The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 247 247. The kidnapped Ramiro

"I didn't expect my cousin to be here too."

Scott turned to Benita and smiled apologetically, pulling her towards where Ramiro was.

Ramiro also walked towards them with a woman.

Because El Capricho Park was built like a maze, they had to turn several corners before they could meet.

"Scott, why are you here too?" Ramiro asked with a smile.

His smile was a little unnatural.

I wanted to ask you something.

Scott thought.


He glanced at the black-haired woman that Ramiro was hugging.

I don't know if it was because the lights were too dim the night before that he didn't see clearly, anyway... he felt that this woman was not the girl that Ramiro hugged into the villa.

Although they both had black hair, this woman looked much more mature.

Could it be that this cousin was more like a real playboy than Roger?

At this time, Benita took the initiative to greet, "Hello, Ramiro, I brought Scott here, after all, he is not familiar with Madrid at all."

"Hello, Benita, this place is really nice, isn't it?" Ramiro laughed dryly a few times, and introduced the girl he was hugging, "This is..."

"Hello, I'm Candela." The black-haired woman took the initiative to introduce herself.

She also smiled at Scott, "We met last night."

"Hello, I'm Scott, Ramiro's cousin." Scott responded and glanced at her again.

He still felt that this woman was not the girl last night.

At this time, he saw Ramiro opening his mouth silently.

From his mouth shape, he seemed to be saying to Scott, "Go."

And when Candela turned his head, he immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Sure enough, there is something fishy...

Scott narrowed his eyes.

He pretended to observe the two people hugging each other casually.

One of Candela's hands was always on Ramiro's waist.

Ramiro seemed to be hijacked.

Scott's magic perception was instantly unfolded.

But Candela is undoubtedly a Muggle, and there is no magic fluctuation nearby.

It seems that this matter does not involve wizards.

Scott felt relieved.

Just now, he even thought of the Reis map that Emilia mentioned.

If what she said is true, then that map is also a time bomb.

While Scott was thinking, he saw Ramiro winking at him implicitly.

Seeing Ramiro's eyes full of anxiety, Scott smiled.

"Ramiro, is Candela your girlfriend?"

Scott asked while reaching into his trouser pocket.

In fact, he had already reached into the deformed lizard skin bag in his pocket and held the pistol that he had never used since he got it.

"Girlfriend?" Ramiro glanced at Candela, and nodded a little stunned at Candela's smile, "Yes... yes, Candela is my girlfriend."

"Then why didn't you bring her to dinner with us the day before yesterday." Scott asked with a smile.

He let go of Benita's hand and took another step forward.

Ramiro opened his mouth, but before he could give a reason, Candela said, "I'm not ready to meet Ramiro's family right now."

"I see."

Scott smiled again, walked forward, and put his hand on Ramiro's shoulder.

"Sorry, Candela." He smiled apologetically at the black-haired woman, "I want to ask Ramiro something."

As he said that, he put his hand on Ramiro's shoulder hard, trying to take him aside.

But Candela directly grabbed Ramiro's arm with his other hand.

She laughed and said in a joking tone: "Is there anything between you two boys that we girls can't hear?"

As she said that, she also looked at Benita ambiguously.

"Boys are like this." Benita looked accustomed to it.

It seems that this won't work.

Scott patted Ramiro's shoulder, and his right hand in his trouser pocket took out [Severed Arm Bone] from the deformed lizard skin bag and activated it, and pulled out a part of the wand.

Finally, he pulled the safety of the pistol.


Scott called out this name, which he didn't know whether it was true or not, and when the black-haired woman looked over, he took out the pistol as quickly as possible and pointed it at her forehead.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the black-haired woman's eyes were a little dazed.


At this time, Benita exclaimed.

But Scott didn't look back.

He stared at Candela closely and smiled at her, "Don't move."

"Oh?" Candela also laughed suddenly, "Do you want to compete with me to see who moves faster?"

While speaking, she quickly moved the hand on Ramiro's waist up and put the pistol in her hand against the back of Ramiro's head.

"My dear cousin." Scott said helplessly, "What did you do to make people target you."

"I don't know." Ramiro said even more helplessly.

Scott said: "I think it may be because you are too fickle."

"Oh! What's going on! Scott..."

At this time, Benita was already scared and crying.

"Benita." Scott said, "Listen to me, you leave here first."

"I...I..." Benita's voice was trembling, "I'll leave now."

"Do you want this girl to find help?" Candela suddenly said, "No one is allowed to leave."

She pointed the gun at the back of Ramiro's head, "Otherwise I will shoot."

Scott looked at her unmoved, "It doesn't matter, if Ramiro's cousin dies, I will avenge him."

"Scott..." Ramiro made a bitter face.

Scott stared at Candela and continued, "It's just a cousin I've only known for two days."

Candela's eyes widened in surprise.

Scott said loudly again: "Go, Benita, don't care what this woman says!"

"Okay..." Benita responded with a crying voice and ran away quickly.

Listening to Benita's footsteps going away, Scott never looked back.

He and Candela were in a stalemate.

Candela said viciously: "Put down the gun, or I will smash his head!"

Scott never moved, "It doesn't matter, I will smash your head too."

Candela was so angry that she gasped.

But soon she laughed again.

"You have no chance, kid!" She looked at Scott's back proudly.

Ramiro said anxiously: "Go, Scott!"

"He can't go."

Someone got out of the "maze" behind Scott.

"Put down the gun, kid." A man said in a proud voice.

Scott looked back and saw a middle-aged man with a sloppy appearance and unshaven beard pointing a gun at him.

"Put it down!" the man said fiercely.

"There's really no other way." Scott threw away the pistol neatly.

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