The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 558 558. Thorns and Silent Forest

Ymir strode through the swamp.

Wherever its footsteps went, swamps turned into glaciers.

The Green Knight never appeared again.

Before dark, Scott and Savannah finally saw the island ahead.

Scott asked, "You call it Apple Island?"

Savannah nodded.

"But my knowledge of the island is not detailed."

She looked at the island that looked dim under the setting sun.

"Even the ancestors who served the Fairy Queen in the past only lived in the oak forest outside Avalon."

"It doesn't matter." Scott said with a smile, "Unknown adventures are also interesting."

Soon, Ymir approached the edge of the island.

Under Scott's orders, it no longer has the ability to use freezing.

"It seems the best way is to fly over."

Scott stood on Ymir's shoulder and looked down.

There is no road at all on the edge of this island. Everything as far as the eye can see is densely packed with thorns without any gaps.

Those thorn vines are dark green, have no leaves, and have dense and sharp thorns.

Savannah said: "I think Ymir can just walk over. Freezing is also very effective on plants."

Scott shook his head.

"Ymir must go back. This journey consumes a lot of energy. Only after returning can it automatically replenish the consumed magic power. Otherwise, it will need to consume my magic power."

Of course, it is also possible to use [Magic Crystal] and gems containing magic power, but Scott feels that it is better to save as much as possible.

"I'll give it a try first."

He drew his wand and summoned a raven again.

The crow chirped, flapped its wings and flew forward.

But the thorns that were originally motionless soon began to move.

The vines were like a group of snakes dancing around, and the poor crow was instantly swept into the thorn bushes, leaving only a few feathers falling off.

"What if you fly high enough?"

Scott was about to summon a crow again and let it fly from high altitude.

"Need not."

Savanna stretched out her hand to stop him.

Scott turned to look at her, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Savannah laughed.

"Don't forget, I am a druid priest."

With that said, she jumped off Ymir's shoulder with a long wooden staff in hand.

She did not transform into a bird.

Just a flash of white light, she seemed to have used some kind of magic, her body became like a cat, she quickly adjusted her balance in the air, and her feet landed exceptionally lightly.

As she approached the thorn bush, the vines began to move again.

"Be quiet."

Savannah lifted up the long wooden stick and thrust it heavily into the soil.

Dots of green light flew and spread like fireflies, falling on the thorn bushes, and the thorny vines soon became quiet.

Different from the bleak and ghostly green of Kedelia, the green presented by Savannah's spell is like the color of the forest, vibrant, fresh and pleasant.

"Step aside."

Savannah walked forward directly.

As she advanced, the vines moved again, making a way through the thorns.

Savannah turned around and looked up at Scott.

"You can come down now."


Scott responded and also jumped off Ymir's shoulders.

The black cloak behind him floated up, like wings, carrying him slowly to the ground.

At the same time, Ymir's huge body turned from real to virtual, turning into ice blue light that slowly flowed, and finally disappeared in the air.

"Let's go."

Savannah walked forward with a long wooden staff, and Scott followed behind her.

"We'd better pass through this thorny jungle before nightfall." Savannah said, "Otherwise, when the moon comes out, they won't be as obedient as they are now."

"Oh?" Scott asked curiously, "Do you have any explanation?"

"There is only one plant in this thorny jungle, the moonvine."

Savannah explained as she walked.

"This magical plant is very aggressive. Although druids can control them, the only exception is on moonlit nights. If they are under moonlight, they will become crazy."

"Even you can't control it?" Scott asked again.

Savanna thought for a while, seeming to be sizing up.

After a while, she said: "If it were a moonlit night, I should be able to suppress them, but not completely control them."

Scott said: "What about going from high altitude?"

He still didn't give up the idea he just had.

In his opinion, it might be more direct and less troublesome to fly there.

"The skies of Avalon are its territory."

Savannah looked up at the sky that was rendered orange by the sunset.

"It's probably more dangerous there than on the ground."


Scott also looked up, and there was nothing in the sky except colorful clouds.

Savannah said: "The dragon I am talking about does not have its name in the records left by the family, but the notes left by our ancestors warned us not to fly in the holy land. Of course, this may be just a legend."

"Dragon?" Scott raised his eyebrows, "Do dragons live so long?"

He's more inclined to be some kind of large magical oath than a dragon legend.

It's like flying over the swamp is prohibited.

Savannah shook her head. She was not sure whether there was a giant dragon occupying the sky.

Scott didn't hesitate.

"Since we are in a hurry, let's speed up."

As he said this, he was ready to summon Horus, and let Horus manipulate the power of the wind to bless them with speed.

"I have a good idea."

Sawanna directly raised the long wooden stick in her hand.

The green halo spread out, covering her and Scott.

Scott instantly felt that his body became much more agile, and his limbs became stronger.

"Let's run."

As she said this, she lowered her body slightly, and like a cheetah, she instantly accelerated forward.

Scott also controlled his more agile and powerful body to catch up.

The two ran and jumped in the thorny jungle as if walking on flat ground. Wherever they went, the thorny vines gave way.

The sky gradually darkened.

The thorny jungle also became darker.

"The moon is about to come out."

Scott panted slightly.

"Are these moon vines afraid of fire?"

"Unfortunately, they are not."

Sawanna's breathing sounded smoother than Scott's.

"It's almost there, rush out in one breath!"

As she said this, she accelerated again, almost running into an afterimage.

Even though she still held the long wooden staff in her hand, it did not affect her agile posture at all.

Scott swung the wand in his hand, and let the cloak reduce the weight of his body while speeding up.

In this way, he was not thrown away by Savannah.

"It seems too late!"

