The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 463 463. The first round of competition begins

After a confusing and lively alchemy class, Scott and his two friends returned to the tower and decisively changed their schedules.

According to Professor Russell's advice, they re-selected Duran's alchemy classroom, which would start with the basics.

After the actual experience, they felt that they could finally understand.

Although it was a bit awkward for them to take classes with third-year students from Beauxbatons, Professor Duran was a chubby old man who was very kind and enthusiastic towards their guests.

Obviously, this professor was willing to teach students from other schools, and he and Professor Russell had the same views.

When Scott and his friends finally adapted to studying and living in Beauxbatons, the day of the first round of the competition was quietly approaching.

A few days before the competition, not to mention Scott himself, his companions around him began to get nervous one by one.

Fred and Roger tried their best to get acquainted with some students from Beauxbatons, wanting to help him find out the details of the competition.

And others were not far behind.

Cedric searched everywhere for information about the past Triwizard Tournament, hoping to find some useful clues from the competition more than a hundred years ago.

Ethan and several other people were always nervous, fearing that Scott would encounter unknown attacks before the game, and they wanted to protect Scott all the time.

Even several Slytherin students participated in this activity to protect him.

Angelina, Caccini and other girls always reminded Scott to check carefully when he went to eat, so as not to be drugged.

In the end, they simply ate food made by Hogwarts house elves in the tower and no longer went to the restaurant of Beauxbatons for dinner.

Scott, who was originally calm, was a little amused by their behavior, but he did not refuse these good intentions and let them go.

The only benefit of this behavior is that the students from the four major colleges in the Hogwarts delegation have truly merged into a whole and achieved unexpected unity.

Even Dumbledore was happy to see this.

When Scott walked on the campus of Beauxbatons, he was always followed by a large group of "bodyguards", which looked particularly cool.

This made the students of the other two schools also start to organize themselves to protect their warriors.

In short, the competition has not started yet, and the students of the three schools have already rolled up.

Because the competition is approaching, it is not only the members of the delegation who are trying to support Scott, but also Scott's friends who stayed in Hogwarts are taking action.

George sent a very long "paper" through the [magic phone].

The content is a summary of various news about the past Triwizard Tournaments.

When Cedric saw this "paper", he was happier than Scott.

According to George, many people contributed to this, and Eddie used his expertise to find out the most information. For this, he even stayed in the office of the ghost Professor Binns for an afternoon.

Hermione also helped to organize some information and wrote the "paper" with Eddie.

Even Harry and Ron went to the library to look through books, although they only persisted for half a day.

In addition to this "paper", Milton said that he had written a song to celebrate Scott's victory, and the classical music club had begun rehearsing, and they could perform on stage when they returned to Hogwarts to celebrate.

Luna said that she had recently learned a magical ritual that would definitely bring good luck to Scott.

These intentions were rare, and Scott thanked them one by one.

On November 23, the night before the competition, Scott and his companions gathered in the common room of the tower to chat.

"It's a pity." Fred said, "The competition project is absolutely confidential, and I haven't been able to find out any useful clues."

Roger followed up, "I didn't get anything here, and the students of Beauxbatons didn't know the competition project either. I asked Audrey and Ann in the seventh grade, Bert, Catherine, Sophie in the sixth grade... and some other people, anyway..."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"If I heard it right, the series of names you mentioned are all girls' names?" Caccini rolled his eyes to the sky, "Are you trying to get information or picking up girls?"

"Of course, both are done at the same time. Getting to know girls doesn't delay getting information, or rather, this is how I get information." Roger said shamelessly.

"Forget it if you can't find out. According to the old tradition, it's nothing more than fighting dangerous magical animals or passing levels." Scott said.

Although he still remembered that the first game of the Triwizard Tournament in the "original book" had to face a dragon, now the host has changed to France, it may not be the same.

"Oh, anyway, you know it in your heart." Roger said.

November 24, Thanksgiving, Thursday.

The day finally came.

In the morning, when Scott walked out of the dormitory, he found that the other members of the Hogwarts delegation were waiting in the common room.

When he appeared, everyone's eyes were on him.

"There are a lot of people outside." Ethan turned his head and looked out the window, "I mean, the audience who came to watch the game have begun to arrive."

Others also spoke at once.

"Oh, Scott, are you okay?"

"I hope you're not nervous."

"Will your family come to watch the game?"

"Oh, it's okay, we will cheer for you!"

Scott didn't know whose question to answer for a moment.

"Okay, okay." Roger clapped his hands, "Let our warriors eat before going on the court!"


Fred pretended to lead the way.

They came to the first floor with a smile on their faces. The house elves had prepared a hearty breakfast for them.

