The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 527 527. Give him a bottle of water of life and death

Back at Hogwarts Castle, Scott didn't care about what happened next.

He didn't sleep all night, and he needed to catch up on his sleep.

He handed the extradimensional gem directly to Dumbledore and returned to the Ravenclaw common room.

It was still dark at this time, and no one had gotten up yet.

Scott quietly returned to the dormitory, took off his clothes and went to sleep.

Not long after, he heard someone calling him in a daze.



"Wake up!"

"You're going to be late for class!"

"I can't afford it." Scott said vaguely, "I won't have class today."

"What did you do last night?"

Scott didn't answer, turned around and fell asleep again.

By the time he actually woke up, it was already noon.

He sat up from the bed and shook his heavy head.

Thinking of what he still had to do today, he quickly got up, ran to the bathroom, took a shower, and then changed his clothes.

After leaving the common room, he met Luna on the tower's spiral staircase.

At this time Luna was going upstairs.

"Anthracene, good afternoon, Scott."

Luna tilted her head.

"I didn't see you at the dinner table today."

"I couldn't sleep last night." Scott raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Is lunch time over?"

Luna nodded, "You can go directly to the kitchen."

"Oh, I don't have time to go to lunch. I'd better go to the principal's office and get some snacks."

Scott waved his hand and walked down past Luna.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Luna looked back.

"It's an ending and it's a beginning."


Scott, who had already walked down several steps, looked up at Luna.

Luna just waved her hand with a smile, turned around and walked up.

Scott pondered for a moment and continued downstairs.

After walking around the castle, he entered through the entrance on the third floor and came to the wooden door of the principal's office.

Glancing at the gryphon statue beside him, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk.

The door opened.

Scott walked into the office and found that there were already three people in the office at this time.

Dumbledore, Sirius, Harry.

Harry was slumped on the sofa with a helpless expression, and Dumbledore was sitting opposite him holding a teacup.

Sirius was the only one walking around, looking worried.

"good afternoon."

Scott said hello.

"good afternoon."

Harry and Sirius answered in unison.

Scott could tell that the tone of both of them was a little unusual.

There was a hint of anxiety in Sirius' tone, but there was frustration in Harry's tone.

"Oh, good afternoon, Scott."

Dumbledore still looked cheerful and showed no negative emotions at all.

"I didn't have breakfast, and I haven't had time to have lunch yet, Professor."

Scott said, walking over to sit next to Harry.

Dumbledore suggested enthusiastically, "Oh, it doesn't matter. You can also fill your stomach here. Do you want to try my collection of cockroaches?"

"No," Scott refused, "Please give me something more like food."

"Okay, I remember you don't like sweets."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The coffee table in front of Scott jingled, and several plates of various types of snacks and a cup of tea appeared one after another.

"thank you."

Feeling that he was going to be hungry, Scott reached out and picked up a sandwich and ate it.

At this time, he noticed that Harry and Sirius were looking at him, so he turned to look at them too.

"You want to eat too?"

Harry was stunned for a moment, then replied with a forced smile, "Thank you, I just ate and I'm not hungry yet."

"It didn't go well, it didn't go well."

Sirius still had an anxious look on his face, pacing back and forth, talking loudly.

"Maybe your plan won't work."

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth.

"I suggest, if it doesn't work out, just throw them all in."

"Sirius, we can't do that!" Harry shouted, "That would implicate innocent people!"

Sirius shrugged it off, "Come on, none of those people are innocent."

"I know," Harry insisted, "but not everyone's crime deserves the death penalty."

Dumbledore said, "They must be tried by the Wizengamot for such a verdict to have legal effect."

Sirius frowned tightly, "But, is this the reason why the plan failed? There will be no such opportunity next time!"

"Sorry, it's all my problem."

Harry scratched his head in distress, then looked at Dumbledore with firm eyes.

"We'd better keep trying, Professor."

Sirius on the side hesitated to speak and did not speak again.

Scott was eating while watching the three people talking and did not participate in the discussion.

Because there was nothing to say. If he had made the decision, he would have thrown the alien space gem into the secret realm long ago.

But since he didn't make the decision, he didn't care.

Lest anyone say that he was careless about human life and hurt innocent people.

Thinking of this, Scott looked at the alien space magic stone placed on Dumbledore's desk and sensed the interior of the alien space.

At this time, some of the Death Eaters seemed to have collapsed. They went crazy destroying everything around them, and then were knocked down by Voldemort.

But some still remain calm.

Under the leadership of Voldemort, they continued to attack the space wall in a shift-rest mode.

Voldemort, who was supposed to be the craziest, was still quite calm at this moment, which surprised Scott.

Withdrawing his senses, he looked at Dumbledore and Harry curiously.

At this time, Dumbledore had put down his teacup and took out the Elder Wand.

"Give it all your attention, Harry."

He slowly raised his hand.

"Always keep a semblance of awareness."

"Show me, guide my magic, to find the fragment of Voldemort's soul."


Harry took off his glasses.


Dumbledore waved his wand very clearly.


Harry's eyes widened.

He became dazed at first, as if he was sleepwalking, but soon a struggling expression appeared on his face, as if he was forcibly enduring torture.

Dumbledore stopped casting spells and lowered his wand.

"Oh, Harry, relax, your Occlumency is on again."

"Sorry, Professor!"

Harry came to his senses and apologized quickly.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it back!"

"No need to say sorry."

Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

"It doesn't matter, this is an instinct to protect yourself, and you can't control it."


Harry lowered his head in frustration.

"Harry, your Occlumency has developed a conditioned reflex." Sirius praised Harry.

