The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 516 516. Scott's Harvest

"Does it take space super magic to break through the gate?"

Helena floated forward directly.

"If I can go in directly..."

Halfway through her words, her forehead collided silently with the gate.

Helena stepped back and covered her forehead with her hand.

Her expression was a little strange.

"This feeling..." she murmured, "Although I still can't feel the pain, I have the experience of 'touch' again..."

As she said, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand, as if she had got a new toy, and kept groping on the door.

After a long time, she came back to her senses and felt the gazes of Scott and Ravenclaw looking at her.

"I...I am..."

As if she felt very ashamed of her behavior just now, she became stammering.

"It's okay, Helena."

The Ravenclaw in the painting looked at her lovingly.

"It's really the right thing for you to walk out of Hogwarts Castle, isn't it?"

Scott also smiled and said, "At least you have a new experience."


Helena, who has always been very concerned about her image, still seems to be unable to accept it.

Scott quickly changed the subject, "Let me try now, use 'Yggdrasills'."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, pointed the wand in his hand at the door, and chanted a spell.

"Askr Yggdrasills!"

A gray light lit up from the tip of the wand.

The light was not bright, but rather had a vague meaning.

The light shone on the heavy stone door, outlining one after another runes with strange shapes.

The runes were very small, and the strokes were connected, forming a clear tree-like pattern.

Then, the root part of the pattern changed again.

The three largest roots spread outward, forming a fist-sized circle on the stone door.

Within that circle, the stone door disappeared.

While maintaining the magic, Scott walked closer and looked into the stone door through the circular hole.

Unfortunately, the door was just pitch black.

"The stone door will indeed react with 'Yuktrasil'." Ravenclaw said, "But if you want to go in, you must open up a space that at least allows you to pass through."

Rampaud suggested: "You can also change Edgar back to his original size, so that he can pass through this hole!"

Scott shook his head.

"That doesn't make any sense."

The precious knowledge that "Asgard" deliberately hid here must not be so easy to obtain.

What's more...

"I still have a lot of time, this is a good place to practice space super magic."

The stone door in front of him can react sharply with the space super magic of "Yuktrasil", which is the best practice prop.

He calmed down and began to try to expand the space.

But unfortunately, his current mastery of this space super magic seems to be the limit. When he tried to expand the space, the tree-like structure pattern constructed by the runes immediately collapsed.

The fist-sized hole on the stone door also slowly disappeared.

Scott didn't say anything and started the next attempt directly.

In this way, Scott began to practice again and again. When he was thirsty and hungry, he would eat some food he brought with him. When he was sleepy, he would light a bonfire and take a nap.

Repeating mechanical practice is not the purpose.

He just wanted to further understand the meaning of those initial rune combinations in the attempts to open up space again and again.

Of course, the more important thing is the grasp of space magic.

Although he could not see the sun and the moon, Scott did not lose time because he carried a mechanical watch that was not affected by magic.

Such repeated practice lasted for a full seven days.

In these seven days without distraction, his progress was extremely rapid.

On the seventh day, the passage he opened on the stone door was enough for a thin person to crawl in.

But Scott wanted to get in, but it was still a little short.

In order not to get stuck in the passage, he had to continue practicing.

But it was not without other gains.

When the passage opened was expanded, he would always throw magic lamps into the door before the passage disappeared.

The number of magic lamps in the door increased, gradually illuminating the entire space, and allowing Scott to roughly see the inside.

The space inside the door was very large. The most eye-catching thing was a huge stone tablet standing in the center. Scott could even vaguely see the characters engraved on the stone tablet.

However, since the stone tablet was dark black and the characters on it were so dense that they were countless, if he wanted to see all the characters clearly, he had to enter the door and walk closer to see them.

At the suggestion of Ravenclaw, Scott first rested for a whole day and slept for more than ten hours.

When he woke up and his mind was completely clear, he began to repeat the practice process again.

Perhaps the accumulation was enough, this time he did not spend much time. After just a few hours, he opened up a passage that was enough for him to squat and enter the door.

"Success! Congratulations!" Helena said happily.

Scott nodded and said with a smile: "It's better than I thought. At least I don't have to lie down to go in."

As he said that, he let Helena and Rimbaud enter the passage first, and then he took the Ravenclaw picture frame and got in before the passage disappeared.

Edgar stayed outside the door as he instructed.

After entering the door, when Scott stood up, he waved his hand and used the lighting spell to create countless light groups, completely illuminating the entire space.

It's a pity that this stone room is bare, except for the black stone tablet, there is nothing else.

Scott walked to the stone tablet and began to read and analyze the runes engraved on the stone tablet in detail.

"Sure enough, the super-attack magic 'Gangnir' with absolute hit is indeed recorded here." Ravenclaw said, "But only half of it."

Because he had expected this, Scott was not disappointed, but rather pleased.

He said: "If you master this half of the knowledge, you can already use the attack magic. The inability to dodge is not missing, but the power is a bit insufficient and cannot be called super magic."

To be precise, the knowledge here is enough for him to learn a weakened version of "Gangnir".

The weakened version of "Gangnir" also has the characteristic of being inescapable, but it cannot be indestructible.

In other words, it can be blocked by defensive magic or obstacles.

But how destructive this weakened version is will require further research after he learns it.

Looking at the last few lines of characters under the stone tablet, Scott smiled helplessly and said: "It seems that I have to learn this magic before I can leave."

The Ravenclaw in the painting nodded, "If you want to get out from inside the gate, you can no longer use 'Yectrasil', you must completely destroy the gate."

