The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 202 202. Surprise Dinner Training

Scott unfolded the old parchment.

After this period of effort, he had deciphered one-fifth of the hidden content of the recipe.

Through the several key words that had been deciphered, he had roughly guessed the content recorded on the parchment.

First of all, it was certain that the parchment recorded the secret recipe for making an alchemical item.

By guessing, Scott could determine the name and function of this alchemical item.

[Ring of Arson], the function is to help wizards better control magical flames.

Let's not talk about the effectiveness of this alchemical item for the time being. Even if Scott completely deciphered the secret recipe, he would not know alchemy.

But the ancient magic circuit recorded in the secret recipe was the biggest surprise for him.

According to the function of the alchemical item, he was sure that this was a set of magic circuits for controlling flames.

Such knowledge is undoubtedly very valuable.

Even if the function of a simple magic circuit is far less than that of a complete alchemical item, it is already a huge gain for Scott.

Scott can't wait to get it.

However, the recipe written in encrypted form on this parchment was extremely difficult for him to decipher.

Apart from the one-fifth of the content that had been deciphered, the difficulty would increase as time went on.

If Scott relied on himself to decipher it, not only would the speed be worrying, but it would also be very easy to make mistakes.

A set of magic runes is constructed by combining multiple single magic runs. If one of the magic runs goes wrong, the entire set of magic runes will be scrapped.

Not to mention, with Scott's knowledge reserve, deciphering it alone has almost reached its limit.

Fortunately, he still has other methods to choose from.

However, the deciphering process is also a process of familiarization and learning, so Scott decided to struggle with this parchment alone for a while.

If there is still no progress by the end of the semester, he can use other methods -

He can choose to apply to Professor Flitwick for the use of Ravenclaw's crown, or ask for Ravenclaw's portrait.

Time always passes quickly when you are obsessed with something.

It was not until before dinner that Scott, who felt a little sore in his eyes, walked out of the dormitory again.

At dinner, Scott saw that Eddie was a little absent-minded, so he asked him what was wrong.

"We still haven't reached an agreement." Eddie said a little depressed, "After all, I'm a simple businessman, and the twins want to be inventors."

After listening, Scott casually commented, "I didn't expect this. They are pursuing more than just gold galleons."

"Hey!" Eddie was a little unhappy, "I feel like you are targeting me."

Faced with his accusation, Scott just shrugged his shoulders.

Roger on the side gave Eddie an idea, "Neither of you can convince the other, why not have a competition."

"What competition?" Eddie immediately became interested.

"Of course it's a money-making competition." Roger said, "You can compare and see who can make more money in the same amount of time with the same capital."

"Whoever wins will listen to him?" Eddie's eyes lit up.

He calculated and said happily, "Very good, I will definitely win this way!"

As he said that, he stood up and wanted to go to the Gryffindor table to find the Weasley twins.


Scott stopped him and motioned him to sit down again.

"What's wrong, Scott?" Roger asked, "Do you think this is a good idea?"

Scott shook his head, "No, I just want to tell him that I won't sponsor the capital of this competition."

Eddie patted his chest, "It doesn't matter, I have my own money."

Scott glanced at him, "Fred and George may not have money."

"How could that be?" Eddie didn't believe it, "They made a lot of money by reselling your Transfiguration notes last semester."

"They have to study joke props and save the capital for opening a store in the future, so they may not be willing to compete with you." Scott said.

"I think you have a better way, Eddie." Milton suggested, "Why confront, you can obviously cooperate."

"Cooperation?" Eddie frowned, "We just can't reach an agreement on cooperation."

Milton smiled, "As you said, they are mainly responsible for inventions, and you are mainly responsible for sales. Of course, you can first evaluate the value of their works, or make your suggestions on the works."

Eddie's face changed, and he turned to Scott and asked, "What do you think?"

"It's all right."

Scott wiped his mouth slowly.

"I have no opinion on what you do, because I believe in you."

He said perfunctory nonsense without any intention.

He was determined to be a hands-off boss.

But he really believed in the ability of Eddie and the Weasley twins to make money.

As long as the three of them could reach a consensus, he would not lose money as an investor.

"Okay." Eddie said reluctantly, "I will talk to those two guys again and evaluate whether there is a market for their joke props."

"Come on."

Scott patted his shoulder as usual to encourage him.

Eddie, who was unexpectedly very fond of this, nodded solemnly and quickly finished the food on the plate.

Soon, he stood up, as if carrying a heavy mission, and walked towards the Gryffindor table with firm steps.

"That kid..." Roger laughed, "Sometimes he is very smart, and sometimes he is particularly gullible."


Scott, who was drinking black tea, raised his head and looked at him in confusion.

I don't understand what you are saying.

Roger shook his head, gave him a contemptuous look, and ran to the Hufflepuff table to find his girlfriend.

Milton smiled and said, "Because Scott, you can always catch what Eddie is interested in. Whether it's doing business or gathering information, they are all things he likes to do."

"It's a win-win situation," Scott said, pretending to be serious. "Roger made it sound like I was instructing that guy Eddie."

"Isn't it?" Milton asked.

"Of course not." Scott said without any guilt.

Milton burst into laughter.

After a while, he asked, "Are you free later, Scott."

"I'm fine." Scott said, "What's wrong?"

Milton said seriously: "If you are okay, I would like to ask you to help me practice the spell."

"Practical training?" Scott looked at him in surprise.

He found that Milton had really changed a lot. He used to be a "British lady" and would not directly ask for help, even for trivial matters.

It’s much simpler now.

Milton nodded, "Speaking of which, except for the duel club last semester, I have never fought with anyone."

He looked very dissatisfied with himself, "If this continues, no matter how many spells you learn, it will be useless."

"No problem." Scott agreed, "We can call a few more people."

In fact, he felt that it would not make much sense if he went on the field to conduct combat training with Milton.

It's not that he is too confident, because the gap is really a bit big, especially after Scott has been trained by Professor Flitwick's system.

And Scott can't move as freely as Professor Flitwick.

In this case, training will not have much effect.

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