The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 361 361. Does Avalon really exist?

"Fate has chosen you, and you can only face it."

Dumbledore looked directly at Scott with his blue eyes, his voice gentle and encouraging.

"Brave, although people are used to associating this word with Gryffindor, I think bravery exists in everyone's heart."

Scott's heart gradually calmed down.

Things have already happened, and there is no way to avoid them. There is no other way except to face them directly.

"The most important thing is not to let anything affect your heart, and don't make choices against your will." Dumbledore continued, "It is not our ability but our choice that determines our life."

Scott laughed, "You are right, professor. I will not shrink because of the vague prophecy now, nor will I let this matter affect the path I want to take."

He had to admit that although chicken soup for the soul seemed useless, people sometimes did need a little delicious chicken soup for the soul.

After hearing Scott's answer, Dumbledore nodded with relief, and he became as cheerful as usual.

"Of course, you should also remember that you are not alone." He continued, "You still have family, friends, and old guys like us. I believe that no one will refuse to help you."

At this time, Professor McGonagall on the side also spoke up; "I told you, Mr. Trollope, no matter what happens to you, you can ask your professors for help."

Professor Flitwick simply walked in front of Scott and looked up at him.

"Oh, Scott, I believe you. You are one of the best students in the history of Ravenclaw College. I believe you can overcome all difficulties. Of course, don't forget that the entire Ravenclaw College is your backing."

He finished this sentence with some excitement, and stretched out his hand and patted Scott's arm comfortingly.

"Thank you." Scott lowered his eyelids with a smile on his face, "Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore."

At this moment, his heart was calm, and the panic and cowardice after hearing the prophecy had been swept away.

Scott did not deliberately control it, but when he decided to face it, those useless emotions disappeared directly.

"I have another suggestion."

Dumbledore spoke again, saying, "You can look for clues and interpret the true meaning of the prophecy. We will all help you with this. But remember, don't force it."

When he said "we will all help", Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall also nodded to Scott.

Dumbledore said again, "It is certain that in the days to come, everything mentioned in the prophecy will appear in front of you, perhaps in an inadvertent or sudden way."

At this point, his tone was full of encouragement again, "And what you have to do is to make yourself strong, strong enough to face those difficulties."

"Yes." Scott responded, agreeing with his words.

Although the professors would indeed not refuse to help him and protect him, he could not pin his hopes on this.

No one can protect him all the time, and only by being strong can he not be afraid of any difficulties.

Dumbledore smiled at him again, his long silver beard trembling slightly, "If it was another student, I would suggest that he accept our strict protection. But if it was you, I believe you, Scott, because you are a student known as a genius."

Faced with such praise, Scott could only nod his head gently.

Compared to the old headmaster in front of him, although he would not think that he was a rare genius, he also had some pride and confidence, and would not think that he would not be able to reach the height of the old headmaster in the future.

"Go." Professor Flitwick said to Scott, "Maybe you should forget about these for a while and have a good rest. By the way, remember to come to my office after dinner tomorrow."

Scott responded again.

Every Tuesday night, he receives guidance from Professor Flitwick, and this habit has not changed for a long time.

From Professor Flitwick's expression, the professor's guidance to him should be strengthened in the future.

Scott certainly would not refuse this kind of special treatment.

Professor McGonagall also said: "It seems that your progress in Transfiguration will also be further accelerated, Mr. Trollope. You have such a talent, which is also your advantage. I think you can learn Animagus before the summer vacation."

Scott also agreed.

"Just do what you can." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Scott said goodbye to the three professors, put away his [magic mirror], and left the classroom.

The three professors did not leave for the time being, and they must have discussed this matter.

Scott looked back at the door of the Transfiguration Club and left in a hurry.

He skillfully passed through the winding corridors and moving stairs, climbed up to the eighth floor with a clear goal, and entered Helena's study.

For Scott, his biggest supporter is Ravenclaw, who has become a mentor.

Although the only thing that can help him now is a portrait of Ravenclaw, this is a portrait of the founder of the college who is famous for her wisdom. She has an unusually broad knowledge, and perhaps she will have a clearer interpretation of the prophecy.

