The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 120 120. Snape's treatment Slippers

Of course, Scott, who has the ability to perceive Snape, had already known about Snape's arrival.

In fact, not long after the battle started, the professor was already standing on the bridge and staring at this side.

So Scott didn't take Snape's warning seriously.

If Snape really wanted to stop him from taking revenge on Strelna, he only needed to raise his wand to stop it.

But he chose to stop by shouting.

Scott just "understood" what he meant and started without hesitation.

From now on, let's just cooperate with this snake king and put on another show.

As Snape approached, Scott, who was standing there, lowered his head "obediently".

Although he lowered his head, he could still feel the other party's cold and substantial eyes sweeping over him.

Fortunately, Snape's current target didn't seem to be him.

So I just glanced at him, and then stared coldly at the four Slytherins lying on the ground.

"good very good."

Snape sneered and spoke slowly in his characteristic accent.

"Some of my students have begun to pay less and less attention to the honor of Slytherin House... and to me as the Head of House."

Scott glanced at the ground. The four Slytherins were so frightened that their faces turned pale under Snape's gaze, and they all looked like they were about to cry.

"Can you tell me what happened, Mr. Trollope?"

Snape did not choose to untie his students, but turned to ask Scott again.

This is unprecedented.

Generally speaking, this professor was only willing to follow his own wishes and never gave any other students outside Slytherin House a chance to say anything.

It seemed that Strelna and Carlo's behavior this time had completely angered him.

Scott guessed that this was because of Strelna and Carlo's behavior today, and Snape could no longer find a reason not to deduct points from Slytherin.

They have clearly violated school rules seriously.

"That's right, Professor..."

Scott copied exactly what happened and what several people said.

There’s no sugarcoating or embellishing.

Of course, the battle process was omitted because he knew that the professor had basically seen everything.


Snape's caustic comment.

"How come I didn't know there were a few stupid Gryffindors hiding in my house?"

He said as he stretched out his hand towards Scott.

Scott knowingly handed him the four wands belonging to the four Slytherins.

Snape took the wand and blew out two clouds of white mist from his huge nostrils.

He looked at the four students again, his tone becoming vicious.

"Gentlemen, your reckless and stupid Gryffindor-like behavior will cost the great Slytherin House 40 points!"

Snape was still merciful when deducting points. He only deducted the minimum number of house points within the scope stipulated by school regulations.

But then he took out his wand.

He continued in the frightened eyes of the four students: "Of course, as your dean, I will teach you hard and let you know how to be a qualified Slytherin."



Scott shed tears when he saw the two unknown Slytherins.

Snape waved his wand lightly and turned to leave.

He did not remove the restraints on the four people, but simply let them float behind him.

Scott watched them leave.

"And you, Mr. Trollope."

Snape, who had walked a few steps, probably out of anger, suddenly stopped and turned around.

Scott blinked and silently ran Occlumency.

"Hmm, I remember it's curfew now."

Snape said very unreasonably.

"Five points from Ravenclaw for not returning to your dormitory after curfew!"

After saying that, he snorted again, then turned his head and strode away.

His black robe was billowing up and down like a surging black cloud.

And the four Slytherins were floating behind him, with expressions of despair on their faces, like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Especially for Strelner, who had his head shaved and "trash" written on his forehead, Scott was very satisfied with the new look he designed for him.

It wasn't until Snape was farther away that Scott put away his wand, tightened his scarf and cloak, and walked towards Ravenclaw Tower.

Rimbaud flew down from the sky again and landed on his shoulder.

"Well done."

Scott praised it.

"Of course Rimbaud is the smartest!"

Rimbaud raised his head proudly again.

Scott made no comment on his self-evaluation.

After returning to Ravenclaw Tower smoothly, Scott answered the question about the eagle-shaped door knocker, opened the door and walked into the warm common room.

"Good evening, Scott."

Luna was squatting alone on the sofa next to the fireplace, holding a large book in her hands.

At this time, she looked up at Scott who came in, her silver-gray eyes wide open.

"Good evening, Luna."

Scott took off his gloves, rubbed his hands, and walked to the fireplace to warm himself up.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?"

He turned to Luna and asked.

"I want to read these pages before going to bed."

Luna struggled to lift the big book in her hand.

Scott glanced at it and saw that the cover of the book was written as "Major Discoveries in Modern Magic".

"Unfortunately..." Luna sighed, "It seems that, except for my father, none of these famous wizards have discovered the existence of the Scimitar Snorlax."


This made Scott a little speechless. He turned around and sat on another sofa, breathing a sigh of relief.

Rumple flew up and jumped on the sofa.

Scott recalled some of the previous battles and his own Snape's reactions in his mind, thinking about how he should deal with the troubles that follow.

The attacks of the Slytherin students were just minor fights, and what made him more alert was Snape's reminder in the potion class.

Although Professor Flitwick said that he would escort him out of England...

But if he could only escape, he would not be satisfied.

After all, he still liked to strike first.

"Your mind has been invaded by harassment flies."

Luna's somewhat ethereal voice interrupted his thoughts.

Scott looked over and saw her looking up at him from behind the book.

"Didn't you bring the Christmas present I gave you?" she asked.

Scott remembered the glass bottle filled with air, feeling quite helpless.

He reached out and took out the bottle from the deformed lizard skin bag at his waist and shook it, "Here it is."

"It seems that my experiment did not succeed?" Luna stared at the bottle intently, muttering, "This bottle can't hold them, they have all run away!"

"It doesn't matter, you can continue more experiments."

Scott said casually, looking at her again.

He realized that the girl was not wearing shoes again, and her long nightgown did not cover her bare feet.

"Why are you not wearing shoes?" he asked, "Aren't you cold?"


Luna lowered her head.

Her feet were on the edge of the sofa, and her ten toes were moving restlessly.

"My shoes are gone." She said, "Everyone likes to joke with me, but sometimes they come back on their own."

"You should tell them that you don't like such jokes." Scott raised his eyebrows.

"But I want to be friends with everyone." Luna said seriously.

Scott said, "Friends should be more honest with each other."

He suddenly felt that this child lacked a lot of common sense in interpersonal relationships.

"So that's how it is." Luna nodded, not quite understanding.

"If they don't listen to you, it means they are not your friends."

Scott stood up.

"Then you can choose to let the senior class leader handle this matter."

He threw his gloves on the ground and waved his wand to turn them into a pair of furry slippers.

"Put them on."

He waved again, turned around and walked towards the dormitory with the empty bottle.

"This is for you, good night."

Rampo followed again, and Scott heard Luna's voice behind him.

"The slippers are so cute! Thank you, good night."


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