The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 46 046. Saturday Scenery in the morning mist

That night, Scott never started to paint on the painting.

He felt that there was a better way to express it, but he couldn't think of it for a while, which made him uncomfortable.

So he woke up very early the next day.

After he washed and changed his clothes, he sat in front of the window and sat in front of the blank canvas for a long time.

Unconsciously, the morning light penetrated the mist and shone on his face through the glass window.

Scott came to his senses and saw that his roommates were still sleeping, so he left the dormitory alone.

He decided to go out for a walk to change his mood.

When he came to the common room, he saw Luna in her nightgown sitting on the windowsill with her knees hugged, looking out the window in a daze.

Scott walked over to greet her.

"Good morning, Luna."

Luna slowly turned her head and smiled in a trance when she saw Scott.

"Good morning, Scott." She waved slightly.

"Every time I see you in the common room, you sit here." Scott said.

He walked to the window and looked at the place where Luna had been looking, which was the direction of the forbidden forest.

He asked curiously, "Is there anything worth admiring there?"

"I'm watching the Thestrals living in the Forbidden Forest. They often fly." Luna was willing to share her discovery.

"Really? It's a pity that I can't see the Thestrals." Scott said.

The Thestrals are magical creatures that can only be seen by people who have seen death.

And Scott is not one of them for the time being.

"What a pity." Luna said regretfully, "I think they are a little cute."

If someone else expressed regret that Scott couldn't see the Thestrals, he would think that they were regretting that he hadn't seen death.

But this weird little witch in front of him?

Scott didn't think she would think so.

Besides, he had also seen pictures of the Thestrals in books, but he didn't think those skinny magical animals were cute at all.

But he just smiled and didn't plan to comment on it.

"I was thinking of going to the Forbidden Forest to look for the Crooked Snorlax, but my dad said that this magical animal can only be found in Sweden." Luna's voice became more and more erratic, "I wonder if there is a Bubble Snot Monster in the Forbidden Forest."

"You can try to find it."

Although he had never heard of these two magical creatures, Scott did not break the little girl's fairy-tale fantasy.

He just reminded her, "But you are only in the first grade, it may be dangerous to go to the Forbidden Forest."

"Thank you, I will be ready to go again."

Luna accepted his advice, and then she suddenly sneezed loudly.

"Oh! It's a bit cold, I should go change clothes!"

She rubbed her nose, and her bare feet stretched out from under her long nightgown.

"Goodbye, Scott."

After saying that, she jumped directly from the windowsill, stepped on the carpet barefoot, and ran away.

Scott shook his head and stretched his waist in front of the window.

At this moment, a morning mist drifted outside the window, and under the rendering of the warm sunlight, the mist surged with gorgeous colors.

The Forbidden Forest in the distance and the castle nearby were faintly outlined in the colors, hazy and layered, like a freehand splash painting.

Got it!

Scott's eyes lit up.


He immediately gave up his plan to go out for a walk and turned back to the dormitory.

He diluted more paint with linseed oil and used Transfiguration to create several small buckets to hold them.

In order to make the paint more fluid, he also added some water to it.

Scott picked up the largest oil brush and dipped it full of paint.

When he was about to start painting, he threw the brush aside and held his wand again.

He decided to use Transfiguration to complete this painting and make it more magical.

He turned around and leaned back on the single sofa, repeatedly simulating the picture effect he wanted in his mind. Until the picture of this painting became clearer and clearer in his mind.

Then, he waved his wand without hesitation.

The paint in the small bucket on the ground immediately moved, and different colors of paint flew out of the bucket, gathered together in the air, and blended with each other.

Then, the paint flew onto the canvas again, filling the blank canvas.

As the paint flowed, the picture gradually took shape, overlapping with the picture Scott imagined in his mind.

It was done.

Scott stood up and looked at the painting that was completed in an instant, nodding with satisfaction.

Until the applause from behind interrupted his thoughts.

It turned out that he had been immersed in painting just now and had woken up his roommate.

"Great! Scott!"

Milton was so excited that he almost jumped up. He didn't even have time to put on his slippers and ran over barefoot.

"Great!" He looked at Scott's work with shining eyes, "I'm so lucky. I witnessed the birth of such a painting as soon as I opened my eyes today! Oh! I don't know what language to use to describe it. Anyway, you have completed it much better than I imagined! Congratulations!"

Roger and Eddie also came over.

Roger praised, "Oh! Scott! You gave us another shocking feeling."

Unlike last time, he could understand this painting this time, so his praise this time was also sincere.

Eddie immediately expressed his opinion, "I didn't expect to be able to draw a portrait like this. It's really amazing, isn't it?"

He took two steps closer and continued: "I have also seen the painting you gave to Professor Flitwick, but to be honest, I can't see anything at all."

He shrugged.

"But when I saw this painting, maybe because there was a specific image of Professor McGonagall in the painting, I suddenly felt the feeling of 'this is the magic of Professor McGonagall'!"

"thank you all!"

Scott happily said: "This may be my most satisfying painting so far, not only because of the unique form of expression, but also because I found a new painting technique!"

With real joy on his face, he opened his hands and exclaimed loudly: "We are wizards! Sure enough, it would be more exciting to use magic to accomplish all this!"

"You're right! Scott!"

Milton nodded in agreement.

"Using magic does not make your paintings lose their artistic quality! For example, even if I had the same transformation skills as you, I wouldn't be able to draw such a painting."

He looked at the painting again, his eyes full of admiration.

"Because I can't picture it in my head."

Scott first accepted his compliment, then smiled and said to him: "Leave your smart mind to music, Milton."


Milton's green eyes grew brighter.

"I thought of it!"

He hurriedly rushed to the desk next to his bed, quickly pulled out a quill pen and a piece of parchment, and started writing at the desk as quickly as possible.

"It seems Milton also has new inspiration." Roger said to Eddie.

"Isn't this common?"

Eddie, who was already used to it, gave him a puzzled look.

"Haven't you noticed yet, Eddie?" Roger patted his shoulder with a serious expression, "In this dormitory, the two of us are a bit unsociable."

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