The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 15 015. Care of Magical Creatures

That day, Scott and Roger were walking on a road outside Hogwarts Castle, preparing to go to the Care of Magical Creatures class located at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Among the three boys in the same grade in their dormitory, Milton did not choose this course.

At this time, Scott noticed that the Weasley twins were sneaking up from behind them and stretched out his hands to hug their necks.

He smiled and took a big step to avoid Fred's hand, but Roger was hugged by George.

"Good morning!"

Fred, who failed to get his hands on him, shrugged his shoulders regretfully.

George shouted into Roger's ear: "Ravenclaws!"

"Oh, spare me, Fred!" Roger broke free from George's hand, rubbing his ears and slapping his robes.

"Are you taking revenge?" Scott turned around and asked with a smile, "Weasleys?"

"Oh, don't be like that, Scott." Fred made a wronged expression.

George immediately followed up: "Scott the stingy, we are just a small revenge, but you let us share the same name with Percy. By the way, I am George, Roger."

Scott looked at the muddy robes of the twins with disdain and asked: "Did you go to roll in a mud pit? Or have you forgotten how to use the cleansing spell?"

As he said, he pulled out the wand from his arms and pointed it at Fred, "Clean up (Scourgify)."

"No!" Fred dodged the spell quickly, "This is our medal!"

"It is also the evidence of Wood's persecution of us!" George said loudly.

"Have you been training every day recently?" Roger asked.

Fred nodded, "Yes, rain or shine, we think Wood has gone crazy."

"He will wake us up from our sleep before dawn every day." George said with a bitter face.

"It seems that you Gryffindors are determined to win the Quidditch trophy this year?" Roger smiled, "But I think the trophy will belong to Ravenclaw."

Fred immediately sneered, "Oh, stop bragging, Roger!"

"I remember that you Ravenclaws haven't won the Quidditch trophy for a long time!" George made a contemptuous gesture.

"Hey!" Roger was unhappy, "This year's Ravenclaw will definitely surprise you!"

"Surprise us?"

Fred and George looked at each other and laughed at the same time. They quickly held Roger's hands on the left and right.

"So, are the newcomers of Ravenclaw this year very powerful?"

"Or did Bruce come up with a new formation?"

"Tell us quickly, Roger."

"No, let me go!" Roger began to struggle desperately, "Give up, I will never tell you!"

"This is not up to you, hehehe."

The twins stretched out their evil hands at the same time, swam flexibly on Roger's body, and lit up and down.

"Hahahaha...let me go...haha..."

Roger, who was tickled, laughed so hard that he couldn't stand steadily.

"Gentlemen, class time is almost up."

Scott, who was standing aside, reminded helplessly.

He shook the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" in his hand, "If you are late, Professor Kettleburn will probably let you stay there to help him feed the Flobberworms."

After that, he turned and continued to walk towards the Forbidden Forest.

"What are you busy with recently, Scott." Fred immediately let go of Roger and pretended to walk to Scott's side seriously.

George also threw away Roger, who was a little weak, and tidied his robe covered with mud. "It's been a month since school started, but we have never seen you in the wonderful night tour."

Scott laughed at his persistence in the night tour.

In fact, Scott, who had fully satisfied his curiosity in the night tour activities in the first and second grades, had completely lost his enthusiasm for this activity.

Because it was not interesting.

He suspected that the biggest reason why the twins were always keen on this night activity was that they enjoyed the battle of wits and courage with Filch.

But his subsequent plan for the diary and the basilisk also required the participation of the twins, so he explained: "Sorry, I have a lot of papers to write recently, and I also have to attend the after-school club of Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall."

"Oh! Writing papers!"

"Attending after-school clubs!"

"You are really a good student of Ravenclaw."

"Professor McGonagall's little baby!"

The twins began to sing some sarcastic words in unison again.

"I know you have changed your mind, Scott!"

"And we are still foolishly missing the good nights we spent together."

"Shut up, what you said is so disgusting." Scott was almost choked by the words of these two guys.

"It's a bit disgusting."

Fred made a vomiting face and talked about other topics.

"By the way, one of your Ravenclaw freshmen has become famous recently."

George laughed and said: "Jacob Kent, known as Ravenclaw Davis II."

"What happened?" Roger Davis I was still confused at this time.

"Because many people saw that the boy was very close to several different girls. Some people said that he was dating several girlfriends at the same time," said Fred.

"This reminds me of you, Roger." George said, "After all, your speed of changing girlfriends is also very famous among Hogwarts students."

"You know, I have been single for three months this time!" Roger protested loudly.

"..." Scott looked at his roommate speechlessly, "So? Do you want us to praise you?"

"No, I just want to say that I am different from Jacob." Roger rubbed his hair in front of his forehead in a cool way, "After all, I am a boy who is very loyal to feelings and will only date one girl at a time."


This time, not only Scott, but even the twins were shocked by Roger's boasting and did not speak for a long time.

After a long time, Fred frowned and said, "This kind of words that make people want to refute, but have no way to refute... To be honest, it's a bit disgusting."

"As expected of Davis I of Ravenclaw, we lost this time." George bowed to Roger pretentiously.

Roger strode forward with his head held high and chest puffed out, but secretly winked at Scott when he passed him.

Scott understood what he meant and nodded slightly without any expression.

While chatting and laughing, several people came to the edge of the forbidden forest, and Professor Kettleburn, who was in charge of teaching this course, was already waiting there.

The elderly professor only had one arm and half a leg left on his body. Even though he used prosthetic limbs for both legs, he had to rely on crutches to move around.

"You are here!"

The old wizard was in good spirits.

"Come and see, the course we are going to learn today is to know cruppies!"

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