The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 020. Discussion of Impossible Magic

Time passed quickly, and after Professor McGonagall saw that all the students had finished reading the paper, she waved the wand in her hand.

The wand made a soft crackling sound, attracting everyone's attention.

“I saw that all the students had read the paper.”

Professor McGonagall lowered her right hand holding her wand.

"Now we can start a free discussion and everyone can share their thoughts on the content of this paper."

"That's a curious idea, Professor."

Angelina was the first to speak, looking at her notebook as she spoke.

Scott saw that the page of her notebook was filled with words written in messy handwriting.

"A very bold idea, and very interesting." Angelina said, shaking her head again, "But I have to say, Mr. Weasley's idea may be too wild."

She drew a few circles on the notebook with the quill in her hand.

"Although I just verified it theoretically, I don't seem to see the possibility of realizing this idea."

After listening to her speech, Professor McGonagall just nodded without commenting.

"What about others? Do you have different ideas from Miss Johnson?"

"I'd like to share my opinion, Professor."

Scott heard the sound and looked over, finding that it was Percy Weasley who was standing up.

"Please, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall extended her hand.

"I'm not saying this because Bill is my brother, but I think the ideas presented in this paper are not completely impossible to achieve."

Percy listed several points of support given in the paper.

"The mysterious Egyptian magic world hides a lot of ancient magic knowledge that is unfamiliar to us. I think that although the conjecture in the paper cannot be verified with the magic knowledge we have learned so far, it is very likely that the Egyptians have realized it in ancient times."

Watching Percy's performance, Scott was surprised again.

He could tell that Percy actually admired his eldest brother. If you think about Percy's character, you will know that Bill Weasley is really amazing.


Professor McGonagall nodded again and motioned for Percy to sit down.

"Where are the others?" She looked at the other students in the classroom.

Then, other members of the Transfiguration Club also stood up to express their opinions.

It’s just that most of the students’ statements were similar to what Angelina said.

They think that the conjecture in the paper is indeed interesting and can give them some inspiration, but they think that this conjecture can only stay in the conjecture stage in the end.

Even the few students who expressed different opinions only echoed Percy's words. They believe that this conjectured magic may indeed have existed in ancient times, but they also believe that it is impossible to reproduce it in modern times when ancient magic has lost a lot of inheritance.

"I think the conjecture elaborated in this paper is actually replacing the role of alchemy with transfiguration."

Cedric was talking.

"On the basis of the Transfiguration Technique, the idea of ​​using ancient magic texts and spells to enhance the power of the Transfiguration Technique is not 100% impossible in strict theory. But I think the difficulty involved in it is probably something no wizard can do. arrive."

"We all know that when we use magic, just the superposition of two simple spells can stump most wizards."

"Not to mention integrating different systems of magic such as transfiguration, spells, and ancient runes. I think such difficulty will make people feel desperate."

He held up his notebook and showed the dense writing on it.

"I'm just theoretically enumerating the magical knowledge required to achieve this conjecture. Of course, this is only what I can think of." He said helplessly, "I don't know how to implement more parts."

He put down his notebook.

"To be honest, just this alone scares me." He looked up at Professor McGonagall again, "Suppose, even if all the problems are solved in theory, I don't think anyone can use it smoothly in practice. ”

"Maybe if it was Merlin?" he joked at the end, then laughed to himself.

Professor McGonagall also raised her lips when she heard this. She nodded to Cedric and then looked at Scott.

"That's the last one. What do you think, Mr. Trollope?"

"I am interested in both this paper and its author, Professor."

Scott stood up and smiled.

"I will write to Mr. Weasley, the author of the paper." He looked back at Percy, "There are five Weasleys in Gryffindor now. Anyone can be welcome. I hope you can introduce them to me."

Many people in the classroom laughed, even Percy laughed, and he gave Scott a no problem gesture.

"I think what you need is to express your opinion about the paper, Mr. Trollope," said Professor McGonagall, "rather than to state your plans for pursuing the author of the paper."


At this moment, everyone else couldn't help laughing.


Scott looked at Professor McGonagall's smiling eyes with resentment, but he was choked.

I didn't expect you to be such a Professor McGonagall!

snort! As expected of you, Yinggeilan!

"All right."

When the laughter stopped, Scott continued: "To be honest, I have had the same idea as this paper."

There were a few boos in the classroom.

Scott ignored it, "Of course, that's just my fantasy, and there is no actual basis."

"So when I saw this paper, I was very excited. After all, Mr. Weasley's paper is much better than my daydream. At least he listed some evidence."

Scott paused here.

"Theoretical alchemy can't achieve such a perfect effect for the magical creations left in the ancient Egyptian pyramids, but theoretically perfect transfiguration can."

At this point, his eyes revealed a strong emotion, which was greed and desire for knowledge.

"I understand your excitement, Mr. Trollope." The smile on Professor McGonagall's face had disappeared, "But I suggest that you just broaden your horizons through other people's papers and get some inspiration, but I don't think it's a good thing for you to indulge in it."

She didn't want to listen to Scott anymore, so she stretched out her hand and pressed her palm, motioning Scott to sit down.

"Yes, professor."

Scott shut up obediently and sat down obediently.

The discussion about this paper came to an end.

Next, Professor McGonagall began to teach the members of the Transfiguration Club some useful tips for using Transfiguration.

Scott quickly put aside the paper and listened carefully.

When the club activities ended that day, Professor McGonagall asked Scott to stay.

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