The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 549 549. The Tenth Courtroom

In the picture displayed by the [magic mirror], the green-robed man held "Milton" hostage and walked in a dark corridor.

This corridor has no windows and is likely underground.

Scott stared at the picture until he saw two black metal doors wrapped with iron chains.

"Ministry of Magic?"

He blurted out in shock.

"What?" Milton asked.

Scott said: "This is the tenth floor underground of the Ministry of Magic, this is the tenth courtroom!"

"Actually..." Milton was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Scott swiped his finger on the mirror, splitting the picture displayed in the mirror into two halves, and contacted Ms. Bones directly.

"Hello, Scott."

Ms. Bones soon appeared on the screen.

"What happened?"

"Ms. Bones..."

Scott told her what happened very quickly.

At the same time, in the other half of the picture, the chains on the two doors moved and the doors opened.

The green-robed man held "Milton" hostage and walked into the tenth courtroom.

On the other side, after listening to Scott's story, the expression on Ms. Bones' face immediately became serious.

"I see."

She stood up and walked out of the office.

But after two steps, she stopped again.

"You know, there are many hidden members of the All-Witch Coven in the Ministry of Magic. If I take action here, they will get the news immediately."

Scott guessed, "It seems that your investigation and cleanup of the Ministry of Magic is not going well."

The heavy door closed silently.

The Tenth Courtroom was empty.

Scott watched the green-robed man tie Milton to the dock in the center of the courtroom.

"The Ministry of Magic must pay attention to evidence, Scott."

Ms. Bones' tone was a little helpless.

"Even if we find out that a wizard belongs to the All-Witch Coven, we can't arrest him without evidence that he has violated the law."

"Maybe you should identify the All-Witch Coven as an illegal organization as soon as possible."

"This is not just my decision... How about over there?"

"They entered the Tenth Courtroom, and now there is only the unidentified green-robed man and... Oh, other people have appeared, five people, including Medea."

Except for Medea, everyone else also wore hooded green robes to cover their faces.

"They didn't Apparate, but the green-robed man took out the small fireplace and enlarged it, and arrived through the Floo Network."

"Respected Slytherin lady."

The green-robed man who took away "Milton" bowed to Medea.

"I have captured Milton Graves."

"Well done, Williamson."

Medea still covered her face with a black veil, revealing only her white chin and bright red lips.

"To be honest, I'm surprised. I heard that Scott has been with this boy, right?"


The green-robed man lifted his hood, revealing a face that Scott was familiar with.

"Scott Trollope, famous, but nothing great..."

He began to disparage Scott with contempt. In his mouth, Scott was just a straw bag with an empty reputation.


Scott said his name.

"I remember he was an Auror."

The young Auror had also been to Trollope's house in Hastings with Kingsley.

Just for some reason, his magic fluctuations had completely changed like a different person.

"I see." Ms. Bones said, "I have secretly informed Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office."

"Please let me help too." Scott offered.

Ms. Bones nodded.

"I will transfer the surveillance footage to your [magic phone]."

Scott began to operate.

At the same time, he asked Milton: "Milton, are you coming with me, or going back to Hogwarts by yourself?"

"Please let me come with you!" Milton requested, "I can stay in the different space!"

Scott nodded, freeing one hand to draw an illusory light door.

Milton walked in by himself.

In the tenth courtroom, Medea reached out to stop Williamson's contemptuous words to Scott.

She looked at "Milton" who was tied to the dock with a horrified face with some suspicion.

"Tell me the details of your arrest, Williamson."

Scott knew he had to hurry up, otherwise Medea might see through the authenticity of "Milton".

There was no doubt that he could not reach the courtroom immediately through Apparition.

The only place in the Ministry of Magic that can be reached by Apparition is the entrance hall.

But for Scott, who has mastered space magic, this is not a big limitation.

He took out a black feather from his pocket and activated it with magic.

The next second, he silently came to the corridor outside the door of the Tenth Courtroom and bent down to pick up another black feather of the same color.

This feather was dropped by "Milton" on purpose.

Scott drew out his wand, and the light of the spell flickered silently. His figure immediately merged with the surrounding environment, and even the sound around him disappeared.

As he walked forward, he looked at the picture in the [magic mirror] in his hand.

After listening to Williamson's story, Medea pursed her lips tightly.


A green-robed man beside Medea scolded Williamson.

"Scott Trollope did it on purpose! He let you capture Milton Graves on purpose!"

"Quick!" Another man in green robe strode forward, "There may be something on this kid..."

He immediately began searching "Milton."

At this time, Scott was already standing outside the door of the Tenth Courtroom, gently pressing the door with his wand.

White runes appear on the gate, forming a tree-like pattern.


Medea walked up to "Milton", took off the black lace glove on one hand, and gently pinched his face with two fingers.


"It's been discovered."

"Milton" grinned as he was strapped in the dock.

His grin grew wider and wider, and the corners of his mouth instantly reached behind his ears.

"What's this!"

Except for Medea, everyone else was frightened by "Milton's" terrifying expression.

"I am...Milton Graves..."

The tone of "Milton" changes from real to mechanical.

At the same time, the color of his entire body began to change, starting with his hair, which gradually turned into a reflective bright silver.

"Alchemy doll?"

Medea laughed instead.

"Interesting. As expected of Scott, he has improved again."


"Milton's" body flowed from the dock to the ground like mercury, transforming into a human form like a plastic mannequin in a shopping mall window.

"how come……"

Williamson looked at this scene stupidly, obviously deeply shocked.

