The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 476 476. Dumbledore's Honesty

"It's April and the weather is getting warmer."

"The people of Beauxbatons shed their heavy sweaters and cloaks and put on light spring clothes."

"With the arrival of warm spring, there is also the sprouting of love."

"Maybe it's the continuation of the Yule Ball, or maybe it's the girls getting prettier."

"Walking on the Beauxbatons campus, Scott found that there were more couples around him."

"However, all romance seems destined to have nothing to do with him..."

"Shut up, Fred."

Scott looked back at Fred.

This kid kept rambling behind him, pretending to be the narrator.

"Have you been a little too proud recently, ever since Angelina agreed to be your girlfriend?" Scott said helplessly.

"Really?" Fred shrugged, "Sorry, I just felt it."


Scott glanced at Cedric who was snickering again, stopped talking, turned his head and walked forward.

"Seriously, Scott."

Fred ran over to Scott and threw his arms around his neck.

"During the summer vacation, I thought Luna was already your girlfriend. Didn't you also visit the Lovegood family?"

"Luna and I are friends," Scott said.

"Same." Fred nodded, "Luna is about the same age as Ginny, you may have to wait."

Scott rolled his eyes, turned to look at him, and said deliberately; "Really, how about I go after Ginny?"

Fred was not angry, and just said with a smile: "I have no objection, but I have to remind you... Oh, you should have noticed that Ginny is obsessed with Harry."


Scott had nothing to say.

"Okay, I'm just worried about you, man."

Fred patted Scott's shoulder again and spoke seriously.

"Your tone is a bit artificial." Scott commented expressionlessly.

Fred pretended not to hear.

"Since Christmas, you have rejected several girls' confessions, and so has Cedric."

He glanced at Cedric next to him, then looked at Scott.

"Cedric rejected those girls because he already has a beautiful girlfriend, Qiu..."

Hearing this, Cedric smiled reservedly.

Fred stared at Scott and asked, "...what's your reason?"

"Because I'm going to die." Scott said angrily.

"Oh Merlin's socks, is this true?"

Fred immediately acted.

"What the hell happened, man!"

His face showed a rather exaggerated look of pain, and his voice became louder and louder.

"I do not even know……"

Scott couldn't help but regret it.

At this time, they were in a corridor of Beauxbatons Castle.

This is the only way to the Dulan Alchemy Classroom, and of course there are Beauxbatons students around.

At this time, no matter which direction the students were walking in, they all stopped and turned to look at the three of them.

"Shut up, we're going to be late."

Scott wanted to leave quickly.


But with the audience, Fred, who was even better at performing, reached out and grabbed his arm.

"You haven't finished your virginity yet...well..."

Scott quickly reached out to cover his mouth, and then said to Cedric: "If you don't want to be embarrassed, come and help."

Cedric nodded quickly, and the two of them dragged the crazy drama actor away until they entered the Dulan Alchemy Classroom.

Fred was still mumbling, "Oh, I'm just caring about you. You can't live up to your friends' kindness, Scott..."

Scott ignored him.

He knew very well that Fred's kindness accounted for at most one-third, and more of it was just to tease him.

Regarding love, Scott also thought about it at some point.

But on the one hand, he has never really been attracted to anyone, and on the other hand, there is still a big thing pressing on his mind, so he doesn't think about it anymore.

Although the prophecy about Salazar Slytherin had not shown many traces, he could not pretend that it did not exist.

Scott didn't know what his ending would be, and he was in no mood to think about anything else.

This school year, the reason why he actively participated in the Triwizard Tournament and became a warrior was to change the environment and relax.

He has already walked out on his own magic path, so he doesn't actually need to take classes step by step.

Even the Ravenclaw tutor no longer needs to teach him step by step, but only needs to answer his questions.

This meant he didn't have to stay at Hogwarts forever.

The Ravenclaw tutor also agreed with him to come here instead of studying behind closed doors.

This time he participated in the Triwizard Tournament, and it was not without gains. At the very least, he laid a solid foundation for the course of alchemy here.

Thank you Professor Duran...

Scott looked at Professor Duran who was walking into the classroom.

Professor Duran is a chubby old man with an affable personality, much older than Professor Russell.

Although his achievements in alchemy may not be as good as Professor Russell's, he is obviously better at basic education than Professor Russell.

