The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 030. Accident on the Quidditch Field

Upon hearing Professor Snape's order, the students immediately started to move.

"I'll go." Scott stood up on his own initiative.

"Okay." Milton smiled sheepishly, "Sorry to trouble you, Scott."

Scott knew that he didn't want to be near Snape unless he had to.

Scott walked to the cabinet next to the classroom and started to get the potion materials to be used.

The students around them were also in an orderly manner, and there was no such thing as panic because they didn't know what materials to get.

After all, everyone is already in their fourth year, and Snape will no longer take the opportunity to deduct points for this kind of thing.

When everyone returned to their seats after collecting the materials, Snape took out his wand and waved it, and writing appeared on the blackboard behind him.

"Very good." He said, "Now, follow the steps on the blackboard and start making it!"

Scott and Milton quickly looked up at the blackboard and used quills to mark the differences between the content on the blackboard and the textbook.

A true potion master will always optimize the production of various potions. Fourth-year students have learned from countless lessons in the past that they must rely on Snape's blackboard writing in Potions class.

Scott reviewed the process of making the antidote potion again, discussed it with Milton for a few words, and the two began to work separately on the potion materials.

At this time, Snape also started to take action. He walked around the classroom silently, stopping from time to time to stare at the students' movements with oppressive eyes.

Whenever Snape came next to Scott and the others, Milton began to flinch, not even daring to breathe. At this time, Scott had to allocate part of his energy to prevent him from making mistakes in panic.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Milton has experienced this kind of battle, and he already has experience in dealing with it.

Although he is still not immune to Snape's interference, he will stop whenever he feels that his thinking is unclear. In this way, although the speed is slower, he will not make mistakes easily.

During this class, Snape passed by Milton several times, and once even deliberately got very close to stare at his movements.

Scott quickly took over Milton's work before his hands shook.

This seemed to disappoint Snape, and Scott heard him exhale heavily from his nose before turning and walking away.

But not everyone in this class escaped like Milton. Several Hufflepuff students made mistakes in the process of making potions, allowing Snape to dunk Hufflepuff as he wished. Five points.

Especially Roger's ex-girlfriend Miss Mill. Her attention was probably given to Roger and his new Potions partner. Anyway, she kept making mistakes during this class, and at the end there was even smoke coming out of her cauldron.

So Hufflepuff was deducted five more points for Miss Mill's mistake.

Fortunately, Hufflepuff students never pay much attention to house points. On the way after class, they quickly became happy again.

Instead, it was Milton, who still looked like he was about to survive a disaster after walking out of the Potions classroom.

Scott patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "Hey, it's over. We got an A (Acceptable/pass) for the potion. Now let's forget about the antidote and go to the History of Magic class. Take a good rest.”

"Oh yes, History of Magic."

Milton came to his senses, put the "Magic Potions and Potions" in his hand into the schoolbag he carried with him, and took out another "History of Magic".

"I love History of Magic!"

Milton immediately became visibly happy and held the thick book in his arms.

I knew it. Scott thought.

Milton was probably the only student in the History of Magic class who listened with gusto.

Although the tone of Professor Spencer's lectures as a ghost makes people fall asleep, Milton is very good at making up many romantic and beautiful stories from the boring history.

He once gained a lot of inspiration from this and even wrote more than 30 cello pieces with the theme of "historical stories".

Ravenclaw was taking this History of Magic class with Slytherin, so Roger hurried into the classroom alone before class.

"You didn't even bring your textbooks."

Scott looked at the book "Magic Potions and Potions" in his hand.

Is this guy a little too arrogant?

"Copied in pairs (Geminio)."

Roger took out his wand and made a copy of Scott's textbook, smiling proudly.

"By the way." He leaned closer and whispered, "We are going to test a new formation this afternoon. Do you and Milton want to come and take a look?"

"New formation? I remember the team changed seekers before?" Scott asked.

"Yes, Qiu's level is not bad." Roger said, "To be honest, he is better than Carson."

Carson, who was in seventh grade, was Ravenclaw's former Seeker. Because he was about to graduate and had never performed well in the team, he simply gave up the Seeker position to Qiu Zhang this time.

"Want to take a look? Maybe you can give us some advice." Roger said to Scott and Milton.

Both Scott and Milton were somewhat interested in the team's new formation and new members, so they readily agreed.

"I'll go," Scott said. "I only have one Arithmancy class in the afternoon."

"I'm in the Divination class," Milton said.

In the afternoon, Scott left the arithmetic divination classroom and went back to his dormitory first.

By the time he arrived at the Quidditch pitch, Milton was already sitting in the stands.

"Did you come here directly after class?" Scott asked casually when he saw that he was still carrying a schoolbag.

"Yes, the atmosphere of the divination class today is a bit heavy." Milton seemed a little uneasy, "I wanted to come here early to relax."

"What did Professor Trelawney predict again?" Scott asked habitually.

"She said..." Milton swallowed and began to imitate Professor Trelawney's strange voice, "The shadow has shrouded Hogwarts, and someone will encounter misfortune after Halloween."

It seems quite accurate? If it is about the "original plot" of the Chamber of Secrets.

"You should be used to it." Scott said to Milton, "Professor Trelawney often makes some sensational predictions."

"I hope nothing will happen." Milton was still a little worried.

"Nothing will happen." Scott said.

Because he has decided to kill the danger in advance. If his plan goes well at that time, the victim will only be a cat.

While the two were talking, the team members flew out of the locker room next to the court on flying broomsticks.

They first flew around the court for a few laps, and Roger kept waving at Scott and Milton.


Scott narrowed his eyes, suddenly stood up, and took out his wand.

Milton saw that he looked serious and asked, "What's wrong?"


Scott put his wand against his throat.

"Roger!" His voice instantly spread throughout the court, "Jump down immediately! There's something wrong with your broom!"

Out of long-standing trust and tacit understanding, Roger immediately turned over and jumped off the flying broom without hesitation.

"Wingardium leviosa!"

Scott raised his wand and cast a perfect floating spell on the falling Roger, stopping him in mid-air.

At this moment, Roger's flying broom began to spin in the air, and even emitted black smoke.


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