The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 394 394. What Luna discovered

This Sunday morning, Scott still woke up early.

He got up before dawn and went to the common room while everyone was still asleep.

Not long after, he waited until Rimbaud flew in from the owl passage.

After arranging the soundproofing spell, he sat on the sofa in front of the window and talked to Rimbaud.

"Everything went well," Rimbaud said. "I saw the death of those three targets with my own eyes."

It shook its head as it spoke, "I have to say, that looks a bit too disgusting."

Scott frowned, "You don't have to wait there. This will increase the risk of exposure."

Rimbaud did not pay attention to his concerns.

"Whether I am entering Azkaban or leaving, I am flying high enough." It said, "The dementors are all blind, and the wizards stationed outside the island must not have seen me."

Scott asked with concern, "Where are the other prisoners?"

Rimbaud said: "Those people were tortured half to death by the dementors, and most of them were already crazy. Besides, those prisons were all dark. I had been hiding myself in the shadows and made no sound. It should be No one will find me."

Scott nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you for your hard work, be more careful next time."

"I know." Rimbaud responded.

"But this time I'd better see your actions with my own eyes before talking about it." Scott said with a smile.

Under Rimbaud's curious gaze, he took out his [Magic Mirror].

"Yesterday I learned some new alchemy knowledge from the Ravenclaw tutor." Scott said, "So I modified my [magic mirror]."

As he spoke, he took out his wand again and put the tip of the wand against Rimbaud's head.

He said softly: "Although you can't physically experience a person's memory like a pensieve, you can also convert the memory into a video image for viewing."

As Scott's property, even if the wand was pressed against his head, Rimbaud had no intention of resisting. Instead, he cooperated and asked, "What should I do?"

"Just recall this trip to Azkaban in your mind." Scott said, "Because of the connection between you and me, I can extract your memory."

"So that's it." Rimbaud said he understood.

In Rimbaud's memory, it signed a partnership contract with Scott, and this is the connection between them.

Its past memories are of course fake, they are virtual memories designed by Scott, and the partnership contract does not exist.

Scott can accurately extract its memory just because it is Scott's magical creation. It was born from the huge magic power generated by Scott's disposable magic stone.

Scott closed his eyes, feeling the connection between himself and Rimbaud, and at the same time, he used a wand to pull out a silver thread representing memory from its head.

He placed the silver thread on the surface of the [Magic Mirror] and watched it slowly sink.

"Is this good?" Rimbaud looked at this scene curiously.

"Wait a minute," Scott said.

At this moment, an hourglass pattern appeared on the surface of the [Magic Mirror].

When the sand in the hourglass falls completely, a real picture appears on the mirror.

The "shot" of the picture is Rimbaud's first-person perspective, initially in the clouds high above.

Scott tapped his finger on the mirror a few times to speed up the playback. Soon, the perspective came to a sea, looking down at a black island from a high altitude.

Scott adjusted the picture to play at normal speed. Of course, because Rimbaud was flying very fast, the "camera" still landed from high altitude at a very fast speed.

Scott saw the legendary Azkaban for the first time.

A lonely island in the icy sea, a towering black fortress on a desolate island.

Countless dementors wearing torn cloaks were wandering up and down in the sky around the fortress, their long cloaks trailing wisps of black mist, marking their flight paths.

Rimbaud landed from a high altitude and flew close to the Dementors.

Scott could even clearly see the dementors hiding under their cloaks, their rotten faces and scabbed palms soaked in water.

Fortunately, these monsters do not have normal five senses. The only thing they can perceive are human emotions, so Rimbaud was able to pass by them unharmed.

Afterwards, the picture in [Magic Mirror] followed Rimbaud as he flew in from the huge triangular gap at the top of the black fortress.

At this time, the scene fell into deep darkness. Rimbaud flexibly shuttled through the complex structure of the fortress, passing by the cramped and dark prisons arranged like a honeycomb one after another.

From time to time, the crazy murmurs or hysterical howls of prisoners can be heard in these prisons.

Rimbaud flew closer, peeking at the prisoners in the prison through the narrow stone window from time to time.

Most of the prisoners had been tortured to the point of becoming emaciated. They were either dancing with crazy expressions, or curled up on the ground, as quiet as if they were dead.

