The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 522 522. The person who tried to repair the disappearing cabinet

The day after the Vanishing Cabinet was found, Professor Moody returned the [Magic Mirror] to Scott before the afternoon Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Have you found the person who tried to repair the Vanishing Cabinet?" Scott asked in a low voice.

"You can see for yourself," Professor Moody said, "but we need to go to class first."

Scott turned to look at the other students who were entering the classroom one after another, and could only put away the [magic mirror] helplessly and return to his seat.

Since the education reform, Defense Against the Dark Arts classes include theory classes and dueling classes, which are always extremely long.

Because he was a little concerned about who was repairing the Vanishing Cabinet, Scott felt that today's class was extra long.

After finally getting to the end of the theory class and entering the duel class, Scott could only stand aside and watch.

After being promoted to Super Demon, his strength has opened up a huge gap with other students.

Professor Moody believes that under such a gap, dueling training is meaningless.

So Scott became a teaching assistant, mainly responsible for rescuing classmates who were in danger during the duel.

By the time the class was finally over, Scott was no longer in a hurry.

He stayed in the classroom, waiting for everyone to leave, and wanted to talk to Professor Moody about his subsequent plans.

But Professor Moody refused.

"This is an Auror Command secret, Mr. Trollope, and we will not involve a single student."

Scott could see that the suspicious professor did not completely trust him, so he said no more.

It wasn't until after dinner that he called his companions. They found an empty classroom and looked at the "video" in the [Magic Mirror] together.

But the results of the inspection were beyond everyone's expectations.

Because the real "culprit" is an owl.

Preparation is said to be an owl carrying a magic item.

The owl entered the Slytherin dormitory from the special owl passage and threw a transparent bead on the disappearing cabinet under the bed. Then, the bead began to emit light.

When the light went out, the owl grabbed the beads again and left the same way.

Obviously, the transparent bead is a magical item that seals a repair spell.

"Oh, is that Malfoy's owl?"

Fred turned to George.

George curled his lips, "I don't remember what Malfoy's owl looks like."

"No matter who it is, it's obvious that the other party is still trying." Scott said, "In addition, the disappearing cabinet in the Borgin-Bock store has not been bought yet."

Fred, "If I were on the other side, I should buy the cabinet from Borgin-Bock's first and then try it."

George, "Maybe it's because there aren't enough Galleons?"

Eddie, "The disappearing cabinet has always been there in the store. It must have been seen by many people."

Roger, "Perhaps in order to avoid suspicion like Scott, the other party did not rush to buy the disappearing cabinet before confirming its usefulness?"

Milton, "Something still doesn't make sense."

Luna, "Maybe that cabinet in the store now is fake."


The boys all looked at Luna.

Luna blinked, "It's possible, isn't it?"

"Indeed, it's very possible."

Scott pulled out the photo of the Borgin-Bock store in [Magic Mirror].

Eddie, "You can't tell at all. We can only compare the cabinet in Hogwarts with the one in the photo."

Scott, "Don't care about the truth or falsehood, as long as you follow the owl, you can find the answers to many questions."

George, "Follow?"

"It's not me." Scott pulled out his wand, "It's Rimbaud."

He did not wait for Rimbaud to fly back, but directly used the contract with the crows to summon it in front of him.

"Gah, Scott? Is my job done?"

"No, you have a new job."

"Gaga, you never let me calm down, do you?"

"After all, there are many things that only you can help with."


Rimbaud flew up and stopped in front of Luna.

"Good evening, Luna."

"Good evening, Lord Blackwing."


This guy……

Scott felt that it wanted to hear the sincere "Black Wing Lord" before it took the initiative to say hello to Luna.

"Tell me about your job..."

Scott pulled out the "video" in [Magic Mirror] and told Rimbaud the mission.

"...In short, bring 'eyes', arrange surveillance, bring [magic phone], and keep in touch at any time."

"I know, gah!"