"Good morning, now let's start roll call..."

Professor Duran took out the roll call and quickly completed the process of answering the roll call, then took out his wand and clicked on the blackboard.

A beautiful sun pattern appeared on the blackboard.

"We all know that the original alchemy was developed by people who wanted to turn all substances into gold."

"Except for Nicolas Flamel who successfully refined the Philosopher's Stone, no one has been able to do this so far."

"In the alchemical symbol, the sun represents gold, which was later simplified to..."

He tapped on the blackboard again, and a simplified symbol appeared next to the sun, a circle with a dot in the middle.

"This is the symbol system published by Dalton in 1808..."

Professor Duran first took them to review the development of alchemical symbols, and then described the experimental formula for the conversion of two metals.

Soon, they began the practice process.

In the basic alchemy course, they used some common metals for experiments, which did not cost too much, so Scott could still afford the remaining money.

Of course, his self-study progress with the help of Professor Russell was relatively fast, much faster than the progress in Duran's alchemy classroom.

Otherwise, he would not have spent most of his savings on alchemical experiments.

But even so, Scott did not slack off in Professor Duran's class.

This is a process of checking for gaps and consolidating the foundation.

After the morning alchemy class, Scott took the initiative to shake the wand in his hand at Fred.

He threatened: "I'm thinking, should I use a permanent sticking spell to stick your mouth shut, or use your front teeth as a stick to make it inconvenient for you to speak."

Fred quickly covered his mouth.

"Let's go, let's go to the Transfiguration class." Scott said to Cedric.

The two took a few steps forward, and Fred quickly caught up.

"You know, I decided to propose to Angelina after graduating from Hogwarts."

He began to take the route of yin and yang.

"Oh, Scott, when we get married, you must come to be our best man..."

Scott pretended not to hear.

In the Transfiguration class, Professor Baptiste, who was in charge of this class, never tired of asking Scott to demonstrate.

Ever since Scott showed his talent in the competition, the professor began to do this.

He even asked Scott to talk about the Transfiguration class at Hogwarts many times.

He wanted to know what the difference was between that and the course at Beauxbatons, and how Professor McGonagall taught.

He might be expressing his appreciation for Scott, or he might be a little dissatisfied with Professor McGonagall, but it annoyed Scott.

The Beauxbatons students who took the course together also didn't like it, they thought Scott liked to show off his talent too much.

"I must re-select the course!"

Scott said to his classmates after the morning class.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

Professor Baptiste was not the only one who taught the Transfiguration course at Beauxbatons, and the guests could choose the course freely.

Anyway, Scott was a little unhappy to be called by name in class.

Fortunately, everything went well in the afternoon class.

After a full day of classes, Scott and his companions returned to the tower of Hogwarts.

After dinner, Scott's [Magic Mirror] received a message from William.

This surprised Scott.

William hadn't contacted him for a long time.

He quickly clicked on the message.

[I may have found the location. Someone is haunting Edinburgh. There may be a secret room built there.]

Although the content of the message was vague, Scott quickly understood it--

William found that all the witches were haunting Edinburgh, and inferred that Medea might be sleeping there.

Based on the experience that Medea once occupied Edinburgh, she might have built a secret room there.

[Received, be careful.]

Scott replied.

William immediately sent another message.

[Just speculation, not checked.]

[I will convey it.]

After Scott sent this message, he got up and left the dormitory.

He went to the top floor of the tower through the spiral staircase and knocked on the door gently.

The door opened.

"Oh, Scott, please come in, what's the matter?"

Dumbledore was sitting alone in front of the window drinking tea.

"Good evening, professor."

Scott walked into the room and closed the door.

"William sent a message."

He walked to Dumbledore and showed him the conversation between himself and William.

"Ms. Slytherin?"

Dumbledore pondered for a moment.

"I have checked all the chambers of secrets in Hogwarts, including the one of Ms. Slytherin."

Scott said: "Maybe because I know the existence of the chamber of secrets, she will not hide in Hogwarts."

But this is also the cautiousness of Dumbledore. He never thought that Medea would hide back in Hogwarts.

But he was still surprised that Dumbledore could enter the chamber of secrets.

Does that mean...

The chamber of secrets contains a lot of magic research materials left by the Slytherin father and daughter.

Dumbledore saw what Scott was thinking.