At this time, Rimbaud, who was standing on Scott's shoulder and watching the images in [Magic Mirror] with him, said to him, "In Azkaban, those prisoners who can still make sounds are either completely crazy, or they are We have just entered this prison. Of course, there are the most crazy people.”

The picture in the mirror showed that Rimbaud's process of finding someone was not smooth.

It shuttled inside the complex fortress, and finally found Carlo with the guidance of the dementors.

Carlo was thrown into Azkaban on Friday. It seems that his emotions have not been completely drained by the Dementors, so a large number of Dementors are gathering near his cell.

Rimbaud flew silently past the group of Dementors and landed on the small window of Carlo's cell.

Scott saw the scene inside the cell.

Carlo, who was originally arrogant, squatted in the corner and huddled up. He buried his head between his knees, hugged his calves with both hands, and trembled all over.

"Go away... Go away quickly..." He murmured, "I didn't kill anyone... I was wronged..."

Seeing this scene, Scott smiled.

He said: "It seems that Carlo's modified memory has not been modified back. He thought he was wrongly imprisoned."

He stared at Carlo, who was as pitiful as a little chicken in the picture.

"What a pity." He said, "If I wasn't worried about Voldemort's prison break, I would prefer to see my enemies suffer here."

In the picture, Rimbaud moved again.

It did not take action directly, but spent some time to find the Yaxley father and son.

The cell where the father and son were located was not far from Carlo's "room".

After confirming the target location, Rimbaud began to take formal action.

It flew into the three cells from the windows at the fastest speed, and flew out quickly.

Because the picture was too dark and the birdcage it carried was too small, Scott could not see its movements clearly.

He only heard the coughs of Carlo and Yaxley father and son as if they were choked.

Next, Rimbaud flew to the corridor of the cell and stopped on a rusty iron frame on the stone wall to wait.

Scott accelerated the picture played by the [Magic Mirror] again until a strange scream came from the [Magic Mirror].

When the picture playback speed returned to normal, Rimbaud flew up again and stopped at the window of the cell where Carlo was.

At this time, the surrounding Dementors were also excited.

And inside the cell, Carlo was rolling on the ground while howling in pain.

Scott watched this scene intently.

"Sure enough, Professor Snape is right." He said to himself, "Revenge is damn sweet."

Rampaud said, "I don't think your potion professor would say that."

"It's about the same." Scott said.

In the [magic mirror], Carlo's wailing became louder and louder, and at the same time, his belly was already bulging high, like a woman in labor.



It exploded like a balloon.

Scott couldn't help but look away.

Just as Rampaud said, it was really disgusting.

A fluttering sound rang out.

Now that Rampaud on the window took the initiative to move aside, several black and bloody crows squeezed out of the narrow window and flew away quickly.

At the same time, several crows also flew out of the windows of the other two cells, and also quickly disappeared into the darkness inside the fortress.

Rampaud flew to the outside of the other two cells to see how Yaxley and his son died, and then left in the dim light of the fortress.

At this time, some prisoners in other cells who were still somewhat rational had already noticed something was wrong and began to shout loudly.

Rimbaud flew up from the huge triangular gap above the fortress and flew straight into the sky.

The picture in the [Magic Mirror] was still.

Rimbaud, who was perched on Scott's shoulder, flew to his hand, raised his head and said, "I threw the birdcage into the sea as well."

"Well done." Scott praised it.

He already understood why Rimbaud said that it would not be discovered when it entered and left Azkaban.

With the special environment of Azkaban, it really could do it as if it were in an empty space.

"Is there anything else I need to do next?" Rimbaud asked.

Scott shook his head.

"Only the gecko at Mr. Bode's place needs to be recovered." He said, "But that's your task next weekend."

Rampaud said, "But on weekends, that office will be locked, and I can't get out of the door like that gecko."

"It doesn't matter." Scott was confident about this, "The gecko will get out of that office on Friday night and hide in the brick cracks under the first torch on the left outside the office door."

"That's much easier." Ramaud nodded, "Then I'll go there on Friday night."

Scott talked to it for a few more words, then stood up to remove the spell, opened the window again, and let it fly back to the forest.

