The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 525 525. End this as soon as possible

The super large, detailed and very detailed transformation was completed in one go, and even Dumbledore was a little out of breath.

He took a moment before taking the next step.

Scott followed him into the transformed Slytherin lounge and placed surveillance eyes in various hidden places.

Finally, they placed the disappearing cabinet under the bed in a dormitory in the same location.

When they emerged from the ground, others had already placed anti-Apparition spells around them.

"Then it's all about waiting."

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief and asked Minister Bones to leave with the others for the time being.

Ms. Bones nodded and led the large army to hide in the woods in the distance.

In the end, only Scott and Dumbledore remained.

"Are you okay, Professor."

Scott glanced at Dumbledore worriedly.

He might have to fight Voldemort next, and he was a little worried that the old headmaster wouldn't be able to hold on.

"Don't worry."

Dumbledore's condition seemed to be back to normal.

"Voldemort won't be here so soon."

He turned around, walked into the nearby woods with Scott, and took out the [Magic Mirror] that Scott placed there.

What follows is a long wait.

Scott and Dumbledore have been staring at the surveillance screen in the [Magic Mirror].

They waited for more than two hours in total, until just before dawn, when they finally saw a hand sticking out of the disappearing cabinet under the bed.

This horror movie-like scene immediately woke Scott up.

"Coming." He said softly.

"Yes, they are coming," said Dumbledore.

Soon, a thin figure crawled out from under the dark bed.

It's little Malfoy.

His face was very pale, and he stood there waiting with a fearful expression.

Then, his three partners climbed out of the disappearing cabinet one after another.

Their faces were also very ugly, and they seemed to be very frightened.

Scott said in surprise: "The mysterious man actually asked these young people to take the lead?"

Dumbledore sighed, "Tom has never changed."

At this moment, they all made a tacit agreement not to mention the name "Voldemort", lest Voldemort would notice their location.

Little Malfoy and the others did not wait long. Soon, Bellatrix Lestrange climbed out of the disappearing cabinet with a head of messy black hair.

"Aunt Bella."

The frightened little Malfoy screamed timidly.

"Shut up, Draco."

Bellatrix Lestrange gave him a stern look.

Her attitude towards little Malfoy was nothing like that of a close relative.

Little Malfoy immediately did not dare to speak anymore, but took a few steps back and huddled in the corner of the dormitory with his friends.

Following that, Bellatrix Lestrange also stepped aside.

Only then did Scott notice that she had a slight limp when walking.

He thought of the bite this lady received from Golzan last semester and couldn't help but smile.

Gorzan's saliva is highly poisonous. Although Bellatrix Lestrange escaped quickly at the time, it seems now that she still delayed the best time for treatment, leaving some sequelae.

Or maybe Snape didn't try his best to detoxify her?

He had just thought of Snape when Snape himself appeared on the surveillance screen.

He was still wearing the pitch-black robe and had greasy black hair on his head.

After climbing out of the disappearing cabinet, he walked to the window alone and stared at the black lake scenic spot outside the glass window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Scott has always been a little curious. With Snape as a double agent, how could Dumbledore delay until the disappearance of the cabinet incident before thinking about using the disappearance cabinet to find Voldemort's foothold?

Could it be that Voldemort was more careful after the failure of his last operation, so Snape had no chance to pass on the information?

If the contact was interrupted, Snape would not know that the Death Eaters' action was a trap set by them.

In any case, he was already looking forward to how Snape would behave in this war.

Then the old Malfoy appeared. After he appeared, he walked straight to the little Malfoy, with a black face, and hit him hard on the head with the snake-headed cane in his hand.

In the following time, people climbed out of the disappearing cabinet one after another, and soon, this small dormitory was filled with Death Eaters.

Everyone stood quietly, bowing their heads respectfully and waiting.

Scott noticed one person in the crowd in particular, Mrs. Rowle, the undercover agent Medea sent to Voldemort.

Soon, a ball of black mist flew out of the disappearing cabinet, floated in the air, gathered into a human form, and finally turned into Voldemort.

Scott was expecting to see the embarrassment of Voldemort crawling out of the Vanishing Cabinet, but he didn't expect that the result would disappoint him.


All the Death Eaters knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads in humility.


Voldemort narrowed his blood-red eyes slightly and glanced around the dormitory.

"Decades have passed..."

He looked around with some nostalgia.

"I never thought I would come back here."


Bellatrix Lestrange raised her head and looked at Voldemort with fervent eyes.

"Immediately...immediately the entire magical world will belong to the master. With this operation, we will definitely be able to eliminate Dumbledore."

"You're right, Bella."

Voldemort glanced at her appreciatively, then looked at the others.

"Do you know why?"

Without waiting for his subordinates to answer, he gave the answer on his own.

"Because this is Hogwarts, a place where Dumbledore cannot retreat even one step."

"Tom really understands me."

Dumbledore said softly.

"In order to protect Hogwarts, I cannot retreat even one step."

"No one at Hogwarts will back down." Scott said, "It was the same last time."

Dumbledore smiled happily, "I know, of course I know."

But he quickly shook his head.

"But letting children go to war shows the incompetence of adults. As an old guy who has been through this for several generations, I often feel guilty about this."

"I hope this can end as soon as possible."

Scott said, took out the red disposable magic stone from his pocket and stood up.

"No one should come out of the disappearing cabinet again."

He was about to cast a spell.

After all, the underground Slytherin lounge is actually fake, and no matter how you restore it, there are still many flaws.

If they wait any longer, those people might notice something strange.

He held the disposable magic stone tightly in one hand and slowly raised the wand with the other.

At this moment, an unusually large amount of magic power gathered in his body.

He felt that his body was a little swollen, and the accumulated magic power seemed to be eager to be vented.


Runes flew out and quickly formed a huge tree-like pattern.

Thick roots dug deep into the soil above the Slytherin common room.

Then, it was as if a flash bomb exploded, and everything in sight was filled with dazzling white light.

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