The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 180. What is Neville’s real problem?

"Oh, sorry."

Hermione blushed and apologized after hearing Scott's words.

"I did not expect……"

She looked a little overwhelmed.

"It doesn't matter."

Neville said good-naturedly.

He looked again at Harry and Ron.

"Thank you." He said, "You are also worried about me, aren't you?"

Harry smiled and said, "Ron brought us here. Just be fine, Neville."

"I heard that you were taken away by Fred and George." Ron said with a frown on his face. "I was worried that they might pull some tricks on people."


Fred and George immediately stared at him dissatisfied.

"Let me tell you..." Fred smiled evilly, "We will only tease you, little Luo Luo."

George nodded seriously, "This is an intimate relationship that only belongs to our brothers."

Ron shrank his neck and said harshly: "I'm not afraid of you!"

At this time, Scott knocked on the table.

"Now that we know what's going on," he said, "you can go out first. Neville and I still have something to say."

"Can't we take a look?" Ron muttered.


Harry and Hermione pulled him out.

But they were also staring curiously at the parchment in Scott's hand.

" doesn't matter."

At this time, Neville spoke.

"You can take a look if you want," he said.

"Neville?" Scott looked at him in surprise.

Neville asked him in turn, "Is that okay, Scott?"

Scott nodded, "If you don't have any objection."

He rolled up the parchment and handed it to Neville.

"Speaking of which, the arithmetic divination is over." He said, "What happens next does not involve too much privacy, so please put this piece of paper away first."


Neville reached out and took it.

Scott turned his head and glanced.

He found that a total of six people over there were standing in a row nearby, looking at him and Neville with curious eyes.

They even closed the classroom door again.


Scott was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that they did not disturb him, he tried his best to ignore their looks.

He looked back at Neville.

"You already know the results of arithmetic, Neville," he asked softly, "but I notice that you don't have much confidence in yourself."


Neville pinched the parchment in his hand.

"I can't do anything can I save them?"

"Indeed, even I heard about it."

Scott still looked at him.

"Your memory is very poor and your grades are not very good. Whether it is in study or in life, you will always cause some problems..."

Hearing his words, Neville's head dropped lower and lower.

"You can't say that!" Hermione suddenly said with dissatisfaction, "Neville's grades in Herbology are very good!"

"No, I just..." Neville shook his head dejectedly, "What's the use?"

Hermione retorted, "Who said it's useless! Since Hogwarts has set up an Herbology course, it is useful!"

"Okay, be quiet for a while, I haven't finished speaking yet." Scott looked at Hermione helplessly.


Hermione still seemed a little unconvinced, but she still kept her mouth shut under his gaze.

Scott looked back at Neville.

"I said those words to tell you that I know your current situation, which is also the source of your lack of confidence."

His tone was calm, as if he was making small talk.

This made Neville relax a little again.

At this time, Scott said: "But I want to say that everyone...including yourself, Neville, everyone has misjudged you."

He met Neville's astonished eyes and remained silent.

"Your talent is actually not bad, it is even better than many people."

"I, I, I..."

Neville's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

"How can it be?"

Ron blurted out on the side.

Scott looked around and found that everyone present had disbelief in their eyes.

Scott said to them a little funny, "Do you think I'm comforting him?"

Is not it?

Everyone responded with their eyes and expressions.

"No... aren't you?" Neville said, "You're motivating me... Of course, I'm grateful for that..."

"of course not."

Scott interrupted.

"Your problem is not with magic." He pointed at Neville's heart. "It's with your heart."


The other seven people present except Scott asked at the same time.

Scott turned to look at the crowd again, and the six people all covered their mouths with their hands.

"Magic is the power of belief."

Scott said to Neville.

"That's what Dumbledore said to me."

He looked at the Weasley twins again.

"Do you still remember? You were there at the time, and Dumbledore said these last words during the afternoon tea in the principal's office."

Fred George all shook their heads.

"Sorry, I don't remember," Fred said.

George scratched his head, "I only remember that the snacks for afternoon tea were delicious."

"No, you remember."

Scott said angrily.

He knew that Fred and George, two clever guys, also had very good memories.

"Okay, we remember."

"Dumbledore did say that."

the twins said again.

"But..." Neville said confused, "I don't believe in magic, only those Muggles don't believe in the existence of magic."


Harry couldn't help but say.

"Like my aunt and uncle, who refused to believe in magic until Hagrid conjured a pig's tail for my cousin."

At this point, he couldn't help laughing.

"Later, whenever the topic of magic was brought up, they would become hysterical."

"Of course I didn't mean it."

Scott shook his head.

He looked into Neville's eyes again.

"It's not that you don't believe in the existence of magic, Neville." He spoke a little slowly, "You are resisting magic, your heart is resisting."

"I didn't." Neville defended, "I...I have been studying very hard."

At this time, Hermione stood up again, "I can testify that Neville works much harder than Harry and Ron!"

“It’s not about attitude to learning.”

Scott said.


He called out, regaining Neville's attention.

"Your resistance to magic comes from deep within you."

Scott said.

"If I had to guess, you even have fear in your heart."

At this time, Neville's round face turned a little pale.

Scott continued to express his understanding.

"It may be because of your childhood experiences. Even if you have no relevant memories, your subconscious is still affected. The suffering caused by magic makes you resist it."

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