Chapter 31

The waiter first poured the three-flavored scented tea into the double-layered citrine bowl, and explained.

“Sir, Madam, the three-flavored scented tea in our shop is made with bergamot, pine nuts and plum blossoms, and cooked with the dew that condenses from the lotus heart in the morning.”

While talking, the waiter placed the two menus neatly in front of Li Yuan and the Sui.

The Sui had only heard of the reputation and high prices of the Bilover Hotel before, and never came to eat.

Fortunately, there are pictures on the menu to prevent the Sui from being blinded.

However, even if there is no picture, the main ingredients and auxiliary ingredients are marked in the names of the dishes at the Bilover Hotel.

Choose the ingredients you like, and the taste is always right.

Seeing the high prices of the dishes, the Sui people couldn’t bear to order them.

I remembered that Li Yuan said that the puffer fish and basil are delicious.

Sui people only regarded Li Yuan as their favorite, so they ordered these two dishes.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuan opened the menu and said to the waiter.

“My wife has a cold body, so I’d like to have a snow clam udon soup and yellow-lip fish brain with plum sauce.”

When the waiter heard the words, he kept his expression on his face, but was secretly frightened in his heart.

It is rare that a man is so considerate of a woman when ordering food.

Hashima udon soup is nothing more, a medium-priced dish.

The main ingredient of yellow-lipped fish brain with plum sauce is the brains of yellow-lipped fish, which is expensive.

Fish brain is the most nutritious place in the body of yellow-lipped fish, which is extremely nourishing for women.

This dish is the most expensive dish in the store.

One dish is worth 1.88 million.

“Sir, there are several choices of plum sauce in yellow-lipped fish brain with plum sauce.”

“When the dishes are going to be served, our chef Mr. Hack will come to ask you about the combination of plum sauce.”

The Suyi saw that Li Yuan thought about himself so much, and added his previous answer.

The Suy’s face couldn’t help showing a smirk.

The corners of the slightly raised eyebrows are full of girlish feelings.

After ordering two nourishing dishes for the Sui, Li Yuan ordered the savory grilled dragon scorpion, the spicy eggplant takoyaki, and the tiger milk scallop ceviche.

Seeing that the Sui people’s gaze fell on the page of molecular cuisine, and they kept looking at the cute and exquisite molecular cuisine, Li Yuan spoke to the waiter.

“I want a copy of Longyin Strawberry, and the other four molecular dishes will be prepared by the chef in half an hour. We have to take it away when we leave.”

Somehow, the Sui people didn’t talk much when they were in trouble. They only knew that Li Yuan, who was doing it silently, suddenly wanted to drink some alcohol.

“Li Yuan, let’s drink some bar.”

From the beginning of arguing with Li Yuan, until today Suyi dare to regard Li Yuan as his other half.

Therefore, this meal, in the eyes of the Sui people, is more like the first meal after the two got married.

This made the Sui people know that they were going to Ji Heya’s studio in the afternoon to complete the signing of the muse of inspiration.

I still want to celebrate with Li Yuan with red wine.

If someone else made such a request, Li Yuan would definitely refuse it without even thinking about it.

After all, I have to drive in the afternoon.

But this matter was brought up by the Sui. In the big deal, he threw the car to the driver. In the afternoon, I took a taxi with the Sui to Ji Heya’s studio.

Li Yuan spoke to the waiter on the side.

“Here is a bottle of Osson of 1987.”

The waiter found that for the young man in front of him, ordering food does not need to look at the menu at all.

You can pick out the dishes in your store that the chef is most proud of.

“Sorry sir, the 1987 Osson red wine is gone. Can the 1989 Osson, which is the closest to his vintage, be available?”

Li Yuan shook his head when he heard this.

Ou Song from 1987 can be said to be Li Yuan’s favorite drink among all red wines.

Auson Wine Estate is one of the eight famous estates in the Bordeaux region.

In 1987, the area where Osson Winery was located was dry and less rainy, which made the Osson flavor of 1987 a bit more mellow and fruity than other years of Osson.

There is no way to compare the Ou Song in 1989 with the Ou Song in 1987.

“Then have a bottle of Patus from 1992.”

It didn’t take long for the dishes to arrive.

The chef personally came to the box where Li Yuan and the Sui were, after the Sui chose the type of plum sauce.

The chef specially sent his blessings to Li Yuan and the Sui people.

The Suyi was eating the roasted dragon tang that Li Yuan had picked up for him, while watching the three-flavored scented tea in the bowl, he complained to Li Yuan.

“It’s inconvenient to drink tea in such a big bowl!”

Li Yuan heard the words, picked up a piece of roasted dragon vine, rinsed it in the three-flavored scented tea, put it in his mouth and said.

“Try to eat this once.”

The Suyi followed Li Yuan’s way, picking up a piece of roasted dragon meat, and lightly passing the three-flavored scented tea.

After eating again, the Sui found themselves opening the door to a new world.

The meat of the dragon poach is fresh, fragrant and tender, but the only downside is that there is too much fat.

After the three-flavored scented tea, the oil is gone, and the dragon’s greasiness is relieved.

The aromas of pine nuts, plum blossoms, and bergamot were all eaten into the stomach with fish.

After toasting and drinking red wine, the Suyi thought Li Yuan would take the initiative to say something.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan only knew how to pick up food for himself.

Thinking of the look in Li Yuan’s eyes last night under the quilt, the Suy snorted in his heart.

Oh, man! I don’t believe you don’t greet me! .

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