The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 488 488. Entering Hogwarts

Scott, flying in the sky, could see clearly that the entire Hogwarts Castle was protected by a magic barrier, so the situation was not critical at this time.

But the battle was not just in the Forbidden Forest, the Black Lake, and the gate. On the corridor bridge on the other side of the Black Lake, there were also vampires running.

Scott understood.

It seemed that this war was indeed planned by Voldemort for a long time. Not only was the Ministry of Magic holding him back, but even the attack on Hogwarts was also planned in four directions.

Coupled with the Dementors occupying the sky, Hogwarts could be said to have been surrounded in all directions.

Scott flew over the castle gate and opened his mouth to make a cry. Professor McGonagall, who was guarding the gate, looked up and saw him.

The moment he saw him, Professor McGonagall covered her mouth in surprise, and then waved her hand to signal him to leave.

Scott would certainly not leave. Although he could not enter the castle now, there was no shortage of things he could do.

After confirming that Professor McGonagall saw him, Scott flew into the woods beside the road in front of the castle gate.

After landing and transforming into a human form, Scott released Golzan again.

"Grow bigger quickly!"

Waving his magic wand, he turned Golzan into a real Komodo dragon.

Scott said, "Go, Golzan. Sneak underground and attack the invaders at the castle gate."

Golzan shook his ugly and ferocious head, burrowed into the ground, and soon disappeared.

Scott released the last "summoned beast", the golden eagle Horus, and also used a spell to enlarge its size.

"Your task is to deal with the enemies on the other side of the corridor bridge, Horus, and destroy the bridge if necessary."

He reached out and touched the smooth feathers on the neck of the golden eagle, then waved his hand.

Horus nodded in a very humane way, spread his wings and flew into the sky, flying away on the wind.

Unlike Golzan who was hiding underground, the huge golden eagle flew out of the woods, naturally attracting the attention of the group of enemies attacking the gate.

Boom, boom, boom...

Accompanied by heavy footsteps, a giant carrying a huge tree, nearly 7 meters tall, was running towards Scott's direction.

Scott waved his wand and cast several transformation spells, and then used Apparition to come to the woods on the other side of the road.

Of course, the giant did not notice these actions, and still strode to his original position, raised the huge tree in his hand, and let out a brutal roar.

Seeing that there was no movement in the woods, it took a few more steps, and then its feet were empty and fell into a deep pit.

The pit was created by Scott using Transfiguration to change the land under his feet.

The ground looked normal, but it was only a thin layer, which could definitely not bear the weight of the giant.

And at the moment it fell into the pit, several large trees around it also changed.

Their branches twisted together, forming thick arms and huge hands, and they all held down the giant who wanted to climb out of the pit.

At this time, a fire crow that Scott had just temporarily transformed with rocks flew up.

The giant's body was in the underground pit, with only a huge head still above the ground, but it was firmly suppressed by the giant hand transformed by the big tree.

It struggled violently, and opened its mouth and roared.

Under Scott's control, the fire crow flew directly into the giant's mouth and spit hot fire into its throat.

The struggling giant froze.

Then, it struggled even more violently, opened its mouth and crushed the fire crow, and a puff of smoke came out of its mouth.

But soon, its struggle became slower and slower until it stopped completely.

It died.

Scott controlled several big trees to release their hands and disguised them as ordinary trees.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the dead giant's head.

It was Barty Crouch Jr.

Barty Crouch Jr. looked around, trying to find the wizard who killed the giant, but from his angle, he could not see Scott hiding in another forest.

Instead, Scott narrowed his eyes and looked at Voldemort's number one loyal minister.

He decided to let him die here.

Scott deliberately made some noises, and then Apparated away again.

But this time he didn't leave far away.

Two seconds later, Barty Crouch Jr. stood where he had just stood.

He growled, "Whoever it is... you're dead!"

Scott quickly cast the Anti-Apparition spell and activated the magic circuit he had just left.