The girl Helena in the painting was a little surprised that Scott came at this time, but at his serious request, she quickly opened the door of the inner room for him.

After seeing the portrait of Ravenclaw, Scott only briefly explained a few words, and then used the [magic mirror] again to let Ravenclaw and Helena in the portrait see Trelawney's prophecy.

"This is indeed a true prophecy." said the Ravenclaw in the painting.

After watching the entire "video", she frowned very rarely.


Helena snuggled beside her, looking a little uneasy, as if she was frightened by Trelawney's performance in the "video".

Ravenclaw gently patted Helena's hand.

She looked at Scott and asked softly, "Are you sure you are the person who does not exist in the prophecy?"

Scott nodded.

"I see." Ravenclaw murmured.

Like Dumbledore, she did not delve into why Scott thought he was the [person who does not exist].

"The Great Man?" She repeated the title, "If I'm not mistaken, this should refer to Salazar."

Scott looked at him with an inquiring look.

Ravenclaw in the painting smiled slightly, "People call us four founders of Hogwarts the Great Four, and he is the only great one related to Medea."

Scott nodded, thinking this way can also explain it.

But he still asked, "Is this certain? There are still some wizards who can be called great people, such as Merlin, who is often mentioned by wizards."

"But Merlin will not take the legacy of the Eternal King." Ravenclaw said.

Scott asked, "The Eternal King refers to Merlin's best friend, King Arthur?"

Ravenclaw said: "The prophecy has magic. In Britain, who else can the title of the Eternal King refer to besides King Arthur?"

Scott felt a little incredible, "The legacy of the Eternal King? Legend has it that the dying King Arthur was taken back to Avalon by several mysterious fairies on a boat. Could it be that Avalon... that legendary utopia really exists?"

Ravenclaw shook her head, indicating that she didn't know whether the legendary Avalon really existed.

"I am sure that Merlin and King Arthur are real." She said to Scott, "As for Avalon, it is the holy land of Celtic mythology and the central belief of the ancient Druid religion. Perhaps you can ask the Druids who still exist today."


Scott frowned.

As a legend that has been passed down from ancient times to the present in Britain, he certainly cannot judge whether it is real or not.

But the prophecy involves Salazar Slytherin and even the legendary King Arthur, and Scott feels that things have become more confusing.

It seems that he has to find a way to contact Savannah.

Now Savannah has become a Druid priest, and the trip to the [Oak Sea] during the Christmas holiday also made Scott understand that the Druid inheritance is not simple. Maybe Savannah will know something.


"What exactly are the Clairvoyance and the Book of History?"

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it either." said the Ravenclaw in the painting.

Helena couldn't help but say, "This sounds too complicated. There must be a big secret hidden in it."

Neither Scott nor Ravenclaw responded to her obvious statement.

"It seems that Salazar still has a connection with Medea after leaving Hogwarts." Ravenclaw sighed, "Perhaps everything Medea did was controlled by him, including the oath she signed with me."


In the painting, Helena looked at Ravenclaw in surprise.

"Are you telling the truth?" she asked, "But how could Medea deceive you?"

Ravenclaw patted her hands again and said gently; "Sometimes I am just an ordinary mother."

Helena lowered her head in shame.

"Although I can say that it was not me." She whispered softly, "But it was Helena who stole the crown and caused my mother to become seriously ill."

Ravenclaw looked at her lovingly and reached out to touch her soft long hair.

"Do you know what to do, Scott?" Ravenclaw looked at Scott standing outside the painting again.

Scott smiled and said, "In addition to being mentally prepared and strengthening your own strength, there seems to be no better way."

Ravenclaw nodded gently and agreed with his statement.

"Don't be afraid of it." She said, "You just need to do what you should do."

Scott nodded again.

Ravenclaw said again: "The prophecy only reveals one destiny. Don't let it become your shackles. If you are strong enough and wise enough, you may be able to break it."

Two updates today, 3000 each, and there will be another update later.

I will try to write more tomorrow.

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