Rimbaud accepted the mission and flew out of the window.

"We'll find out soon what's going on."

Scott said to the others.

Luna, "Do you want to tell Harry about this? After all, the mysterious man may have attacked Hogwarts just to kill him."

Fred, "Oh, Harry, we can tell him about it, but telling him would be like telling Ron and Hermione."

George, "Our silly brother Ron is a loudmouth, and Hermione..."

He shrugged.

"She will keep an eye on everyone like Professor McGonagall, reminding you not to make mistakes."

Scott, "Let's keep it a secret until it's clear."

Eddie, "Although the person who tried to repair the disappearing cabinet was not a certain student, we can't guarantee whether there will be someone in the school who secretly passed the message there."

"Oh, time's up."

Scott looked at his watch.

"I should go to the Transfiguration Club. See you later."

Now Scott has almost become an assistant in the Transfiguration Club.

Professor McGonagall often asked him to share some experience or demonstrate spells.

Scott did not refuse this.

However, he could only share and demonstrate the pure Transfiguration part.

Except for him, no one can combine Transfiguration with spells and ancient magic runes.

That night, Scott came out of the Transfiguration Club and found the Weasley twins waiting for him at the stairs.

Fred, "Look, has Rimbaud caught up?"

George, "We want to know who is over there as soon as possible!"

" are too anxious."

Scott looked at the two helplessly.

"At this time, the owl hasn't come yet. It came during curfew."

As he said, he waved his hand and walked downstairs.

"I'll go back first. You will know the answer tomorrow."

The twins quickly reached out and pulled him.

"No! We can't wait until tomorrow!"

"Maybe we can sneak into the Ravenclaw dormitory and spend the night."

Just then, Angelina, who also joined the Transfiguration Club, came over.

"Oh, Fred." She said with a smile, "So you're not waiting for me?"

"Hey, Angelina, of course I'm waiting for you."

Fred immediately let go of Scott, walked to Angelina, and took her hand.

"Let's go, let's go back to Gryffindor together."

The two turned around and walked to the other end of the corridor.

After they walked for a distance, Angelina turned back again, "George, aren't you going back? Then I'll tell Alia that you want to go shopping again."

"Oh! I'll go back with you."

George also let go of Scott and ran over.

Scott couldn't help but give Angelina a thumbs up.

Angelina smiled heartily.

Scott said with a smile: "You two idiots, I don't know why you forgot the [magic phone]."

Maybe love makes people stupid?

Scott shook his head and turned downstairs.

When he returned to the dormitory, he found that his roommates were also anxious to know the progress of the matter.

"If you remember, Rambo will take the initiative to inform me when there is a result."

Scott left a sentence and went to take a shower.

It was not until after the curfew that he lay on the bed and turned on the [Magic Mirror] to look at the real-time monitoring of the Slytherin dormitory.

Not long after the light of the [Magic Mirror] came on, Roger and Eddie came directly to Scott's bed.

Scott turned his head and found that Milton had also stood up.


He reached out and picked up the wand on the bedside cabinet and projected the picture in the [Magic Mirror] on the ceiling.

"Okay, okay, lie down and watch."

He waved to Roger and Eddie to go back to their beds quickly.

"Oh, it's coming!"

Milton's voice sounded.

Scott and the others also looked up. In the monitoring screen, a petite owl fell to the ground.

Next, they all saw the process of the owl using magic items to repair the disappearing cabinet.

After the repair was completed, the owl grabbed the transparent bead that sealed the spell and flew away.

After it left, Rimbaud walked out from the shadow under another bed.

It looked in the direction of the "eyes", flapped its wings and flew up, and also entered the owl channel.

"The next step is tracking."

Scott turned off the [magic mirror] directly.

"Wait for Rimbaud's results."

"Is that all?" Eddie was still unsatisfied, "Where are the 'eyes' you asked Rimbaud to bring, and where is its [magic phone]?"

