The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 398 398. This is Hogwarts

In the joke prop studio, Scott briefly went through the video footage imported into the [magic mirror] and fell into silence.

"Are you sure?"

He looked up and asked Fred and George.

"Are you sure these can be used as the content of the Gryffindor College promotional video?"

He roughly estimated that 60% of these materials were scenes of these two guys playing tricks on people inside Gryffindor College, 20% were Quidditch matches, 10% were the greatest wizards in the world, 5% were the boy who survived, and the remaining 5% were some serious introductions to Gryffindor College.

In the face of his doubtful questions, the twins nodded decisively.

"Of course I am sure."

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Nothing wrong..." Scott said.

Although he was a little hesitant, who cares.

"Just be happy."

He nodded and started playing the music prepared by the twins.

The music was normal, and it sounded passionate and in line with people's impression of Gryffindor College.


"Is this your secret weapon?" He asked again in doubt, "Although it is still beautiful, it is not better than Milton's "Ravenclaw Impressions"."

He was being lenient. To be honest, this song was even a little stiff, or too conventional.

Milton was a rare genius in music. Although his composing skills were not very stable, the aura that came to his face was not possessed by ordinary people.

Fred and George did not seem to understand Scott's implication.

"This is our secret weapon!"

Both brothers showed a smug look on their faces.

Scott blinked, doubted himself for a moment, and then listened to it again.

He still did not hear anything about this song that was worthy of their pride.

Perhaps the doubtful look on his face was too obvious, so Fred told him the answer directly.

"This piece of music was composed by Professor McGonagall!"

"No wonder it sounds so good." Scott said with a smile, "It's really a secret weapon."

"It was performed by members of the Classical Music Club among Gryffindor students, and the vocals were sung by members of the Toad Choir." George added.

"Very good." Scott nodded, "Wait until I am more familiar with the structure and rhythm of the piece, and then I will edit the video material."

Although the piece of music and the video content are actually somewhat incompatible, there is also a sense of absurdity and humor when they are combined, which can be regarded as an alternative combination...

Scott complained in his heart.

These two guys must not have shown Professor McGonagall what they filmed, or they only showed part of it.

"I think you'd better not say that I helped you."

He only had this one request.

Although the promotional video is not long, the editing and post-production work cannot be done in one go.

Scott was not in a hurry to finish it.

"We want to play it at the leaving dinner!" said Fred.

It was May 25th, and there was still half a month before the leaving dinner at the end of the school year.

There is still one week of exams in June, and Scott is not so busy during the exams, so he still has time to do this slowly.

It's just...

Departure dinner?

Although the promotional video has not been completed yet, Scott has begun to feel embarrassed for other Gryffindor students.

Especially Ron and Percy, who appeared most in the twins' pranks, and Harry who was secretly photographed by them.

Scott can already imagine the wonderful expressions on their faces at that time.

"Amado, Animos, Animado, Animagus."

A new day, sunrise.

Scott stood in front of the dormitory window, pointed his wand at his heart, and completed the ritual.

At this time, Milton reminded him, "The Ministry of Magic has strict control over Animagus, requiring all Animagus's transformed animals and characteristics to be registered in the Ministry of Magic's Office of Prohibition of Abuse of Magic."

"I know." Scott turned around, "I will register after I succeed."

There is no way, it is not a secret that he is practicing Animagus. If he does not take the initiative to register, it is equivalent to giving others a handle.

In short, after carefully weighing the pros and cons, he decided to become a legal Animagus.

Although the unexpected effect was lost, it was not a big loss.

Unless he always hides it, there will always be a time when he can use it in front of others.

"Let's go!" Eddie urged, "Let's go witness the birth of this school year's Quidditch champion!"

"What's the hurry?" Roger said unhappily.

He was fixing his hair in front of the mirror, and every movement was slow.

"Oh, Roger." Eddie patted his shoulder, "It's not your fault."

"Go away." Roger said unhappily.

The Ravenclaw team has lost the chance to compete for the championship and ranks third in the standings.

This makes Roger feel a little bad.

Slytherin ranks first, Gryffindor ranks second, and the points gap between the two colleges is not big.

In other words, today, the champion of this school year will be born between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Scott knew that for Roger, it was always a sad thing to witness others win the championship.

Whether Slytherin or Gryffindor wins the championship, he will not be happy.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Ravenclaw College has never been strong in Quidditch games. In addition, the old players of this school year have graduated and left, and there are no new players who are eye-catching. The overall strength of the team has declined.

Roger also took many measures after being appointed in a critical situation. Whether it is training hard or following Scott's advice to set up a tactical advisory group, it is his effort.

Although these efforts have achieved some results, they are still not enough to push the Ravenclaw College team to the championship throne.

Scott also patted Roger on the shoulder, "Okay, brother, no one will blame you."

In the case of poor hard power, it is useless to think of more tricks.

These means are just icing on the cake, but icing on the cake must have icing.

"I'm fine." Roger said in a muffled voice.

When the four came to the Quidditch stadium, the stands of the stadium were already full.

In addition to the students and professors of the four major colleges, there were also many people from outside the school who came to watch the game.

At this time, the game has not officially started yet, and the students of Gryffindor and Slytherin have already started to compete with each other with voices.

Scott climbed onto the Ravenclaw stand, took out the panoramic telescope from the deformed lizard skin bag, and looked at the main stand.

On the main stand, Dumbledore and Fudge sat together in the center, surrounded by some Ministry of Magic officials and parents of students.

Interestingly, the parents of Slytherin and Gryffindor students also sat on both sides.