In an instant, pure darkness descended, covering both of them.

"Damn it! Lumos!"

Barty Crouch Jr. cursed, and then tested that the Illumination Spell didn't work in the illusion, and then quickly shut up.

Scott couldn't help but smile.

It seemed that Barty Crouch Jr. knew very well that speaking in the pure darkness could expose his position at any time, so he closed his mouth smartly and simply.

But unfortunately, darkness has never been an obstacle for Scott.

He waved his wand.

In Scott's perception, everything was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Under the effect of Transfiguration, several long spikes suddenly emerged from the ground around Barty Crouch Jr., piercing his body from different angles.

The sound of metal piercing flesh and screams rang out almost simultaneously.

The magical fluctuations belonging to Barty Crouch Jr. gradually weakened until they disappeared.

Barty Crouch Jr. was dead.

Maybe his strength is not too weak, but Scott's attack was too fast, and Barty Crouch Jr. was killed by him without having to show any strength.

But Scott didn't let the dark vision go away.

He sensed that Bellatrix Lestrange was coming, along with several werewolves.

That Mrs. Lestrange did not approach this side rashly, let alone enter the dark illusion.

She waved her hand, sending one of the several werewolves into action.

Although the werewolf was a little hesitant, he still walked into the dark illusion obediently.

Once in the darkness, the werewolf sniffed.

"Got you!"

He smiled and flew towards Scott quickly.

Scott used his cloak to float above the werewolf's head while waving his wand.

Several long spikes sprouted from the ground again, piercing the werewolf's body.

The screams of the werewolf were heard, and Mrs. Lestrange and several other werewolves were stunned and did not act again for the time being.

Scott was communicating with Gorzan underground, allowing him to sneak attack Bellatrix Lestrange.

Then, he transformed into a peregrine falcon again, flew out from the other side of the dark illusion, circled around, and stopped on the big tree behind Bellatrix and the others, just in time to witness Golzan's sneak attack.

On the ground behind Bellatrix, Gorzan looked like a fish rising out of the water, his head covered by rocks rising slowly and silently.

Then, it opened its huge mouth.


At this time, a werewolf reminded.

But it was too late, Gorzan bit Bellatrix's leg.


Bellatrix screamed in surprise.

"damn it!"

She waved her wand vigorously.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Green light hit Golzan's head.

But Bellatrix didn't know that the death curse aimed at the soul was not a threat to the products of transfiguration that had no real life.

Gorzan withstood a life-killing curse, let go of his mouth when the werewolves pounced on him, and sank directly into the ground.

Bellatrix lifted her skirt and looked at her legs that had turned turquoise.

"Poisonous." A werewolf reminded.

"I know!" Bellatrix yelled at him angrily.

But she quickly froze.

The poison spread quickly, and in a short period of time, her body was already crumbling and she was unable to stand steadily.

Scott, who transformed into a peregrine falcon and squatted in a tree, was about to take action to deal with her, but Bellatrix used her last strength to directly apparate away.

The few werewolves who were left behind looked at each other in confusion.

"what to do?"

"Lestrange and Crouch are gone."

"Are we leaving too?"

"Go ask Boss Greyback!"


After some discussion, the werewolves turned and ran out of the woods.

Scott ignored them.

He looked at the dark illusion that had slowly dissipated, and the body of Barty Crouch Jr., which was pierced and supported by spikes.

For a moment, he inexplicably remembered the nickname the French guys gave him——

England Piercing Male.

It seems to be more and more worthy of its name.

Of course, Scott was not concerned about the Accident, but Barty Crouch Jr.'s body looked really bloody and terrifying.

He decided not to let others see this scene.

Thinking of this, he flew down from the tree and returned to his human form.

After taking out the wand, he first disappeared the few spikes, and then buried Barty Crouch Jr.'s body deep in the ground along with the blood-soaked ground.

After doing this, Scott once again transformed into the Peregrine Falcon and flew into the sky through the Animagus.