Roger, "I didn't see it bring anything."

"It is certainly the task of the crows to carry those things."

Scott yawned.

"Rimbaud is the black-winged lord, so he doesn't have to carry things himself."

"Oh, I actually envy a raven." Eddie was jealous.

"I can turn you into a penguin." Scott said unhappily, "Then you will be the black and white lord of Antarctica."

At this time, the [magic mirror] suddenly lit up again.

It was a communication from Fred.

After Scott answered the call, he informed him of the current progress, told him and George not to wait, and then hung up.

He didn't wait for Lambo's communication and fell asleep quickly.

But he seemed to be the only one who slept well that night.

When he woke up the next morning, he saw dark circles under the eyes of his roommates.

"I've been waiting for Lambo's communication."

Eddie yawned.

"I thought I would wake you up if the communication came. Of course, I also took a few naps intermittently."

Scott activated the [Magic Mirror] and looked at it, and clicked on a new message from Lambo.

[Scott, I have completed the tracking. In order not to wake you up, there is no communication to tell you. Anyway, the "eyes" have recorded it, you can look at the surveillance record yourself.]

"Can Lambo actually type?"

Eddie, who came over to see the message, was amazed.

Scott told him the truth, "Its [Magic Phone] is specially made and can convert voice into text."

Of course, if you insist, Lambo can type, but his claws are inconvenient.

"Quick, look at the surveillance records." Roger urged.

Scott nodded, called up the new surveillance record, and projected it directly on the wall for easier viewing.

The first thing that appears in the picture is a bird's-eye view, with a rural village below.

Then, the camera approached an abandoned old house and stopped on the window sill of the highest room.

Through the broken window, you can see four dark shadows in the room. Two of the figures look thin and the other two look very strong.

The owl that had been to Hogwarts was resting on an old cabinet in the room.

"It's the disappearing cabinet!"

Eddie seemed to see it right away.

"Although there is no light, judging from the size of the cabinet, it is indeed a disappearing cabinet!"

"How's it going, Draco?"

A female voice sounded.

Eddie immediately said: "Oh, it's Parkinson and Malfoy!"

Roger, "It seems that the other two are Crabbe and Goyle."


In the surveillance video, Malfoy reached out and took out something from the disappearing cabinet.

"The apple is still broken, which means the disappearing cabinet has not been repaired yet."

As he spoke, he slammed the apple to the ground.

"We will continue tomorrow!"

At this time, Crabbe and Goyle spoke.

"D...Draco, why are we so secretive? Why don't we just tell the Dark Lord about the existence of the Vanishing Cabinet?"

"Or tell the adults, and they'll definitely come up with a better way to fix the cabinet."

"Shut up!"

Malfoy scolded, turned and walked to the window.

His face was immediately clearly visible in the surveillance screen.

But he was wearing a black hood that almost covered his eyes.

"We can't tell the Dark Lord this before we're ready. That's not a credit at all!"

His voice sounded very bored.

"We can't ask anyone else for help, otherwise the Dark Lord won't take us seriously. Do you understand?"

"We understand."

Crabbe and Goyle still answered naively.


Malfoy paced angrily.

"You don't understand at all!"

"Now we are in a terrible situation!"

"We were expelled from Hogwarts!"

"Our parents are no longer the Dark Lord's most trusted people!"

"We must do something successful on our own to make the Dark Lord appreciate our abilities!"


Parkinson walked over to Malfoy to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I will always be with you."

Seeing that Malfoy ignored her, she continued: "The situation is not that bad. Professor Snape still appreciates you and is willing to teach you. Oh, and the Dark Lord's most trusted Mrs. Lestrange, she is Your aunt."

"Don't mention it, Pansy! You should know that Aunt Bella is a complete lunatic!"

Malfoy stared at Parkinson seriously.

"Remember, don't let her find out what we are doing!"

"I know, Draco." Parkinson replied flatteringly.

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