The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 305 305. New product: anti-hidden poison mask

"Hey, Scott!"

It was a new week, Monday at noon, Fred and George stopped Scott who was about to leave from the auditorium after lunch.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Come with us."

The twins mysteriously took Scott to a corridor on the third floor of the castle, where he stood in front of a statue of a hunchbacked one-eyed witch.

"I remember this is the entrance to the secret passage leading to Honeydukes Candy Shop in Hogsmeade." Scott said, "Do you want to sneak out? At this time?"

Fred looked around and said, "Of course not. You'll know when you go down and take a look."

At the same time, George took out his wand and tapped the statue, saying, "Separate left and right."

The hunchback of the hunchbacked one-eyed witch statue slowly opened, revealing a dark passage inside which was a long stone slide.

"I'm going down first."

George ducked into the passage, slid down the stone slide quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fred patted Scott on the shoulder, "You go first, hurry up."

Scott glanced at him and followed his words helplessly.

He got into the passage, sat on the stone slide and slid down quickly, with the wind whistling in his ears.

Fred followed him holding a fluorescent wand.

After about 10 minutes, they finally reached the bottom of the stone slide.

Scott stood up and looked at the area illuminated by the magic light source in front of him. George, who was the first to come down, was already standing there.

"This is?"

Scott walked to him and looked at an old wooden door behind him.

"Oh, we found this when we were purchasing goods some time ago." George pushed open the door, "Fred accidentally threw a cutting spell on the wall, and this door appeared."

Scott glanced inside the door and found that there was a medium-sized room inside.

There were three whistling vents on the ceiling of the room. Several old desks were put together in the center. Several candles were lit on the desks. His roommate Eddie was sitting there waving to him.

"Eddie? No wonder I didn't see you at lunch today." Scott walked into the room.

Fred and George also entered the room.

"This will be our joke product research studio from now on!" Fred said.

George also said: "We will develop and experiment with our products here to ensure that others will not discover it!"

"It's really nice here." Scott sat on a broken stool, "But do you need to hide here?"

"It wasn't necessary before."

"But now there is."

Fred and George said.

"Percy has been watching us more and more lately."

"Because we offended him severely."

"Well, as long as you don't bother yourself." Scott said with a smile.

"This place is indeed very hidden. Even Filch doesn't know about this secret passage outside." Eddie also said.

"Of course." Fred was somewhat proud.

"You called me here just to see this place?" Scott looked around again.

He once again confirmed that this was an empty room with nothing special about it.

"In addition, we have a new product coming out." George said.

"Anti-virus mask!" Fred took out a plain white mask from his pocket.

"Oh, you succeeded?" Eddie immediately stood up happily.

"That's right!" Fred put on the white mask.

George introduced from the side, "After wearing this mask, as long as poison is close..."

He took out a small glass bottle from the old desk, "This is a small bottle of viper venom."

He opened the small glass bottle and put it next to the mask on Fred's face. Several bandages suddenly grew on both sides of the white mask, wrapping Fred's mouth and nose tightly.

"It's really good." Eddie clapped. "Although it hasn't caught up with the popularity of 'The Hidden Poison Wizard', this mask should be able to sell well."

"Of course, people's fear of 'hidden wizards' has not completely disappeared," George said. "We still have time to make a lot of money."

He moved the glass bottle containing snake venom further away, and the bandages on the outer layer of the mask on Fred's face retracted.

Eddie said excitedly: "If it had been a month earlier, this invention might have taken the entire British wizarding world by storm! Of course, it's not too late now."

"How about it? We never care about business partners?" Fred took off his mask and asked Scott with a smile.


Scott looked at them, not knowing what to say.

For quite a long time, the incident of Medea and the "Men in Green Robes" organization capturing Edin Castle has been a hot news item in the magical world.

Scott thought the hot news he created over the summer had been forgotten.

During the summer vacation, Borgin Bock, the owner of Knockturn Alley's Borgin Bock store, and Liam Yaxley and Jak Yaxley, two young wizards of the Yaxley family, all suffered horrific poisoning attacks.

Of the three, only Liam Yaxley survived.

These two incidents were also widely reported in the magical world at that time, and all kinds of terrible conjectures and theories were rampant.

This has led to people being very afraid of the murderer's unknown means of poisoning people silently.

Scott returned to Spain shortly after taking action, and heard Rimbaud talk to him on the phone about some of the subsequent rumors.

In short, because of the two poisoning cases that happened in the summer vacation, there is now a rumor of a "hidden poison wizard" in the British magic world.

According to the rumor, this "hidden poison wizard" can use poison to kill anyone he wants to kill silently, and no one knows how he does it.

This rumor, which is like a novel story, was first published in a magazine called "The Quibbler", and then it spread for some reason.

Of course, Scott thinks that all this has nothing to do with him, Scott Trollope.

"Well..." Scott said, "It's a good invention. Although I don't think it will be used in Hogwarts, students may buy it and send it home."

This mask can really protect against his poisonous midges-if a person wears it all the time.

Eddie said happily: "Hurry up and speed up the production. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of demand for this kind of mask. Of course, if necessary, I can also help."

"Oh, you can't help us, Eddie." Fred said.

George patted Eddie on the shoulder, "You are still responsible for providing raw materials, and bring more masks and bandages."

The lunch break was not long, and they left here quickly, flying to the top of the stone slide through a few worn-out flying brooms hidden near the stone slide.

After returning to the corridor on the third floor, they threw the flying brooms into the passage and let them slide down the stone slide.

Along the way, the Weasley twins and Eddie were all excitedly discussing the plan to make money with "anti-hidden gas masks", only Scott had a complicated mood.

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