The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 449 449. News about the Triwizard Tournament

On the train to Hogwarts, Scott, who finished his prefect inspection perfunctorily, returned to the compartment where his roommates were.

"What were you talking about just now?"

He sat down in the empty seat next to Milton.

"We were talking about our summer vacation experiences." Milton replied.

"I thought I'd said it all before."

Scott smiled and patted Milton on the shoulder.

"Do you need me to welcome you again for not choosing to drop out of school, but for returning to Hogwarts?"

"It's all Eddie who's talking." Roger yawned with a bored look on his face, "He has told his experience in the United States during the summer vacation several times, but every time he can tell a different version. "

Milton also laughed and said, "Just listen to the story out of boredom."

"Hey!" Eddie yelled in dissatisfaction after being ridiculed.

Roger ignored him.

"I'm still regretting that I missed the World Cup final."

He looked like he was not excited about anything.

Three days ago, the previously failed Quidditch World Cup final was moved to Iceland. Due to the hasty decision and the previous accident, there were not many spectators in this originally highly anticipated game.

Everyone only knows that the players of Ireland and Bulgaria played the entire game on a makeshift pitch in the wilderness. The Bulgarian seeker caught the golden snitch, and Ireland won the final championship.

"The people who are more upset than you should be the Irish players and the Bulgarian Seekers." Scott said to Roger, "That was their highlight moment, but there were not many people cheering for them."

Eddie shrugged his shoulders, "At least they made the front page of the newspaper, especially the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum. I heard that he was just a student at Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Graduated student, now he has become a well-known star..."

The four of them chatted about each other. Of course, the topics were all within the "safe" range.

But accidents always happen unexpectedly.

The door to the cubicle suddenly opened, and the sticky couple Dylan and Kayla walked in.

"Oh, Scott, you are always lazy here." Keira complained carelessly, "Professor Flitwick should have given the position of prefect of male students directly to Dylan, right..."

She looked at Milton.

"Congratulations, Milton. I heard that your father may become the new Minister of Magic."

Keira's words seemed to touch a certain mechanism, and in an instant, the originally harmonious atmosphere in the cubicle suddenly changed drastically.

Scott and the others looked at Milton cautiously.

"Oh...thank you, Keira." Milton said with some difficulty, "But this is not something worthy of congratulations."

"I'm sorry, please don't pay attention to her nonsense."

Dylan smiled awkwardly, stretched out his hand to pull Kayla and wanted to leave.

"What...what happened?"

Kayla was still a little confused, but Dylan had already dragged her away.

"Are you okay?" Scott patted Milton on the shoulder.

Roger and Eddie also looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Although Milton's eyes were red, fortunately he did not cry.

"You know, this is why I want to come back." He took a deep breath, "I know I can't escape anymore. In short, I will figure everything out."

It seemed that his character was stronger than before after all, which made Scott and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

"I also want to say that you don't have to be careful to avoid me." Milton said seriously, "That's what I'm about to face."

Scott nodded, "As far as I know, Medea has not yet awakened. Based on her prior arrangements, it will not be easy for Mr. Graves to ascend to power."

Roger also agreed and said: "In fact, I am more optimistic about Ms. Burns who has Dumbledore's support. Under today's circumstances, as the Director of the Legal Enforcement Department, her position and past achievements are easier to achieve." Get everyone’s support.”

Eddie also helped with ideas, "I think you can get in touch with Mr. Graves secretly and know what he really thinks..."

Since Milton wanted to face those things head-on, Scott and the others no longer deliberately avoided it, but helped him sort out the current situation.

In the end, Milton decided to secretly contact Mr. Graves with Scott's help.

When it was getting dark, they got off at the Hogsmeade Village platform.

At this time, the weather suddenly changed, with strong winds and heavy rain.

They ran and got on the carriage pulled by the Ye Qi.

At this moment, Luna also ran over, and Scott quickly reached out to pull her into the carriage.

"It's great that they are really back!"

Luna smoothed her wet hair and looked happily at the Thestrals pulling the cart.

As she spoke, her eyes were attracted to Milton again.

"Oh, Milton." She raised her hand and took off the wand from behind her ear, "Do you need me to get rid of the harassing flies for you? They are densely entrenched in your brain."

"What?" Milton looked at Luna who looked serious in surprise.

"You can try, Milton." Scott suggested with a smile.

"Okay then...okay."

After hearing Scott's words, Milton hesitantly agreed.

Luna nodded and waved her wand decisively.

"The brain turns to mush!"

There was a flash of white light, and Milton turned into a little fool with dull eyes.

"This way the harassing flies can no longer survive in his brain."