Then he leaned on the windowsill, clicked on the [Magic Mirror] a few times, and completely deleted the "video" just now.

After putting away the [Magic Mirror], he took out the identity card of the Scholars' Union from his pocket and input magic to turn it into the [Book of Prometheus].

Opening the thick book in his hand, Scott clicked on the letters sent to him by Mr. B again and read them.

After the trial on Friday, the mysterious Mr. B did not contact him again, as if the threats were just a joke.

Scott smiled, closed the letter, and found some knowledge about Animagus and bought it with credits, clearing some credits he earned during his break.

Although he now has the confidence to complete Animagus, a particularly complex advanced human transformation, he still decided to absorb more skills in its application.

How to keep oneself from being eroded by wild thoughts while having an animal body, and how to turn back into a human after becoming an animal, these are the biggest difficulties in using Animagus.

Scott took a quick look at the knowledge he exchanged for credits, and felt quite satisfied.

Although Professor McGonagall could also teach him relevant knowledge, he still pursued a safer approach and looked at other people's experience.

Because the use of magic varies from person to person, the same spell often presents different styles in the hands of different wizards.

Scott's experience seems to be written by a wizard from Russia. This wizard from a fighting nation lost his human reason after turning into a brown bear, and finally ran to the wild to fight another brown bear.

What's more interesting is that he finally "woke up" before he almost mated with a female bear.

Although the situation he wrote was a close call, Scott always felt that he might have woken up "afterwards".

Of course, apart from this experience that was difficult to evaluate, the wizard still wrote some dry goods and shared a lot of useful experiences, so that Scott's credits were not wasted.

At this time, others got up and walked out of the dormitory, and Scott also left the common room.

He spent a quiet day in the Room of Requirement until dinner time, when he saw the news of the death of Carrow and Yaxley father and son was published in the Evening Prophet of that day.

This news caused a sensation in the hall at dinner time that day.

Let’s not talk about Yaxley father and son for now. After all, Elijah Carrow was a student of Hogwarts, and many students knew him.

Although he had put himself in Azkaban, his tragic death still brought a strong shock to many students.

Especially several Slytherin students who were familiar with him.

At the long table of Ravenclaw, Eddie asked quietly, "Do you think this was done by the Rowle family?"

"I think so." Roger frowned, "But although there are no photos in the newspaper, we can imagine the miserable state of these three people through the text."

Milton was a little skeptical, "If it was the Rowle family, why did they kill the two Alexes?"

Eddie boldly assumed, "I think this is a smokescreen spell they cast."

Scott listened to the discussion of the people around him while eating.

Most people believed that the murder in Azkaban was revenge by the Rowle family whose daughter was killed.

They all opened their minds to guess how the Rowle family did it.

"They must have bribed the wizards guarding Azkaban and the Dementors."

"They have someone in the Ministry of Magic."

"Maybe it's a strange curse."

In short, there are all kinds of guesses...

Scott also heard Fred and George talking about Gryffindor.

"I support the curse!" Fred said loudly.

"This curse is called the Belly-Splitting Curse," George said seriously, "I've read about this curse in an old book at home."

Fred nodded seriously, "Just make a cursed doll, collect the enemy's blood and pour it into it, and finally rip the doll's belly open, so that the enemy's belly will also be ripped open."

Their "explanation" attracted many people, especially the lower-grade children of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, who were frightened by the two.

Fred and George threatened the lower-grade children, and finally announced that they would make a talisman to prevent the Belly-Splitting Curse, which would be available for sale soon.

For a while, there were really many little fools rushing to make reservations, and even Percy and Hermione's righteous anti-fraud propaganda had no effect at all.

Eddie stared at the Weasley twins getting rich in amazement, and then turned his attention to the lower-grade students of Ravenclaw.

"Don't even think about it. Although I'm not very competent, I'm also a prefect." Scott said immediately, "And if you want to become a new prefect next school year, you should remember that there are some things you can't do."

Eddie withdrew his gaze with regret.

"What are you thinking about?" he said righteously, "Am I that kind of person?"

"You are." Scott, Roger, and Milton said in unison.

Eddie covered his chest in a pretentious manner, looking hurt, "I think you have misunderstood me too deeply."

Scott and the other three ignored him.