"Come on, Ms. Slytherin."

A man in green robes once again enlarged the palm-sized fireplace and urged Medea to leave.

"Maybe we're surrounded!"

"We can't leave."

Medea said calmly.

"If I'm not wrong, Scott has turned this place into a different space."

"How can it be!"

The man in green robe rushed to the fireplace to try, but found that he couldn't leave.

"It doesn't matter."

Another man in green robe who had not spoken just now spoke with a female voice.

"Ms. Slytherin is not here in person."


"No buts!"

The female voice said sternly.

"The crime we committed is not serious, it doesn't matter even if we are caught!"

No one else spoke.

"Scott." Medea said, "I know you can hear it. Why, don't you dare to meet me?"

"Good afternoon, Medea."

Scott's figure emerged from the air, right next to the silver doll.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"You guy..."

Williamson glared at Scott angrily.

"How dare you fool me!"

Scott ignored him and said to Medea: "Ministry of Magic Trial Room, you guys really know how to find a place."

Medea's lips curved, "This is interesting, isn't it?"

Williamson, who was ignored, said loudly: "Dear Ms. Slytherin, please allow me to fight for you, and I will subdue Scott Trollope!"

Scott still didn't look at him.

He said to Medea: "Is this really a subordinate you rely on? This makes me want to question your vision."

"damn it!"

Before Medea could say anything, Williamson took action directly.

He did not recite the spell, but as he waved the wand, a red beam of light instantly penetrated Scott's body.

"Oh, nice silent spell."

Scott, who was still unharmed after being penetrated, nodded and commented calmly.

"I see, although I'm not very smart, I'm very talented at casting spells?"


Williamson froze.

"Back off, Williamson!"

The stern female voice scolded.

Williamson lowered his head reluctantly and took a few steps back.

"Williamson is really talented."

Medea did not change her expression because of what just happened, but still smiled calmly.

"But he's no match for you, Scott."

"I feel like there are very few people who can compare to me," Scott said with a laugh.

"That's right." Medea nodded in agreement.

"Is Milton's grandfather very difficult?" Scott asked directly, "So that you had to choose to kidnap Milton?"

Medea did not hide anything, but said: "That gentleman spent his whole life building the house he lived in into an impenetrable magical fortress and never left the house."

Scott asked again, "Did you use the Loyalty Charm to hide it?"

"It's more than that." Medea shook her head, "I told you, he spent his whole life building it."

"Can't even you break through?" Scott was very surprised.

He guessed that Medea should still have a one-time magic stone in her hand.

Medea said: "If there is a way not to pay the price, of course I choose not to pay the price."

"That's it." Scott nodded clearly.

At this moment, outside the Tenth Courtroom, Scott's real body was watching the real-time surveillance footage in the [Magic Mirror] with a team of Auror strikers led by Rufus Scrimgeour.

Footsteps sounded, and Ms. Bones and Dumbledore walked over from the other end of the corridor together.

Looking at them, Ms. Bones asked, "Oh, Scott, did you catch them?"

Scott shook his head, "Medea did not come in person."

"But the others may be the real ones," Scrimgeour said.

"That's not the case," Scott said. "There is another woman who is also possessed by the doll."

In the courtroom, the conversation between Scott and Medea continued.

"I remember you once said that as long as I live, you can get what you want."

Scott is testing Medea.

"So now, do you get it?"

"I have to say, you did a great job, Scott."

Medea said in an appreciative tone.

"I'm very pleased with all the changes you've made."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Including preventing you from getting Voldemort's soul?"

"That's nothing."

Medea was not angry.

"Since I choose you to bring change to the world, I must also accept any change you bring."

"That's good." Scott pretended to be relieved, "So, are the changes enough?"

Medea laughed again, "You did know something, was it because of the prophecy?"

"What prophecy?" Scott pretended to be stupid.

"What do you think?"

Behind the translucent black gauze, Medea looked at Scott with particularly determined eyes.

"Speaking of which, if you hadn't taken away the prophecy ball, I wouldn't have expected that there would be a real prophecy. I underestimated your divination class professor."

"I knew taking the orb would arouse suspicion," Scott said, "but I took it anyway."

Medea asked, "So, what is the prophecy about? What do you know?"


Scott looked embarrassed.

"Professor Trelawney said that I would live my whole life without love and live alone. That would be too shameful. I don't want too many people to know."



Medea curled her lips again and did not ask any more questions.

"You know, I don't need you to admit anything. As long as I believe that you know some truth through prophecy, that's enough."

"If you think so, I can't help it." Scott looked helpless, "I also want to get some truth from you."


Medea still looked good-tempered and completely lifeless.

"I look forward to your action, Scott."

As she said this, her tone was really full of expectation.

"I want to know what changes will be brought to all this when people outside of Destiny know Destiny."

At this time, her face gradually became stiff.

"Well, see you next time."

"Are you leaving now?" Scott asked, "Are you ignoring these people?"

"They didn't commit a felony, did they?"

Medea left her last words before completely turning into a stiff ceramic doll.

"it's a pity."

Scott looked at the others.

"Then I'm leaving too."

The lady was much more decisive than Medea. She fell directly to the ground and smashed the ceramic doll's body into powder.

"What about you?"

Scott looked at the other four.

"Do you want to be captured without mercy?"

As he spoke, the silver doll moved.

Its arms instantly lengthened and were tied to the four people like two ropes.

The four people, including Williamson, did not resist and allowed the silver puppet to tie their limbs tightly and take away the wands in their hands.

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