The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 144 144. Medea's Rebirth

During Scott's moment of silence for Lockhart, blood had spread from those magical filaments to the light cocoon.

The originally pure white light cocoon gradually showed bloody lines.

When the remains of the two tragically dead wizards on the ground completely disappeared, the light cocoon had been completely dyed red.

Then, the cocoon emitting a faint red light began to beat slowly like a heart.

Boom, boom, boom...

A dull sound like a heartbeat sounded, and the sound became louder and denser as time passed.

Scott couldn't help but glance at Dumbledore again.

At this time, Dumbledore's expression was solemn, and the muscles and bones of his hand holding the Elder Wand appeared.

He waved away the exaggerated iron armor spell and waved his wand to gather all the unconscious students together. A rope popped out of his wand and tied everyone into a ball.


His voice was slightly hoarse.

"I'll let Fox take you back up there, and you'll be responsible for taking them to the school hospital."


Scott was a little reluctant. He had the feeling of being forced to leave a wonderful movie just after watching the best part.

However, it seems a little dangerous to stay...

Scott was confused.


Dumbledore turned to look at him.

Scott suddenly made up his mind, "Professor, I want to stay here."

Dumbledore stared at him for a few seconds.

Scott stared at him while running Occlumency.

But Dumbledore quickly withdrew his gaze, and Scott did not feel that his brain was being invaded.

"Go, Fawkes," Dumbledore ordered.

It seemed that he agreed to stay, and Scott couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The phoenix that had been resting on Dumbledore's hat let out a sweet chirp and flew to hover above the large group of students bundled together.

A dazzling light like a flame flashed, and it disappeared without a trace along with everyone.

Scott continued to look at the cocoon that was hanging in the air and dancing.

Soon, the beating of the cocoon became faint again until it stopped.

Scott watched as the red light emitted by the blood-colored cocoon gradually converged, turned white again, and then turned into a dim gray.

The cocoon turned gray and gradually became transparent, allowing Scott and the others to see clearly the blurry figure inside.

Medea's figure in the cocoon moved, and sounds like breaking glass were heard one after another.

The cocoon wrapping her body suddenly burst apart, turning into scattered debris and falling to the ground.

Medea, who reappeared in front of Scott's eyes, slowly fell from mid-air, as if the invisible wind was holding her up.

At this moment, Medea's long hair is flying and her dress is fluttering.

The most important thing is that her snow-white and hard skin, which was originally made of porcelain, became real and rosy.

In Scott's perception, part of her inhuman strangeness had disappeared.

Even though it was only part of it, she already looked like a real person.

This feeling is like a cold doll covered with a layer of real human skin that has warmth.

Scott couldn't help but shook the wand in his hand and prepared for battle.

Just this time, Medea's feet hit the ground and her eyes opened.

The moment she opened her eyes, a blue light flashed through her dark eyes.


She slightly raised her red lips and saluted gracefully.

"I am Medea Slytherin, and I am reborn."

Dumbledore said nothing, and Scott also remained silent.

But Medea didn't seem to care, as her hands drew several arcs in the air.

"According to my contract with you, Scott Trollope, I, Medea Slytherin, hereby terminate my thousand-year oath with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

As soon as she finished speaking, a burst of blue light flashed across her body from head to toe.

At this moment, Scott seemed to hear the sound of countless threads breaking at the same time.

At the same time, he could feel that Medea's aura was rising little by little, until she became only slightly worse than Dumbledore next to her.


Medea looked as if she had been freed from some kind of shackles, relaxed.

"I did it." She whispered to herself, "I really did it."

Suddenly, a scream that almost pierced the eardrums sounded.

Peeves, who had become very transparent, suddenly appeared from the air above Medea's head like an illusory shadow.


He flew behind Dumbledore at extremely fast speeds and looked at Medea in horror.

"You devil! Hateful woman!"

He poked his head out from Dumbledore's shoulder and screamed.


Medea glanced at him as if casually.

" hate you..."

Peeves flew into the entrance corridor like a deflated balloon and quickly hid.

Medea smiled nonchalantly and stretched out her palm.

A bright white bone wand pierced the skin of her palm and emerged slowly, and she held it in her backhand.

"This is the only thing left behind when I die."

She gently stroked the bone wand with her other hand.

"It's also the wand that suits me best." She looked up at Scott and Dumbledore.

Scott heard Dumbledore say in a deep voice: "You killed two wizards, Ms. Slytherin."

"Yaxley and Lockhart?"

Medea chuckled.

"I will remember them, just like I remember my husband. They have also contributed to my rebirth."

Dumbledore said, "Next, you want to kill more people for a complete rebirth."

"You are right, Mr. Headmaster."

Medea admitted generously.

"In addition, I also need the descendant who sacrificed part of his soul for me. I need his complete soul."

She looked at Dumbledore with a smile, "Isn't this what you expected? The greatest wizard in the world, the headmaster of Hogwarts, Mr. Dumbledore."

"No, I didn't expect that, Ms. Slytherin."

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head.

"I do want to defeat Tom completely, but I won't do it this way."

"Is his name Tom?" Medea suddenly showed disgust, "This name is really not good, no wonder he changed it to Voldemort."

Dumbledore looked at her and sighed, "Maybe you will become a more dangerous wizard than Tom, Ms. Slytherin."


Medea showed an expression of complete incomprehension.

"I have learned some modern information, and I have to say that the magic world after a thousand years is too peaceful. If this continues, the ability of wizards will become weaker and weaker."

She shook her head.

"The level of seventh-year students in Hogwarts today is really unbearable! Can the wizards you train only use magic to do housework after graduation?"

"Times are different, Ms. Slytherin." Dumbledore explained, "Peace is always beautiful."

"No!" Medea's eyes were slightly cold, "You are taming wolves into sheep, weakening the survival of the entire wizard race!"

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