The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 350 350. Trap Curiosity Beast

The moment she saw the figure in the house, Medea shouted something.

The green-robed men around her bent their knees and squatted reflexively, and thrust their wands into the ground.

A burst of blue light spread from the ground beneath their feet, instantly covering the entire courtyard.

As all this happened, Dumbledore and Medea stretched their wands forward, and two red lightning-like spells almost simultaneously rushed in front of the black figure.

The green-robed man cast the Anti-Apparition Spell, and Medea attacked at the same time. This was obviously a trap set by Medea and the green-robed man for the black figure. It was rare that Dumbledore also followed.

If Scott hadn't known Dumbledore well, he would have thought that he and Medea had a tacit understanding on this matter.

Facing the simultaneous attacks of Medea and Dumbledore, the black figure fell down instantly without a doubt.

He didn't even resist, but before he fell, he waved his wand to let a golden cup fly out of the yard at a very fast speed, that is, outside the range of the Anti-Apparition Spell.

Another black figure suddenly appeared. It was a Death Eater wearing a black robe and a mask. He reached out and took the golden cup.

The Aurors outside the yard also reacted very quickly. Several spells flew in front of him from different directions.

At this time, the Death Eater holding the golden cup obviously had no time to cast the Apparition spell.

He chose the same operation as his companions and moved the golden cup as quickly as possible before being knocked down.

Scott could only see the golden cup flying out of the screen. The Aurors also turned around and cast spells to attack the other side, but from their expressions, they failed. The Death Eater seemed to have taken the golden cup away in this way.

Medea in the small courtyard just watched this scene. She and her green-robed man did not take any action.

Given the importance of the Horcrux to her, her indifferent performance was enough for Scott to judge that the golden cup taken away by the Death Eater was probably fake.

Dumbledore also ignored the golden cup that was taken away, but chose to attack Medea and the green-robed man, as if trying to catch them all in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the group of Thestrals that had been standing quietly in the chaos suddenly moved.

Including the four Thestrals pulling the carriage, all the Thestrals soared at the same time and flew out of the camera.

At the same time, the white bone staff in Medea's hand suddenly emitted a bright white light, and then the power of the spell she cast increased visibly, barely resisting Dumbledore's attack.

Her green-robed men took this opportunity to cancel the anti-Apparition spell, and cast Apparition spells to leave one after another.

Although the Aurors behind Dumbledore took action in time and left a few, most of the green-robed men still managed to leave.

Soon, Medea also disappeared abruptly in the battle with Dumbledore.

Scott could see that she left using a special door key.

Seeing this, Scott paused the screen, put down the panoramic telescope in his hand, and took out his pocket watch to check the time.

"Eddie." He reminded Eddie, who was staring at the panoramic telescope with his mouth wide open, "It's almost time for the afternoon class."

Eddie said quickly: "Oh... Let me finish reading this. Did the Death Eaters steal the Horcrux? The Dark Lord didn't show up..."

Scott smiled, "The golden cup should be fake. The whole incident was a trap set by Medea for the Dark Lord, but it is obvious that the Dark Lord, who was afraid of death, did not show up."

"Well, maybe the truth is what you said." Eddie put down the panoramic telescope.

Scott stood up, "Of course, this is just my guess. We all only saw a fixed perspective."

He waved his wand to extinguish the candle, and then lit the wand with the illumination spell, "Wait until dinner is over and you can take a closer look. Look carefully from all angles, and then you should be able to make the right judgment."

"Of course, I am willing to discover the truth." Eddie said with lingering thoughts.

The two walked out of the studio, closed the door, and sat on the shabby flying broom to return to the remote corridor on the third floor.

Scott and Eddie separated and rushed to the greenhouse outside the castle alone to attend the herb class.

When he walked into the greenhouse, Professor Sprout had already arrived.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

The short and fat Professor Sprout still wore the patched hat and had a kind smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, Professor Sprout."

The students responded in unison.

"From this class on, we will not learn any new courses this semester." Professor Sprout said, "In order to cope with the upcoming O.W.L.s at the end of the semester, we need some time to review the knowledge we learned in previous years..."

Reviewing the knowledge learned in previous years is also an adjustment made by most professors for the fifth-year O.W.L.s.

"Who can tell me how to classify herbs according to their growing environment?" Professor Sprout began to ask questions.

Facing many raised hands, she pointed to Hufflepuff's Caccini to answer.

Caccini, who had become a female gangster, fiddled with her short hair that was dyed in bright colors, and her voice became much colder when answering questions.

"Aquatic herbs, which grow in water, are divided into freshwater herbs and seawater herbs."

"Native herbs, which grow in soil, are divided into fertile soil herbs, alkaline soil herbs and saline soil herbs."

"Mixed herbs, which can grow in both water and soil, usually have different forms in different environments."

"Yaoshengsi must grow in prepared potions..."

But as a Hufflepuff, she didn't make any surprises when answering the questions.

Professor Sprout also kept looking at her with encouraging eyes. When she finished her answer, she happily added points to Hufflepuff House, and did not change any attitude because of her change.

After that, Professor Sprout asked a few more questions.

After all the questions were answered by the students, she waved her hand.

"Everyone spread out and look for plants in the greenhouse that you are not good at. Try to do it again according to the previous lessons. If you need help, please call me."

Scott walked around the greenhouse with Roger and Milton.

"What are you not good at?" Milton looked around, "I don't like fang geraniums very much."

Roger said, "Is there anything more disgusting than collecting the pus from a baboon tuber?"

As he spoke, he kept looking back and looking in the direction of Caccini.

Scott raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "What are you..."

"I'm not, I didn't." Roger denied immediately, "I'm just curious."

He turned his head and looked no further.