Just then, Luna walked behind Scott from the other side of the long table.

"What's wrong?" Scott looked back at her.

"Come with me."

Luna reached out and grabbed Scott's sleeve, trying to pull him out.


Seeing the serious expression on Luna's face, Scott took back his words, stood up with her strength, and followed her out of the hall.

Luna ignored the whistles and teasing laughter coming from behind the two of them. She kept grabbing Scott's sleeve until she pulled him to the back garden of the castle.

After that, she didn't say anything, but deliberately climbed up the flower bed, staring at Scott with her slightly protruding gray eyes.

Scott didn't say anything either, letting her look at him.


Luna said a word, raised her hand to take off the wand behind her ear, and unskillfully set up an anti-eavesdropping spell on the spot.

"I can see it." She said softly, her voice floating.

Scott looked at the smoke rising from her eyes and understood.

"Of course." He smiled, "I dare say that few people have seen it more clearly than you."

Luna nodded.

Although her eyes were hazy and her expression was a little confused, Scott knew that this was a girl with a clear mind, and her eyes could clearly reflect the essence of others.

She just looked at him and fell silent again.

Scott was not uncomfortable, he smiled again and asked her softly, "Can you tell me, you haven't said anything all the time, why did you speak this time?"

Luna stroked her hair and looked up at the dark night sky.

"I don't know what you did specifically, Scott." Her voice was still erratic, "I don't think you did anything wrong."

"What do you want to tell me this time?" Scott asked again.

Luna looked at him again, she thought for a long time, hesitating to speak, as if organizing her words.

Such performance was very rare for her, and Scott waited patiently.

After a long while, Luna's eyes began to focus, and she asked Scott seriously, "Are we friends?"

"Of course." Scott answered affirmatively, "We are friends."

Luna asked hesitantly again, "No matter what I say, you won't be angry? Or, even if you are angry, you will still be friends with me."

"This doesn't seem like a question you can ask." Scott was a little surprised.

In the past, Luna always unconsciously said the unpleasant truth, but never thought about whether others would be angry.

But he still nodded, "Yes, I won't be angry, even if I am angry, I will still be friends with you."

Hearing his answer, Luna showed a slight smile on her face.

"Just say what you want to say." Scott also encouraged her.

Although he never thought that his secret actions would be discovered, since Luna's magical eyes have seen something, let's try to see if the two can reach some consensus.

"Why do you do that?" Luna's face is pure question.

Scott said calmly, "To be fair, when someone wants my life, it means that he has also put his life on the gambling table. Although I didn't take the initiative to gamble, when I win, I will take all the chips on the gambling table."

Luna fell into deep thought.

Scott became curious instead.

"Can you tell me what you saw in me?" he asked.

Luna shook her head, "I don't know, but the wake-up fly living in my eyes reminded me that when I was reading the newspaper, oh, then I saw you, I think I should talk to you."

Her words were upside down, and Scott didn't understand what she meant for a while.

"You saw me when you saw the newspaper?" He was very surprised, "You can also see the causal line?"

"What?" Luna looked confused.

Scott shook his head and didn't explain.

He himself felt that his statement was too exaggerated.

No matter what the reason was, whether it was really seen or intuition, in short, he knew that Luna was seriously connecting him with the content in the newspaper.

Scott looked at Luna again, and seeing that she looked like she was in a trance, he had to ask, "Luna, do you think I did something wrong now?"

"I don't know." Luna was even more confused, "I want to say that you did something wrong. I don't like revenge. Of course, you have always been completely different from me, and I can see that. I mean...but I can't ask others to be the same as me..."

As she spoke, a distressed expression appeared on her face.

Scott said, "Yes, you are a tolerant guy, but I am different. No matter who provokes me, I will retaliate. Of course, it is equal revenge. Those who insult me ​​only need to be beaten, and those who want to kill me or threaten my life must die."

He also wanted to learn to be a little better like Luna, but he couldn't learn it.

"Why?" Luna seemed a little confused.

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "This is fair, isn't it?"

He looked directly into Luna's eyes, wanting to know what the girl would choose.

If she felt that she should tell others what he did...

Then, although Scott would not hurt her, he would choose to force her to sign a contract that she could not tell anyone.

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