Luna said to Roger and Eddie who looked shocked.

"Very good." Eddie muttered. "Being a fool does make you worry-free."

"You are really a genius." Roger gave Luna a thumbs up.

Luna nodded and waved her wand again.

"The curse stops immediately."

Under the golden light, Milton's dull eyes regained their vitality.

"What's wrong with me?"

He looked at the scenery outside the carriage in shock, and was shocked to realize that he had suddenly missed a part of the journey.

"Look, he's getting better."

Luna smiled with satisfaction and put the wand back behind her ear.

"Oh, he does look better!"

Roger and Eddie couldn't help laughing.

Milton, who finally came to his senses, had no time to think about the things that bothered him anymore, and couldn't help but laugh too.

"He's finally happy."

Seeing this scene, Luna said happily to Scott.

"Yes, it's all thanks to you." Scott gave her an encouraging look.

Soon, the carriage passed through the gate with winged boar sculptures on both sides and drove down the spacious driveway.

The carriage finally stopped at the foot of the stone steps in front of two oak doors.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky.

They followed the crowd up the stone steps and walked towards the brightly lit auditorium.

At the door of the auditorium, Scott stopped his companions who wanted to enter.

The next moment, screams were heard one after another. Peeves was attacking all the students crazily with balloons filled with water. Many of them turned into drowned rats during the attack.

Professor McGonagall yelled loudly, but Peeves remained unmoved and laughed maniacally while throwing water balloons everywhere.

It wasn't until Professor McGonagall mentioned Dumbledore's name that the troublemaker finally reluctantly retreated.

Scott and the others walked into the auditorium and saw Dumbledore and several professors already sitting at the teachers' bench.

Of course, excluding Professor McGonagall and Hagrid, who are responsible for welcoming new students, and Lupin, who has resigned, there are...

"Oh, that Death Eater Snape really can't return to Hogwarts." Eddie whispered with some gloating, "Those snakes have lost their snake king."

Scott looked towards the long table of Slytherin House and found that most of the Slytherin students were sitting with expressionless faces.

It was obviously a lively auditorium, but these Slytherins seemed to be in a league of their own.

"The new students are here!"

Scott turned around and saw that Professor McGonagall was leading a group of children who were poking their heads into the auditorium.


At this moment, Dumbledore stood up and walked forward on the teacher's bench.

"Before the sorting ceremony begins, I would like to introduce two new professors to you!"

The students were immediately attracted by his words and the auditorium became quiet.

"First of all, it is my honor to introduce to you Alastor Moody, who will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Moody!"

Ta, tap, tap...

The sound of wood touching the stone slabs on the ground was heard.

Professor Moody, who is leaning on a wooden crutch and has a wooden prosthetic leg, appears from one side.

His ferocious face full of scars and the constantly rotating evil eyes instantly calmed everyone.

The freshmen standing behind Professor McGonagall were so frightened that they turned pale and trembled.

Dumbledore continued to introduce, "Professor Moody is a powerful wizard who has been working as an Auror for decades. He has been fighting on the front line against dark wizards! I believe he will use his rich experience to teach everyone Come to perfect teaching! Let us welcome him with applause!”

As he spoke, he took the initiative to applaud.

But not many people applauded him in the auditorium.

Many students were frightened by Professor Moody's menacing appearance and were full of doubts about his appointment as a professor.

But Moody's doesn't care.

He didn't care whether he was popular or not, he was still very vigilant in observing everyone in the auditorium with his rotating magic eye.

"Come, Alastor, welcome to your seat."

It wasn't until Dumbledore called him to sit on the teacher's chair that he limped over to Professor Flitwick.

"Too lax." He shouted with great dissatisfaction, "Everyone is too lax! Those dark wizards and their kings are planning how to conquer us! They even publicly made a scene during the World Cup finals!"

Everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Moody continued to speak loudly, "I will teach you how to fight against those cunning dark wizards, and more importantly, how to stay vigilant!"

Having said this, his magic eye turned in the direction of the long table of Slytherin House.

"Also, those little devils who are hiding and have dark thoughts! You'd better be careful and don't let me find out!"

At this moment, the faces of those Slytherins became extremely ugly, but they dared not speak out in anger.

"Oh, thank you Professor Moody for your remarks."

Dumbledore said dryly, and then clapped to himself.

This time, only a group of Gryffindors, led by Fred and George, followed him in applause.

Professor Moody just nodded invisibly and finally sat down.

As he sat down, he met Scott's eyes and grinned with a scary smile.

Although he still remembered his warning, Scott was not scared, but nodded politely.

Dumbledore's voice continued, "Oh! Next, let's warmly welcome Horace Slughorn, who has returned to Hogwarts after many years!"