At this time, there was some confusion at the castle gate.

Scott could see what was going on at a glance.

The werewolves led by Greyback, like the giants, are chaotic and violent creatures.

When Voldemort's designated commanders Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix Lestrange left, the remaining werewolves and giants, these chaotic guys no longer had any order.

In addition to this, coupled with Golzan's mysterious sneak attack, several werewolves have been bitten and poisoned by it.

Scott is fine with that.

In the past, these werewolves spread the werewolf virus wantonly through biting people, but now it was time for them to taste the taste of being bitten and poisoned.

Scott flew over the gate again, and Professor McGonagall looked up and saw him again.

This time, she gave him a thumbs up and a "come on" gesture.

Scott looked at this scene with some surprise, almost thinking that Professor McGonagall, whose attitude had changed drastically, was fake.

At this moment, Edgar flew over from the direction of the Forbidden Forest and called out to Scott several times.

Scott returned to his human form, landed on its back, and cast a Patronus Charm on the dementors who were trying to besiege him.

"Oh, Edgar, have you killed those two giants in the forest?"


"I see, well done. As long as the giants are taken care of, let the centaurs deal with the remaining trolls."


"Now, you go to the covered bridge and deal with those vampires with Horus. Your flames are very suitable for dealing with them."


"Very well, let's go!"

After Scott finished speaking, he turned into a peregrine falcon and flew up again.


Edgar also spread his wings and flew towards the trestle as fast as possible.

Scott quickly assessed the situation.

Hogwarts was in no serious condition at this time. With the help of his "summoned beast", it was almost impossible to break through.

He decided to enter the castle.

Of course, through the secret passage.

After making the decision, he flew directly into the woods, apparated to the woods near Hogsmeade, then transformed and flew into the sky again.

Hogsmeade seemed very quiet at this time.

No pedestrians, no lights, no smoke, no laughter.

It seems like an uninhabited village.

Scott did not inquire further, but flew to the Shrieking Shack in the corner of the village and flew into the house through the hole in the roof.

After conjuring a group of rats out of the messy things in the house, he quickly found the entrance to the secret passage.

Then, he transformed the dilapidated wooden cabinet into a giant wolf, rode on the wolf's back and entered the secret passage.

The giant wolf ran quickly in the secret passage. After more than ten minutes, it came to the other end, another entrance and exit located under the root of the Whomping Willow.

Scott sensed it and found that several people were guarding the Whomping Willow.

After sensing their identity, Scott smiled.

It's a couple of Gryffindor students, and George is here too.

He took out the [Magic Mirror] and connected to George's [Magic Phone].

"Scott, your background looks familiar."

"Oh, I'm right under the Whomping Willow, man."

"Oh! You're kidding!"

"Of course not. Just wait, I'll be out right now."

Scott jumped off the wolf's back and conjured up a mouse to hold down the Whomping Willow's scar.

Afterwards, he climbed up from the exit while the Whomping Willow was stiff.

"It's really you, man!"

George ran over and patted Scott on the shoulder.

"If it weren't for the phone call, I would have thought someone drank Polyjuice Potion and pretended to be you!"

Scott smiled and said, "This is why I want to communicate with you."

"Ha ha!"

George laughed proudly.

"Oh, Scott, you don't have to do that. Have you forgotten? I have this."

As he spoke, he took out the Marauder's Map from his pocket.


Scott turned directly to ask Li Jordan.

"How is the situation at school now? Is everyone okay?"

"Oh! Not bad!"

Li Qiaodan immediately used his Quidditch explanation speed.

"Their attack was discovered before it even started, and now Hogwarts' protective magic has been upgraded."

"In short, once the protective magic was activated, it kept them out."

"The professors say the castle can't be breached, so let's stay in the common room."

"But George is a little worried about those secret passages..."

“So I organized a group of people.”

George interrupted Jordan.

"There are people from all four colleges. I told them the entrances and exits of several secret passages and asked them to guard them respectively."

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