Scott laughed and joked, "It seems that you like Caccini's current cool and hot style more than her past darling style."

"What a pity." Milton also laughed, "Cacini, the cool girl nowadays, probably won't want to get back together with you."


Roger's expression was exaggerated, as if he had heard a funny joke.

"No, I have never thought about getting back together." He said, "It's just that the contrast between her is too great, and I'm a little worried that something has happened."

Although he felt that Roger's words were trying to hide something, Scott still nodded.

To be honest, he was also curious about what Caccini had gone through to change so completely.

"Does Milton know?" he asked Milton.

After all, Milton and Caccini belong to the same classical music club, and they are relatively familiar with each other.

As for a boy like Milton, although he is not very popular with girls in terms of love, girls will never hate him.

"I don't know either." Milton thought for a while, "The music she is exposed to has changed a lot. She used to only like classical music, but now she is addicted to rock."

At this point, he paused and then said: "Maybe this is the reason, the change brought about by being addicted to rock and roll?"

"Impossible." Roger shook his head, obviously not agreeing with this answer.

Milton shrugged his shoulders without retorting.

At this time, Professor Sprout walked towards them.

Scott quickly squatted down and began to loosen the soil of a pot of jumping bulbs at his feet. Roger and Milton also pretended to be busy.

After the Herbology class, Scott and Roger went to a Care of Magical Creatures class, while Milton went to Divination class alone.

Scott and Roger came to the venue at the edge of the Forbidden Forest together, where Hagrid was already waiting.

The class hasn't started yet, and Scott and the others are standing aside waiting.

"Why isn't Miss Grapeland here?" said Roger, running his fingers along the spine of the huge, furry book.

"Who knows."

At this time, the class time had not yet come, and Scott did not pay attention to this problem.

But until after class, Graplan still didn't show up.

Soon some students were asking Hagrid why Grapeland didn't come to class.

It was obvious that Graplan was much more popular as a teaching assistant than Hagrid as a professor.

"Miss Grapeplan is on leave!" Hagrid said angrily, "She will return to class next week!"

The students, especially the male students, sighed regretfully after hearing this.

Facts have proved that Hagrid is indeed easy to let go without Graplan's assistant.

"Today's class is very interesting." He said to the students excitedly, "I want to introduce you to one of my little darlings."

He rubbed his hands together as he said, "Of course, it's a cute little thing and you're going to like it. Now, you just have to wait."

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the Forbidden Forest.

"Ho! Roar..."

With a few deep roars, Hagrid led a huge beast out of the Forbidden Forest.

"Ho! Roar! Roar..."

Three roars sounded at the same time.

The three ferocious big heads and the three bloody mouths with drooling saliva and sharp teeth brought a huge visual impact to everyone.

A huge three-headed dog.

Its body was extremely huge, even taller than Hagrid when walking on all fours. Its three heads grinned in different directions and roared from time to time.

Seeing this scene, the girls present were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Is this a cutie?" Roger swallowed and purred in his throat, "Do Hagrid and I use the same language?"

"Ho! Roar! Roar..."

The three heads of the three-headed dog barked one after another again, and the girls began to scream.

"Oh, don't be afraid, he is a good boy and he will not hurt you."

Hagrid said something to the students, then turned to calm the three-headed dog.

"Okay, Lu Wei." He stretched out his big hand and stroked the three-headed dog's three heads at once, "Big Mao, Ermao, Sanmao, don't bark, you are scaring my students."

He took out some meat from his pocket and fed them.

The three-headed dog was indeed very well behaved in front of him. All three heads lowered down to let him stroke them, and made purring sounds.

"He kept them... no, where did he keep them?" Roger still looked at the three-headed dog in disbelief, "Is this the one that was responsible for guarding the Philosopher's Stone two years ago? I remember it bit Snape."

"It should be, Hagrid must have hidden it in the Forbidden Forest." Cedric, who was standing next to the two, spoke up.

"I sincerely hope that Miss Grubbly-Plank will return to class soon." Roger said, "I also hope that Hagrid's little cuties won't be too many."

Cedric whispered, "I heard that the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest were also raised by Hagrid. Fortunately, they have disappeared now."

Roger smiled and said, "Yes, a warrior eliminated all the eight-eyed spiders and brought peace to the Forbidden Forest."

He blinked at Scott while speaking.

Scott turned a blind eye to his little action.

At this moment, Hagrid had already appeased his "little cutie" three-headed dog Fluffy with food and toys, and he turned around to face the students again.

"Who wants to come up and get close to Fluffy?" He asked with a smile on his face, his thick beard shaking happily, "Maybe you can try to feed it, or play with it."

Everyone watched Fluffy's three heads take turns biting its toy - a large wooden ball. With the sound of creaking, the huge wooden ball was bitten into several pieces.

"Look, how happy it is playing."

Hagrid looked back and smiled with relief, like a loving mother who saw her child grow up.

He even wiped the corners of his eyes.

"I raised it. At that time, it was just a little furry."

After sighing, he looked at the students again.

"Oh, who wants to get close to it?" He asked again, "The three-headed dog is a rare magical animal. Come on, raise your hands."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present took a step back.


Hagrid's movements and expressions became a little stiff.

"No... no one?"

There really was no one, and many students, especially girls, were shaking their heads quickly, fearing that he would call out their names.

"Is he kidding?" Roger muttered, "That beast can swallow me in one gulp."

"Uh... it seems you are still a little scared." Hagrid said very embarrassedly, "But I have to say that Fluffy won't hurt you, it listens to me very much..."

This is a fifth-year class, but there is no Harry to help him out, so Hagrid is getting more and more embarrassed.

In the end, he could only bite the bullet and introduce some of the habits and characteristics of the three-headed dog to everyone in embarrassment, and ended the class hastily.

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