The moment they heard the name, the Slytherins were first stunned, and then began to applaud and cheer with the most enthusiastic attitude.

Then, Professor Slughorn, who was dressed very neatly and appropriately, walked out of the passage on the side of the teacher's seat.

The professor looked like a bald old man who was as fat as a walrus, with a pair of bulging eyes and a thick silver beard like a walrus.

He waved in the direction of Slytherin with a decent smile on his face.

"Professor Slughorn was once my old colleague. He is one of the most successful potion professors in the history of Hogwarts, and the most popular dean of Slytherin College! This time, I am honored to invite him to take up these two positions that he is very familiar with again after many years!"

Applause rang out.

Unlike the cold reception Moody received, Professor Slughorn, who was quite amiable, was more welcomed.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, Albus, and my colleagues, children!"

Perhaps because Dumbledore's long introduction was very respectful, Professor Slughorn puffed out his round belly and the smile on his face became a little bigger.

"I am honored to be able to return here after more than ten years and resume my favorite teaching job." He said happily, "Oh, I can't wait to meet you. I think many of you can receive my invitation to participate in the club I formed."

Then, he enthusiastically promoted his Slughorn Club and spoke of his philosophy without hesitation.

In short, he could only see geniuses, celebrities, or students with good backgrounds, and those mediocre students would not be taken seriously by him.

Although his words were not so direct, everyone could hear that this was what he meant.

This made many professors and students unhappy.

The Slytherin students all straightened their chests, as if to express - look, we are the elites that Professor Slughorn said.

"Those Slytherins seem to have made a mistake." Eddie said to Scott and the others, "Although Professor Slughorn only likes elites, he does not only value bloodline. Oh, Scott, I bet you will be invited to join his 'Slug Club'."

Scott also expected this.

He is not only a genius now, but also a celebrity, which is exactly what Professor Slughorn wants to collect.

"That was more than a thousand years ago,

I was just woven into shape,

There were four famous wizards,

Their names have been passed down to this day..."

At this time, the Sorting Hat finally started its annual new song release.

"...Okay, put me on your head,

I have never made a mistake,

I want to see your mind,

and judge which college you belong to!"

After the song ended, Professor McGonagall walked to the front of the teacher's seat.

After the two new professors made a heavy appearance, the sorting ceremony began.

The applause continued, and students from the four major colleges welcomed the new students who joined their colleges.

When the sorting ceremony ended, Dumbledore stood up again.

"Although I know that everyone is hungry, I still have one most important thing to announce."

He said loudly.

"The Triwizard Tournament, this ancient event has finally been restarted after being suspended for centuries!"

"Are you kidding?"

"Is this true?"

"In Hogwarts?"

Many people stood up in disbelief and asked Dumbledore loudly.

"It's a pity." Dumbledore said, "Originally, this event had been determined to be held in Hogwarts, but due to some well-known reasons, people finally decided to give the right to host it to Beauxbatons School of Magic."

"Oh! No!"

"Damn it!"

Almost all the students in the hall spoke at the same time, sighing loudly.

Then, countless curses rang out.

"It's all that damned one... and those damned ones..."

"Merlin, we lost a precious opportunity..."

At this moment, everyone seemed to have lost their fear of Voldemort. Although they didn't name him, they all cursed him passionately without any scruples.

The Slytherin students whose parents were confirmed to be Death Eaters suffered countless cold stares.

"Please be quiet!"

Dumbledore pressed his hands down and shouted several times to stop the angry scene.

"Although this event is not held in Hogwarts, we will still select a group of the best students as candidates for the final warriors to represent Hogwarts to compete for honor in Beauxbatons!"

"Please sign me up!"

"And me!"

Fred and George stood up immediately, not only raised their hands high, but also kept jumping.

Eddie also turned his head excitedly, "Oh! Scott! You must go! Represent our Ravenclaw to compete for the championship!"

Others also nodded desperately, staring at Scott with encouraging eyes.

"If you can." Scott smiled helplessly.

"Oh, don't worry, we will have a series of processes to select student representatives who meet the requirements." Dumbledore continued, "We will announce the list in mid-October, and the selected students will set off for Beauxbatons on the last day of October."

"What are the requirements?"

"Tell us quickly!"

Fred and George continued to jump.

Other students who wanted to participate also stared at Dumbledore closely.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Oh, there is only one condition. We believe that the selected warrior must be over 17 years old."


A uniform sigh sounded again.

"This is unfair!"

Immediately afterwards, protests came one after another.

After confirming that Scott was not over 17 years old, many Ravenclaws protested loudly.

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