The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 194 194. Excessive consumption? Deduction of points Addition of points

At this time, Scott keenly felt that, except for a few familiar friends, the eyes of others looking at him had changed.

It was a look of surprise, wonder, and disbelief.

Maybe... he had done too much.

Scott thought.

So he staggered a few steps, sat down on the ground, and began to breathe heavily.

"What's wrong with you?"

George, who was closest to him, looked down at him with a flickering look in his eyes.


Scott was still breathing heavily.

"Too much consumption..."

He said breathlessly.

George squatted down, turned his back to the crowd, and blinked at Scott.

"Thanks to your sudden burst, Scott!"

He said loudly.

"Oh! You must be exhausted!"

Scott simply lay on his back on the grass.

"If I do it again..." he said, "I can't guarantee that I can succeed..."

"How lucky!"

Fred also said loudly with some exaggeration.

"Your magic must have been exhausted! Let's take you to the school infirmary!"

At this time, others also gathered around and looked at Scott with concern.

"Are you okay, Scott?"

Eddie rushed over and helped Scott up with George.

At this time, Hagrid suddenly pushed aside several students and walked forward.

"Let me do it!" he said, "I'll take him to Madam Pomfrey!"

"No... no need." Scott said quickly, "I just need to rest for a while."

As he said that, he quickly winked at Eddie.

Eddie immediately understood, "Oh, yes. We will send Scott back to the dormitory!"

"Are you really okay?"

Hagrid lowered his head and looked at Scott with concern.

Scott met his eyes and avoided his sight with a guilty conscience.

"It's okay." He said, "Thank you, I just need to rest for a while."

As he said that, he patted Eddie again.

"Yes, I'll help you back now."

Eddie pretended to help Scott walk towards the castle.

"You guys!"

At this moment, Professor McGonagall's angry voice sounded.

Everyone looked back and saw her walking towards them with a serious face, followed by a group of students watching the fun.


Professor McGonagall looked up and looked at Scott's "masterpiece" in surprise.

"Who can tell me..."

Her voice was trembling, clearly showing her suppressed anger.

"What's going on!"

The students present all lowered their heads and said nothing.


Professor McGonagall looked at the only adult present.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."

Hagrid scratched his head.

"These naughty students don't know what they did, and the car and the troll flew out of the Forbidden Forest together."

At this point, he snorted in disapproval.

"Oh, Harry, tell me." He pointed at Scott, "It was this Ravenclaw student who saved them."

"Mr. Trollope?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Scott.

Scott quickly leaned all his weight on Eddie to make himself look weaker.

Fortunately, Eddie was not thin, and he barely held on and did not fall down.

At this time, Professor McGonagall took another look at the two giant hand-shaped trees.

"Did you do this?"

Her tone was a little complicated.

"As your Transfiguration professor, I should praise your superb skills in Transfiguration."


Scott muttered in his heart.

"But..." Professor McGonagall looked at him sternly, "As your vice-headmaster, I have to criticize your audacity!"

Scott lowered his head.

"What did you do before Hagrid came here? Who can tell me?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the others.

"Mr. Wood? Miss Johnson? Miss Granger? Mr. Potter?"


Fred and George stood up.

"It's you, the two Mr. Weasleys."

Professor McGonagall's tone had a sense of expected.

"Yeah, how can you be left out of this kind of thing?"

She said a little annoyed.

"Professor." Fred said shamelessly, "We are conducting a spell experiment."

George added, "Some problems occurred during the experiment, but fortunately they have been solved."

"Curse experiment? How interesting, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are doing a spell experiment together, why didn't you call your spell professor?"

The unique accent and malicious tone called Snape to come.

Not only Snape, but Professor Flitwick also came.

"Oh, is everyone okay?" Professor Flitwick asked with concern.

"No, Professor Flitwick." Fred said, "Of course, our spell experiment was successful."

"We used the Summoning Charm together to successfully summon a car, and also a giant monster lying on the car." George sang the same tune with him.


Snape sneered.

"We should severely deduct points and punish these daring students, Minerva."

He said to Professor McGonagall.

"This will prevent them from doing more excessive things in the future."

Scott saw Professor Snape's smug smile.

Since he was forced to deduct points from Slytherin, Snape has been in a "furious" state.

Although he has been doing everything he can to deduct points from the other three houses, his deduction behavior has been more crazy than before.

Today's incident finally gave him an opportunity.

"Oh! Summoning spell? Cast the spell together?"

Professor Flitwick's voice sounded a little sharp.

"Minerva, the students' spirit of exploration and experimentation is worthy of praise. Of course, they are too reckless."

"I will deal with this matter!" Professor McGonagall said sternly, "and report it to Dumbledore."

Snape snorted with some dissatisfaction.

"Because of this incident, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw will each be deducted 40 points!" Professor McGonagall said again.

Snape's face showed a smile again.

"Of course, Mr. Trollope." Professor McGonagall looked at Scott.

"Yes." Scott responded a little weakly.

"Excellent Transfiguration!" said Professor McGonagall. "For this, I will give Ravenclaw 50 points!"

Snape's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Minerva, you can't praise Mr. Trollope for this kind of thing."

He gritted his teeth and said.

"Otherwise, he might become more and more arrogant and like to show off like some people."

As he said, he deliberately glanced at Harry.

This made Harry very angry.

He stared at Snape angrily.

If Ron and Hermione hadn't stopped him, he would probably have rushed over and punched Snape in the face because of an impulse.


Professor McGonagall ignored Snape's words.

"I require all students to return to the castle immediately!"

She looked up at the troll and the flying car again.

"Next, leave this to the professors."

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