During the meal, everyone urged Scott to eat more.

When Scott was full, the door of the tower was knocked.

Fred ran over to open the door and found Lucio standing at the door.

"Good morning, guests of Hogwarts."

Lucio stood at the door with a smile on his face.

"Because I am familiar with you, I was appointed by Madam Maxime as today's guide to lead you to the competition venue."

"Oh, we didn't see Dumbledore. Has he gone to the competition venue?" Fred asked.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore is a member of the referee group. They have already gone there." Lucio said.

"Then let's go." Scott stood up.

They walked out of the tower, followed Lucio, crossed a small hill covered with green grass, and came to another more vast grassland.

Many wizards who came for the competition had gathered here, and a row of powder blue carriages were parked in the middle of the grassland.

The horses responsible for pulling the carriages attracted the attention of all of Scott and his friends.

These horses were very tall, and each one was about the size of an elephant. They were golden, with silver manes, fiery red eyes, and a pair of snow-white wings.

"These are rune horses, a type of Pegasus." Lucio said, "Beauxbatons raises a group of rune horses."

They walked to a carriage and looked up at the rune horses pulling the carriage.

"It's so beautiful."

"So cool!"

"If we can raise one at home..."

Scott's companions all praised the horses out loud, unable to hide their love.

Lucio shrugged, "Ordinary people can't afford it, they only drink single malt whiskey."

He invited everyone to get on the carriage.

The space inside the carriage was large enough to accommodate all of them.

After everyone was seated, Lucio said, "Okay, it's time to go."

He reached out and pulled a rope hanging from the door of the carriage.

Ding Ding Dong Dong...

The bell rang, and the divine horse pulling the carriage immediately moved its huge hooves and ran.

"Hold on!" Lucio raised his voice, "We are taking off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the divine horse spread its broad wings and soared into the air.

Everyone leaned back with exclamations.

In a blink of an eye, the carriage they were riding had flown into the air, but soon stabilized again.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked out the window.

The weather was very good that day. The Pyrenees were picturesque, refreshing, and also diluted the tension caused by the upcoming competition.

About ten minutes later, a high mountain appeared in front of them.

Lucio said loudly, "The main peak of the Pyrenees is in front of us, and the competition venue is on the top of the mountain."

The height of the carriage increased again, flew around the mountain several times, and finally stopped on the huge platform on the top of the mountain.

After getting off the car, Scott looked at the majestic building that looked like an ancient Colosseum and asked Lucio, "Is this place originally here?"

"Of course it was newly built." Lucio said proudly, "For the Triwizard Tournament."

"Beauxbatons is really rich." Fred muttered.

Lucio clapped his hands and said to the others, "Classmates, you can enter the venue on your own. Go over there from the auditorium and you will see the stairs going up."

He pointed in the direction.

"I need to lead Scott to the preparation room for warriors."

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and handed it to Fred, patting him on the shoulder, "The live broadcast is left to you."

Then, he followed Lucio into the building, through an underground corridor, and came to a huge stone chamber.

Fleur and Krum had already arrived.

"This is it, someone will come to arrange for you later." Lucio said, "Well, good luck in the competition."

Then he waved and turned away.


Scott greeted the two people in the room, walked to the blazing fireplace, and sat down on the sofa.

In response to his proactive greeting, Krum just nodded slightly, and Fleur just forced a smile.

Both of them looked a little pale, obviously, they were very nervous.

No one spoke next, and the stone chamber soon fell into silence.

After a while, Fleur suddenly asked, "You don't seem nervous at all?"

Scott turned his head to meet her gaze, knowing that she was asking him.

He smiled, "Because I believe in Professor Dumbledore, with him, I will not be in any danger of life. In short, no matter what happens, he can definitely save my life."

"Really?" Fleur's eyes were full of inquiry, "Then what about the competition?"

"It's just a competition, the important thing is to participate." Scott continued to smile.

Hearing what he said, Fleur was full of surprise, and even Krum, who had a gloomy face, looked over with some surprise.

"You represent the honor of Hogwarts." Fleur said sharply.

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Hogwarts has existed for a thousand years, and its reputation will not be affected by a Triwizard Tournament."

Upon hearing this, Furong glanced at him disapprovingly, but said nothing more.

Just then, Mr. Jolly walked in with brisk steps.

"Oh, how are you guys? Very good. All three of you are here!"

He walked to the open space between the three of them and stood there.

"Now I can tell you what the game is about."

Scott and the others raised their heads and looked at him.

Mr. Jolly grinned.

"You need to break through the blockade of the two alchemical beasts, enter the control room, and press the switch to stop them."

Alchemy beast?