Sensing the crazy magic fluctuations around him that could not be suppressed, he hurriedly reminded her.

"You go first!"

Savannah stopped.

"I'll suppress them!"

"Armor protection!"

Scott waved his wand, and a huge spherical magic barrier took shape instantly, wrapping him and Savannah inside.

"No need to stop!"

He grabbed Savannah's wrist, and the two of them accelerated forward again.

At this time, the whole thorny jungle came alive again.

Thick vines twisted and raised high, and whipped towards them with the sound of breaking wind.

Snap! Snap! Snap...

The sound of vines whipping the magic barrier was endless.

Scott kept holding the wand in his hand, and a white light connected the magic barrier from the tip of the wand, constantly repairing it.

The vines came from all directions. When they could not destroy the magic barrier, they were like crazy, whipping and entangled, making it difficult for Scott and Savannah to move.


Savannah raised the long wooden stick again.

The green light wrapped around her body and spread rapidly around.

The vines illuminated by the light became much slower.

"Let's go!"

Savannah pulled Scott forward again.

She said: "I will lead the way, you just need to maintain the armor spell!"


Savannah led the way while constantly using spells to suppress the surrounding vines.

About twenty minutes later, they finally rushed out of the dark thorn jungle.

"Take a break."


They sat on a piece of grass and panted, watching the thorn jungle behind them like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Scott began to observe the surroundings.

The place where they were now was a flat grassland with lush green grass and clusters of white flowers.

Behind them was a particularly "lively" thorn forest, and in front was a silent forest shrouded in fog.

Because of the fog, only the shadowy tall trees in the forest could be seen.

"Let's spend the night here tonight."

Scott suggested.

Savannah agreed, "We really can't rashly enter that forest. I feel the danger."

"Danger." Scott narrowed his eyes, "Do you know what it is?"

Savannah shook her head.

"Then wait until tomorrow morning to explore again." Scott said.

He looked around. The grassland was very large. Because he couldn't find firewood, he gave up the idea of ​​making a fire.

He took out a magic lamp and put it on the ground, and then found the simple food he brought with him, heated it with magic spells, and shared it with Savannah.

After eating the food, he began to build a tent.

There was no conversation all night.

The next day, the two people who had recovered prepared to set off again after breakfast.

At this time, in the morning light, the fog in the forest ahead had dissipated.

Walking through the grass and stepping on the fallen leaves, they walked into the forest.

"There are more than just oak trees in this forest." Scott said, "This is more like the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts."

The trees and various plants in this forest are common in the UK, and there is no difference from the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

"Can you still feel the danger?"

He turned to look at Savannah.

Savannah stopped and closed her eyes, as if listening to something.

After a long while, she opened her eyes and shook her head.

"The feeling of danger is gone." She said, "But something is wrong, this place seems too ordinary."


Scott understood what she meant.

"In your feeling, this is like an ordinary forest?"

Savannah nodded, walked to a big tree, and reached out to touch the rough bark.

A little green light fell from her palm and seeped into the trunk.

"Still no abnormality found."

She frowned.

"I think we have to be careful."


Scott expanded his magic perception, but still couldn't detect any magic fluctuations.

It seemed like this was just an ordinary forest without any trace of magic.

However, both he and Savannah knew that this was the biggest anomaly.

At least, the fog floating in the forest last night didn't look like a natural, ordinary fog.

Neither of them accelerated, but walked towards the forest at a normal walking speed.

Fortunately, there are not many shrubs in this forest, so there is no hindrance to walking.

"There is no beast."

As they moved deeper, Savannah's face became more and more serious.

"There were no birds, not even bugs."

"But the plants are growing normally."

Scott looked around as he walked.

"Perhaps this is the territory of a powerful creature." He guessed, "Because of the shock, other creatures except plants dare not approach."

Savannah didn't quite agree with his guess.

"There are no such examples in nature," she said. "There is an interdependent relationship between living things in nature."

Scott simply stopped struggling, "As long as we keep going, we will figure it out."

However, they walked in the forest all morning and never encountered any animals.

Since they had marked all the way, they were sure that they were not lost or spinning in circles.

This is the anomaly of this forest.

They judged the time by the position of the sun in the sky, and at noon they also stopped for a while to repair.

“I didn’t expect Avalon to be so big.”

Scott was a little emotional.

"If there is no clear destination, we may not be able to find Medea at all."

"King Arthur is buried in the heart of this apple island."

Savannah said softly.

"Whether it was Salazar Slytherin or Medea Slytherin today will definitely go there."


Scott sat on the tree trunk and stretched.

"Although Avalon cannot hold all the wizards in the world, it can hold all the wizards in Britain."

He has been thinking that this place might be the prototype of a "new world".

"This is the holy land of druids!"

Savanna looked at him and emphasized seriously.

"Okay, I know."

Scott yawned.

"But Merlin is also a wizard."

Savannah said: "Merlin is a druid."

Scott turned to look at her, "He's a wizard."

"It's a druid."

"It's a wizard."




"Well, he has become an Incubus, and is neither a druid nor a wizard."

Scott stood up, stretched out again, turned his head and smiled at Savannah.

"Let's go."


Savannah showed a little liveliness and stood up with a long wooden staff.

They set off again through the thick layer of leaf litter in the forest.

This time they didn't go far before they heard the sound of gurgling water.

Then they saw a stream crossing in front of them.

"That is……"

Following Savannah's long wooden staff, Scott saw a group of unicorns emitting glittering white light gracefully walking out of the forest on the other side, lowering their heads to drink water by the creek.


Savanna took a step back and quickly pulled Scott to hide behind a big tree.

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