The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 321 321. Suggestions Gossip Skills

That night, when Scott came out of the Transfiguration Club, he saw Harry standing at the corner at the other end of the corridor and waving at him.

Scott walked over and found Ron and Hermione there.

"Scott, the trial results are out." Harry's face was not very good, "The result is just as you said, Hagrid is fine, but Buckbeak was sentenced to death."

Is it as expected, Scott thought.

He asked, "When will it be executed."

"Hagrid said it was the day before the Christmas holiday." Hermione replied.

Harry asked Scott expectantly, "Is there any good way to save Buckbeak?"

Scott shook his head.

Harry looked disappointed, "Is there really no way? Hagrid is very sad and has suffered a great blow."

"Of course you can save Buckbeak." Scott lowered his voice, "But that is illegal."

Harry and Ron's eyes lit up when they heard this, but Hermione was the first to object, "No... No, we can't do this!"

She glared at Harry and Ron fiercely, "This may cause you to go to jail!"

Ron said unconvinced: "Since Scott said so, there must be a way not to go to jail!"

"There is no such method!" Hermione glared at him, "Who knows if it will be discovered!"


Scott looked at the three people helplessly and gestured for them to keep their voices down.

"The only safe way is with Hermione." He looked at Hermione meaningfully, "To be honest, I don't recommend you do that."

"What method?" Harry and Ron looked at Hermione quickly.

Hermione said quickly, "No, don't even think about it!"

She stared at Scott with a bad face, "You know, Professor McGonagall gave it to me out of trust, I can't abuse its power!"

Scott smiled, "Of course, you need to weigh the pros and cons yourself. I said, I don't recommend you do that."

Hermione was obviously angry, "You shouldn't mention this... I mean, it needs to be kept secret!"

"If you have a way to save the poor beast, why not use it?" Ron asked puzzled.

"You don't know anything!" Hermione glared at him again.

"Of course... If you don't want to help Hagrid." Ron's face was also a little ugly, "Of course we can't force you."

"I said, you don't know anything!"

Hermione glared at Scott again, turned around and ran away angrily.

"Why is she so angry?" Ron asked Harry and Scott with a confused look.

Harry's expression was a little subtle, "You shouldn't have talked to Hermione like that just now, Ron, we should discuss it with her."

"Discuss what?" Ron pouted, "Didn't you hear that, she doesn't want to."

Harry turned his head to look at Scott, his eyes seemed to say, see, this is all your fault.

Scott stepped forward and patted Harry on the shoulder, "Maybe, it's best to make Hagrid stronger."

After that, he walked past the two boys and left directly.

Harry asked if there was any way to save Buckbeak, and Scott gave a way. As for how they chose, it was not his concern.

Anyway, he would not participate in this matter.

When Scott returned to the dormitory, Eddie immediately approached him mysteriously.

"Scott, I specifically asked some Slytherins about the news of the cousins ​​Carlo and Luo." He said with some pride.

Scott raised his eyebrows, "What did you find out?"

"They did go to Durmstrang to study." Eddie said, "Carlo and several Slytherins are still in correspondence."

"What else?" Scott asked.

Eddie put on an expression of sharing gossip, "Some people say that Carlo could have returned to Hogwarts to study, but because his cousin didn't want to come back, he also went to Durmstrang."

"How is that possible?" Roger on the side didn't believe Eddie's statement.

Milton said: "Carlo was expelled because he attacked Scott. He even lived in the dungeon of the Ministry of Magic for a while. He had no chance to return to Hogwarts."

Scott also felt that this method was not credible.

In any case, Dumbledore still has the final say in this school.

Facing the suspicious eyes of his roommates, Eddie shrugged his shoulders, "These are all the words of some Slytherins, the two who once ambushed Scott on the stone bridge with Carlo. They are Carlo's followers."

"They are just bragging." Roger sneered.

"Okay, but that's not the point."

Eddie looked at Roger with disdain, as if he was really sad that Roger couldn't grasp the point of the gossip.

Roger stared at him with a bad face.

Eddie quickly laughed, with a gloating expression, "What I want to say is that although Carlo and Luo Er have been engaged since childhood, Carlo only likes Luo Er unilaterally, and Luo Er is not very satisfied with Carlo as a cousin."

He emphasized, "Of course, this is real information, and many people know it."

He seemed to have conducted a serious investigation on this, and also found many examples from others that could prove this.

For example, Luo Er had never had a good face for Carlo since he was a child, and even when he had to dance with Carlo at the banquet, Luo Er would have a reluctant expression on his face.

Lu Er even publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the engagement between the two.

But Carlo has been obedient to Luo Er since he was a child and very attentive.

Eddie explained the gossip clearly, "Lu Er's passive resistance to the engagement caused dissatisfaction in the Carlo family. They once thought of changing Carlo's engagement partner, but Carlo firmly rejected the proposal and even resisted his father for this."

Scott nodded.

If this is not a licking dog, what is a licking dog?

If this is all true, then the show he planned may be more exciting than imagined.

He even started looking forward to it from now on.

Roger and Milton didn't know Scott's plan, and they were not very interested in the news that Eddie had found out.

"I don't know whether this news is true or not. Even if it is true, Carlo will just be a little embarrassed." Roger said with some disappointment.

Milton also said: "Such news can't bring them substantial punishment."

"This is top-secret news that I spent a lot of effort to find out. The two families kept it a secret!" Eddie said unconvinced, "As long as it is publicized, the Carrow family and the Roll family will be embarrassed!"

"But it's just embarrassing." Roger said indifferently, "Besides, Carrow probably got used to it a long time ago!"

"I knew it would be like this." Eddie was a little discouraged.

Scott hurriedly thanked Eddie.

He knew that Eddie went to dig up the gossip about Carrow and Roll to help him vent his anger.

He also had to admire Eddie.

He said to Eddie, "You are a Ravenclaw, and you are born a Muggle, but you can dig out secrets from those Slytherins. This is something only you can do. I have to say, this is also a skill."

Roger and Milton also deeply agreed with this.

This made Eddie very proud.

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