Scott looked at Fleur.

Furong's face at this moment was definitely not good-looking.

Scott immediately understood that the so-called alchemical beast must be difficult to deal with.

Before Scott could think more, Mr. Jolly continued: "Now let's decide the order in which the three of you will compete."

As he spoke, he took out a dice from his pocket.

"How about using dice to decide?" he asked. "The one with the highest score will go on last. So, who comes first?"

"I'll go first."

Krum stood up, took the dice from his hand, and threw it on the table.

The dice spun a few times and finally stopped.

Mr. Jolly glanced over and said, "Oh, three o'clock."

A smile suddenly appeared on Fleur's face.

She stood up and walked over to pick up the dice and threw them on the table again.

The dice spun a few times and stopped, and Furong's face fell instantly.

"Oh... 1 o'clock." Mr. Jolly announced regretfully.

Furong said nothing, walked back and down with a sullen face, her head lowered and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Mr. Jolly turned to greet Scott, "It's your turn next, Mr. Trollope."


Scott stood up, picked up the dice, tossed it, and threw it out.

After a few seconds, the dice stopped at 5 o'clock.

"5 o'clock!"

Mr. Jolly shouted in surprise.

Fleur and Krum both turned to look at Scott.

"Looks like I'm lucky."

Scott smiled and sat back on the sofa.

"Then the order of play is decided." Mr. Jolly put the dice back in his pocket. "First comes Miss Delacour, then Mr. Crumb, and finally Mr. Trollope."

Scott and the three of them nodded.

"Then, please pay attention. When the game starts, there will be a sound to notify you."

Mr. Jolly confessed and then left the preparation room.

When he left, Fleur immediately stood up again, pacing back and forth nervously.

"Fleur." Scott said, "What is the alchemy beast? Can you tell us about it?"

Fleur stopped, looked at Scott, and then back at Krum.

She was a little impatient, but she still explained very quickly, "Alchemy beasts are monsters created by alchemy. They are known as Beauxbatons' strongest defense force. Although they are not real creatures, they are very strong. Very dangerous, and few wizards can defeat them alone."

"Thank you." Scott knew it well.

Krum also thanked him.

Fleur shook her head, with an uneasy expression on her face, and continued to walk around the small area.

After a while, Scott heard Mr. Jolly's voice again.

Some magic seemed to have been used in the preparation room, and a high-pitched voice came from the ceiling above them, sounding very clear.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome, welcome to the Triwizard Tournament! Welcome to witness this grand event co-organized by the French Ministry of Magic, Beauxbatons, Hogwarts, and Durmstrang!! "

Even though they were separated by thick walls, the deafening cheers and applause seemed to ring in Scott's ears.

Fleur, who was pacing, reached out to cover her heart and began to breathe heavily.

"The game is about to start!"

Mr. Jolly's voice grew increasingly excited.

"First of all, let us invite the famous alchemist Professor Russell. He will be responsible for providing safety protection for the warriors in our competition!"

Applause broke out again.

"Professor Russell?" Fleur exclaimed.

Almost instantly, her complexion immediately improved, and she no longer felt as restless as before.

She said overjoyed: "Now we don't need to worry about safety issues."

Scott was a little surprised and asked, "You didn't know beforehand?"

"Of course I don't know!" Fleur said dissatisfied, "Professor Russell has never participated in any activities other than teaching. Haven't you noticed that he was not present whether it was the welcome dinner of the competition or the Halloween dinner?"

"So that's it." Scott nodded.

"Very good, the venue has been set up!" Mr. Jolly's sonorous voice came again, "Now, let us use the warmest applause to invite the first contestant to take the stage today - the warrior from Beauxbatons, Fleur de Rakul!”

"Oh, I have to go!"

Fleur shook her hair tied into a ponytail and walked out.

"Come on," Scott said.

After a while, applause and cheers rang out again, which meant that Fleur was on the stage.

"Let us look forward to Miss Delacour's wonderful performance!"

Mr. Jolly began to commentate on the game.

Perhaps because he didn't want Scott and Klum to guess anything, his explanation was quite general.

"Oh! Danger! So dangerous!"

"Wonderful! So suspenseful!"

"Oh! I'm not sure that's a wise thing to do!"

"Oh...just a tiny bit! Careful! Oh my God! I thought she had passed!"

Scott and Klum both listened expressionlessly.

About half an hour later, Mr. Jolly started screaming.

"Oh! Oh! What did I see! What did I see!"

"Did you see it?"

"She did it! She did it!"

"Congratulations, congratulations to our Beauxbatons warrior, Miss Delacour, who is both witty, brave and beautiful! Please let the referee show you your scores, oh, I am also a referee..."

