The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 388 388. The Patronus Spell Finally Succeeds

Scott walked into the forbidden forest.

In his magical perception, Grubblyn had been standing still.

At the same time, he could also feel that the lady's eyes were always on him.

But Grubblyn did not speak again, and Scott did not turn back.

He walked a distance into the depths of the forbidden forest, and after using magical perception to confirm that there was no one around, he input magic power into the silver snake-shaped necklace on his left wrist, and instantly jumped the distance of space.

In the blink of an eye, Scott was already standing in the deep forest far away from the forbidden forest, in the crow territory surrounded by oak trees.

"Caw! Caw..."

His sudden appearance startled the crows on the surrounding oak trees, and in an instant, unpleasant cries came one after another.


Several crows flew down from the tree and circled around him.

"Is Rimbaud not here?" Scott said, "Go call it back."


These crows obviously understood what he meant, and after calling a few times, they flew directly into the sky.

Scott looked up and watched them disappear from his sight, then took out his flying broom from the deformed lizard skin bag and flew towards the top of the largest oak tree.

When he rose to a certain height, the oak cabin hidden by magic suddenly appeared in front of him.

Scott landed on the wooden floor under the eaves, leaving several clear footprints in the dust.

He put down the broom in his hand, took out the magic wand and started cleaning.

Fortunately, the inside of the cabin was much cleaner than the outside, and the area of ​​the house was small, so he quickly completed the cleaning work.

After taking out the bedding from the cabinet and making the bed, Scott lay on the bed with his arm resting on his head.

Just as he emptied his mind and fell asleep, he suddenly felt a vibration in his chest.

Scott woke up instantly.

He sat up and took out the identity card of the Scholars Alliance from the pocket of the lining of his robe with a curious expression.

The card continued to vibrate briefly in his hand for a few times, and then fell silent again.

Scott curiously input magic power, and the card in his hand began to expand and turned into [The Book of Prometheus].

He opened the book and saw an owl with simple lines on the blank page. It flapped its wings and held a letter in its mouth.

Scott raised his eyebrows and stretched out his finger to touch the cute owl.

The owl with lines opened its mouth and the letter began to fall.

The letter was automatically opened in the process of falling. The letter paper instantly enlarged after flying out and soon filled the entire page.

[Hello, Scott Trollope.

Welcome to join the Scholars Union.

Sorry, just now, Stephanie told me about you.

Yes, your guess is right. I think you have guessed this point. It is not Stephanie who can decide to recruit you to join the Scholars Union. It is my idea. ]

Seeing this, Scott said "tsk".

Did the guy behind Stephanie Graplan jump out so impatiently?

He continued to read with curiosity.

[Although we have never met, I know you very well and admire you very much. ]

"Mystifying." Scott couldn't help but mutter.

[I know, maybe you won't believe it, but I really know you.

Including some of the things you have done. ]

Although Scott still didn't believe the other party's words, his mood inevitably became a little solemn.

[But please rest assured, I said that I admire you very much, so I won't do anything to harm you.

In short, this time I just want to say hello to you.

You are a smart and talented child, I hope we can get along well in the future.


Scott looked at the letter presented on the page and didn't move for a long time.

He was thinking about what the other party said, trying to judge whether the other party really knew something.

He reviewed his secrets and wondered if it was possible to be discovered by others.

It is undeniable that the things he did, especially the murders, were not completely flawless, and it was possible that some clues were discovered by others.

But after thinking about it, he always felt that no one could produce evidence against him.

After thinking about it clearly, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

There was nothing wrong with some suspicion. After Travers died, the senior Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt also suspected him.

But as long as there was no evidence, he didn't have to worry about anything.

Scott looked at the weather outside the window, got up from the bed, and walked to the desk with the [Book of Prometheus] in his arms and sat down.

He looked at the letter on the page again, thought about it, and closed it directly.

He didn't prepare to respond.

At this time, no matter how he responded, he would fall into the other party's rhythm.

Whether he was asking about the other party's identity or testing what the other party knew, the other party would take the initiative.

And think about it the other way around...

The other party asked Grubbly-Plan to recruit him into the Scholars' Union, and took the initiative to contact him after he saw through that Grubbly-Plan was not the one in charge, and even deliberately wrote some ambiguous words in the letter...

All these behaviors showed that the other party was plotting against him.

