.

"Although I don't deny that I am curious." His tone was quite calm, "But if it were you, I wouldn't be able to feel at ease."

Cooperating with Slytherin is equivalent to seeking skin from a tiger.

I don’t know when it will be used as material for the other party’s resurrection.

"My invitation is sincere."

Slytherin's tone also sounded sincere.

"Don't worry, the 'power of deflecting fate' is in your hands, you can destroy it."

Having said this, he glanced at the crystal hourglass pendant on Scott's chest.

"And the 'Thousand Mile Eye' has expired, and I don't have the next thousand years to accumulate it."

Scott was silent.

Who doesn’t want eternal life and further strength?

Of course he was eager too.

It didn't seem that strong before, almost dispensable, but now his mind couldn't calm down for a long time.

At this time, Ravenclaw did not remind him or stop him.


Savanna was a little worried and called him.

Scott shook his head.

While shaking his head, he saw the unspoiled sea of ​​flowers in the distance, and his eyes finally calmed down.

"Sorry." He looked at Slytherin again, "I refuse."

He figured it out.

Not to mention the four founders of Hogwarts, even the legendary Merlin just found another way to turn himself into a "nightmare".

So why does he have the confidence to surpass these people?

So, that's it.

Some things are better not to know than to know.

Thinking of this, he breathed a long sigh of relief and felt much more relaxed.

The Slytherin stared at him for a few seconds, then sighed.

"what a pity."

Scott has come to his senses. Although he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance, he almost fell into Slytherin's way again just now.

Just some words, but he couldn't help but start to think along his train of thought, which aroused strong curiosity and strong ambition.

"It's really scary." He said softly, "Such a silent method, worthy of Salazar Slytherin."

"I said, my invitation is sincere."

Slytherin shook his head.

"It's a pity that your ambition is not enough."


Scott agreed without any burden.

"I'm not a very ambitious type, otherwise I wouldn't have been assigned to Ravenclaw by the Sorting Hat."

At this point, he laughed.

"Speaking of which, the Sorting Hat thought that I was also suitable for Hufflepuff, but Ravenclaw was more suitable than Hufflepuff."

I still remember that when he first entered the magic world, he really wanted to take things as they came.

But now that he has experienced so much, he can no longer regain the state of mind he had at that time.

Forget it, it’s useless to say more.

He raised his right hand.

Two spears of different styles floating in front of him were raised, and the spear points were pointed at Medea and Slytherin.

"Let this end here."

Facing the pointed aim of the gun, Slytherin showed no expression, but Medea showed a trace of panic.

Scott also knew that Slytherin, who had turned into a black mist, seemed not to be afraid of "Gangnir"'s harm.


Slytherin smiled nonchalantly.

The head turned into black mist again, floated to Medea, and penetrated directly into her body.


Medea's face was filled with pain, and she threw her head back and howled.

Watching this scene, Scott extended his right hand downwards.


The branch-shaped spear flashed past and passed through Medea's chest.

A clear cracking sound sounded.

Medea's body cracked inch by inch and turned into a pile of porcelain fragments, which fell to the ground.

Transparent ripples appeared in the air, and the branch-shaped spear pierced into the ripples and disappeared.

"They must still be inside Avalon."

Savannah said to Scott.

"Didn't you say that? Except in this different space, space magic cannot be used inside Avalon."

"I previously thought that Medea's magic of replacing her real body with a ceramic doll was through the connection between souls."

Scott explained.

"Now it seems like it's not that magical."

There is still a connection between the spear and him. It is indeed inside Avalon. Although it is not on the island in the middle of the lake, it is still within the scope of Apple Island.

"How are we going to get out of here now?" Savanna was a little anxious.

"I thought someone would know."

Scott looked into the air ahead.

"Really, can't you look for clues yourself?"

With a joking complaint, Merlin's figure appeared in front of Scott again.

He raised his hand and pointed at the white tower, and then disappeared again.


Savannah was still looking at Scott strangely.

"Who else is here?"

"Let's go."

Scott smiled, turned and walked towards the white tower.

"Take Aaron with you."

"I see."

Savannah waved her long wooden staff, turning the rattan tied with Aaron into a giant wolf, carrying Aaron, who was dripping with blood, and followed behind them.

"What a cruel sister..."

Aaron grumbled.

"I've lost too much blood and am about to die."

Savanna looked at him expressionlessly.

"If you keep talking, I'll leave you here!"


Aaron faked crying twice and quickly closed his mouth, his face full of feigned obedience.

Neither Scott nor Savannah paid any attention to him.

They re-entered the white tower and climbed up through the spiral staircase built against the wall without looking at the "clairvoyance" on the first floor.

On the second level, they saw a closed black coffin.

The coffin and the ground were painted with intricate runes and patterns.

Scott didn't have time to interpret the runes, so he just passed by the second floor in a hurry and climbed up to the first floor at a faster speed.

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