In the stone room, Krum stood up suddenly.

"Good luck to you," Scott said.

Krum nodded, walked to the door and stood still.

Scott sat comfortably on the sofa and looked at his back.

At this time, Krum clenched his fists tightly and was taking deep breaths.

Soon, Furong's grading session ended.

But Mr. Jolly did not release her scores.

"Let's invite our second contestant - the warrior from Durmstrang, Viktor Krum!"

Krum strode out the door.

Scott, who was sitting on the sofa, changed his position.

"Let's get started, I look forward to your performance, Mr. Krum!"

Shortly after, Mr. Jolly resumed his lackluster explanation.

"Oh! Do you want to..."

"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure?"

"My God, he's so brave!"

"Come on, Krum!"

Krum's competition took less time than Fleur. After about twenty minutes, he successfully passed the competition.

Scott stood up from the sofa, adjusted his robe, took out the wand and held it in his hand.

He didn't wait long.

"...We invite the third contestant - the warrior from Hogwarts, Scott Trollope!"

Hearing his name, Scott strode out of the preparation room, passed through a short, dim corridor, and walked up the stairs leading to the sunlight.

When he walked into the venue and bathed in the sunshine, he was almost drowned out by the applause and cheers from all directions.

Scott squinted his eyes, adjusted to the light, and finally saw the scene in front of him clearly.

There was an open space in front of him, and there were some large and small rocks scattered in the field.

Facing him in the distance stood a stone platform about a person's height. There seemed to be a huge iron cage above the stone platform.

The door of the cage was open, with a wooden sign hanging above it saying "Control Room" in French and English.

That turned out to be the control room.

Scott knew where he wanted to go.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Jolly's voice came from behind.

Scott turned around and looked up. On the high platform behind him, the members of the referee team were sitting there.

Scott nodded in that direction.

"Very good, the contestants are ready!" Mr. Jolly shouted, "Professor Russell, release your repaired alchemy beast!"

Click, click.

Suddenly, the stone wall on one side of the site cracked, and a huge doorway appeared.

Heavy footsteps sounded, accompanied by the unique clanging sound of metal.

Two behemoths crawled out of the doorway.

They are two huge griffins.

In other words, they are two steel monsters that look like griffins.

The two monsters climbed out of the door and immediately spread their wings and flew up, landing around the stone platform where the control room was.

Mr. Jolly's voice came from behind Scott again, "Come on, Mr. Trollope, I look forward to your performance!"

Scott smiled and put the wand in his hand back into the wand holster in his clothes.

Mr. Jolley immediately started shouting, "Oh, what is he doing, he's got his wand back! Did I read that right? Does the Hogwarts Champion want to abstain?"

Trollope ignored the boos surrounding him due to the unreliable explanation and completed the Animagus transformation in an instant.

Mr. Jolly immediately changed his mind, "It's the Animagus! He completed the Animagus! Oh my God! He's such a genius!"

Scott transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew straight into the sky, ignoring all the noisy sounds around him, and flew toward the control room on the stone platform at lightning speed.

Before the two griffons could react, he had already arrived on the stone platform.

However, just as he was about to fly directly into the control room, two gryphons finally began to attack——

They spread their wings and flew together, and their speed was unexpectedly fast.

Before Scott arrived at his destination, a griffin blocked the door of the control room, and the other one fiercely attacked Scott.

Casting a huge shadow, the size of the steel monster is undoubtedly many times larger than the peregrine falcon that Scott transformed, bringing an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Although the griffon is very fast, the peregrine falcon flies even faster, and Scott uses extremely light movements to avoid the griffin's bite.

After passing by the gryphon, he turned around and flew back under the stone platform, transformed back into his human form as quickly as possible, and landed on a huge rock.


The griffin that took the initiative to bite roared angrily, began to take the initiative, and chased after him.

Scott drew out his wand as quickly as possible, waved it at the rock on one side, and chanted a spell.

The light of the transformation spell flashed, and the huge rock changed instantly.

A huge crow bathed in blazing flames rose into the sky.

This fire crow was almost the same size as the two griffins, and it flew towards the attacking griffons bravely.


The unpleasant cry of the fire crow resounded through the sky.

It quickly gathered the flames burning around it, and opened its mouth to spit out a hot line of fire.

The temperature of the line of fire was extremely high, and it looked almost white.

At the same time, Scott waved his magic wand again towards the rock on the other side.


The sound of water was heard, and the huge swordfish wrapped in a giant water ball jumped high.

The swordfish was almost five meters long, shaking its head and tail and swimming towards the stone platform.

Then, Scott put away his magic wand again, transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew into the sky.

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