The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 26 026. Use the same old trick to destroy the evidence

After Caitlin Rowe was taken away, the students who were watching returned to the dormitory.

"What on earth is going on?" Eddie was obviously a little excited. "Do you think that Rowe's roommate cast a curse on her while she was asleep? Or put some poison in her water cup?"

Roger, who was walking in front, turned his head and glared at him, "Don't guess, Eddie! Such nonsense will damage the reputation of Ravenclaw!"

Eddie immediately shrank his neck.

"Poor Rowe, I really hope she will be fine soon." Milton sighed with a pale face.

"Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey will cure her soon." Scott comforted casually.

Of course, only he knew that it was impossible.

Afterwards, the roommates who were awakened by the screams just now went to the bathroom, while Scott, who had finished washing, returned to the dormitory to get a few books, and walked down the stairs again to the common room.

"Good morning, Scott."

Luna's voice was still erratic.

She was standing in front of a window, looking at the Black Lake in the distance through the glass window.

When Scott passed by her, she turned around and took the initiative to say hello.

"Good morning, Luna." Scott smiled at her.

Luna stared at Scott with her big silver eyes, "You seem to be in a good mood today."

Scott stopped, looked at her inquiringly, and asked her curiously: "Can you see my emotions?"

"What?" Luna tilted her head.

Looking at her confused expression, Scott shook his head again, "It's okay, I'm leaving first, Luna, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Luna waved.

Scott walked out of the common room and trotted down the spiral staircase. After leaving the Ravenclaw Tower, he walked through the corridor and climbed to the second floor of the castle.

The Hogwarts Hospital is on the side of this floor.

Scott did not try to get close to the hospital, but after walking through several corridors, he stuffed a small object into the brick cracks on the wall of a corridor, then turned into another corridor and pushed open the door of an abandoned classroom at the end.

Because the process of being sent to the hospital was quite noisy, Scott believed that the news that Caitlin Rowle had a strange disease had spread throughout Hogwarts.

He felt that if Jasmine Travers and Morgan Ever heard the news, they would definitely choose to go to the school hospital.

And they came out of the Slytherin common room and went to the school hospital. The corridor on the side of this classroom was a must-go route.

Scott closed the door of this classroom, turned around and walked to the window and opened it.

He took out a piece of ebony from the lizard skin bag on his waist and performed the compound transformation spell again.

But this time he did not choose a bat, but turned the ebony into a sparrow.

The sparrow flew out of the open window and stayed on the windowsill of a window outside the castle that could see the corridor on the side of the classroom.

Scott retracted his sight and took out two small glass bottles from the leather bag again.

After turning the two needles into Aedes aegypti again, Scott let the two mosquitoes stay in the glass bottle temporarily.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Scott's hearing connected to the sparrow heard footsteps coming from the corridor on the side.

He immediately waved his wand towards himself, chanted a spell and cast a super-sensory spell.

Soon, with the help of the spell, he sensed the magic in the side corridor. Unfortunately, it was not Jasmine Travers and Morgan Avery.

Scott sighed silently. If he had changed to another place, he would not have had to go through so much trouble.

As a magic castle that has lasted for thousands of years, the magic contained in Hogwarts is too huge and complex, and these magics will seriously interfere with Scott's perception of magic.

In order not to expose himself, he can only use such a troublesome and stupid method.

Ten minutes later, footsteps came to his ears again.


Scott cast a super-sensory spell on himself again, and then slowly raised the corners of his lips.

The target appeared.

He waved his wand, and two mosquitoes immediately flew out of the glass bottle and flew out from the gap under the classroom door.

Scott stood there without moving.

In his perception, two small mosquitoes crossed a corridor and chased after Jasmine Travers and Morgan Avery.

After approaching the two girls, the mosquitoes slowed down and the buzzing sound was reduced.

Finally, the two mosquitoes separated and flew down, landing on the ankles of the two girls and biting them lightly.

The ankles were chosen because it was the most inconvenient place to swat - the target had to bend down if they wanted to swat.

So, when the two girls felt a slight pain and bent down, the two mosquitoes had already flown to the wall beside them and got into the cracks in the bricks.

And then, the small mechanism Scott had put in the cracks in the bricks was knocked open by the mosquitoes, and several real blood-sucking midges flew out of it.

At this distance, neither Scott himself nor the sparrow outside the window could hear the conversation between the two girls.

He just sensed that they were so angry that they cast several spells on the blood-sucking midges before leaving angrily.

Scott stood in the abandoned classroom and waited until the two mosquitoes flew back again, turned into needles and fell into the glass bottle.

"Vanished without a trace."

Scott waved his wand and was once again satisfied with the vanishing spell that was most suitable for destroying evidence.

Then, he used the same method to deal with the sparrow and the small mechanism in the brick joints of the corridor wall.

After the morning class, Scott and his roommates had lunch together.

After lunch, they returned to Ravenclaw Tower, only to find that the students were blocking the door of the common room.

"What happened?" Scott asked a couple of the same grade next to him.

"Professor Flitwick and Madam Pomfrey are checking Miss Rowe's dormitory." Dylan Kingwell said.

His girlfriend Kayla White said, "Maybe they should check our common room too!"

The girl's face was a little pale, obviously frightened.

"It's terrible, did you see how Caitlin looked this morning."

She held Dylan's hand tightly, as if trying to draw some strength.

"I heard that Madam Pomfrey judged that it was a strange disease that had never been seen before, not caused by a curse or potion. Because there is no targeted potion for this strange disease, she can only temporarily control Caitlin's condition. She is trying to find the cause of Caitlin's illness in the dormitory."

"Don't worry, Keira." Dylan whispered to comfort her, "The professors will definitely find a way."

But Keira was still worried, "We don't know whether this terrible strange disease is contagious."

Soon, Professor Flitwick and Madam Pomfrey came out of the common room.

"No! Nothing that makes people sick was found!" Madam Pomfrey looked a little discouraged, "I'm sorry, Filius, maybe we should send the child to St. Mungo's as soon as possible."

"Let's go find Dumbledore."

Professor Flitwick's face was not good either, and the two hurried away.

Next, the student's strange disease soon alarmed the family, and Caitlin Rowe's parents quickly rushed to the school and took her to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases.

But things don't seem to be over.

In the afternoon, two first-year Slytherin girls fell into a coma in class, and then showed the same symptoms as Caitlin Rawl.

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