"Although I can't enter the chamber of secrets, even ghosts can't enter, but Peeves can."

Scott said: "He can..."

"Unfortunately, he can't take anything out." Dumbledore said.

"Can't the door of the chamber of secrets be destroyed?" Scott asked, "If we can get the things inside, maybe we can find out more secrets about Slytherin and Medea."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"I decided it wasn't worth it."

"That secret room was built extremely cleverly. It itself is an important node in the magic cycle inside Hogwarts Castle."

"Any violent vandalism will cause serious damage to the castle and it will take a long time to repair it."

"We can't take any chances at this time."

Scott asked regretfully, "Is there nothing the Ravenclaw tutor can do?"

Dumbledore shook his head again.

"Ms. Ravenclaw is no longer alive. All that remains is her magical portrait."

"Scott, a portrait is just a portrait. There are many things that portraits cannot do."

"I understand." Scott found it difficult to say anything else.

Under the threat of Voldemort, one cannot risk the magic circulation in the castle. This is related to the protective magic of the entire castle.

"Tell me about this news."

Dumbledore pointed to the [Magic Mirror] in Scott's hand.

"If I remember correctly, Edinburgh has officially returned to the jurisdiction of the Muggle government."

Scott nodded.

Dumbledore said: "I will ask someone to verify it and find out whether there are really wizards from all the witches haunting there."

Scott asked, "Are you worried about William..."

He understood what Dumbledore meant, and the news sent by William might not be true.

He might not really want to join them, or he might be being controlled.

Dumbledore nodded, "It's always right to be careful."

"You are right." Scott said, "Then, exploration may also be dangerous, so there is no need to send people there, leave this matter to me."

Dumbledore looked up at him and nodded slightly.

"A product of your transfiguration?" He agreed with Scott's suggestion, "This is indeed the safest method."

Next, he told Scott some of the recent actions of the entire witch guild.

"They have also been helping recently. They have been very active in dealing with Voldemort's henchmen."

Scott speculated, "Could it be that only after Voldemort dies can the curse he imposed on Medea be completely lifted?"

"That's my guess too," said Dumbledore.

"But Voldemort never showed up again." Scott said, "Oh, was he the one who planned Harry's attack by Warrington?"

"It definitely has something to do with him, but that's what I want to see."

Dumbledore said something surprising.

He poured Scott a cup of tea and asked him to sit down.

Scott sat down on the sofa opposite him and looked at him in surprise.

"Don't be surprised, Scott. I know you. You have magic and a mature mind beyond your peers. Sometimes, I don't have to treat you like a child."

Dumbledore winked mischievously.

"You once helped calculate Voldemort's Horcrux using arithmetic divination."

When it came to business, he quickly became serious again.

"I think you may have already guessed about the unexpected Horcrux that even Voldemort himself doesn't know about."

When he said this, Scott did not hide himself, "Is it Harry?"

Dumbledore nodded heavily.

"On the night of Voldemort's last defeat, his killing curse was rebounded."

"Because Harry's mother cast a spell to protect Harry from harm at the expense of herself, and the rebounding death curse knocked Voldemort out of his mind."

"Even he doesn't know it, but a small part of his soul has been attached to Harry ever since."

"That's the real reason for the connection between Harry and Voldemort."

"Can't you take it off?" Scott asked softly.

Dumbledore shook his head.

"As Harry has grown up, their souls have merged with each other, and even I can't help it."

Scott asked again, "Then why did Voldemort let people steal Harry's blood?"

Dumbledore answered his question patiently.

"It's also because of the magic that Harry's mother, Lily Potter, cast before she died. The protective magic is very powerful. With it, Voldemort can't touch Harry or hurt him."

"Voldemort never knew why he failed in the past, but he personally confirmed this during the Quidditch World Cup. He wanted to use Harry's blood to solve this problem."

Scott curiously continued to ask, "You said, this is what you want to see?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"What Voldemort didn't know was that when he let Harry's blood enter his body, the protective magic left behind by Lily would also affect him."

"Although he would have access to Harry later, if he tried to kill him, all that would be killed would be fragments of his own soul inside Harry."

Scott got it.

"It turns out that this is the only way to make the fragments of Voldemort's soul disappear from Harry's body..."

"Because Voldemort doesn't know how to love."

Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Lily's protection of Harry stems from great maternal love. Voldemort, who does not understand love, will never understand this. This is also his biggest flaw."

"Why are you telling me this?" Scott asked.

Dumbledore lowered his head and took a sip of hot tea.

"You are already a powerful wizard, Scott."

He looked at Scott seriously.

"I won't say anything righteous to you, and you don't like to hear it, but you know that completely destroying Voldemort can prevent Medea from getting his soul."

"In destroying Voldemort, although we and Medea have the same goal, we must prevent Medea from sacrificing Voldemort's soul to gain power."

"In other words, you want me to help in this matter?" Scott said bluntly.

Dumbledore did not play tricks and nodded to confirm his guess.

"Sorry, I can't find enough helpers. Although you are still young, it is very rare to find a wizard better than you."

"You didn't say these things to me before." Scott said with a smile, "Is it because I am about to become an adult?"

Dumbledore admitted frankly, "You are right, you will become an adult in only 4 months."

Scott had nothing to disagree with.

After all, he also had a lot of big troubles and often needed Dumbledore's help.

Now Voldemort is no longer the final boss, Salazar Slytherin is.

If Dumbledore died in the confrontation with Voldemort, as he did in the "original book", Scott would also lose a powerful helper.

"I agree, Professor." He said, "What do you want me to do?"

Dumbledore said: "Do what you can do. I only expect two things from you, to gather intelligence about the enemy and to protect Hogwarts."

"That's it?" Scott asked in surprise.

He thought there was some dangerous mission to be assigned to him, or to protect Harry or something.

I didn't expect it to be like this.

"That's it."

Dumbledore nodded affirmatively.

"Even if you are an adult, I will not let a student who has not yet graduated fight against the dark wizards head-on."

He reminded Scott a few more words.

"Use your strengths, Scott."

"Your Transfiguration is unique and has surpassed me in flexibility."

"You have a lot of ideas and creativity."

He pointed to the [Magic Mirror] in Scott's hand.

"Using these, you can provide us with great help."

"Of course, in my opinion, you don't have to show up in person to participate in the battle."

Scott immediately imagined a picture in his mind.

Send out the "summoned beasts", hide in a safe place, such as Hogwarts, and then use the [magic mirror] to monitor the battlefield somewhere unknown, and remotely control the "summoned beasts" to participate in the battle like playing a game.

It feels very cool.

"I understand."

Scott nodded again.

At the same time, he began to be interested in realizing his ideas.

By the way, you can also add a set of monitoring equipment to Hogwarts Castle to prevent someone from sneaking in.

Thinking of this, he told Dumbledore about his ideas.

But Dumbledore rejected his proposal.

"After the upgrade of Hogwarts' protective magic under the guidance of Ms. Ravenclaw, it can already do this."

He told Scott.

"I can find the murderer who hurt Harry immediately after returning, and that's because of this."

Scott didn't give up, "Then what about magical creatures like house elves? Hogwarts can't prohibit them from Apparition."

He was still thinking about making a fortune by installing a monitoring system for the school.

"We certainly thought of this, and for this reason, all the house-elves at Hogwarts have re-signed magical contracts so that they can continue to move freely."

Dumbledore blocked his way to make money.

Scott had no choice but to give up.

"Then I'll leave first, Professor." He stood up, "I will find out the situation in Edinburgh as soon as possible and report to you."

Dumbledore said: "If it is confirmed that there is indeed suspicion there, we will discuss further actions."

After saying good night to each other, Scott left Dumbledore's room.

He did not return to the dormitory, but went directly outside the tower and used the [Magic Mirror] to connect to the [Magic Phone] left at Rimbaud's place.

The screen of the [Magic Mirror] flashed.


Rumble's voice came.

Scott needed to look carefully to recognize Rimbaud's general outline in the dark screen.

"Oh wait."

Rumble flew into the oak hut and turned on the light.

"Finally, is there something to do?" Rimbaud flapped his wings, "I've been telling you I'm bored, quack, and there are more and more crows in the territory."

Scott smiled, "Yes, there was nothing for you to do before. This time is different, there is a very important task."

"Important task? Leave it to me!" Rimbaud said happily.

"William told me that Medea might be hiding in Edinburgh." Scott said, "You know what to do."

"I know! Of course I know! Just wait for my good news!"

Rimbaud "quacked" a few times and hung up the call excitedly.

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