Old Malfoy and Mr. Weasley also came, one with a white head and the other with a red head, both of them were very conspicuous in the crowd, and the two were communicating unfriendly with their eyes across the crowd.

Scott looked over one by one and inadvertently saw a few "acquaintances".

The Carrow brothers and sisters, who were quite conspicuous sitting behind Old Malfoy, and Mr. Bode, who was easily overlooked and sat in an inconspicuous corner.

The Carrow brothers and sisters did not notice Scott's sight through the telescope, but Mr. Bode seemed to be sensitive to the gaze and immediately looked up at Scott.

Scott did not change his posture.

He and Mr. Bode made eye contact for several seconds.

Although they were separated by a telescope, he was sure that the other party was looking at him.

Logically, given the distance, Scott was sitting in a dense crowd, and he was not the only one holding a telescope to observe the main stand, Mr. Bode should not be able to accurately determine who was observing him.

But Mr. Bode's eyes were looking at Scott accurately.

This may not really mean anything.

But Scott still believed in his intuition.

He was more certain of his previous speculation and the results of divination.

Sure enough, Mr. Bode was Mr. B.

He knew that this gentleman must have observed him and investigated him. He knew some of his secrets and wanted him to be obedient and use them for his own purposes.

However, Scott still didn't know what this gentleman wanted him to do.


At this moment, Luna got out of the crowd in front of the stand with some difficulty.


Scott put down the telescope and reached out to pull her.

"Why did you come to the back row?" he asked. "You can see more clearly in the front row."

"I want to watch with you." Luna said.

"Oh, sit here, Luna."

Eddie, who was originally sitting next to Scott, stood up and offered his seat.

He winked at Scott and slipped to the other side.

"Thank you." Luna thanked him and sat down.

The game started.


During the game, Luna was cheering for Gryffindor.

Of course, between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Scott would also support Gryffindor.

On the court, most Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students waved small flags with "Gryffindor" written on them.

The Gryffindor players did not disappoint the support of most of the school. After several hours of fierce competition, they defeated the Slytherin team with difficulty and won the championship.

In the main stand, Professor McGonagall laughed without restraint, and Mr. Weasley and other Gryffindor parents laughed so hard that their faces were broken.

Old Malfoy and other Slytherin parents were livid, Snape was better than them, although his face was not good, but he still pretended to clap.

All Gryffindors were celebrating.

Not only the students, Sirius was even more excited, he jumped down from the high stands, rushed into the stadium like a mad dog, and hugged his godson tightly.

"They are so happy." Luna said.

"Of course I will be happy to win the championship." Scott said, "But it doesn't matter, this year's college cup is still our Ravenclaw."

Luna laughed immediately, "We will be very happy then..."

At this moment, she looked back.

"Scott." She pulled Scott's sleeve and pointed in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, "Look, it's flying."

Scott looked in the direction she pointed and found that she was talking about the little thestral.

"It has grown up and learned to fly." Luna said with some relief, "That's great."

"Yes." Scott echoed.

Both of them looked up at the little Thestral flying precariously over the Forbidden Forest in the distance.

Suddenly, the flapping of the wings of the little Theqi flying in the air seemed to become stiff.

"No." Scott narrowed his eyes, "It seems like it can't fly."

As soon as he finished his words, Xiao Yeqi's wings stopped moving completely, and his whole body began to plummet.

"Let's go!"

Luna quickly pulled Scott and ran under the stands.

"What happened?" Roger asked from behind.

"The Thestral was injured in the Forbidden Forest." Scott replied hastily, and then quickened his pace.

"Let's go help too!"

Roger followed with Milton and Eddie.

Scott held Luna and ran around, and soon came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"what happened?"

Behind him, Eddie asked breathlessly.

"The little Thestral flew for the first time and fell from the sky." Scott explained to the three roommates who couldn't see the Thestral.

"Then go take a look quickly." Milton said worriedly, "I hope it's okay."

The group of people walked into the Forbidden Forest.

After entering the Forbidden Forest, their speed inevitably slowed down, but they still arrived at the injured Little Yeqi within 20 minutes.

"it's here!"

Scott relied on magic perception to find Little Thestral lying in the grass.

Luna quickly knelt down and took a closer look, "It broke two legs."

Scott took out his wand and waved it.

"Healed as before!"

"I can only see some blood," Roger asked. "Is it still okay?"

"It's not life-threatening, but I can only give simple treatment."

Scott held up the wand and let the white light cover Xiao Yeqi's wound.

Luna squatted on the ground, caressed the Thestral's head and neck with her hands, and gently comforted it.

"Then we need to send it to Madam Pomfrey," Scott added.

He asked three of his roommates to make a simple stretcher and told them the approximate dimensions they would need.

The three roommates responded and ran to the side to use cutting spells to cut useful branches and vines.

At this moment, Scott's expression changed.

He turned around and threw Luna to the ground.

A red magic spell flew over the two people's heads and hit the tree trunk nearby.

At the same time, the wand in Scott's hand shook.

"Armor protection!"


Another red curse flew from another direction and collided with the transparent magic barrier that appeared in front of Roger.

"Be careful!" Scott warned loudly.

At this time, Eddie cleverly pulled Milton and ran to Roger.

Scott slowly got up from the ground alertly, but was not attacked again.

He looked at a big tree in the distance with clear purpose.

"Amicus Carlo, Alecto Carlo," he shouted, "I have sensed your magic."

"Hey hey hey..."

"Well done, little mudblood."

The Carlo brothers and sisters came out from behind the tree, with dark smiles on their faces.

"What do you want to do?" Scott pointed his wand at the two of them, "Don't forget, this is Hogwarts."

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