The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 102 102. Christmas Gift Daily Prophet

After breakfast, Scott sat cross-legged under the Christmas tree and began to unpack this year's gifts.

First, the most conspicuous wooden box. Scott picked up the greeting card pinned on the box and opened it to take a look. It was prepared by Michael and Emilia.

Opening the box with anticipation, Scott got a box of somewhat tattered books and manuscripts.


He picked up an old parchment at random and found that it looked like a recipe.

"That's a note from a medieval alchemist."

Michael stood behind him and said.

"I found these books and documents on purpose. They all seem to be related to mysticism. As for whether you can find something useful, it depends on you."

"Thank you."

Scott put the box aside and began to unpack other gifts.

Soon, more and more books began to pile up around him.


Scott didn't understand why so many people gave him books.

Most of them were given by Ravenclaw students.

What impression did he give those people...

The head of Ravenclaw's nerds?

Fortunately, a few good friends were not so boring.

Roger gave him a set of English Quidditch League All-Star doll toys, these little people can walk and talk, and even fly on a small broom.

This is very useful for his study of Transfiguration.

Eddie gave him a set of what is said to be "the most fashionable outfit for London teenagers", including a full set of clothes, shoes and jewelry.

Scott unfolded it and took a look, and threw this set of exaggerated punk clothes aside.

The Weasley twins only sent an envelope.

Scott shook the envelope, opened it and found a handwritten piece of cardboard.

It said - [Weasley Joke Shop Lifetime VIP (20% off)].


Scott looked at the cardboard and had to admire Fred and George for being so talented.

Their joke shop didn't even have a shadow, but they started distributing membership cards!

He took out another note from the envelope and unfolded it.

[Dear Scott.

We are still in school on Christmas, and Mom and Dad went to Egypt to visit Bill.

Because we are a little short of money, we decided to overdraw the future to prepare a big gift for you. Remember to keep it well.

It will be very useful in the future.

Fred, George. ]

…I don’t believe you.

Scott thought.

Don’t think I don’t know that you made a lot of money selling my Transfiguration Notes.

But he also knew that those two guys might want to save the money as capital to open a store.

He shook his head and continued to open the gifts.

Harry and his two friends also gave him gifts.

Harry gave a box of Honeydukes candy, which was exactly the same as the gift Scott gave him - both of them were full of perfunctory taste.

Ron sent a card, saying that he was very grateful for Scott’s help with his sister’s matter.

This was even less valuable than Fred and George’s gifts.

However, Scott certainly knew that he was much poorer than his two twin brothers, and he was sensible enough to write a card to express his gratitude, and he couldn’t ask for more.

Hermione’s gift was an oral care kit and a letter thanking Scott for answering her Transfiguration questions.

Then came Cedric’s gift.

Thanks to a father who worked in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic, he sent a box of small crystal bottles with different categories, each containing a body tissue such as hair or nails shed from a magical animal.

Scott was very satisfied with this gift.

Luna sent an empty large glass bottle, saying that it contained the harassment flies she caught.

She thought that if she carried this bottle with her, she could scare away other harassment flies and protect people's brains from being disturbed.

Scott thought, just treat it as it is.

He found that Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, Bill, and Percy had also sent things.

Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were to thank him for his help in that matter, and their gifts were a scarf and a small box of toffee.

Bill sent some of his handwritten research materials, and Percy also sent him a greeting card.

Has he completed the complete picture book of the Weasley family?

Scott thought.

Well, only Mr. Weasley and Charlie, who he had no intersection with, are missing.

Finally, there are the gifts from the professors, all of which are notes.

Professor McGonagall gave him a Transfiguration Notebook and a list of books, while Professor Flitwick gave him an Advanced Charms Notebook.

The gifts he gave to these two professors were all wizard hats purchased from Fengya Wizard Clothing.

In addition to these two professors, he also gave Dumbledore a candy gift bag - similar to the gift he gave to Harry.

Dumbledore's return gift was a Transfiguration Notebook from his own school days.

Of course, it was a copy.

Scott flipped through it casually and put it aside.

He hadn't found Milton's gift yet.

However, when he had opened all the gifts, he still didn't find Milton's gift.

This surprised him a little.

Thinking of his father's abnormal behavior the day before, Scott couldn't help but worry about him.

Scott got up and walked to the other side of the living room and called Roger and Eddie's house to ask.

As expected, they didn't receive Milton's gift either.

After communicating on the phone, the three of them began to worry.

Unfortunately, none of them knew where Milton's family lived.

Fortunately, Scott had sent Shay to deliver a gift to Milton the night before, and Shay had returned home safely in the morning, so Milton should be fine.

Thinking of this, Scott felt relieved and began to slowly organize his gifts and move some things upstairs to his room.

At the same time, he woke up Shay who was sleeping and asked him to go to Diagon Alley to buy him a copy of the Daily Prophet.

Shay pecked Scott angrily and flew away reluctantly with the money.

At noon, it flew back home with today's Daily Prophet.

But it was obviously very dissatisfied. Scott handed it a full plate of beef before it could get the newspaper and read it quietly.

However, Scott's face darkened the moment he unfolded the newspaper.

The front-page headline was written in huge black letters - "Unsupervised Girl's Unrestrained Love - Obsessed with Muggle-born Boy, Genius Pure-blood Girl Died in Kent County".

There are three photos under the title, and the people in the photos are Travers, Jacob, and Scott.

The background of these photos is Hogwarts. It is unknown who took the photos secretly and sold them to reporters later.

[Reported by our special correspondent Rita Skeeter.

The day before Christmas, the Muggles in Maidstone, a Muggle town in Kent, found that...

According to the investigation of the Ministry of Magic, the deceased was...

... After receiving the notice, the Ministry of Magic immediately took a very correct course of action under the leadership of Minister Fudge, and calmed down in one night...

... Under the command of the Minister, their action was a great success.

After a whole day of visits and investigations, the author revealed the secrets of the deceased genius pure-blood girl, Miss Travers, for readers.

...11-year-old Miss Travers fell in love with 11-year-old Muggle-born boy Jacob Kent at Diagon Alley at first sight...

...Later, she fell in love with Scott Trollope, a 14-year-old Ravenclaw genius boy who was three years older than her...It is reported that Trollope is also a boy from a Muggle family...

According to Morgan Avery, a female classmate in the same ward as Travers, the girl left the hospital secretly to have a tryst with her beloved boy...

...What exactly caused Miss Travers and a house elf to die together from separation...What role did the two boys play in this incident?

After this incident, will house elves no longer be trusted by wizards?

For all the follow-up reports on this accident by our special reporter Rita Skeeter. ]


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Thank you list for reward:

During, Xinlulv, Shuyou20201130145935431, Mechanical Maple Leaf, Bite Cat.

(˙˙) Thank you, boss

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