The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 218 218. Fourth Grade Scott Appears

On the Quidditch field, after the third-year wizards came on the field, the overall duel scene became more interesting.

Generally, when they reach the third year, the wizards enter a period of rapid growth.

The wizards who enter this period will have obvious improvements in both the spells they master and their physical strength.

Scott, Roger, and Milton are all paying attention to Eddie's duel performance.

Eddie's opponent is a Hufflepuff boy.

After the duel began, the difference between the two sides was clearly exposed.

The Hufflepuff boy seemed too honest, and he behaved very upright even in the duel.

In this way, all his responses were traceable.

Eddie was much more cunning than his opponent.

This kid would cheat and play fake moves.

For example, he pretended to shout "Armor Protection", but in fact he didn't know the Shield Charm at all.

Because the magic barrier formed by the Shield Charm is transparent and invisible, the opponent actually believed it.

For example, he shouted the spell in his mouth, but the wand was not waved correctly.

When the opponent dodges, recite the spell in a low voice and wave the wand correctly.

"That kid!" Roger couldn't help laughing at Eddie's performance, "He has so many tricks."

Scott nodded.

This is called bullying an honest man.

In Scott's opinion, when it comes to hard power, Eddie and his opponent are actually about the same.

But now the Hufflepuff boy has been flustered by Eddie's endless tricks.

There is no suspense in this duel.

Scott looked at the Hufflepuff boy with some sympathy.

I hope this child can realize the evil of human hearts after this duel.

Not long after, the duels of the third-year wizards were all over.

This time, there was no situation like Harry and Zabini who entangled for a long time because of equal strength.

"Is it finally our turn?"

When Eddie and the others walked back, Roger couldn't wait to stand up.

"Fourth grade! Fourth grade students!" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded.

Scott and the others came down from the stands and walked into the stadium.

The students were still divided into four distinct groups according to their colleges.

Fred and George were standing in the Gryffindor team, casting provocative glances at Scott and Roger.

"Next, we will still be randomly grouped!"

Professor Flitwick, standing in front of everyone, waved his wand.

"Flocks of birds!"

The colorful birds flew over the students' heads again, chirping non-stop.

Scott raised his hand and grabbed a bird.

He looked down and saw that it was blue.

Scott smiled, walked to a deserted place, took out his wand and raised it, and a blue ball of light spit out from the tip of the wand.

Other students saw this scene and immediately began to follow suit.

Before long, some students on the court were holding a ball of light of different colors with their wands.

And those students who caught two mixed colors could only rely on shouting to find their opponents.

At this time, Scott's opponent had already come to him.

"Hello, Higgs."

Scott let go of the blue bird in his hand, put down his hand holding the wand, and greeted his opponent politely.

Terence Higgs, the former Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team who was replaced by Malfoy.

"Hello, Trollope."

Higgs looked a little nervous at this time, but he still responded to Scott politely.

Scott smiled at him friendly again.

"I didn't expect that my opponent was you. My luck is really not good." Higgs said in a self-deprecating tone, "It seems that I won't get a good score in this duel exam."

He said so, after all, Scott's previous record was too amazing.

He defeated the seventh-year Striller twice in the duel club, and later won in the sneak attack siege of Striller and Carrow and other four people.

These two things made the Slytherins generally unable to raise their heads in front of Scott.

After the sneak attack, those Slytherins who disliked Scott no longer dared to provoke him head-on.

Facing Higgs' self-deprecation, Scott was not humble.

He just said, "Just try your best. I guess the professors will score you based on your performance in the duel, not the final outcome."

"Okay... Anyway, I'll try my best."

Although Higgs said this, he was still not very excited.

Scott didn't say anything more.

He looked around.

At this time, most people had found their opponents and stood on the corresponding venues separately.

Roger was actually assigned to a group with Fred as he wished. The two of them kept opening and closing their mouths, and it seemed that they were having a verbal battle.

Milton's opponent was Lee Jordan.

The Quidditch commentator's mouth didn't seem to stop, and Milton just smiled at him politely.

Scott turned his eyes again.

George's opponent was Scott's classmate, Dylan's girlfriend Keira.

The couple who always stuck together were unfortunately separated.

Seeing Keira's face as if facing a great enemy, George showed a helpless expression.

"Get ready!"

At this moment, Professor Flitwick's voice sounded.

Scott quickly retracted his gaze and looked at Higgs who was now opposite him.

"One! Two! Three! Go!"

"Armor protects."


A red beam of light shot out from the tip of Higgs's wand, and was blocked by a transparent magic barrier one step in front of Scott, and then reflected back.

Higgs quickly avoided the red light reflected in front of him and waved his wand again.

"Break into pieces!"

He knew he had to break the invisible barrier in front of Scott.

Scott ignored the flying shattering spell and raised his wand into the air.

"Flocks of birds!"

Accompanied by the sound of "cackle", a group of black crows flew out from the tip of the wand and danced around him up and down.

Scott did not take any action for the time being.

Now his battle with his peers is no longer suspenseful, and he will definitely give his opponent some opportunities to show off.

After all, Higgs is a rare and polite Slytherin.

"Break into pieces!"

A crisp sound of shattering like glass sounded.

At this time, Scott's armor spell had been broken by the successive shattering spells and dissipated into nothingness.

"Petrify all!"

Higgs' attack came again.

The flying crows surrounded Scott almost impenetrably.

A crow flew out on its own initiative, blocking the petrification spell, and fell to the ground stiffly.

Scott's counterattack also began.


Some of the crows surrounding Scott flew towards Higgs at an extremely fast speed, like black arrows.

Higgs's face changed, but he still reacted in time.

"Freeze all!"

The ice-blue light enveloped the flying crows, freezing them in the air like ice, and then they fell one after another.

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