In this case, Scott felt that he didn't need to be anxious, but the calmer he was, the better.

Now it depends on who loses his temper first.

No matter what the other party wants to get from him, there will be a day when the fox's tail is exposed.

Thinking of this, he smiled and decided to put it aside for the time being.

He closed the [Book of Prometheus], ​​turned it back into a card, and then took out a piece of parchment from the lizard skin bag and began to read.

This was the knowledge about Animagus that he exchanged for credits last time.

In fact, under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, Scott had almost made preparations for Animagus, an advanced human transformation.

Whether it was the principle of magic or the steps of the ritual, he had already understood it.

The reason why he hadn't started trying was just that he wanted to be more cautious.

In addition, there was another most direct reason -

His Patronus Charm still couldn't be fully released.

In fact, he knew why he couldn't release it completely.

To release the Patronus Charm, you need to mobilize your happiest memories and use emotions to guide the release of the spell, but Scott always feels that something is missing when he mobilizes emotions.

In short, having memories of past lives is not all good for Scott.

Of course, the worst disadvantage is that this memory from the past gave him a troublesome identity of [a person who doesn't exist].

In addition to this biggest trouble, this memory will also cause him some minor troubles in the process of learning spells.

Just like his choice of "happiest memory" in the process of releasing the Patronus Charm.

When he first learned this spell, he would subconsciously start to mobilize those happy memories of his past life.

But for some reason, the happy emotions brought by those memories were like scratching an itch, and the guidance of the spell was minimal.

Later, when Scott chose the happy memories of this life, he began to release the Patronus Charm smoothly-

He could successfully summon the illusory silver spherical smoke.

However, due to some unknown struggles of his, he never took the last step.

Although Scott knew very well that as long as he completely recognized his identity in this life, let the past life become a thing of the past, and regarded that memory as a dream, he would be successful, but he never did.

To be more precise, he failed to make a decisive choice.

When he found this out, Scott was a little unbelievable.

Because he had always felt that he had a good mentality, and even thought that he quickly accepted his new identity after his brain could think when he was a baby.

But what he didn't expect was that there was still a trace of hypocrisy in his subconscious, and this hypocrisy was not completely exposed until he began to learn the Patronus Charm.

At this moment, after receiving a "letter" of unknown origin and meaning, Scott suddenly thought it through.

He decided to completely abandon that hypocrisy.

"Speaking of which, I have been reincarnated. The previous life is the previous life, and this life is this life. This life is not a continuation of the previous life."

He spoke in Chinese, Mandarin.

"But from now on, no, in fact, it should be from the time I was born 15 years ago, I am no longer Wei Xi."

"Wei Xi is dead..." At this point, the language he spoke naturally changed, "I am Scott Trollope."

After talking to himself, Scott slowly stood up, took out his wand, and waved it slowly.

At the same time, those happy memories naturally emerged in his mind.

Those were memories with his parents, Michael and Emilia.

"Expecto Patronus!"

Scott chanted the spell loudly, waving his wand forward.

In the gushing silver smoke, a nimble figure spread its wings and flew around him at a very fast speed, leaving a trail of afterimages.

Scott laughed.

Speaking of which, he didn't know why what he did just now was so effective.

Maybe life really needs some sense of ritual.

Curious about the appearance of his patronus, Scott began to hit the spirit to slow down the figure.

The flying speed of the patronus quickly began to decrease, and Scott finally saw its true face.

He knew that animal, which was not a common one.

It was an animal of the eagle family that looked majestic in appearance, or more precisely, a peregrine falcon.

He still remembered the knowledge he had read in books. The peregrine falcon was a medium-sized bird of prey with a high flying speed in the eagle family, with a maximum flying speed of 418 kilometers per hour.

Looking at the streamlined and agile posture of the somewhat illusory silver peregrine falcon in front of him, Scott smiled with satisfaction.

If nothing unexpected happens, this bird of prey known for its flying speed will also be his Animagus form.

He is very satisfied with this form, which has the advantage of being able to fly and also has speed.


At this moment, a black shadow flew in from the open door of the wooden house at a very fast speed and stopped in front of him in an instant.

It was Rimbaud who came back.

"Why did you come here?"

Rimbaud said, looking at Scott's patronus curiously.

"What kind of magic is this?" It asked a little unhappy, "Why didn't you turn into a raven?"

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