Of course, he did not forget to praise himself, "This shows that I teach well!"

"Thank you." Harry smiled a little reluctantly.

Scott continued to remain silent, thinking only inwardly.

Harry was unaware of his true connection to Voldemort, and Dumbledore kept it from him.

Scott also made up lies about the connection due to the prophecy in front of these two people.

but now……

It seemed that Dumbledore had told Harry everything.

Thinking of this, Scott glanced at Harry again.

At this time, Harry also became a little anxious. He raised his hand and touched the lightning scar on his forehead, biting his lower lip tightly with his teeth.

Scott did not disturb him, and instead asked Dumbledore, "Excuse me, what was the principle just now, Professor."

Use Legilimency to pass information through Harry to the soul fragment, and then from the soul fragment to Voldemort?

"Is this possible?"

"There is hope." Dumbledore said, "However, this is an extremely delicate job. Harry must ensure that Occlumency will not be activated so that I can complete it without being affected."

Scott turned to look at Harry.

Harry shrugged at him.

Scott said: "Why not give him a bottle of water of life and death and let him sleep directly before operating it."

Harry opened his mouth in surprise.

"Good idea." Sirius agreed directly.

Dumbledore looked at Harry, "What do you think, Harry?"


Harry hesitated to speak.

"All right."

He reluctantly agreed.


Scott took out a bottle of water of life and death from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist and handed it to Harry.



Harry took the potion bottle and gave him a complicated look.

"Why do I think you are prepared?"

"How can it be?"

Scott picked up the tea cup and took a sip of hot tea.

"I'm just used to carrying some commonly used potions with me."

Harry was very skeptical.

"Water of life and death is also a commonly used magic potion?"

"Of course." Scott said affirmatively, "If you occasionally suffer from insomnia, use it to help you sleep. The effect couldn't be better."


Harry still looked at him suspiciously.

Scott curled his lips, "Stop being wordy and drink quickly."

Harry took a deep breath, as if to gather his courage, then uncorked the bottle, raised his head and poured the potion into his mouth, almost in one movement.

Scott looked at him with interest.

Harry looked a little unhappy, but couldn't say anything else.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and the medicine bottle in his hand fell to the carpet. Then, he tilted his head and fell asleep.

Sirius helped Harry's shoulders so that he was leaning on the sofa.

With a tap of the wand in Dumbledore's hand, the back of the sofa began to move downwards, and Harry's sitting position became half-lying.


Dumbledore waved his wand again.

Then, he also sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

A long time passed.

Dumbledore never opened his eyes, but there were a few beads of sweat on his forehead.

Scott felt it carefully.

He always felt that what Dumbledore used was not simply Legilimency.

Rather, it is a magic spell based on Legilimency, which has the flavor of involving the soul.

The casting process was unexpectedly long this time, and both Scott and Sirius watched equally quietly.

The difference was that Sirius looked worried, while Scott looked calm.

While Dumbledore was casting the spell, Scott was also sensing Voldemort's reaction in the different space.

Voldemort was not attacking the space wall at this moment.

He was standing aside, commanding his Death Eaters to attack continuously like an overseer.

So far, he has not shown any abnormality, as if he has not received the "signal" of the soul fragment.

Scott was thinking about whether to tell Dumbledore about this situation, and saw the change in Voldemort's expression on his face.

First he was stunned, then angry, then happy, and finally calm.

Scott glanced at Dumbledore who had finally finished casting the spell.

"Did it work?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"It worked, professor." Scott said, "I sensed Voldemort's reaction."


Sirius punched in the air.

"That's good."

Dumbledore also breathed a sigh of relief.

"If this fails, there is no point in trying again."

He looked at Harry who was still sleeping soundly.

"Harry has been enduring pain to achieve his goal."

Scott and Sirius also looked at Harry.

Although Harry was in a deep sleep at this moment, he was not sleeping well, but frowned tightly.

"Great job, Harry."

Sirius reached out and touched Harry's hair like a real father.

Scott stood up and said to Dumbledore, "Professor, let's go now."

Dumbledore nodded and stood up.

He asked Scott to put away the space gem.


Then he raised his arm and let the phoenix Fawkes fly over and land.

"It's a bit far, let Fawkes take us there."

Scott was surprised, "Does it know where the secret realm of 'Niflheim' is?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "This is the special ability of the phoenix. You just need to tell it the coordinates and it can take us there."

Fawkes chirped in cooperation.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Fawkes."

Scott said the coordinates and reached out to grab one of its tail feathers.

"Then, Sirius, you take care of Harry here, we will be back soon."

Dumbledore said to Sirius, and then Fawkes took the two of them across space.

Soon, they appeared in the cold Arctic Circle, floating over the sea in the cold sea breeze.

Scott let go of Fox's tail feathers and temporarily floated with the help of his cloak.


He threw a small swordfish with one hand and took out his wand with the other.

"Get bigger quickly!"

"Armor protection!"

The armor protection formed a spherical magic barrier, wrapping Scott, Dumbledore, and Fox.

Then, Sirein, whose body had become huge, controlled the sea water and jumped high.

The sea water automatically wrapped outside the magic barrier, forming an even larger sphere.

The huge water ball fell to the sea surface and merged into the sea.

Under the sea, the phoenix Fox chirped a few times uneasily.

"Oh, Fox."

Dumbledore reached out and touched the feathers on its back.

"You may be the only phoenix in the world that has entered the seabed."

His comfort seemed to work, and Fox became quiet again.

As he dived deeper and deeper, the surroundings became darker and darker, and the feathers on Fox became brighter and brighter.

Soon, Scott saw the sunken ship again.

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