"At the same time, the stone tablet must be destroyed," Scott said, "because there is a gift hidden inside the stone tablet."

Rimbaud asked, "Does it have to be destroyed with 'Gangnir'? Maybe other magic can also be used?"

Helena said: "Presumably they will not leave such a loophole."

"I guess so."

Scott nodded first, then turned and walked towards the door.

"But I still have to give it a try."

"Split into pieces!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"The house collapsed!"

Accompanied by several loud roars, the thick stone door did not move at all, but some dust fell off.

Scott turned around and spread his hands.

"It seems that we must first learn 'Gangnir'."

"Can only half of the knowledge create much more destructive power than these magic spells?"

Helena seemed a little in disbelief.

"Or will the stone door interact with 'Gangnir', just like using 'Yuktrassil' outside the door?"

"It must be the latter." Scott said, "If this was just an ordinary stone door, then it would have been completely destroyed by my spell just now."

With that said, he walked back to the black stone tablet.

Before officially starting to study, he had to rub the runes on the stone tablet.

After all, this stone monument was meant to be destroyed.

He took out a piece of parchment from the transformed lizard skin bag, used a magic spell to enlarge the parchment, and then returned it to its original size after completing the rubbing.

Of course, he also used the [magic mirror] to take "photos" and "videos" of it.

After that, he started a new round of learning.

"Gangnir" is not just a single magic, but a complete attack system that can accommodate other magic elements.

Once mastered, he can use magic power to form a piercing attack, or use various elements such as fire, water, earth, wind, and metal to create "spear" with elemental characteristics.

This will undoubtedly greatly enrich his attack methods.

Such a bright prospect made Scott devote himself to learning with enthusiasm.

This time, it took him another ten days.

Fortunately, he was fully prepared for this trip and carried enough food with him, and other than him, other companions did not need to eat.

In short, ten days later, Scott had initially mastered the weakened version of "Gangnir".

Of course, this is the initial version and does not include the integration of elements.

"But that's enough." Scott said, "Let's learn the other parts slowly."

He already wanted to leave this closed place as soon as possible.

As he spoke, he walked to the black stone monument and raised the wand in his hand.


Scott's magic converged into golden light.

The gold almost flashed by.


The sound of the black stone tablet being destroyed sounded.

If viewed in slow motion, the golden light first stretches, then goes straight forward, stabs, penetrates, and disappears. This is a whole process.

But it all happened in such a short time that people couldn't react at all.


The penetrated black stone tablet began to disintegrate itself.

First, the cracks spread, and then turned directly into a pile of black powder.

Scott stepped forward and pulled out a golden treasure box from the pile of powder.

The style of the treasure chest is very similar to that found in Odin's Temple.

He opened the treasure chest and also got a roll of animal skins and a piece of jewelry.

But the jewelry I got this time was not a necklace like the Eye of Odin, but a black ring.

This ring is very wide and made of unknown metal. It is also inlaid with a blue drop-shaped gemstone.

To find out where the ring came from, Scott unrolled the roll of hide.

"The ring is called 'Hwagmir', named after the first spring of the world."

he told the others.

"Those who wear the ring can summon Ymir, the original giant, to help fight."

The Ravenclaw in the painting said, "That is to say, this ring may have a constant summoning magic, or a high-level transformation magic."

Scott nodded, put away the animal skin scroll, compared the size of the ring, and finally put it on the index finger of his left hand.

"Go out and try it and you will know."

As he said that, he turned and raised his wand towards the door.

The golden light flashed again.

The heavy stone door was penetrated and then collapsed.

When the dust settled, Scott and his friends walked out of the door.

Seeing Scott come out, Edgar, who was left outside the door, immediately flew out and shouted excitedly.

"Try the ring now!" Rimbaud suggested excitedly.

Scott nodded, raised his left hand, and input magic power into the ring.

Instantly, the blue teardrop-shaped gem on the ring glowed.

The blue light was like water waves, and like a thin veil, flying in the air.

"This feeling... is summoning magic."

As soon as Scott finished speaking, a huge blue humanoid figure suddenly appeared in front of him surrounded by blue light.

This is an extremely tall giant.

His body is taller than ordinary giants, and it is estimated to be more than ten meters tall, but his appearance is not as clumsy as ordinary giants. Instead, he looks like a human enlarged in proportion.

His skin is blue, his hair is white, and he wears a complete set of neat ice armor, and there is a cold breath around him.

Scott felt that he had a direct connection with this giant, just like with his own transformation product, and he could give orders at will through this connection.

At the same time, he also understood the origin of this giant named "Ymir".

It is not a real creature, but an alchemical doll for combat.

As soon as Scott thought about it, Ymir opened his eyes.

Coincidentally, the color of its eyes is very similar to Scott's eyes, also a somewhat transparent blue.

Then, Ymir's huge body moved and took a few steps forward.

His movements looked very flexible and natural, and he did not look clumsy.

Then, Ymir clenched his huge fist and punched the mountain wall on one side.

With a loud bang, the fist directly smashed a hole in the mountain wall.

Then, he changed his fist into a palm and put his palm on the mountain wall.

The cold air spread rapidly under his palm, and after a while, the entire mountain wall was completely frozen, condensing into a thick layer of ice.

Scott knew that Ymir's ability was more than that, but this was obviously not a good place for experiments, so the demonstration could only go here.

"Go back."

He stretched out his left hand again, and with the swirling blue light, Ymir's huge body disappeared without a trace.


Seeing this scene, Rimbaud flew up excitedly.

"I think it can easily defeat the fire dragon!"

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